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Re: "st louis USA"
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Monday, November 8, 1999, at 04:20:31
In Reply To: Re: "st louis USA" posted by Spider-Boy on Sunday, November 7, 1999, at 17:14:10:

> Ever read the book of Revelations, thats God's plan for the end of the world. I don't like it. I also belive Eve was the first hero in history, if not for here we would be nothing more than animals.

You're not making sense. God's plan for the end of the world is to right wrongs. Those who have chosen to be with God shall be, for the rest of eternity, and those who have chosen not to be, won't. (That is, in fact, hell defined: a place where God is not.) Judgment was necessitated by what mankind brought upon itself, by mankind's own choice of free will (made allowable by that freedom you yourself so desire -- as do we all, don't get me wrong). As for the physical structure of this world, that will ultimately be destroyed, it is temporal in nature anyway, and would by natural process sooner or later. I for one am grateful God is transposing us to an eternal world.

> The knowledge of Good and Evil gave humanity the freedom of choice.

No it did not. Eve's *choice* to disobey God and eat from that tree is proof that that freedom was in their possession earlier.

> Thou mayest conquor over evil.

No, now evil can conquer us.

> We have the right to be damned, or saved, as we choose. You have to wonder why God didn't want us to have that.

Let's see. Let's get on the Christian Game Show. "Contestants, you know the rules. You may have one million dollars right up front, no strings, no questions asked, OR...(drum roll) may choose one of the two doors in front of you. If the door you choose contains the Wondrous Thingy of Eternity, you get...A MILLION DOLLARS! If it doesn't, you get...TO BE IN DEBT FOR ALL ETERNITY! What will you do now?" / "I'll take the million dollars, Bob." / "He's taking the million dollars! Let's here it for contestant number one!" (applause) "Now, contestant number two, what will you do now?" / "Duh, uh, I pick a door." (audience groans, aghast, but discovers that watching stupidity is fun and develops a habit of watching courtroom TV).

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