Re: Mystic Magic
dedeeboru, on host
Tuesday, March 31, 2009, at 13:40:09
Re: Mystic Magic posted by Sam on Monday, March 30, 2009, at 14:28:48:
THANK YOU!!!! This appears to another symptom of the utter Brainlessness I seem to be experiancing lately.
Right up there with wrapping a pork loin in foil and putting it in the microwave for 200 minutes.
Mary > > You're Carrying: > > [...] > > A Quarter > > [...] > > > > I can't seem to find a quarter, which I think will greatly assist me in moving forward. > > As shown above, you've already got it. The quarter is one of the items you picked up (along with the scroll and defender, for example) when you tried to enter the castle. > > Great job solving ESM without hints. No easy task!
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