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Re: Slow week...
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Tuesday, April 25, 2000, at 12:59:01
In Reply To: Re: Slow week... posted by Darien on Tuesday, April 25, 2000, at 06:58:13:

> > > Could it be...TGotA?
> >
> > I only wish it were. I really hope I get inspired to finish that after this one, though.
> The infamous Project X strikes again. My bet is that it's a RinkWorks version of angband. ;-}

Right. And all you people, plus all the various RinkWorks characters like Blood Drops and Darius Longshore, are the uniques. The unique Dave is particularly vicious, having a "flirt" attack that is devastating unless you are either male or have quaffed enough Potions of Youth so as to obtain Resist Fire. (The Mask of Ugly Person [3,+7] artifact also has Resist Flirt.) The Snook Draddots unique, on the other hand, is so weak, one hit will polish him off. The Leen unique is tricky, because she's a fast-moving one, being on horseback and all.

Instead of rings, there are RinkWorks Pens, and you can hold one in each hand. There's the "Pen of Extra Typing Speed (+3 to typing)," the "Pen of Extra Clicks (+1 click per turn)," and the very rare "Pen of Resist Ahcking."

Heh. Sounds good enough to do for real. But alas, no. Project X was started long before evil you and evil Dave got me back into evil Angband, addicted for a second time, and impeding the progress of the actually constructive things I'm doing with my life these days.

All I can say is, Ring of Speed (+8), buster. Read it and weep.

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