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Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Friday, January 7, 2000, at 19:59:26
In Reply To: This stinks. posted by Brunnen-G on Friday, January 7, 2000, at 17:56:55:

> Here's a nice story from the newspaper today, for the benefit of those of you who think NZ is some sort of paradise.
> A tourist visiting Auckland was caught importing enough illegal drugs to normally bring a maximum of 14 years' imprisonment. The result? Name suppression and release without conviction. The judge summed up with these memorable words: "Enjoy the fresh air. Our harbour is a wonderful place and I'm sure you're out there enjoying it. Don't let anything get in the way of you and the atmosphere."
> Oh, I forgot to mention the tourist was a billionaire overseas businessman, and made an entirely voluntary major donation (also unspecified) to a drug rehabilitation programme after he was caught. And here's a little quote from his lawyer to media representatives: "Don't try anything cute because we'll sue the arse off you and he has the money to do it."
> Everything about this revolts my entire soul. I'd say I'd like to move to a previous century, but I have a suspicion that human nature has never really been any different. It's just that the media coverage has got so much better.
> Brunnen-"feeling nasty and cynical"G

Oooh, fluffy response #1 from Wolf:

Well, nothing is sacrosanct anymore, Brunnen-G. It's kewl and fashionable to be cynical. Go with the flow!

Once, a long while ago (prior to the 50s, I imagine) it was possible to ask a young person what were the professions that he or she held in the highest regard. The answers were most often "Doctor", "Lawyer", and "Politician". *Today* of course, the epithets that most often come to mind in relation to those career paths are "quack", "scumbag", and "lowest of the low". There were a few significant things that happened between then and now, to produce such a drastic change.

Wolf "fill in the blank" spirit

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