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Re: Y'all Come Up With Some Good Idears
Posted By: gabby, on host
Date: Monday, May 8, 2000, at 18:22:35
In Reply To: Re: Y'all Come Up With Some Good Idears posted by Balanthalus on Monday, May 8, 2000, at 08:26:47:

> > > Go through the drive up window at Macdonalds or BurgerKing... ask for *one* fry...
> > >
> > try to go through a drive-thru without a car... it might require everyone jumping up and down on the weight sensor thingy... see if they'll serve you.
> I've *always* wanted to do that! I say at the Rinkworks Convention we get a big cardboard box with no top or bottom, draw headlights on the front and doors on the sides, and all pile in and walk up to a drive thru.

My youth group actually tried this at the In-N-Out Burger in Enterprise City. It's a tradition of ours that we always stop there when we pass through California. We had started out from Camalú that morning, and were very hungry, so we all went up to the drive through. They refused to serve us until we came inside.

gab"It's also tradition to buy a shirt every time. Fortunately, we don't go there often"by