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Game of the Ages
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Tuesday, March 16, 1999, at 10:27:42
In Reply To: Hey, Issachar! posted by Sam on Sunday, March 14, 1999, at 15:45:03:

Well, I worked some more on Game of the Ages last night. I think I'm finally back into it again. After Fantasy Quest, I knew I wanted to take a break from AGL programming, but I didn't realize how *much* of a break I needed. And then when I found myself avoiding it again and again in favor of other projects (Enchanted Forest, Classic Games, and so on), I was beginning to worry that I'd never spark the interest again. Because I really do want to see the game done, even if Dave were the only one to play it -- since it involves interactive characters of his own, I think it will be particularly exciting to see them come to life in a new medium. I'm certainly excited about seeing my own characters come to life in that manner.

At any rate, I just needed a break from that particular kind of task. Now I think I'm back into it again. (The pressure's on, Issachar, Stephen!)

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