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Re: Canadian Anakin in works
Posted By: Ticia, on host
Date: Wednesday, February 2, 2000, at 10:58:52
In Reply To: Re: Canadian Anakin in works posted by Kelly on Wednesday, February 2, 2000, at 07:16:57:

> > (snip)
> > > Uh, was that in reaction to the Leonardo thing or the South Park idea?
> > >
> > > Brunnen-"I'd be happy with that reaction either way"G
> >
> > Yes. To both. but mostly "south park" My roommate LOVES that show and I just don't understand it. She's normally a very intellegent person...
> >
> > Ti'nothing clever to say here'cia
> I hope you're not implying that only an unintelligent person would watch South Park. I consider myself a very intelligent person and I never miss an episode. I think it's one of the funiest series on TV.
> I know a lot of people get offended by it, and if that's the case, then just don't watch it. Nobody's forcing you.
> Kel"that's all I have to say about that"ly

Sorry, that's not what I meant...Like I said, she is normally intelligent. She's very very smart, in fact. And I DON'T watch it, because nobody forces me too. And I SAY I dont like it...and people who do like it think I'm putting them down...oh well. I'm not putting anyone who watches South Park down. Just my roommate. Mostly because I'll tell her about this message later and she will laugh. And quote SP just to make me groan. And then I will laugh at her and everyone is happy.

Ti'nothing personal'cia