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Re: Frozen Out
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Wednesday, January 21, 2009, at 14:46:23
In Reply To: Frozen Out posted by teach on Sunday, January 18, 2009, at 21:41:40:

I can't top that, Teach, but here is my story. Back when our four kids were young, we went through a lot of applesauce. Times were hard, so my wife decided to make homemade applesauce. She kept it in the freezer. At first she would thaw it out, but one day our starving herd got in a hurry and she dished it out still half frozen. They loved it. After that applesauce straight from the freezer was a regular feature on our menu.

> We bake a fair bit in my house, especially at Christmas time, when we have peanut butter squares, Nanaimo bars, and other sweets. I also regularly make chocolate muffins for lunches and treats.
> Here's the weird thing about my family - they all prefer to eat these frozen! I blame my husband - he grew up in a family of six children, and if you wanted baking, you had to be fast, or steal it from the freezer. A career in larceny was born. (His cousins were also a family of six children. His aunt made six dozen Nanaimo bars when the kids were at school, wrapped them in paper and tinfoil, hid them in the bottom of the freezer, and labelled them "ground beef." When she went to unwrap them, the package contained newspaper, and a note that said "Nice try, Mom")!
> Now both my kids are the same - and they have no reason to have to steal it - if they want it they can have it. My daughter made two dozen muffins the other day, and froze eighteen of them - BEFORE eating one!
> Is it just my crew? Or is this pretty common? Maybe we need a Readers' Poll on this.
> te "They're going to break a tooth someday!" ach

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