Re: Books in the future
Ticia, on host
Thursday, April 20, 2000, at 07:04:53
Books in the future posted by Stephen on Wednesday, April 19, 2000, at 23:51:33:
Ok, seeing that I work in a library, I just have to respond to this.
Two things...
1-I love books, there's something to be said for holding a book in your hand, perhaps one that has been held in the hands of your grandmother and beyond. I love immersing myself in a good book, getting lost in the pages and the story.
2-e-books are a good idea. They cut down on paper waste, not to mention those nasty paper cuts. ;-)
My point is: Having one form of media does not automatically make the other form bad. I don't believe e-books will ever replace print books-They're not as accessible, and they don't travel as easily (who want's to take their computer with them to the park to read the book that they are currently immersed in?)
On the web page posted in the previous message it says: "You don't want to be one of those mindless futurists," said Billington, "who sit in front of a lonely screen."
Thoughts on this: what's the difference between sitting in front of "a lonely screen" and sitting down with "a lonely book" in both instances, you are isolating yourself from the outside world, connecting with the characters in a story, as opposed to your friends and family. If you could get the same story from an e-book that you could get in print...what's the difference?
Also stated: "libraries are places, a community thing."
True, very true. However, if I'm buried in a good book at the library, the *last* thing I want is to be interupted by someone coming over to 'chat', or to make me part of the 'community'... I want to read the book, darn it! If I'm sitting on a couch at the library holding a print book in my hands, or sitting at a computer, paging down, the same applies.
Ok, I'm done ranting, I think. Comments, anyone?
Ti'I think, at the very least, e-books should cost much less than don't have to pay for the paper!"cia
P.S. I'm including a link to a great place to buy e-books, etc. They're cheap and fun.
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