Re: rainy day jobs
andrew, on host
Monday, May 21, 2007, at 23:27:57
rainy day jobs posted by Howard on Thursday, August 31, 2006, at 13:41:02:
What engine are you putting in your '47? I have a 50 series I'm restoring, and need a good suggestion. I've heard of 8hp Tecumseh w/ electric start. -Andrew
> It has rained all night and most of the day and Ernesto hasn't even gotten here yet. But on days like this I get caught up on some rainy day jobs. No yardwork or gardening allowed so I have been mostly in the shop. The grease under my fingernails is from a 60-year-old scooter hub. I can't tell what is or isn't wrong with it until I get all of that crud off. > > I am still working on an engine swap on my '47 Cushman, but I am in a holding pattern. I need to spray some paint on the engine before I bolt it in, and that has to be done outside. I don't spray paint when the humidity is high. > > I sanded a bit of 1953 paint off my 60-series Cushman. Someday I am going to paint the whole body. It runs just fine, but looks baaaaaad. > > I walked out to the scooter trailer between showers and took some measurement. I am getting ready to install a heavy board across the front inside, so I can have some place to tie down my scooters. The front of the trailer is rather flimsy, so it all has to attach to the floor. > > If it keeps raining, it won't be long before I go into oversnack mode, and that ain't good. > Howard
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