Re: My Really Bad MacBeth Play
Kaz!, on host
Wednesday, January 26, 2000, at 17:12:18
Re: My Really Bad MacBeth Play posted by Speedball on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, at 16:51:39:
---------------------Snip---------------------- > > Kaz! here at Elmira college the Drama Club puts on a thing called Drama Fest. Would you mind if I addapt you addaption? I would have to drop the rink stuff but it would really rock. We are a very silly group. > > Speed'tobeornot,er,...line!'ball >
Wow, I just posted not long ago and I'm ALREADY getting some demand! (See Witch_1, It wasn't all that bad!) Anyway, if you and your friends want to adapt my adaption, go right ahead! Oh, one thing though - if your group actually wins the Drama Fest, mind making an 'honorable mention' about me somewhere? Oh yeah, one more thing - if it's at all possible - could you post the 'revised' edition somewhere for me once your group finishes editing? I'd love to see what this turns out to be in the end!
-Ka"Maybe I sould consider writing some more plays..."z!