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Re: GOA one coin short
Posted By: salana, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 25, 2008, at 20:40:43
In Reply To: GOA one coin short posted by Frylock on Wednesday, June 25, 2008, at 18:28:23:

> Please help! I'm at the point where I need to give my apples to Poppy Selt so he'll bake a pie but I only have 1 bronze coin to pay him and can't find another one anywhere.
> I have 1 bronze coin, 9 red gemstones, 1 black gemstone, 6 apples, guard's sword, stone of strengthening, food rations, rope, tinderbox, torch, key of opening, clear focus stone, crate, hammer, map, magnifying glass, picture and note.

Here are the locations of places you can get bronze coins. Try listening at the bakery....there are three in the shack.... Two from Blood the moat... from the bar (you proably already did that one).... one from Balinder (the creature outside the city). Blood Drops is thankful for helping a friend and gives you another bronze coin. Those are the locations. Good luck

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