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Re: Violence and censorship: A follow-up
Posted By: Ticia, on host
Date: Wednesday, March 8, 2000, at 13:30:35
In Reply To: Re: Violence and censorship: A follow-up posted by Finchplucker on Wednesday, March 8, 2000, at 12:57:24:

> Today we heard a speaker, and he talked about teens, growing up, influences and such. Listening to him, I realize that of course the NRA, the media, the lyrics in songs, the 10 o'clock news have nothing to do with the Columbine incident. It should be obvious that a huge part of what drove the two boys to do what they did was just simple teasing, plain ridicule. What's the object of high school? It's not test scores. It's to fit in. To be poplular. And the killers weren't popular. It seems such a small thing, teasing. I do it to my brother all the time. But over a long time, it builds up. Like that torture that involves water dropping on one's head. It doesn't do much as one, but after a while, it really hurts.
> Finchplucker

Yes, but for someone to say "I was teased a lot, and that's why I turned out like I did." or somesuch other nonsense, is just a plain-old cop out. I was teased in high school. In fact, I was teased from Elementary school clear through the day I graduated. Do I go around killing people because of it? Certainly not. I was taught that I have to take responsibility for my own actions. Not for what someone does to me...but for what I do to others. If someone calls me a name, that's their problem, not mine. I can't let my happiness depend on what others say or do to me, because if I did, I'd go absolutly bonkers.
Maybe we need to teach the children to take responsibility for their own actions. Of course, this starts in the home. My teachers at school didn't teach me that, it was my parents. And I am so glad that they did.


Oh, and by the way, School should be about learning, not being popular...I realize that that isn't true nowadays, but it should be.

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