Re: meat.
Silvercup, on host
Wednesday, May 17, 2000, at 09:01:50
Re: meat. posted by Diane on Wednesday, May 17, 2000, at 06:15:34:
> You know what? > > If someone was offended by what I was eating (assuming we're not talking about, say, a burger in India), I mean truly deeply offended... I wouldn't change my dietary habits. > > Hey, vegetarianism offends me. Which means *I* won't go that way. I make choices for me only. I expect the same courtesy. > > Diane
If I'm eating dinner out at a nice restaurant, the last thing I'd want the guy sitting across the table from me eating is lamb or veal. All of my family members and most of my friends know that it's a bad thing to eat those meats in front of me. I'm not saying I'm a vegetarian by any means. I'm saying that I raised lambs and had friends raise veal calves (even I couldn't do that). Having your own lambs and calves you know go to slaughter is a terrible experience if you treated that animal like it was a pet or even a child. Trust me...I know. So, no one that know me eats lamb or veal nearby. It's a small price to pay for courtesy. Sil"I'm not gonna cry"vercup