Re: Creationism vs Evolution
Dracimas, on host
Wednesday, December 8, 1999, at 12:02:39
Re: Creationism vs Evolution posted by Sam on Wednesday, December 8, 1999, at 04:41:40:
> You folks are looking at the Bible in the wrong way. Either the Bible is accurate or it is not. The Bible claims, itself, to be the divine written Word of God. Either it is, or it isn't. If it is, it doesn't matter how many years passed between the occurrence of the events and when they were written down: if it's the written Word of God, it's 100% true, and if it isn't, it's an anthropological curiosity upon which no world view or system of belief is worth founding upon it. > > Contrary to what it may sound like I'm saying, the Bible is a great place to start in the ambitious pursuit of answering that question for oneself. A creation vs. evolution debate isn't.
Well put. And as I said. That should start at home. Either for the children or yourself. The public debates are pointless as they only cause division. Nothing positive will come out of it. Everyone has the right to believe as they feel is right for them. If that contradicts what you believe... so what. As long as I respect your beliefs what does it hurt. Just respect mine in return.