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Re: Good Friday
Posted By: Nyperold, on host
Date: Thursday, April 27, 2000, at 07:26:05
In Reply To: Re: Good Friday posted by Faux Pas on Wednesday, April 26, 2000, at 07:25:30:

> > >
> > > -Faux "font of knowledge" Pas
> >
> > ~Mina "isn't that 'fount' of knowledge?" moon
> Nope, font. I'm in the sans-serif family.
> -Faux "Arial, Helvetica, Faux Pas, sans-serif" Pas

Heh. Yeah, font and fount are oft' interchanged. The person who wrote the song about the "Blessed Font" didn't exactly have Wingdings in mind. :)

Nyper"BSTHebrew, Hebrewth, WP Hebrew David..."old