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Re: Millenials
Posted By: Spider-Boy, on host
Date: Tuesday, January 11, 2000, at 07:56:44
In Reply To: Millenials posted by Spider-Boy on Monday, January 10, 2000, at 18:10:01:

> Millenial is the term that is gaining use to talk about people of my generation, people born between 1978 and 1995. I thought it was a great term and decided to use it for a name of a team of young superheroes (I was thinking the superheroes would have all gotten there powers when y2k started)
> Then I thouhgt it would be neat if I asked the Rink Community to make up heroes. My idea is that you e-mail me a desription of the characters personality, skills, and powers. Since I like to design superhero costumes I would design the look for characters of my choice. I would draw the character and scan them into my computer and e-mail them back. I ofcourse couldn't do them all. The ones I choose will be the members of The Millenials.
> After reading the DotA for Dummies thread I was thinking that after the team is assembled we could do a continueing story with them. Each author would tell stories from there character's point of view, and anyone who didn't get a character on the Millenials can tell stories in the 3rd person, or create a villian. That way we get conflict and copperation.
> So e-mail me characters at jcharneskie@yahoo. While a team of Millenial Generation aged heroes would be ideal, the fact that they all got their powers at the dawn of y2k is a good enough justification for the name.
> Spider-Iwillalsopostthecharacterswhogetontheteam
> intheforumsopeoplewillknowabouteachother's
> characters-Boy

I've decided to clear a few things up. First off, if you can't e-mail me at try
Second, don't give your characters origines. Part of my original concept was that they same event gives all the team members there powers. I'm not sure what it will be yet, but I will adapt it so it makes sense with the powers characters have.
What you should include is:
Motivation: Why does the character use his or her powers for good.
Location: They don't all have to live in the same place, but for writing the story we need to know were the characters live
Powers: What superhuman abilites does he/she have
Skills: What non-superpower abilites does the character have (Some superheroes don't have any powers, like Batman, but since some kind of event is giving people powers I think all the Millenials should, unless the event gave them non-power skills they didn't have before)
Personality: Essential, we need to know how to write the characters
Physical Descriptions: Optional, I'm designing the costumes but will try to follow adivce given by the authors
People they know: Does your character live at home with his/her folk, is the hero married, engaged, what job does he/she have? Supporting cast is important.
Name/CodeName: Need to know who they are now don't we, I may ask for a diffrent codename, I don't want to rip off a preexisting hero if I can avoid it

I hope that clears stuff up. I don't know which characters I'll use yet, and when I decide the art may take awhile (I do have classes and a life ya know) but I will try not to let this pre-production stuff take to long.


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