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Re: Fantasy Books
Posted By: unipeg, on host
Date: Monday, January 31, 2000, at 12:43:15
In Reply To: Re: Fantasy Books posted by Speedball on Monday, January 31, 2000, at 11:12:52:

> > uni"read all the Card i can find"peg
> Me too. To date I've read all of the 'Ender Saga' except for the new Ender's Shadow (waiting for paper back, can't afford hard covers),

me too.... except my parents have "Ender's Shadow", but i hafta wait till they're done for it

>the whole 'Homecomeing' series,

same here

>his three horror books (Lost Boys, Homecomeing, and Treasur Box),

yup yup....

>The Worthing Saga, Hart's Hope (very dark fantasy book), Folk of the Fring,

haven't read any of these. i guess my library doesn't have them =(

>all of the 'Alvin Maker' saga that is out so far, including the 'Grinning Man' short story,

there're more coming out? really? score! haven't read grinning man...

>a book of short stories called 'Flux',

i read one book of short stories, don't remember what it's called tho

>and 'Lovelock' the first part in a trilogy he is co-writting with someone else. I'm waiting for 'Enchantment' to come out in paper back too.

haven't heard of either of these.

I've also read Wyrms and Treason, and maybe a couple other stand-alone books. Plus "Stone Tables". Now THAT was a good book. Hmmm..... I need to go out and read the rest of that Card stuff, and I want to try some other good fantasy.... I just don't know what I, as a 15-year-old female who's not sure what she thinks of fantasy (besides Card) would like, and I hate just getting random books...... any suggestions to start me off?

uni"yes i know this questions been asked several times, give me a break"peg

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