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Re: well OK you asked
Posted By: Mousie, on host
Date: Friday, December 10, 1999, at 13:21:17
In Reply To: well OK you asked posted by shadowfax on Thursday, December 9, 1999, at 23:36:26:

> > I believe that my children deserve a better life than I've had.
> Why? What makes them more deserving of happiness than you?
> > I believe that you can never have too many friends.
> On the contrary, you can. Let's say you have 10 friends. You have $200 to spend on them for Christmas presents. That means an average of $20 per friend. Now let's say you suddenly become Ms. Popularity and get 1,000 friends. Suddenly, you have $5 to spend per friend. The quality of your gifts goes down, making you feel guilty, which could result in the friendships being strained, all because you have (say it with me) too many friends.

I want friends like those. I just went from having $200 to having $5,000 just because I have a thousand friends. Then I would only buy them cards, anyway.

Mou"always thinking"sie