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Re: Philosphy II
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Thursday, February 10, 2000, at 11:46:47
In Reply To: Philosphy II posted by Random on Thursday, February 10, 2000, at 08:50:43:

> You people have misunderstood me, not the lonliness due to lack of friends or romantic interests, my supply of either is adequate to say the least.
> I speak of a more existential lonliness. The lonliness of walking an intelectual road alone, having left the last signs of human habitation miles back.
> The lonliness of never being unterstood, like posting a philisophical question and having it turn in to a six response essay on the value of rinkchat.

That was just a natural product of conversation -- they were responding to Howard's post, not yours, so I wouldn't call it indicative of being misunderstood.

At any rate, we talked about this in RinkChat. In a nutshell, I suggested that some of what's missing might be certain types of human relationships. You have a loving family and friends, so I understand, but as I pointed out, families -- and often friends -- are not assembled based on common interests and intellectual synchronicity. If you're among people that don't understand you or that you can't relate to, my suggestion was that perhaps joining a club or special interest group with other people that share your interests might help you find people that think the way you do. In college, I basically ignored all the people on my dorm floor -- it was the people I shared classes with and people in my Christian group that I developed friendships with.

Dave and I work great together on RinkWorks because even though a TON of our interests are divergent -- and the bulk of our philosophical views on life are divergent -- (we both like fantasy and work with computers for our livings, though in different ways), we have the same sort of bizarre sense of humor that has enabled us to collaborate so successfully with many of the RinkWorks humor features. We email each other quite a lot throughout the day, even though we never see each other anymore, because we "jive." We're in synch on some creative level, and it's really cool.

Mousie expressed some doubt that it had anything to do with other people. I guess it's for you to figure out if that's true or not.

The kind of loneliness that you're speaking of certainly seems familiar to me. If you figure out that what's missing ISN'T related to the absence of a certain kind of human relationship (which is not emotional, familial, or friendship, but an intellectual or creative kind of relationship), then I'd certainly like to hear more from you. It just makes sense to me that if you can use the word 'misunderstood' to describe the problem, that it has to have something to do with other people (who are misunderstanding you).

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