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Re: Mathematics
Posted By: Kaz!, on host
Date: Wednesday, February 23, 2000, at 14:23:59
In Reply To: Re: Logic posted by Darien on Wednesday, February 23, 2000, at 08:56:33:

> > For example, if I say that 3+4=5 , is this a logical statement? It all depends on how you think about the question. Most of us believe that 3+4 must equal 7 becasue that is what was taught years and years ago, and therefore if the answer is not 7, it is wrong and therefore an illogical statement.
> First of all, just because something is wrong doesn't make it illogical. In order for a statement to be valid, it needs two things: logical soundness and true premises. A false conclusion does not equate to a logical error. As an example:
> All animals are green.
> All cats are animals.
> Therefore, all cats are green.
> This problem is logically sound, but one of the premises is untrue. Hence the problem.
> Not that it really matters, since mathematics and logic are different anyhow.

Yeah, I knew some people would pick holes in that paticular example, partially because it really doesn't have very much relevince whatsoever. To clarify, I should have just erased that entire section and replaced it with something along the lines of "Logic may be interperated differently by different people", as that makes a lot more sense and doesn't take as long to type. Wish I thought of that last night :-)

-Ka"Everything looks different when you re-read it a day later"z!

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