Re: anyone here camp?
shadowfax, on host
Monday, May 15, 2000, at 20:22:04
Re: anyone here camp? posted by Nyperold on Monday, May 15, 2000, at 13:51:18:
> Heh. I've camped quite a few times(always in Florida), and I've never encountered any pigs, wild or otherwise. Mosquitoes? Yes. Snakes? Amazingly, no. I've seen a few snakes in my yard, though, but only one was poisonous. I gave him the axe. > > Nyperold
Generally when I camp I'm armed to the teeth. I carry nunchaku (nunchucks to those who aren't in the martial arts), a WWII bayonet (this is useful for debarking sticks for kindling, which is the real reason I carry it, but also scares the bejesus out of anyone who sees it ;), and when I've gone camping in bear infested areas I've been known to carry throwing stars and sais (2' long round-bladed short swords that throw quite nicely).
I carry these weapons both in case i run across an animal that doesn't respect me as much as I respect nature (which is generally when I'm in grizzly country), and as a deterrant for humans.
I suppose that my early camping experiences, which were always in a hardshell camper (mom was afraid of animals ;), taught me that you can't be too prepared when it comes to humans. 3 times we went camping, we saw fights, two of which involved knives. While I've yet to run across a dangerous person while camping in the backwoods, I still feel it would be foolish to be completely unprepared.