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Re: precip
Posted By: Lirelyn, on host
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2006, at 15:01:30
In Reply To: precip posted by Howard on Tuesday, August 29, 2006, at 13:47:45:

Funny how regular context can change a word for you. After two months of working in a labor and delivery ward, 'precip' means something totally different to me. In my world, when a woman comes off the elevator looking more or less like death, and there's a frantic blur of nurses trying to get a room pulled together and a doctor woken up, and then a baby is born within about thirty minutes (often before the woman's officially registered at the hospital), it gets referred to as a 'precip.'

And while I figured Howard wasn't using the word that way, it didn't occur to me that it could stand for anything other than "precipitous."

Lire"I wonder what they'd call Michael's daddy story with the twins"lyn

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