Re: murkon's vengeance
Sam, on host
Tuesday, February 3, 2009, at 13:38:22
murkon's vengeance posted by scudoobin on Monday, February 2, 2009, at 04:24:27:
> the 4th area says tunnel rock required and I have the stone of passage but I keep getting killed by the first party - party of warlock(tried loads of times).
It doesn't sound like there's really any alternative to beating this party. If you can't seem to beat them outright AND you have some checkpoints available to you, one thing you might try is to fight blue parties until one of them drops one or two of the more powerful magic items. Big hint: definitely hold onto any Reclaiming Amulets you can get your hands on. Barring those, try collecting "antidotes" for what seems to be most lethal about warlock's party. For example, if it's spells that kill you, try blankets of silence.
The reason I say you probably need a checkpoint for this strategy is that you want to save your progress after you've collected these magic items. Thereafter, you can make attempts at warlock's party without having to fight a bunch of blues again.
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