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Re: oh no, snow
Posted By: Dan, on host
Date: Saturday, March 13, 1999, at 15:44:07
In Reply To: oh no, snow posted by Howard on Saturday, March 13, 1999, at 08:10:08:

> Okay, New England, you can say na na na na NA na, or words to that effect. It's snowing like mad in East Tennessee. I was going to roll out the scooters and clean them up for the Spring Meet and now the blizzard of '99 is starting. Everybody is out there slidding off the road in their SUV superegos. Gad, those flowers look silly sticking up through that stuff! And to think, I was going to do the soil test on the garden today. And so much for the races in Atlanta. And worst of all, it has old English teachers starting sentences with "and!"
> How"would you like to be called a cow"ard

At least you got the stuff! My wife is SO jealous. We're both from East Tennessee. I'm from Johnson City. She's from Mountain City. We live about 25 miles east of Charlotte now. The past three weekends, the local news has been using shots of blizzards in Texas and Missouri with the same, tired, "Could this be headed our way?" voiceover. At most, we got a dusting that was gone within eight hours.

We think the news folks are in cahoots with the local grocers. Anytime there is a HINT of a POSSIBILITY of frozen precip, the locals strip the stores of bread, milk, and beer. When the "severe winter storm" doesn't materialize, the newspaper offers "better safe than sorry" defenses for the TV station and French toast recipes for the hoarders.

And don't get me started on how people drive here when the weather changes (they seem to believe that a rogue snowflake can shater a windshield).

My wife wants, jsut once, to visit her folks in Mountain City and get snowed in for a week. Or three.