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Re: The plight of the two-penny romances...
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Friday, March 12, 1999, at 03:34:19
In Reply To: The plight of the two-penny romances... posted by Ghost of Memories on Thursday, March 11, 1999, at 22:15:33:

> Should I be worried? Is it healthy to read things like that (which I consider immoral)? I would like to get some other views on this subject, for I am having trouble telling if I am out of line, or if it is right to be concerned.

I'm not sure if you're being serious or not, because I can imagine realistic scenarios where you might be joking or totally serious -- so I'll pretend you're serious.

I don't know what you can do about it. You can't control other people's lives, you can't force a particular taste on someone else, and you certainly can't force your own morals on someone else. It sounds like this is someone you're interested in but not "attached" to. Consider this, like any other personality trait, and indicator of whether you want to pursue a relationship. Reading the romance novels in the first place I would personally consider a minor point, but her (it's a her, right?) moral character is a very major point. You have to make that priorization yourself -- decide how important this is in your mind. And bear in mind that her moral character doesn't necessarily match what she reads. (I loved the movie "Pleasantville," but I certainly don't agree with its morals.)

Note two things about the above: (1) I'm assuming this is someone you're interested in but don't, at least as yet, have a relationship with at this point, and (2) the above advice includes how you should handle yourself, not her. Without knowing anything else about the situation, the only thing you can do that directly involves your friend is to let her know in plain and simple but not judgmental or confrontation terms how you feel. Whether that's appropriate or not depends on how close you are -- if you're not good friends or closer, it's probably out of line. Any stronger action you take that involves this person (beyond making a decision not to pursue a relationship) is also probably out of line.

Shifting my assumptions somewhat, suppose this friend were a family member. Then I personally feel the only thing you can do, beyond letting her know how you feel once, is forget it and accept it. Family bonds aren't worth breaking over anything.

I hope this helps.

And if you were just joking...ha ha!

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