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Popcicle humor
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Saturday, December 25, 1999, at 06:34:50

When I was a kid, popcicle sticks always had riddles on them. You had to eat the popcicle before you could read the answer. They're doing it again! Here are some examples that I picked up while playing with the grandkids:
What did the painter name his son?
What has two banks and no money?
A river
Where do books sleep?
under their covers
What gets colder as it warms up?
an air conditioner
Where do bees go on their day off?
the wax museum
What has three feet, but no toes?
a yardstick
Why did the book join the police force?
So he could work under cover.
What has wheels and a trunk, but no engine?
An elephant on roller blades (When I was a kid, it was roller scates. Time changes things.)
Why was the picture sent to jail?
It was framed.
Where does the catcher sit for dinner?
Behind the plate.
When is a fin not a fin?
When it's a dolphin.
What did the hungry computer say?
"I could sure go for a byte."
What do books carry when they aren't home?

What are we doing to our children?!

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