Re: Murkon's Refuge (Warning: Spoiler)
Thurhame, on host
Friday, May 16, 2014, at 23:24:02
Murkon's Refuge (Warning: Spoiler) posted by ZasZ on Wednesday, March 27, 2002, at 14:24:41:
> What should be the average party level when facing the gatekeeper and his bodyguards?
This is a tough one, but since he has no spellcasters the armorclass-raising spells make it much easier. When I fought him with my solo druid, I was just about out of spell points from previous battles, but I had enough left for two BIGSHIELD and a SHIELD, which boosted my AC to the point where they couldn't hit me at all. ~95 hp let me survive just long enough to get my shields up. Then I just started whacking away with my staff. It took a looooooong time, but I won.
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