POA OSA tubes
f_raze, on host
Monday, March 23, 2009, at 22:04:39
Inventory: 1 Nanoxite Stone Passcard (CQ60537) Light Tube ISO Officer's Cap Small Mirror Leather Briefcase Supply Room Card Radio Receiver Pet Snacks Ruby Employment Papers Mine Access Card Fire Extinguisher Matches I.D. Card OSA Card Crank Washcloth Passcard (CQ30021) Business Card Pickaxe Plastic Cup Passcard (CQ40844) Crowbar Noise Filter Headset Round Pot
I started doing the OSA tubes at Kepler's office, as advised, and then once I got the password entered there, I went and searched out the other two accesses, fended off some beetles, and entered in the passwords, but now I'm (according to Johnson) supposed to go back to M-30 and press the reset switch. But I can't seem to get back into the 30 section of the OSA, just the 20 and 10. How am I supposed to get back into the 30 section?
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