Re: Farther now, where is the station
gremlinn, on host
Sunday, June 27, 2010, at 08:22:17
Farther now, where is the station posted by Eru on Saturday, June 26, 2010, at 22:53:56:
> I got Ellysia through the gate and completed the first level of the tower, but now I need another stone w hich fell. I know I need to go to the station, but I don't know where it is or where Zorn and Ellysia went. There is also the cavern in the ocean I can't access > 2 Bear Figurines > 1 Jujurr Pit > Asbestos Suit > Long Spear > Torch > 100 Carrots > 4 Mana Mushrooms > Black Boots > Metal File > Tower Keys > 1 Crab Figurine > 2 Metallic Arcs > Busted Flute > Rusty Key > Tree Branch > 2 Dove Figurines > 1 Rubber Glove > Fancy Clothes > Secret Book > Vancryl Robe > 2 Frog Figurines > 1 Whale Figurine > Glass Vial > Toothbrush
You will need to talk to Ashburne a little more to get a necessary item, first. The station's beneath the hill, but there's a way in if you circle around the west side.
Don't worry about Zorn, Elyssia, or the cavern for now.
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