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Re: Evolution and Creation
Posted By: Spider-Boy, on host
Date: Tuesday, December 7, 1999, at 13:37:45
In Reply To: Re: Evolution and Creation posted by Wolfspirit on Tuesday, December 7, 1999, at 13:33:29:

> > > Evolution is a scientific theory and belongs in science classes.
> > > At the most creationism should be presented as it is in my Anthroplogy class, another theory.
> > >
> > > Spider-everseenInherittheWind,itisaboutthemonkeytrial-Boy
> >
> > But the problem with evolution in classrooms is the way teachers present it. Evolution is a theory, and far too many teachers teach it as fact. At least with creationism in schools students will be given an alternative to evolution.
> >
> > -M"creationist, in case you're wondering."el
> Um. I've never had occasion to participate in a real discussion of the E vs. C debate before, but I have hopes that this one stays civil. I'm just making a quick post to take issue with that curious statement: "Evolution is a theory, and far too many teachers teach it as fact." Kindly permit me, please, to disagree. The fact is, Evolution IS a fact -- a raw prerequisite of all continuing life on this earth -- as well as its being a theory. The evidence for the process of Evolution is so staggering, I can't even imagine modern science without it... That's why it's a Theory and not a conjecture or mere hypothesis.
> I have no problems with Creationists choosing to view the world according to the Biblical account of creation. In fact, I see Genesis as confirming the beautiful, wondrously inspiring *template* for the creation of the world by means of evolution. I do not see the Bible as telling a lie about our origins; the writer of Genesis had far more important points to make about God than talk about cytochrome c electron transport chains and ribosomal synthesis. God is the truth, and the world he created according to his will reflects that truth. The scientific process works to uncover truth, which always points the way back to God. This I sincerely believe.
> Incidentally, in any discussion of C vs. E it helps to have solid facts at hand to support your position. Otherwise it's mere useless hot air. I think can dig up enough *current* references (as opposed to dimly remembered hand-waving arguments) to support why I think Evolution is a fact. I can provide those later if anyone's still interested.
> Wolf "a creationist fence-sitter: I'm a theistic evolutionist" spirit

Please do, I don't have time.


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