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my life
Posted By: Ticia, on host
Date: Saturday, January 8, 2000, at 21:55:56

Hmmm. I have a little problem. Sigh....
I took my cat to the vet yesterday...he used to be a he...not anymore. Came home, got on the internet, etc. etc. etc. went to work, came home. Tried to get on the dialtone. After checking all the connections and everything I called the phone company and they said they could come out to fix it on Monday. GRRRRR. So I have to use the other line, which is my roommates, to get online, which I can only do early in the morning or late at night, when she is asleep. Not that she minds me using her line, she just likes the phone to be availabe for her important phone calls. Plus, she's predjudiced against computers in general cause of her ex-husband, so I try to be sensitive to her feelings and all! So, here I am at 11:00 pm, when I should be in bed sleeping, with a very sore, very mad kitty, and no second phone line. I hate US West.

On a more positive least I do have a way to check the forum...yeah!

On an even more positive note...I saw 'Galaxy Quest' Today. I have not laughed so hard at a movie since...well, I can't remember.

Anyway, That is my life, are you all sad for me? I am...

Ti'sitting here feeling sorry for myself, and my cat'cia

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