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Re: Story Hunt 4:9
Posted By: carlaxs, on host
Date: Thursday, September 22, 2011, at 11:57:46
In Reply To: Re: Story Hunt 4:9 posted by Sam on Tuesday, September 20, 2011, at 10:39:44:

> > So, I've found the feature from whence the clue came, and I've read the other messages on this board, which just confirmed what I thought. I have tried:
> Try the full, two-word name of the feature again. It should work.
> This was a screw-up on my side; my apologies. The reason is that, for legal reasons, I had to change the name of that feature to something else. I thought I changed all references to it from everywhere else on my site, but the location of the Story Hunt chapter you were looking for was still at the old filename. I fixed it now, and I'm sorry you wasted so much time and energy over that.

No worries! I saw your previous mention on the forums here that you'd changed it, but I tried the name I thought it would've been. I guessed wrong I guess :> All better now!

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