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Re: The Evolution of Soda
Posted By: Fobulis, on host
Date: Friday, March 31, 2000, at 20:25:29
In Reply To: Re: The Evolution of Soda posted by Sam on Friday, March 31, 2000, at 13:54:13:

> > Heh heh, that's the version I remembered-- the lemon-lime-cola combination...which, needless to say, I didn't find too palatable either, as you probably noticed in my original post.
> I never tried that, but I do know that the theoretical taste combination is sound. In Germany, "Spetzi" (sp?) is a standard soft drink choice in any restaurant, and all it is is half cola and half lemon-lime soda -- or half cola and half orange soda. And it's good.

Something I tried once was half Coke, half orange juice. At first I did it to gross out my friends, because the color exactly resembles puke if you get the right mix. To my surprise it was really quite good. I still like it.

> It's easy enough to get here out of a fountain, of course. Fill the cup half way with one, then top off with the other. I've found that it's slightly preferable to include a hair more cola than whatever fruit soda you're using, but that's just me.

Also good. A nice bonus for the territorial: very few people will want a sip when you tell them what it is... ;-)

-Fob"if you think that's gross, you should hear what I'll put on peanut butter sandwiches"ulis

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