Re: Fantasy Books
Wolfspirit, on host
Wednesday, January 26, 2000, at 17:47:53
Fantasy Books posted by Darien on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, at 15:40:39:
> Okay guys, here's the plan. I'm doing an independent study this term in modern American fantasy, and I need a reading list. I need at fewest about six works of modern American Fantasy literature, and perhaps some other stuff (movies, et al) to round it out. Any suggestions? I'm looking for a fair spread of stuff that I haven't already read... the one thing already on my reading list is the Dragonlance chronicles (autumn twilight, winter night, spring dawning, and summer flame), but I'd be uneasy about using more than one for the course... suggestions, anyone?
Well... I have some selections that are sort of off the beaten track. I haven't read much fantasy in a long while, but there are a couple that stick out in memory. If you have to read as work, it might as well be entertaining. Plus these ones are fairly short; you could read each one in an evening (always handy for a lit course ;)
Anyway my fave #1 fantasy novella still is "The Princess Bride" by William Goldman. In some ways it's even better than the movie; when you read it, it's instantly obvious why it was adapted to the big screen. The narrative "voice" provided by the author has surprising bite -- perhaps "vehemence" might be a better word.
Looking at my bookshelf, I also recommend "A Trio for Lute" by R.A. MacAvoy, which manages to pack in archangels, music, Italy, magic, Iceland, the struggle against Satan, talking dragons, slavery, and berbers in Granada... among other things. Another interesting novel that Dave's reading is "Wi'tch Fire" by James Clemens. It's a somewhat darker fantasy that's similar in flavour to Terry Brooks' style. I imagine things must be kind of slow in the fantasy market because even though Clemens' book is a first novel, when he submitted the Wi'tch Fire manuscript at a fantasy workshop something like 6 publishing houses slugged it out in a race to gain premier publication rights.