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Re: Murkon's Vengence level 2 - got it
Posted By: kman52000, on host
Date: Friday, April 18, 2008, at 11:39:05
In Reply To: Murkon's Vengence level 2 posted by kman52000 on Wednesday, April 16, 2008, at 17:17:24:

Never mind, I'm past that and on to level 1 (sure are a lot of check points and +100 HP spots - makes me think there's some pretty nasty enemies in this area.....)

> OK, I think I have messed things up in the moving wall room. I can no longer get to the E/W switch at (15,17) as I closed off that location then teleported out of it, thinking that was the solution. I also cannot get to the green pool in the southwest corner nor the exit in the northwest corner due to the walls not moving if not visible when you flip the switch.
> Sam, have I completely messed that part up?
> I also cannot get past the red force field at (2,4)

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