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Re: Y2K compliance
Posted By: Fobulis, on host
Date: Thursday, December 30, 1999, at 20:03:21
In Reply To: Y2K compliance posted by Sam on Thursday, December 30, 1999, at 08:31:56:

> I've spent long hard hours ensuring that RinkWorks is Y2K compliant. (By "long" and "hard" and "hours," I mean, specifically, that I think my web hosting service is a pretty good company that I assume is Y2K compliant by now, though I admit I haven't actually noticed if they claim to be or not.) What I realized I neglected, to my utmost horror, was myself. I am not Y2K compliant.
> And therefore this is the last you will hear of me for a few days as I take myself offline and work on upgrading myself.
> Goodbye, all. Talk to you again soon.

Funny... I just passed a church today whose marquee read "God is Y2K compliant. are you?" Irreverent soul that I am, I couldn't help but wonder how many lines of code one would have to alter to ensure the Y2K-readiness of a Supreme Being....

Fob"I think I'm OK. But if I wake up on Sunday thinking it's 1900, I probably won't be around for a while"ulis