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Re: One Sunny Day
Posted By: Jommeke, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 10, 2000, at 23:15:29
In Reply To: Re: One Sunny Day posted by unipeg on Wednesday, May 10, 2000, at 14:25:34:

> > >
> > > aHA! It's BELGIUM, Balanthalus!
> > >
> > > uni"i TOLD you it was europe SOMEwhere"peg
> >
> > Huh?
> > You talking 'bout me behind my back? hehe ... as if...
> >
> >
> > Jommeke
> Bal and I had lunch.... was it only last week? yeah, last week, i guess... and we were discussing where Rinkydinks were from for some reason which I do not recall, and he asked if there was anyone from Europe other than England and I said "Well, there USED to be this guy Jommeke but he's nto around anymore and he was from... oh dang" and I couldn't for the LIFE of me remember which country. so yes, we WERE talking about you behind your back =)
> uni"and, by the way, welcome back"peg

Thank you! (for welcoming me back)

Yeh, i think i must be the only european here

I remember that when i used to hang around a few months ago, i started a *wanted*-action for other europeans but it didn't work out, so i guess, i'm the only .... *snip* ... i'm the only one who reads Rinkworks at this time.

*bursts into tears*


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