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Re: Raving Boitano fanboy stuff
Posted By: Issachar, on host
Date: Monday, May 8, 2000, at 09:37:27
In Reply To: Re: More TV ad 'fun'... posted by Diane on Monday, May 8, 2000, at 08:57:43:

> Here are the conclusions that I've drawn from these two commercials.
> 1) Electric cars are good... so good, in fact, that they make you a better person, even better than anyone else. Drive an electric car, and you have free reign to look down on those peons that drive Neons.
> 2) People who work at gas stations and garages (places that admit those evil, evil combustion vehicles) should be mocked, ridiculed, made fun of, and mucked with. You are, after all, a god now that you own an electric car. Mess with the mortals.
> 3) Don't be afraid to show your smugness and arrogance to the gasoline-using slugs that inhabit such places. Had they the brians to comprehend your taunts, they'd go get their own prototype, or wait the five or so years for their own.
> 4) Ford wants people as pretentious as possible to drive their vehicles.
> Diane

Heh, I love it. But in conclusion 3), above ("Had they the brians...."), I think the correct phrase is actually "Had they the boitanos....". "Boitanos" encompasses all admirable things -- skill, strength, derring-do, style, wit, etc. You can accomplish anything if you only have the boitanos for it. ;-)

And by the way, welcome back even yet again, Diane!

Iss "Boitanos -- the Skates of Fate" achar