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Re: What should I do next?
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Monday, March 15, 1999, at 14:04:49
In Reply To: Re: What should I do next? posted by Dave on Monday, March 15, 1999, at 12:57:07:

> > 1. The Game of the Ages.
> Do it now.

Heh. My post was intended to be humorous -- this was the only choice of the four that I figured it would make sense to pick (kudos to Issachar for figuring out a logical reason to pick one of the others). But in truth, this probably *is* next.
Probably. It's got another month to go, bare minimum, and a lot can happen in a month (including a six month postponement). Entire RinkWorks features have been conceived and developed in less time before.

I just realized something. This time last year, all there was was At-A-Glance, Book-A-Minute (SF/F only), The Apogee FAQ, Computer Stupidities, and The Filmmaker's Exam. Now there's 17 more features, not including the logo-less items at the top. Sheesh. What the heck was I doing the year before that? At-A-Glance has been around since 1996. It took me long enough to discover the medium.