Re: More TV ad 'fun'...
Faux Pas, on host
Wednesday, May 10, 2000, at 06:37:25
Re: More TV ad 'fun'... posted by Howard on Tuesday, May 9, 2000, at 17:02:36:
> We don't make the bug spray. We make it deadlier. > We don't make the dog food. We make it tastier. > We don't make the cat food. We make it smellier. > We don't make the gasoline. We make it pricier. > We don't make the TV ad. We make it stupider. > Howard
I know that ad, but have no idea what company was being advertized. Back when these ads were airing, the wife and I tried to figure out just what the heck they were trying to advertise. I thought it was just a public awareness thing.("We're company X and we do stuff. Really important stuff that you didn't realize we did. You should thank us.")
My wife thought it was something to get people to buy their stock. Not that I'd be willing to purchase stock in any company that wastes money on stupid commercials...
Oh, and what's with that "We're Beatrice" thing from about ten years ago? Commercials for several seemingly-unrelated products were ending with this odd little logo "We're Beatrice". As if anyone would suddenly decide to buy all of the car batteries, bug sprays, and aluminum siding in the Beatrice family of products just to be a member of an elite society. Or something.
-Faux "has DirecTV -- no embarrasingly cheaply-made local commercials in years" Pas