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Posted By: Jimmy, on host
Date: Friday, April 28, 2000, at 10:11:50
In Reply To: Re: Reclaim the Night weirdness posted by codeman38 on Thursday, April 27, 2000, at 10:22:45:

> > If this were, we'd go into a never ending death spiral message thread, arguing with each other even though we agree with the basic concepts.
> >
> > -Faux "steps back, brushes self off, moves on" Pas
> Heh heh. Y'mean we wouldn't be an alt.* group, and we'd actually deserve a place on the rec.arts.* hierarchy? I'm amazed. ;-)
> -- codeman"now *there's* a scary thought"38

No way, Rinkworks should have its own rinkworks.* heirarchy!, rinkworks.humor.dialectizer, rinkworks.hobbies.fng, rinkworks.reader-poll,, etc.!