Re: Creationism vs Evolution
Tranio, on host
Tuesday, December 7, 1999, at 13:06:53
Re: Creationism vs Evolution posted by Spider-Boy on Tuesday, December 7, 1999, at 12:06:26:
> A while a ago I read something the Pope said about this. The gist of it was that belife in the sicentific explination does not conflict with Genisis. If you want to interpet "He created man out of dust" as the way the ancient Hebrews understood evolution from microbes (which developed after elements mixed in the anceint ocean and formed DNA) that is OK. > > Genisis always seemed to be someone explianing a dream they had. A nomadic Hebrew goes to sleep one night and God explains (in a dream) the creation of the world. Now the big bang becomes "Let there be light (the light from the bang, since stars did not yet exist)", deep time (billions of year) is a hard concept for any one to grasp, but a week is comperehendable. This is what happens when an infinte mind like God's contacts the limited and confined minds of people, I think. > > Spider-everseenInherittheWind,itisaboutthemonkeytrial-Boy
Personnally, I agree. How could God possibly describe *how* he created everything to a people of virtually no technology or sciences. Even telling the Jews not to eat the cloven-hoofed due to bacteria and micro-organisms, would have been so far out of their grasp, that it's just easier to tell them to avoid it altogether. Likewise, describing the origins of the universe in a fairly accurate manner and expect them to understand would be impossible. Therefore, a great deal of things were told to them by way of fables and such. Have you ever tried describing an adult concept to a child? It can be quite challenging at times to phrase ideas in terms that they can relate to. Further still, once God told someone about how or why, they still had to paraphrase to put it into the written word, then a few translations later whose to say if God really meant that the universe was created in merely 7 24-hour periods. Heck, maybe he meant 7 of *His* days, and to an immortal, a day could be a dozen millennium or more. So, God created Evolutionism.
Tra "25 days 'til the apocolypse" nio