Ultimate Bot Tournament #8: Session 7
NessaChan has entered.
Sentynel has entered.
vball has entered.
ThePhan has entered.
Maryam has entered.
Sam has entered.
TalkingDog has entered.
FantasyFreak has entered.
vball: Whoo hoo!
* TalkingDog flops into a comfortable spot and hooks up a Dew drip for himself.
ThePhan: I just dumped salad all over my bed.
TalkingDog: Oops.
ThePhan: Not on purpose.
ThePhan: (In case that was being questioned.)
NessaChan: some people like rose petals on their bed
* TalkingDog likes blankets on his.
* Sentynel likes himself on his
Zup has entered.
* Zup got off work early to get here.
Sam: YAY
NessaChan: woo
vball: Zup: Good priorities!
Zup: vball: I know!
* Sentynel closes eleventy billion wxWidgets documentation tabs, and finally locates RinkChat again
Goosey has entered.
Sam: Welcome to Session SOMETHING!
Goosey: YAY!
NessaChan: woo
vball: Drum roll, please.
Sam: We have a NEW BOT coming up later tonight!
ThePhan: Er, I mean NEW BOT YAY
Maryam: Is it HotSuitGuy?
ThePhan: Nah, HotSuitGuy was the old one.
Maryam: Is it HotTrenchCoatGuy?
Goosey: HotTrenchCoatGuy is MINE.
ThePhan: The new bot is a hint at who my new boy toy is.
* ThePhan hopes that will be an entertaining prediction.
Sam: BUT FIRST! The one. The only. CAPTIONBOT!
Goosey: YAY
* Zup has missed good ol' captionbot.
Sam: ...as presented by Nightmare Man.
Maryam: nooooooooooooo
: Next up is CaptionBot.
NessaChan: eek!
Sam: Get out of here, Nightmare Man
CaptionBot has been summoned by Sam.
goldfishy has entered.
CaptionBot has been dismissed by Sam.
SinbadCaptionBot has been summoned by Sam.
Zup: LOL!!!
Maryam: Gasp!
NessaChan: :O!
Goosey: LOL
Maryam: A shocking turn of events!
ThePhan: YAY
Sam: Yes, be amusing with this bot tonight, and you could find your name in lights (or at least a dim gray subscript) in next mid-season Sinbad Comic extras!
Zup: Of course, never having seen the movie puts me at a disadvantage.
[RinkChat] User Zup has been kicked from the room by Sam.
Zup has left.
Maryam: Yes, right now. We'll wait.
Zup has entered.
Goosey: LOL
Sam: hahaha. And Zup, of all people, gets to pick the first image.
SinbadCaptionBot: Zup chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for Alina can't stop giggling about that "Hypnotize and Overthrow Me" sign she put on the Calif's back.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for In our next episode, Jaffar turns everyone to statues during odd moments! Hilarity ensues!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for Jaffar put a sign on my back, didn't he? / Sign? Whatever do you mean? *giggle*
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for My turban isn't really hiding Lord Voldemort, I promise.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for Uh oh.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for You have something stuck to your butt!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for Just kidding, Daddy. I don't want to forsake the kingdom and join the Peace Corps, but I do want to marry Jafar instead of Ali.
Maryam: vote 7
Zup: vote 4
Goosey: vote 1
goldfishy: vote 3
Sam: vote 1
Sentynel: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 7
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 3 points for Alina can't stop giggling about that "Hypnotize and Overthrow Me" sign she put on the Calif's back.
SinbadCaptionBot: Goosey wins 2 points for Just kidding, Daddy. I don't want to forsake the kingdom and join the Peace Corps, but I do want to marry Jafar instead of Ali.
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for My turban isn't really hiding Lord Voldemort, I promise.
SinbadCaptionBot: Sam wins 1 point for Jaffar put a sign on my back, didn't he? / Sign? Whatever do you mean? *giggle*
SinbadCaptionBot: Zup wins 1 point for In our next episode, Jaffar turns everyone to statues during odd moments! Hilarity ensues!
SinbadCaptionBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for You have something stuck to your butt!
SinbadCaptionBot: vball wins 0 points for Uh oh.
SinbadCaptionBot: vball loses a point for submitting and not voting.
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan chose the next image. (2/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Sam: hahaha
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for There was outrage at the Louve when Michaelangelo's statue of David was replaced with Lou Ferrigno, but soon everyone began to love and accept it.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for Every child wants the Sinbad action figure, now with new sword-discarding action!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for There was outrage at the Louve when Michaelangelo's statue of David was replaced with Sinbad, but soon everyone began to love and accept it.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for And here you see Sinbad, one of Michelangelo's later works, which is much shorter than his world-famous David.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for One of Michelangelo's lesser known works, Sinbad is the opposite of David in that the closer you get, the shorter he becomes. Although his muscles are still HUGE.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for *singing* When you're a Jet, you're a Jet all the way, from your first throwing sword to your last dying day!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for for weapon in self.weapons: self.ThrowAway(weapon)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 8 for Sinbad, in the rarely seen "pick up the sword with Jedi mind powers" move.
Maryam: vote 2
NessaChan: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 5
Zup: vote 1
Sentynel: vote 2
Goosey: vote 8
Sam: vote 2
SinbadCaptionBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for Every child wants the Sinbad action figure, now with new sword-discarding action!
SinbadCaptionBot: Zup wins 2 points for One of Michelangelo's lesser known works, Sinbad is the opposite of David in that the closer you get, the shorter he becomes. Although his muscles are still HUGE.
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 1 point for Sinbad, in the rarely seen "pick up the sword with Jedi mind powers" move.
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for There was outrage at the Louve when Michaelangelo's statue of David was replaced with Lou Ferrigno, but soon everyone began to love and accept it.
SinbadCaptionBot: Goosey wins 0 points for *singing* When you're a Jet, you're a Jet all the way, from your first throwing sword to your last dying day!"
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for There was outrage at the Louve when Michaelangelo's statue of David was replaced with Sinbad, but soon everyone began to love and accept it.
SinbadCaptionBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for for weapon in self.weapons: self.ThrowAway(weapon)
SinbadCaptionBot: Zup wins 0 points for And here you see Sinbad, one of Michelangelo's later works, which is much shorter than his world-famous David.
NessaChan: sorry I didn't mean to submit that twice
NessaChan: but thanks for the point! :D
* Sentynel attempts to get his brain out of coding mode
Sam: Sent: So knew that was you.
goldfishy: Hehe I guessed that was you Sent
Sentynel: Sam, gold: It was pretty obvious, yes.
SinbadCaptionBot: ThePhan chose the next image. (2/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for Guys! Wait till you see my new life-sized Sinbad action figure! Eergh, the packing is impossible to get off.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for Try as he might, Sinbad just could not fit inside the bra.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for 46C
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for Let's see...38 around the biceps, yes, now let's check the waist...
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for Hey, you know, this dance is kind of awkward. Are you sure we can't waltz?
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for The new members of the Villiage People were not very popular, as their new song "The D-U-N-G-E-O-N" was too hard to spell and wasn't very dancable.
ThePhan: /b Sinbad's plans for prom were dashed after he was measured for his tux and discovered no suit jacket would be large enough to cover those bulging muscles.
Zup: vote 6
Maryam: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 3
Sam: vote 3
NessaChan: vote 2
FantasyFreak: vote 3
Sentynel: vote 2
Goosey: vote 2
Sam: #3 wins a "shortest awesome caption" award.
Maryam: It made me snark out loud.
SinbadCaptionBot: Goosey wins 4 points for 46C
SinbadCaptionBot: Zup wins 3 points for Try as he might, Sinbad just could not fit inside the bra.
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for The new members of the Villiage People were not very popular, as their new song "The D-U-N-G-E-O-N" was too hard to spell and wasn't very dancable.
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 0 points for Hey, you know, this dance is kind of awkward. Are you sure we can't waltz?
SinbadCaptionBot: Sam wins 0 points for Guys! Wait till you see my new life-sized Sinbad action figure! Eergh, the packing is impossible to get off.
SinbadCaptionBot: Zup wins 0 points for Let's see...38 around the biceps, yes, now let's check the waist...
* Goosey takes a bow.
SinbadCaptionBot: TalkingDog chose the next image. (2/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for You have chosen . . . wisely.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for Whoa, wait, I'm BALD? That explains why everyone always calls me The Bald Cook.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for What do you mean this food will make my hair grow back? I'm not missing my.... *rubs head* AHHHHHH!!!!!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for "What you say? I'm bald?"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for At the very instant the Bald Cook was wondering what happened to his toupee, the Viking Warrior was thinking his cheeseburger tasted a bit stringier than usual.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for I bet you can't pat your head and rub your belly at the same time...*steals his food*
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for Boy, the nurses at this hospital! Haven't they ever heard of "No shirt, no service?"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 8 for I hold cup vary guut!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 9 for Wait...Where did my wig go?!
ThePhan: vote 6
Maryam: vote 7
Sentynel: vote 6
Zup: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 4
Goosey: vote 8
Sam: vote 6
goldfishy: vote 3
SinbadCaptionBot: Zup wins 3 points for I bet you can't pat your head and rub your belly at the same time...*steals his food*
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 1 point for I hold cup vary guut!
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for Boy, the nurses at this hospital! Haven't they ever heard of "No shirt, no service?"
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for What do you mean this food will make my hair grow back? I'm not missing my.... *rubs head* AHHHHHH!!!!!
SinbadCaptionBot: Sam wins 1 point for At the very instant the Bald Cook was wondering what happened to his toupee, the Viking Warrior was thinking his cheeseburger tasted a bit stringier than usual.
SinbadCaptionBot: Zup wins 1 point for "What you say? I'm bald?"
SinbadCaptionBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for Wait...Where did my wig go?!
SinbadCaptionBot: Goosey wins 0 points for You have chosen . . . wisely.
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 0 points for Whoa, wait, I'm BALD? That explains why everyone always calls me The Bald Cook.
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam chose the next image. (2/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
LaZorra has entered.
LaZorra: I HEER
LaZorra: Goosey: That looks like "LaZorra is her."
LaZorra: Which is true.
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for I'm charging my lasers!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for Oh my . . . Soukra . . . that evening dress is very . . . erm . . .
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for That which is seen cannot be unseen.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for Jaffar reacts to clicking a link that said "Hot Harem Girls!" only to realize he had been Rickrolled.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for "I have how many kids?"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for Errrnnh! I can't believe someone keyed my chariot! I'm going to be despondent all day.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for Where will you be when your laxative starts working?
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 8 for Soukra has a wardrobe malfunction.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 9 for "And the Oscar for Best Actor goes to... Daniel Day-Lewis!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 10 for And the audience swoons...along with the Princess...
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 11 for One big HAM, coming right up!
goldfishy: /b *wheezes* Who put that pin there?
vball: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 3
Zup: vote 7
Sentynel: vote 3
FantasyFreak: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 9
Goosey: vote 7
Maryam: vote 8
Sam: vote 3
SinbadCaptionBot: FantasyFreak wins 3 points for Where will you be when your laxative starts working?
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 3 points for That which is seen cannot be unseen.
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 1 point for Errrnnh! I can't believe someone keyed my chariot! I'm going to be despondent all day.
SinbadCaptionBot: Sam wins 1 point for Soukra has a wardrobe malfunction.
SinbadCaptionBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for "And the Oscar for Best Actor goes to... Daniel Day-Lewis!"
SinbadCaptionBot: vball wins 1 point for "I have how many kids?"
SinbadCaptionBot: FantasyFreak wins 0 points for I'm charging my lasers!
SinbadCaptionBot: Goosey wins 0 points for Oh my . . . Soukra . . . that evening dress is very . . . erm . . .
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Jaffar reacts to clicking a link that said "Hot Harem Girls!" only to realize he had been Rickrolled.
SinbadCaptionBot: Zup wins 0 points for And the audience swoons...along with the Princess...
SinbadCaptionBot: Zup wins 0 points for One big HAM, coming right up!
SinbadCaptionBot: Sentynel chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for You see these muscles? Don't mess with me!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for Sinbad takes a front row seat at the Undead Strip Club
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for Heartwarming mayhem! Kung fu craziness! See it in theaters this week, ZOMBIE KARATE KID!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for "It is the east, and Juliet is the sun!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for Sinbad finally catches those pesky neighborhood kids toilet papering his home.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for From the director's cut of Sinbad, featuring never-before-seen scenes of Sinbad battling ghosts on the MOON!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for Somehow I expected the "Dance of Seven Veils" to be a little more exciting than this.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 8 for *Tackle*
FantasyFreak: vote 7
LaZorra: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 7
Zup: vote 5
Maryam: vote 3
Sam: vote 7
vball: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 5
Sam: vote 3
Sentynel: vote 7
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 4 points for Somehow I expected the "Dance of Seven Veils" to be a little more exciting than this.
SinbadCaptionBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for Sinbad finally catches those pesky neighborhood kids toilet papering his home.
SinbadCaptionBot: Zup wins 2 points for Heartwarming mayhem! Kung fu craziness! See it in theaters this week, ZOMBIE KARATE KID!
SinbadCaptionBot: FantasyFreak wins 0 points for *Tackle*
SinbadCaptionBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for From the director's cut of Sinbad, featuring never-before-seen scenes of Sinbad battling ghosts on the MOON!
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 0 points for "It is the east, and Juliet is the sun!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Sam wins 0 points for Sinbad takes a front row seat at the Undead Strip Club
SinbadCaptionBot: vball wins 0 points for You see these muscles? Don't mess with me!
Zup: Undead Strip Club? Is that where they strip off their flesh to the bone for you?
SinbadCaptionBot: Sam chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
* LaZorra should not be allowed to play this game right now.
LaZorra: My rain is so far gone that nothing's going to bake sense.
TalkingDog: Someone left the cake out in the rain.
NessaChan: lol
ThePhan: TD: LOL
LaZorra: LOL
Zup: Bake sense?
Sam: I love the smell of armpits in the morning.
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for It was close, but in the end the weight of Sinbad's muscles were too much for his legs to bear, and he collapsed on the dance floor, leaving Torturer #2 as the clear jig endurance winner.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for The final two battle it out for the Dance Dance Revolution championship trophy.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for It's fun to stay at the.. Y-M-C-A....! Y-M-C-A...
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for Swing your arms in the air like you're a true player!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for "My armpits smell worse than yours!" "No way!" "Smell them!" "Okay!" *passes out*
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for Kill it! Kill it! That spider is big enough to eat us alive!
LaZorra: vote 2
Sam: vote 6
Maryam: vote 7
vball: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 7
NessaChan: vote 6
Zup: vote 3
Sentynel: vote 7
SinbadCaptionBot: vball wins 3 points for Kill it! Kill it! That spider is big enough to eat us alive!
SinbadCaptionBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for "My armpits smell worse than yours!" "No way!" "Smell them!" "Okay!" *passes out*
SinbadCaptionBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for The final two battle it out for the Dance Dance Revolution championship trophy.
SinbadCaptionBot: Sam wins 1 point for Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena!
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 0 points for It was close, but in the end the weight of Sinbad's muscles were too much for his legs to bear, and he collapsed on the dance floor, leaving Torturer #2 as the clear jig endurance winner.
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for It's fun to stay at the.. Y-M-C-A....! Y-M-C-A...
SinbadCaptionBot: Zup wins 0 points for Swing your arms in the air like you're a true player!
* Zup didn't realize that it changed to 1/18 instead of two.
Zup: >Bots] "Take this! And this! And another this!" "Okay, okay, you're right, you are a better Sinbad than that Dreamworks cartoon!"
Maryam: Does that mean... "give your body happiness Macarena"?
Sam: Maryam: "When I dance, they call me Macarena." It's just the opening line to that song.
Sam: Or maybe that's not the line I copied and pasted.
Sam: But it's in the song.
Sam: Hrm, yeah, that's the wrong line of the song.
Sam: No matter.
Maryam: Ha, I did translate it right.
SinbadCaptionBot: vball chose the next image. (2/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for "I'm sorry, but you must be this tall to engage in melee mayhem. You'll have to hang back on the sidelines and make clueless remarks." "Awww, SHUCKS! *kicks rock*"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for Boss, come and rub the lamp over here and you can wish for me to be a real man!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for Poochie moonlighted as a pickpocket.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for Dude! I'm as big as one of your arms! You are HUGE!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for "Guys, I have a great idea for another "Little Person" reality show! We can call it "The Littlest Turban'd Tyranny-Fighting Pirate!" Do you think The Learning Channal will be interested?"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for "Poochie, check and see if I have a wedgie." / "HECK NO!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for "Guys, I have a great idea for another "Little Person" reality show! We can call it "The Littlest Turban'd Tyranny Pirate!" Do you think The Learning Channal will be interested?"
LaZorra: Grr.
Sam: LaZ: What were you about to submit?
LaZorra: "Sinbad does not believe Poochie's account of Arnold Schwarzenegger's pectorals."
Sam: LaZ: LOL
LaZorra: I was trying to spell Schwarzenegger.
LaZorra: :-p
Sentynel: I would have voted for that.
ThePhan: vote 1
vball: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 4
Zup: vote 1
Sam: vote 1
Sentynel: vote 1
Maryam: vote 3
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 5 points for "I'm sorry, but you must be this tall to engage in melee mayhem. You'll have to hang back on the sidelines and make clueless remarks." "Awww, SHUCKS! *kicks rock*"
SinbadCaptionBot: Goosey wins 1 point for Poochie moonlighted as a pickpocket.
SinbadCaptionBot: Zup wins 1 point for Dude! I'm as big as one of your arms! You are HUGE!
SinbadCaptionBot: Goosey wins 0 points for "Poochie, check and see if I have a wedgie." / "HECK NO!"
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for "Guys, I have a great idea for another "Little Person" reality show! We can call it "The Littlest Turban'd Tyranny Pirate!" Do you think The Learning Channal will be interested?"
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for "Guys, I have a great idea for another "Little Person" reality show! We can call it "The Littlest Turban'd Tyranny-Fighting Pirate!" Do you think The Learning Channal will be interested?"
SinbadCaptionBot: vball wins 0 points for Boss, come and rub the lamp over here and you can wish for me to be a real man!
SinbadCaptionBot: Goosey loses a point for submitting and not voting.
NessaChan: I totally messed up
SinbadCaptionBot: LaZorra chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for The Bald Cook decided to practice some of the acting tips Jaffar had given him.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for AHAHAHAHA Lookit their togas!! Ours are SO much better!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for Entrants to the Best Facial Hair competition spot someone with more impressive beards than theirs
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for Oh my gosh! CHARLIE! Get down from there! You might hurt one of us!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for "Look! Over there! It's Lady Gaga!! Do you think she'll notice we're dressed just like she does?!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for Ahhhh! Isn't that your queen jumping from the castle wall...NAKED?
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for Fans at Lou Ferrigno's latest tour stop gape as a pair of panties flies through the air and lands on the stage.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 8 for HAHAHAHA! Did you see that guy fall on his ass?! HAHAHA!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 9 for In a shocking twist, the final boss was the two-headed Viking Cook, merged and turned against Sinbad by Jaffar's evil powers.
ThePhan: LOL LOL
ThePhan: vote 7
Maryam: vote 7
vball: vote 7
Goosey: vote 7
LaZorra: vote 1
Zup: vote 7
Sentynel: vote 7
goldfishy: vote 3
NessaChan: vote 3
Sam: vote 9
vball: vote 3
SinbadCaptionBot: LaZorra wins 5 points for Fans at Lou Ferrigno's latest tour stop gape as a pair of panties flies through the air and lands on the stage.
SinbadCaptionBot: Sentynel wins 3 points for Entrants to the Best Facial Hair competition spot someone with more impressive beards than theirs
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 1 point for In a shocking twist, the final boss was the two-headed Viking Cook, merged and turned against Sinbad by Jaffar's evil powers.
SinbadCaptionBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for The Bald Cook decided to practice some of the acting tips Jaffar had given him.
SinbadCaptionBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for HAHAHAHA! Did you see that guy fall on his ass?! HAHAHA!
SinbadCaptionBot: Goosey wins 0 points for AHAHAHAHA Lookit their togas!! Ours are SO much better!
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for "Look! Over there! It's Lady Gaga!! Do you think she'll notice we're dressed just like she does?!"
SinbadCaptionBot: vball wins 0 points for Ahhhh! Isn't that your queen jumping from the castle wall...NAKED?
SinbadCaptionBot: Zup wins 0 points for Oh my gosh! CHARLIE! Get down from there! You might hurt one of us!
Maryam: I must have been subconsciously thinking of a certain RPG for mine.
Sentynel: I almost typoed "beard" as "bears".
Sentynel: Then I corrected it to "beards", rather than "beard". Oops.
SinbadCaptionBot: SinbadCaptionBot chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
goldfishy: I picked something more obvious but I was too late
Maryam: I can't tell what that white thing is.
Sam: A snake.
vball: I can't tell what the brown thing in the forefront is.
Sam: Rocks.
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for Whoooo is that guy I seee, staring straight back at meee? Why is my reflection someone I don't knowwwww?
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for Can you see what I'm doing? Phew. Good.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for Sinbad wished, as he said goodnight to his date, that his mom would stop turning the porch light on and off behind him.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for ...Sinbad Sinbad Sinbad Sinbad Sinbad, snaaaake, ohhh, it's a snaaaake...
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for 4
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for Um, Sinbad? Look at me, not the camera. Look, Lou, you're throwing away the film's realism! Focus on me! Not the camera! Ugh!
Maryam: Rats!
ThePhan: Maryam: No, rocks.
Maryam: /b "Only I understand you. I-- what? Health care plan? You guys have a UNION? Forget it, I'm finding some other way out of this place."
ThePhan: vote 4
Zup: vote 1
Maryam: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 6
vball: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 6
goldfishy: Heh 5 is me picking a pic
Sentynel: vote 6
Zup: vote 3
Sam: vote 4
SinbadCaptionBot: Sentynel wins 3 points for ...Sinbad Sinbad Sinbad Sinbad Sinbad, snaaaake, ohhh, it's a snaaaake...
SinbadCaptionBot: Zup wins 3 points for Um, Sinbad? Look at me, not the camera. Look, Lou, you're throwing away the film's realism! Focus on me! Not the camera! Ugh!
SinbadCaptionBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for Sinbad wished, as he said goodnight to his date, that his mom would stop turning the porch light on and off behind him.
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for Whoooo is that guy I seee, staring straight back at meee? Why is my reflection someone I don't knowwwww?
SinbadCaptionBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for 4
SinbadCaptionBot: vball wins 0 points for Can you see what I'm doing? Phew. Good.
SinbadCaptionBot: goldfishy loses a point for submitting and not voting.
SinbadCaptionBot: goldfishy's score has been incremented by 1 point.
goldfishy: Thank you
Sentynel: I now have Badger Badger stuck in my head. Great.
Sam: LOL
LaZorra: Serves you right.
Sentynel: I now have Badger Badger looping in the background.
* Sentynel goes slowly nuts. (Nutser.)
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam chose the next image. (2/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for Alina liked her new voice coach, but he kept insisting she do strange things with her eyes and hands in the middle of her arias.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for "Hey Jaffar! Jaffar! I can hit "High C!" Wanna hear? "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for ...Jaffar Jaffar Jaffar Jaffar Jaffar Jaffar, Alina Alina...
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for Jaffar rethought his decision to pass up beheading in favor of one of Alina's opera rehearsals.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for Jaffar had thought that being a judge on American Idol would be all glamour and fun, but he didn't factor in the painful audition process.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 8 for She sings like a cricket, but I love to watch her rub her legs together.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 9 for "You monster! You absolute horrid creature! I can NOT believe you ate my clearly-marked sausage muffin out of the fridge!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 10 for Jaffar said "Yes, dear" when asked to mow the lawn, however he was secretly planning his escape to go fishing and drink beer with the guys.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 11 for She's singing...why is she singing? And oh gosh my ears hurt!
Sentynel: vote 3
vball: vote 9
ThePhan: vote 4
Maryam: vote 5
Goosey: vote 7
LaZorra: vote 9
goldfishy: vote 1
Zup: vote 7
Sam: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 6
SinbadCaptionBot: Goosey wins 2 points for Jaffar rethought his decision to pass up beheading in favor of one of Alina's opera rehearsals.
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 2 points for "You monster! You absolute horrid creature! I can NOT believe you ate my clearly-marked sausage muffin out of the fridge!"
SinbadCaptionBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for Jaffar had thought that being a judge on American Idol would be all glamour and fun, but he didn't factor in the painful audition process.
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for "Hey Jaffar! Jaffar! I can hit "High C!" Wanna hear? "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Sentynel wins 1 point for ...Jaffar Jaffar Jaffar Jaffar Jaffar Jaffar, Alina Alina...
SinbadCaptionBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for She's singing...why is she singing? And oh gosh my ears hurt!
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Jaffar said "Yes, dear" when asked to mow the lawn, however he was secretly planning his escape to go fishing and drink beer with the guys.
SinbadCaptionBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for Alina liked her new voice coach, but he kept insisting she do strange things with her eyes and hands in the middle of her arias.
SinbadCaptionBot: vball wins 0 points for She sings like a cricket, but I love to watch her rub her legs together.
Sam: HM 6,9
Sam: "sausage muffin" is funny all on its own.
Goosey: LOL
SinbadCaptionBot: Zup chose the next image. (2/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for Man! I wish they would swap these people out after they get this old!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for Round and round the garden like a teddy bear! One step, two steps, tickle under there!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for sausage muffin
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for "Can you feel it yet?" "Nope, barely a tickle."
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHooooh, that tickles, hahaha stop it no I mean it!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for The Zombie King hadn't intended his rendition of "Take My Breath Away" to be taken quite so literally.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for What do you mean you're not the pillsbury doughboy?
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 8 for Sinbad was disappointed to learn that, unlike Agent Smith, he could not turn things into clones of himself
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 9 for "Oh yeah? I ain't afraid of no ghost! I'll punch you right in your ghost stomach, that's what I'm going to do! We'll see whose tough Mr. Ghostface then, won't we?!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 10 for "And with this acupressure point *JAB* there, now how are you feeling?" "Oh, my back stopped hurting already! Thank you so much!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 11 for Take that! You don't scare me, you lilly livered monster!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 12 for It's a little known fact that this is how Houdini met his unfortunate end.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 13 for It's in there, just go a little to the left. No, to the left, not the right! My left!
vball: vote 13
ThePhan: vote 12
Zup: vote 12
Goosey: vote 2
FantasyFreak: vote 9
Sam: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 11
goldfishy: vote 10
Maryam: vote 8
Sentynel: vote 12
Maryam: vote 9
LaZorra: vote 4
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 3 points for It's a little known fact that this is how Houdini met his unfortunate end.
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for "Oh yeah? I ain't afraid of no ghost! I'll punch you right in your ghost stomach, that's what I'm going to do! We'll see whose tough Mr. Ghostface then, won't we?!"
SinbadCaptionBot: FantasyFreak wins 1 point for "Can you feel it yet?" "Nope, barely a tickle."
SinbadCaptionBot: goldfishy wins 1 point for Round and round the garden like a teddy bear! One step, two steps, tickle under there!
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 1 point for "And with this acupressure point *JAB* there, now how are you feeling?" "Oh, my back stopped hurting already! Thank you so much!"
SinbadCaptionBot: vball wins 1 point for Take that! You don't scare me, you lilly livered monster!
SinbadCaptionBot: Zup wins 1 point for AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHooooh, that tickles, hahaha stop it no I mean it!
SinbadCaptionBot: Zup wins 1 point for It's in there, just go a little to the left. No, to the left, not the right! My left!
SinbadCaptionBot: Goosey wins 0 points for What do you mean you're not the pillsbury doughboy?
SinbadCaptionBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for sausage muffin
SinbadCaptionBot: Sam wins 0 points for The Zombie King hadn't intended his rendition of "Take My Breath Away" to be taken quite so literally.
SinbadCaptionBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for Sinbad was disappointed to learn that, unlike Agent Smith, he could not turn things into clones of himself
SinbadCaptionBot: vball wins 0 points for Man! I wish they would swap these people out after they get this old!
ThePhan: Go NessaChan!
NessaChan: hehe :3
goldfishy: A point, a point, I have a point!!!
LaZorra: Sam: CLEARLY, "sausage muffin" is not funny all by itself.
Sam: LaZ: I guess not.
Sam: I'm as gobsmacked as you are.
* LaZorra had to disprove Sam's point.
SinbadCaptionBot: FantasyFreak chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Sam: WHY did I put that image in the pool?
Sam: Granted, it is the most used in the comic.
* TalkingDog started playing Star Wars music in his head as soon as he saw it. Though it's missing another sun.
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for With the budget cut so drastically, they had to hang the sun on one of the towers and hope nobody noticed.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for 5th Century Basra: Almost as smoggy as San Diego
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for More bars in more places.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for Oh I come from a land, from a faraway place, Where the caravan camels roam... Where they cut off your ear if they don't like your face.. It's barbaric, but hey, it's home!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for This was the original picture on the front of "The Little Mermaid," but it was too bland. We all know what replacement they chose...
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for Breaking News: In a tragic sunset accident, one of Basra's glorious towers burns to the ground.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for And as the sun went down behind the spires, the whole kingdom started their goodnights, like the Waltons. The sun was dawning before everyone was able to say goodnight.
ThePhan: vote 7
Maryam: vote 2
vball: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 6
FantasyFreak: vote 1
Sentynel: vote 6
Zup: vote 3
NessaChan: vote 5
Sam: vote 6
Sentynel: Too slow. I was going to make a "Pong was kinda impractical to play in the 5th century" joke.
Zup: vote sent
gremlinn has entered.
SinbadCaptionBot: FantasyFreak wins 3 points for Breaking News: In a tragic sunset accident, one of Basra's glorious towers burns to the ground.
SinbadCaptionBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for More bars in more places.
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 1 point for With the budget cut so drastically, they had to hang the sun on one of the towers and hope nobody noticed.
SinbadCaptionBot: Sam wins 1 point for 5th Century Basra: Almost as smoggy as San Diego
SinbadCaptionBot: vball wins 1 point for And as the sun went down behind the spires, the whole kingdom started their goodnights, like the Waltons. The sun was dawning before everyone was able to say goodnight.
SinbadCaptionBot: Zup wins 1 point for This was the original picture on the front of "The Little Mermaid," but it was too bland. We all know what replacement they chose...
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Oh I come from a land, from a faraway place, Where the caravan camels roam... Where they cut off your ear if they don't like your face.. It's barbaric, but hey, it's home!
gremlinn: Is this the ???Bot, or is that something else?
Sam: grem: No, ???Bot is coming up after this.
SinbadCaptionBot: LaZorra chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for Photography 101, class 7, covering focusing techniques and the difference between foreground and background.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for Jaffar attempts to determine if looks really can kill
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for Jaffar was shocked to learn that the background resolution suffered greatly whenever he turned to the camera.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for Jaffar kept opening his eyes wider in the hopes that they would focus correctly, but it was no use. He was going to have to get glasses after all.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for Jaffar displayed his bust of the Calif prominently on the mantel. In time, he'd collect all the other Happy Meal toys, too!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for Oooh, bokeh! We're really artistic now! We're gonna get an Oscar!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for Jaffar was PISSED when he heard the calif passing off his signature "HA!" as his own.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 8 for I told you..."Let go of my Ego!"
LaZorra: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 3
FantasyFreak: vote 4
Maryam: vote 4
vball: vote 4
Zup: vote 2
NessaChan: vote 1
Sentynel: vote 3
Sam: vote 2
SinbadCaptionBot: ThePhan wins 4 points for Jaffar kept opening his eyes wider in the hopes that they would focus correctly, but it was no use. He was going to have to get glasses after all.
SinbadCaptionBot: Sentynel wins 2 points for Jaffar attempts to determine if looks really can kill
SinbadCaptionBot: Zup wins 2 points for Jaffar was shocked to learn that the background resolution suffered greatly whenever he turned to the camera.
SinbadCaptionBot: FantasyFreak wins 1 point for Photography 101, class 7, covering focusing techniques and the difference between foreground and background.
SinbadCaptionBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for Jaffar was PISSED when he heard the calif passing off his signature "HA!" as his own.
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Oooh, bokeh! We're really artistic now! We're gonna get an Oscar!
SinbadCaptionBot: Sam wins 0 points for Jaffar displayed his bust of the Calif prominently on the mantel. In time, he'd collect all the other Happy Meal toys, too!
SinbadCaptionBot: vball wins 0 points for I told you..."Let go of my Ego!"
gremlinn: Jaffar wondered, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Caliph Roll Pop.
LaZorra: LOL LOL
Maryam: grem: LOL!
Maryam: I would have voted for that.
NessaChan: lol
Zup: vote grem
Sam: :P:
Sam: *LOL
NessaChan: One... twooooooo... three.
SinbadCaptionBot: Sentynel chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Sam: LOL. Jaffar's expressions make me laugh.
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for Hey, lass. You spend that much of my royal bounty again, and "this" will be your prize!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for Hi there, my name is Jaffar and I'm working my way through college selling these fantastic Cutco knives! If you would like an in home demonstration..." *door starts to close* "Wait! Wait! My scissors can cut through a penny!" *Door slams*
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for The original pre-Broadway cast of Sweeney Todd.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for "Why, what a lovely dagger! For me, Alina? I-- HURK!" "If I can't have you, no one can!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for Oooooh, shiny!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for "I'm too sexy for my beard, too sexy for my beard..."
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for "I'll get you, my pretty, and your little boobs, too!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 8 for Why yes, you DO look good with that comically wide mustache!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 9 for Jaffar attempts "expressionless"
Maryam: vote 9
Zup: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 9
vball: vote 9
goldfishy: Oops - I read "my scissors can cut through a panty"
NessaChan: vote 3
LaZorra: VOTE 2
FantasyFreak: vote 2
ThePhan: HM 8, which also made me laugh out loud.
Sam: vote 6
Sentynel: vote 2
Sam: HM9
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 4 points for Hi there, my name is Jaffar and I'm working my way through college selling these fantastic Cutco knives! If you would like an in home demonstration..." *door starts to close* "Wait! Wait! My scissors can cut through a penny!" *Door slams*
SinbadCaptionBot: Sentynel wins 3 points for Jaffar attempts "expressionless"
SinbadCaptionBot: FantasyFreak wins 1 point for "I'm too sexy for my beard, too sexy for my beard..."
SinbadCaptionBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for The original pre-Broadway cast of Sweeney Todd.
SinbadCaptionBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for "I'll get you, my pretty, and your little boobs, too!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 0 points for "Why, what a lovely dagger! For me, Alina? I-- HURK!" "If I can't have you, no one can!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Sam wins 0 points for Why yes, you DO look good with that comically wide mustache!
SinbadCaptionBot: vball wins 0 points for Hey, lass. You spend that much of my royal bounty again, and "this" will be your prize!
SinbadCaptionBot: Zup wins 0 points for Oooooh, shiny!
NessaChan: hehehe
FantasyFreak: My first submission for that one was better; but I wasn't paying attention and thought we could submit two.
Sam: FF: What was it?
FantasyFreak: Sam: "And now, princess, we will discuss the location of your hidden rebel base."
SinbadCaptionBot: Sam chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for Sinbad checks his pecs are properly polished
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for He stood there in the moonlight, every curve of his bulging muscles glistening with sweat. He didn't know I could hear him whisper, just under his breath, "Wow, that's bright."
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for Lou Ferrigno tracked down his true love, LaZorra, only to discover he was not the only one she was throwing panties at.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for It's a good thing I remembered to pack my baby oil on this perilous journey... or how else could they see my muscular physique that shines in the moonlight like a precious jewel?
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for Transplanting my body hair to my head was the best choice I've ever made.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for C'mon, Poochie, I need someone to rub the oil on my legs!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for "Aaah! AAH! My pec got stuck while I was making a funny expression with it! I guess I should have believed Mommy when she said that would happen!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 8 for Hey, do I have enough oil on my muscles? Do they look bulgey enough?
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 9 for Does this hair make my chest look fat?
Sam: [->Bots] "...and if you don't watch out, I'll glaze myself with body oil AGAIN!" (22:35:42)
vball: vote 9
ThePhan: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 9
NessaChan: lol too many lols in this one
Zup: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 3
FantasyFreak: vote 4
Sam: #2 is from a Twilight book, isn't it?
Maryam: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 8
Kysle: vote 9
goldfishy: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 7
FantasyFreak: Sam: Not that I recognize.
Sam: vote 3
Sentynel: vote 3
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 3 points for It's a good thing I remembered to pack my baby oil on this perilous journey... or how else could they see my muscular physique that shines in the moonlight like a precious jewel?
SinbadCaptionBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for Lou Ferrigno tracked down his true love, LaZorra, only to discover he was not the only one she was throwing panties at.
SinbadCaptionBot: FantasyFreak wins 2 points for Does this hair make my chest look fat?
SinbadCaptionBot: vball wins 2 points for Transplanting my body hair to my head was the best choice I've ever made.
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 1 point for "Aaah! AAH! My pec got stuck while I was making a funny expression with it! I guess I should have believed Mommy when she said that would happen!"
SinbadCaptionBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for Hey, do I have enough oil on my muscles? Do they look bulgey enough?
SinbadCaptionBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for He stood there in the moonlight, every curve of his bulging muscles glistening with sweat. He didn't know I could hear him whisper, just under his breath, "Wow, that's bright."
SinbadCaptionBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for Sinbad checks his pecs are properly polished
SinbadCaptionBot: Zup wins 0 points for C'mon, Poochie, I need someone to rub the oil on my legs!
Sam: LaZ: Well it ought to be.
Sentynel: Sam: No, can't be. It uses too many different adjectives.
* LaZorra couldn't think of anything that sounded quite dumb enough for him to say.
Sam: It RULES.
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
NessaChan: every one but that one we'd already seen.
Sam: All I can think of for this is what was in the comic. "The book's in your lap, mom."
gremlinn: Short but sweet.
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for "Once upon a time, there was a muscular-physiqued, shiny man, whose pecs glistened like a diamond in the moonlight." "Mom, can we read a different story for a change?"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for "And then Sinbad and his crew found Jaffar and captured him. What? Too short? Okay, fine. Er, Sinbad and his crew fell for Jaffar's deception and set off to find the Gems of Basra!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for "Mommy, when will we move out of this tent and into a real house? I'm cold!" "Hush up. It builds character. Now I'm going to read you your Latin lesson, and you had better pay attention."
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for "And somewhere, there's a little boy who's getting a MUCH more entertaining bedtime story read to him. But I want you to go to sleep, so let's continue."
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for After 93 minutes of story: "All right, honey! That was page one! Tomorrow we'll read page two!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for Mom: "And then I went to the hairdresser's, and I chatted with Hilda about Marvin, you know he's so out there sometimes..." Girl (to herself): "I wish mom would just read me a story instead of telling me about her day"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for Honey... This book is in Arabic. Please translate.
ThePhan: vote 1
LaZorra: vote 6
Sentynel: vote 1
Zup: vote 1
Maryam: vote 4
vball: vote 3
Sam: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 4
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 3 points for "Once upon a time, there was a muscular-physiqued, shiny man, whose pecs glistened like a diamond in the moonlight." "Mom, can we read a different story for a change?"
SinbadCaptionBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for "And somewhere, there's a little boy who's getting a MUCH more entertaining bedtime story read to him. But I want you to go to sleep, so let's continue."
SinbadCaptionBot: Zup wins 2 points for Mom: "And then I went to the hairdresser's, and I chatted with Hilda about Marvin, you know he's so out there sometimes..." Girl (to herself): "I wish mom would just read me a story instead of telling me about her day"
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 1 point for "Mommy, when will we move out of this tent and into a real house? I'm cold!" "Hush up. It builds character. Now I'm going to read you your Latin lesson, and you had better pay attention."
SinbadCaptionBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for "And then Sinbad and his crew found Jaffar and captured him. What? Too short? Okay, fine. Er, Sinbad and his crew fell for Jaffar's deception and set off to find the Gems of Basra!"
SinbadCaptionBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for After 93 minutes of story: "All right, honey! That was page one! Tomorrow we'll read page two!"
SinbadCaptionBot: vball wins 0 points for Honey... This book is in Arabic. Please translate.
Sam: Speaking of Sinbad, if you haven't noticed yet, season 2 of Sinbad Comic started today. The first episode: http://www.rinkworks.com/sinbad/
Zup: Nessa: You're doing amazing! Keep it up!
NessaChan: thanks :)
gremlinn: Nitpick question: Is "you're doing amazing!" correct grammar?
LaZorra: grem: No.
Sentynel: grem: No, should be "amazingly".
LaZorra: Amazing is an adjective.
Zup: Fine, fine, let's nazi my grammar.
gremlinn: I would think "amazingly", but I can't even remember ever seeing that used. By itself.
* LaZorra would think it needs to be "amazingly well," else "amazingly" doesn't modify anything.
gremlinn: It could modify "doing" maybe.
Sam: LaZ: "amazingly" can modify "doing."
Sam: Like, "You're running quickly."
gremlinn: Like "You're doing well" in fact.
LaZorra: Hmm, I guess it's just one of those weird bits that doesn't sound right.
Zup: Like it's not supposed to be "Drive safe," right?
LaZorra: Right.
gremlinn: Yeah, but everyone says it. I'm so going to call the next person on it.
gremlinn: You want me to drive a locked storage container? Are you mad?
LaZorra: grem: LOL
LaZorra: But with "drive safely" or "running quickly," you can invert the words and it still sounds fine. "doing amazingly" doesn't work like that.
gremlinn: LZ: Safely should you drive....
NessaChan: "Drive cautiously and without injury to you or others!"
gremlinn: Might be "do" as a helping verb, actually.
LaZorra: grem: That might be it, actually.
Zup: Should it be "You're doing amazingly well?"
gremlinn: Like, "I'm being amazingly."
Zup: LOL
* LaZorra is being amazingly, too.
gremlinn: I'm existing in a most splendid manner you should behold.
Zup: grem: Stop braggingly.
Sam: grem/LaZ: "do" is kind of weird in that it is a proverb. Like a pronoun, only a proverb. It stands in for other verbs. As in, "When I ate my socks, she did too." It's weird how nobody teaches that.
gremlinn: Ooh, the rare meaning of "proverb".
Maryam: A proverb? Like, a saying?
* LaZorra thought a proverb was something you got in a fortune cookie.
Sam: Yeah, but no. With a long o.
Sam: pro-verb
* Sam is very pro-verb.
NessaChan: I'm Anti-Verb, myself.
Sentynel: LaZ: A proverb is actually the opposite of an amateur verb.
NessaChan: ahaha amateur verb.
ThePhan: Proverbs 17:10: "Do."
* LaZorra cracks up at you people.
gremlinn: Technically, you crack up "from" people.
* Zup is proadjective and probable, but not proverb.
LaZorra: Zup: I'm pro-babble too!
Zup: I'm also pro-babby.
Zup: I know how babby is formed.
Maryam: That still cracks me up.
gremlinn: You don't crack up. You crack apart.
Zup: You crack corn, guys.
gremlinn: I don't care, Zup.
ThePhan: Zup: I don't... grem beat.
Maryam: So does a house burn up or burn down?
gremlinn: Part burns up. Most burns down.
Zup: I know when things burn down, the explode out, I get blown clear.
Sam: LOL! It wouldn't be a UBT without a crack corn joke.
Zup: Sam: LOL
Maryam: It wouldn't?
Sam: Yeah, Zup did a "/me cracks corn and does not care" in some early UBT at a funny moment, and there had been periodic references back to that in later ones.
Maryam: I guess that rings vague bells.
Zup: Mostly, all those later references are about how funny I am and how not funny other people are that make the same joke.
Sentynel: I love how many in-jokes this place has.
Sam: UBT #1, Session 6, and UBT #4, Session 6. But I think I edited out at least one other time.
gremlinn: I didn't know it was an existing joke.
* LaZorra either.
Sam: Yeah, for the reason Zup said.
Zup: We were all cracking jokes about cracking things last time.
Sam: What I don't understand is why the subject only comes up at UBT's.
SinbadCaptionBot: Kysle chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Zup: Again?
Kysle: Sorry.
Maryam: There doesn't seem to be a very big pool. When I have to pick, several of the images were used already.
Sam: Yeah. I'll add more for the next time.
Sam: Maryam: I took out the images we got last time, but I didn't replace them with more. I guess I should have.
Maryam: Sam: Ah.
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for Jaffar racked his brain for a second caption for this image, but he knew deep down that he was going to lose CaptionBot.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for How does she manage to look worse every time she comes out the dressing room? "Yes it's lovely dear!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for Jaffar was taken aback when he saw Kysle's pick. It was him! Again!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for "Leg cramp! Erg! Must... not... crumple... must keep up appearances..."
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for Jaffar discovers Rule 34 applies to Sinbad.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for <witty comment that I didn't make the last time this image came around>
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for "Um... Sultan.... sir...? I know you enjoy being at the beach but is the G-string swimsuit really neccessary?"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 8 for Again, my dear?
LaZorra: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 5
vball: vote 2
Zup: vote 7
Sam: vote 2
gremlinn: vote 2
Maryam: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 4
NessaChan: hm 5
goldfishy: vote 1
Kysle: 5 scares me.
Sentynel: vote 1
SinbadCaptionBot: goldfishy wins 3 points for How does she manage to look worse every time she comes out the dressing room? "Yes it's lovely dear!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Sentynel wins 2 points for Jaffar discovers Rule 34 applies to Sinbad.
SinbadCaptionBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for Jaffar racked his brain for a second caption for this image, but he knew deep down that he was going to lose CaptionBot.
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 1 point for "Leg cramp! Erg! Must... not... crumple... must keep up appearances..."
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for "Um... Sultan.... sir...? I know you enjoy being at the beach but is the G-string swimsuit really neccessary?"
SinbadCaptionBot: Zup wins 1 point for Jaffar was taken aback when he saw Kysle's pick. It was him! Again!
SinbadCaptionBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for <witty comment that I didn't make the last time this image came around>
SinbadCaptionBot: vball wins 0 points for Again, my dear?
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins!
NessaChan: woot.
Sentynel: Yay Nessa!
Zup: Congrats!
vball: Nice Nessa!
NessaChan: Thanks :D
ThePhan: Yay Nessa!
Maryam: Yay Nessa!
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=8
ThePhan: ???BOT???BOT???BOT???BOT
Sam: Man. The top of the charts is still REALLY close.
Sam: Just two points separate #1 and #2.
Sentynel: Eek.
Maryam: It's a nailbiter.
Sam: Coming up in 5 minutes: ???Bot!
Zup: YAY!
NessaChan: ???BOT?!?!
ThePhan: ???BOT!!!
HotOrNotDollBot has been summoned by Sam.
NessaChan: oh boy
ThePhan: LOL
NessaChan: hehe
Zup: LOL
LaZorra: o.o
HotOrNotDollBot: , ,
HotOrNotDollBot: What do you think Sam rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
LaZorra: ...............
goldfishy: Hehe!
gremlinn: 3 2 4
NessaChan: 5 1 6
Maryam: 6 1 5
Zup: 6 1 6
Sentynel: 5 1 3
ThePhan: 5 1 4
goldfishy: 3 1 5
Zup: LOL
LaZorra: 6 1 4
HotOrNotDollBot: Sam's ratings were: 6 1 4.
HotOrNotDollBot: LaZorra guesses 6 1 4 (correct) and scores 5 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: ThePhan guesses 5 1 4 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: Maryam guesses 6 1 5 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: Sentynel guesses 5 1 3 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: Zup guesses 6 1 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: NessaChan guesses 5 1 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: Kysle guesses 6 2 2 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: goldfishy guesses 3 1 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: gremlinn guesses 3 2 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: vball guesses 6 4 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: The highest score was 5, so Sam earns 5 points.
vball: 6 4 5
Maryam: Yes. Very bizarre.
* Sentynel cannot stop giggling
gremlinn: Four shaves and four haircuts.
ThePhan: grem: LOL LOL
HotOrNotDollBot: , ,
HotOrNotDollBot: What do you think vball rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Sam: 7 1 1
Zup: 6 2 5
Maryam: 4 2 2
NessaChan: 3 1 2
gremlinn: 5 2 2
ThePhan: 6 2 2
goldfishy: 3 1 1
Sentynel: 5 2 1
LaZorra: 6 2 1
HotOrNotDollBot: vball's ratings were: 5 4 4.
HotOrNotDollBot: Kysle guesses 6 3 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: gremlinn guesses 5 2 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Zup guesses 6 2 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Maryam guesses 4 2 2 (off by 5) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Sentynel guesses 5 2 1 (off by 5) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: ThePhan guesses 6 2 2 (off by 5) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: LaZorra guesses 6 2 1 (off by 6) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: NessaChan guesses 3 1 2 (off by 7) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: goldfishy guesses 3 1 1 (off by 8) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Sam guesses 7 1 1 (off by 8) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: The highest score was 1, so vball earns 1 point.
HotOrNotDollBot: , ,
HotOrNotDollBot: What do you think gremlinn rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
LaZorra: LOL
Maryam: 5 7 7
Sam: 5 7 6
ThePhan: 5 7 6
NessaChan: 5 5 6
goldfishy: 5 7 7
Sentynel: 5 6 7
Zup: 6 7 7
LaZorra: 5 6 5
vball: 4 6 6
FantasyFreak: 4 7 6
HotOrNotDollBot: gremlinn's ratings were: 7 7 5.
HotOrNotDollBot: LaZorra guesses 5 6 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: Sam guesses 5 7 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: ThePhan guesses 5 7 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: Zup guesses 6 7 7 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: FantasyFreak guesses 4 7 6 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: goldfishy guesses 5 7 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Maryam guesses 5 7 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Kysle guesses 4 6 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: vball guesses 4 6 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: NessaChan guesses 5 5 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Sentynel guesses 5 6 7 (off by 5) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: The highest score was 1, so gremlinn earns 1 point.
vball: He gave the third gal a 5 because she hadn't taken her bath yet.
Maryam: I guess doing laundry isn't that sexy.
gremlinn: Her makeup looked weird.
Sam: Goosey needs to come back.
HotOrNotDollBot: , ,
HotOrNotDollBot: What do you think Kysle rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
NessaChan: I am very bad at HoNDoll Bot
Maryam: What's with all the domesticity?
NessaChan: ooh vacuums
Zup: 5 6 4
Sam: 4 5 3
gremlinn: 2 5 3
Zup: Women love vacuums.
NessaChan: 6 5 6
ThePhan: 4 6 3
FantasyFreak: 4 6 5
Maryam: 4 5 4
LaZorra: 6 4 3
ThePhan: 3 6 3
gremlinn: Zup: I don't, because they suck.
NessaChan: haha
Zup: grem: How dare you say that women suck! Take that back!
Sentynel: 4 5 6
goldfishy: 4 5 4
vball: 3 5 4
HotOrNotDollBot: Kysle's ratings were: 4 5 4.
HotOrNotDollBot: goldfishy guesses 4 5 4 (correct) and scores 5 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: Maryam guesses 4 5 4 (correct) and scores 5 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: vball guesses 3 5 4 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: Sam guesses 4 5 3 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: Sentynel guesses 4 5 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: FantasyFreak guesses 4 6 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: Zup guesses 5 6 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: gremlinn guesses 2 5 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: ThePhan guesses 3 6 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: LaZorra guesses 6 4 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: NessaChan guesses 6 5 6 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: The highest score was 5, so Kysle earns 5 points.
Sam: I like how none of us appear to be having any trouble at all RATING GIFs OF CARTOONS.
Sam: It just comes naturally.
Zup: LOL
LaZorra: Sam: I almost couldn't do it the first couple of rounds because it was just so stinking weird.
HotOrNotDollBot: , ,
HotOrNotDollBot: What do you think NessaChan rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
gremlinn: 7 6 2
Sam: 4 7 1
LaZorra: 7 5 1
vball: 4 7 1
Maryam: 6 4 2
goldfishy: 7 5 1
ThePhan: 6 6 2
FantasyFreak: 4 6 2
Sentynel: 7 6 1
goldfishy: #1 really knows how to play a cello
Zup: 6 7 1
HotOrNotDollBot: NessaChan's ratings were: 5 5 1.
HotOrNotDollBot: goldfishy guesses 7 5 1 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: LaZorra guesses 7 5 1 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: FantasyFreak guesses 4 6 2 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: Sam guesses 4 7 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: vball guesses 4 7 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: Maryam guesses 6 4 2 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: ThePhan guesses 6 6 2 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: Zup guesses 6 7 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: Sentynel guesses 7 6 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: gremlinn guesses 7 6 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Kysle guesses 3 6 4 (off by 6) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: The highest score was 2, so NessaChan earns 2 points.
Kysle: Such low pockets.
vball: I thought it was understood that every bride looks beautiful.
Zup: I really would be embarrassed to win this bot.
LaZorra: LOL
FantasyFreak: Zup: LOL
ThePhan: LOL
HotOrNotDollBot: , ,
HotOrNotDollBot: What do you think goldfishy rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
vball: 5 5 2
Zup: 6 4 4
gremlinn: 4 4 3
NessaChan: 6 4 5
LaZorra: 5 3 4
Sam: 4 4 6
ThePhan: 5 5 4
Maryam: #3's dress hurts my eyes.
ThePhan: Maryam: Mine too.
Maryam: 5 3 3
goldfishy: She's in pjs I think
Sentynel: 4 4 5
gremlinn: #3 probably reads the National Inquirer.
FantasyFreak: 5 4 5
HotOrNotDollBot: goldfishy's ratings were: 4 6 5.
HotOrNotDollBot: Sentynel guesses 4 4 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: Kysle guesses 5 5 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: Sam guesses 4 4 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: FantasyFreak guesses 5 4 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: ThePhan guesses 5 5 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: gremlinn guesses 4 4 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: NessaChan guesses 6 4 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: LaZorra guesses 5 3 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: vball guesses 5 5 2 (off by 5) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Zup guesses 6 4 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Maryam guesses 5 3 3 (off by 6) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: The highest score was 2, so goldfishy earns 2 points.
Sentynel: I'm pretty sure these things are getting consistently higher ratings than actual people.
Sam: Sent: Sure are.
Sentynel: On the one hand, they're idealised images, so they're drawn to be attractive.
Sentynel: But on the other hand, they're little drawings.
HotOrNotDollBot: , ,
HotOrNotDollBot: What do you think Sentynel rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
goldfishy: Halloweeen!
Sam: 4 6 2
Kysle: Pippi Longstocking on Halloween.
Maryam: 5 7 4
Zup: 5 5 3
NessaChan: 5 6 5
LaZorra: 4 4 3
ThePhan: 5 6 2
Sam: 4 7 2
goldfishy: 2 6 5
vball: 4 6 3
gremlinn: 4 6 3
FantasyFreak: 4 6 5
HotOrNotDollBot: Sentynel's ratings were: 3 6 3.
HotOrNotDollBot: gremlinn guesses 4 6 3 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: vball guesses 4 6 3 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: goldfishy guesses 2 6 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: LaZorra guesses 4 4 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: FantasyFreak guesses 4 6 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: Sam guesses 4 7 2 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: Zup guesses 5 5 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: ThePhan guesses 5 6 2 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: NessaChan guesses 5 6 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Maryam guesses 5 7 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Kysle guesses 4 5 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: The highest score was 3, so Sentynel earns 3 points.
* Zup has an inner conflict between the weirdness of this and the drive of competition.
HotOrNotDollBot: , ,
HotOrNotDollBot: What do you think Maryam rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Goosey has entered.
gremlinn: 3 4 2
Zup: 1 5 6
vball: 1 5 3
NessaChan: 2 6 5
LaZorra: 1 5 3
Sentynel: 2 5 3
FantasyFreak: 2 3 3
ThePhan: 2 5 4
goldfishy: 1 5 2
Kysle: What is it with these low pockets?
Maryam: Kysle: Cargo pants.
Sam: 1 3 6
goldfishy: #3 looks like he's doing bad mime
Kysle: Or conducting
HotOrNotDollBot: Maryam's ratings were: 1 3 3.
HotOrNotDollBot: FantasyFreak guesses 2 3 3 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: LaZorra guesses 1 5 3 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: vball guesses 1 5 3 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: Sam guesses 1 3 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: goldfishy guesses 1 5 2 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: Sentynel guesses 2 5 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: ThePhan guesses 2 5 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: gremlinn guesses 3 4 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Zup guesses 1 5 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Kysle guesses 2 6 5 (off by 6) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: NessaChan guesses 2 6 5 (off by 6) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: The highest score was 3, so Maryam earns 3 points.
Maryam: The two on the right looked a little young. Though, it's hard to tell.
Sam: LOL
ThePhan: Heh
HotOrNotDollBot: , ,
HotOrNotDollBot: What do you think Goosey rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Goosey: LOL
Zup: 1 4 3
Maryam: 1 3 3
FantasyFreak: 4 3 3
Sam: 1 4 3
gremlinn: 2 4 3
ThePhan: 1 4 3
Zup: Golf!
NessaChan: 3 5 5
Sentynel: Has #1 borrowed Sinbad's muscles?
Zup: And his oil!
vball: 1 2 2
Sam: #2 and #3 have TINY heads.
goldfishy: 1 1 1
Sentynel: 2 1 2
ThePhan: 1 3 2
gremlinn: Sentynel: maybe he pecced them out at the library.
vball: 1 2 3
LaZorra: 1 4 2
HotOrNotDollBot: Goosey's ratings were: 1 2 3.
HotOrNotDollBot: vball guesses 1 2 3 (correct) and scores 5 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: Maryam guesses 1 3 3 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: ThePhan guesses 1 3 2 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: Sam guesses 1 4 3 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: Zup guesses 1 4 3 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: goldfishy guesses 1 1 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: LaZorra guesses 1 4 2 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: Sentynel guesses 2 1 2 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: gremlinn guesses 2 4 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: FantasyFreak guesses 4 3 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: NessaChan guesses 3 5 5 (off by 7) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Kysle guesses 7 7 7 (off by 15) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: The highest score was 5, so Goosey earns 5 points.
LaZorra: #3 is my group partner. :-p
Sam: hahaha
HotOrNotDollBot: , ,
HotOrNotDollBot: What do you think LaZorra rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Sam: 1 4 5
FantasyFreak: 3 2 5
NessaChan: lol is that a football uniform?!
Goosey: 4 1 3
gremlinn: 1 1 3
NessaChan: Does NOT look safe.
vball: 3 1 1
Maryam: 4 1 3
goldfishy: 2 1 3
ThePhan: 3 1 2
vball: 2 1 1
Goosey: LZ: LOL
gremlinn: LZ: me too. Multiple times.
NessaChan: 5 1 2
Sentynel: 2 1 4
Zup: 1 1 3
HotOrNotDollBot: LaZorra's ratings were: 5 1 1.
HotOrNotDollBot: Kysle guesses 4 1 1 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: NessaChan guesses 5 1 2 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: vball guesses 2 1 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: ThePhan guesses 3 1 2 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: Goosey guesses 4 1 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: Maryam guesses 4 1 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: goldfishy guesses 2 1 3 (off by 5) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: gremlinn guesses 1 1 3 (off by 6) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Zup guesses 1 1 3 (off by 6) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Sentynel guesses 2 1 4 (off by 6) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: FantasyFreak guesses 3 2 5 (off by 7) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Sam guesses 1 4 5 (off by 11) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: The highest score was 3, so LaZorra earns 3 points.
gremlinn: Eww, corn rows.
NessaChan: lol
HotOrNotDollBot: , ,
HotOrNotDollBot: What do you think ThePhan rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
LaZorra: bahaha
Goosey: dahaha
LaZorra: 1 6 5
Zup: 5 6 6
gremlinn: 3 6 4
goldfishy: 1 5 4
NessaChan: 1 6 6
Maryam: 1 5 5
Sentynel: 1 5 4
Kysle: Is it just me or does #2 have a ... slightly long neck?
Sam: 2 5 4
vball: 3 5 4
Sentynel: #1 looks like he belongs in the Matrix.
TalkingDog: Or DBZ.
FantasyFreak: 4 7 6
Goosey: 1 4 4
HotOrNotDollBot: ThePhan's ratings were: 1 4 3.
HotOrNotDollBot: Goosey guesses 1 4 4 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: goldfishy guesses 1 5 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: Sentynel guesses 1 5 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: Kysle guesses 1 5 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: Maryam guesses 1 5 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: Sam guesses 2 5 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: LaZorra guesses 1 6 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: vball guesses 3 5 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: NessaChan guesses 1 6 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: gremlinn guesses 3 6 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: FantasyFreak guesses 4 7 6 (off by 9) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Zup guesses 5 6 6 (off by 9) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: The highest score was 3, so ThePhan earns 3 points.
ThePhan: #2's head is awkwardly proportioned, so he was going to be a 3, but then I realized he was Barney Stinson, so he got a 4.
Maryam: LOL!
Kysle: lol
Maryam: I don't think Barney's suits are quite that... shiny.
ThePhan: Maryam: Not quite, no. But nor is NPH's head that massive.
vball: #1's pants are so baggy...maybe it's a skirt!
HotOrNotDollBot: , ,
HotOrNotDollBot: What do you think FantasyFreak rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
NessaChan: lol
Sam: Whooo.
Kysle: Bwaha
Maryam: LOL LOL at the sparkling boobs!
ThePhan: LOL
FantasyFreak: Oh my.
NessaChan: 1 6 5
vball: 1 7 7
goldfishy: Sparkly belly dancer!
FantasyFreak: Electric pasties!
Maryam: FF: Hahahaa
Sentynel: Just in case you're worried your cleavage isn't attracting enough attention already...
LaZorra: Sent: Those are quite well placed sparkles.
Sam: It only lights up when her hip is shifted left.
Sam: You can turn the lights on and off just by swaying.
gremlinn: Sam: it's a wind-up-powered dress.
ThePhan: If I had a light-up bra, I would definitely stand around sashaying my hips like that.
* goldfishy wants a light up bra
ThePhan: 1 6 7
gremlinn: 5 7 6
Sam: 4 6 7
Maryam: 1 2 4
gremlinn: Those are the same muscles as before.
Goosey: 2 5 5
TalkingDog: #1 looks like he can't help smiling.
Zup: 1 7 6
goldfishy: 1 7 7
NessaChan: what is with these guys and their hat brims
Sentynel: 2 5 3
NessaChan: You've gotta have a gimmick
Sam: 4 7 7
LaZorra: vote 2 5 6
LaZorra: SAM I DID
HotOrNotDollBot: FantasyFreak's ratings were: 5 3 5.
HotOrNotDollBot: Goosey guesses 2 5 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: gremlinn guesses 5 7 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Maryam guesses 1 2 4 (off by 6) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Kysle guesses 2 2 3 (off by 6) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: NessaChan guesses 1 6 5 (off by 7) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Sentynel guesses 2 5 3 (off by 7) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Sam guesses 4 7 7 (off by 7) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: ThePhan guesses 1 6 7 (off by 9) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Zup guesses 1 7 6 (off by 9) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: goldfishy guesses 1 7 7 (off by 10) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: vball guesses 1 7 7 (off by 10) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: No scores.
LaZorra: 2 5 6
LaZorra: GAH
Sam: ...
gremlinn: No score anyway.
HotOrNotDollBot: , ,
HotOrNotDollBot: What do you think Zup rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Maryam: 5 7 7
NessaChan: 6 7 6
Sam: 5 4 3
ThePhan: 4 6 4
vball: 7 7 5
Sentynel: 4 6 6
FantasyFreak: 7 6 6
LaZorra: 6 5 2
goldfishy: 2 5 2
gremlinn: 4 5 3
HotOrNotDollBot: Zup's ratings were: 5 4 2.
HotOrNotDollBot: Sam guesses 5 4 3 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: LaZorra guesses 6 5 2 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: gremlinn guesses 4 5 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: goldfishy guesses 2 5 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Kysle guesses 4 5 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: ThePhan guesses 4 6 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Sentynel guesses 4 6 6 (off by 7) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Maryam guesses 5 7 7 (off by 8) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: NessaChan guesses 6 7 6 (off by 8) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: FantasyFreak guesses 7 6 6 (off by 8) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: vball guesses 7 7 5 (off by 8) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: The highest score was 3, so Zup earns 3 points.
Zup: Sam! So close!
Maryam: Wait, is she a sexy pirate or a sexy Santa helper?
Sam: Pirates have Christmas too!
TalkingDog: Pirates have candy canes for hooks on Christmas.
HotOrNotDollBot: , ,
HotOrNotDollBot: What do you think Sentynel rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Goosey: 7 7 7
Sam: 5 7 6
Zup: 6 6 7
gremlinn: 6 2 4
Sam: Maryam: You were winning this game a few rounds ago.
Maryam: Sam: When I checked a few rounds ago, you were.
Sam: Maryam: There was at least one round when you were leading 18-17. Maybe just the one, I dunno.
Maryam: Sam: Oh.
FantasyFreak: 6 6 5
goldfishy: 5 2 6
ThePhan: 6 6 6
NessaChan: 5 5 5
* Sam puts on Battle Without Honor Or Humanity, and suddenly the act of rating cartoon hotties is imbued with awesome drama and import.
vball: 7 4 5
Maryam: 7 5 4
HotOrNotDollBot: Sentynel's ratings were: 7 6 6.
HotOrNotDollBot: ThePhan guesses 6 6 6 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: FantasyFreak guesses 6 6 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: Zup guesses 6 6 7 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: Goosey guesses 7 7 7 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: Sam guesses 5 7 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: vball guesses 7 4 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: Maryam guesses 7 5 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: NessaChan guesses 5 5 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: goldfishy guesses 5 2 6 (off by 6) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: gremlinn guesses 6 2 4 (off by 7) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: The highest score was 3, so Sentynel earns 3 points.
goldfishy: This is just gonna make me want to make more dolls and I already made a whole load
LaZorra: LOL
goldfishy: And I still don't quite understand the attraction
gremlinn: You can donate them for this game, maybe.
* NessaChan has also made dolls in the past
HotOrNotDollBot: , ,
HotOrNotDollBot: What do you think Maryam rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
ThePhan: LOL
LaZorra: bahah
Sam: 7 2 2
LaZorra: 1 1 2
ThePhan: He has a nice face, but the costume!
vball: 2 2 2
Maryam: Phan: Those were my thoughts exactly.
gremlinn: 4 2 5
NessaChan: 6 4 2
NessaChan: he's tall
goldfishy: 5 1 1
ThePhan: 2 3 2
FantasyFreak: 1 2 3
Kysle: Nessa: A six?
Zup: 1 1 2
NessaChan: Kysle: he was tall!
Sentynel: 1 1 2
HotOrNotDollBot: Maryam's ratings were: 2 1 1.
HotOrNotDollBot: LaZorra guesses 1 1 2 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: Sentynel guesses 1 1 2 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: Zup guesses 1 1 2 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: vball guesses 2 2 2 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: Kysle guesses 1 2 2 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: ThePhan guesses 2 3 2 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: goldfishy guesses 5 1 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: FantasyFreak guesses 1 2 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: gremlinn guesses 4 2 5 (off by 7) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Sam guesses 7 2 2 (off by 7) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: NessaChan guesses 6 4 2 (off by 8) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: The highest score was 2, so Maryam earns 2 points.
Sam: Oooh, tie game.
Sam: So there are roughly 1000 dolls in this bot.
HotOrNotDollBot: , ,
HotOrNotDollBot: What do you think Zup rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
gremlinn: 2 4 7
Maryam: Grey-brown. My favorite skin color.
goldfishy: 1 2 5
ThePhan: 2 4 6
Sam: 4 4 6
LaZorra: 3 4 7
Sentynel: Captain Kirk gives her a 7.
FantasyFreak: 4 4 6
NessaChan: 2 5 5
Sam: #1 looks like she ate the blueberry gum at Willy Wonka's without permission.
FantasyFreak: Sam: LOL
vball: 5 4 5
Maryam: 2 4 6
Zup: 2 reminds me of paris hilton. ugh
Sentynel: 2 4 5
Kysle: That cat's pretty cute
HotOrNotDollBot: Zup's ratings were: 3 2 6.
HotOrNotDollBot: Kysle guesses 2 2 6 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: goldfishy guesses 1 2 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: Maryam guesses 2 4 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: ThePhan guesses 2 4 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: LaZorra guesses 3 4 7 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: FantasyFreak guesses 4 4 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: Sam guesses 4 4 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: Sentynel guesses 2 4 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: gremlinn guesses 2 4 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: NessaChan guesses 2 5 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: vball guesses 5 4 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: The highest score was 3, so Zup earns 3 points.
gremlinn: A crocodile is eating her.... already severed lower leg.
Sam: hahahaha, yeah. #2's right shin is just leaning up against the rest of her.
gremlinn: I meant #3.
Sam: grem: It was the severed leg round, I guess.
HotOrNotDollBot: , ,
HotOrNotDollBot: What do you think vball rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Sam: 4 3 4
NessaChan: 2 4 2
Zup: 4 5 5
LaZorra: 3 2 3
goldfishy: 3 4 2
ThePhan: 4 3 5
FantasyFreak: 2 2 5
Maryam: 3 4 4
gremlinn: 3 3 6
Sentynel: 3 3 3
HotOrNotDollBot: vball's ratings were: 1 2 1.
HotOrNotDollBot: Kysle guesses 2 2 2 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: NessaChan guesses 2 4 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: LaZorra guesses 3 2 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: FantasyFreak guesses 2 2 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Sentynel guesses 3 3 3 (off by 5) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: goldfishy guesses 3 4 2 (off by 5) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Maryam guesses 3 4 4 (off by 7) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Sam guesses 4 3 4 (off by 7) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: gremlinn guesses 3 3 6 (off by 8) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: ThePhan guesses 4 3 5 (off by 8) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Zup guesses 4 5 5 (off by 10) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: The highest score was 2, so vball earns 2 points.
NessaChan: oh bother.
Sam: Maryam, vball, and me, tied for the lead.
gremlinn: Why all the low guy ratings?
vball: I don't like the baggy pant legs.
Maryam: gold: Same.
Sentynel: grem: They're losing marks from me for looking like twerps.
HotOrNotDollBot: , ,
HotOrNotDollBot: What do you think Kysle rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Sam: 7 5 4
Maryam: 6 5 3
gremlinn: 7 3 5
goldfishy: 7 6 5
NessaChan: 7 5 5
ThePhan: 6 5 3
vball: 7 5 6
FantasyFreak: 5 5 6
Sentynel: 6 6 5
Zup: 6 6 6
Goosey: 7 6 5
HotOrNotDollBot: Kysle's ratings were: 6 6 6.
HotOrNotDollBot: Zup guesses 6 6 6 (correct) and scores 5 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: Sentynel guesses 6 6 5 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: FantasyFreak guesses 5 5 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: vball guesses 7 5 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: goldfishy guesses 7 6 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: Goosey guesses 7 6 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: NessaChan guesses 7 5 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: Maryam guesses 6 5 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: ThePhan guesses 6 5 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Sam guesses 7 5 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: gremlinn guesses 7 3 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: The highest score was 5, so Kysle earns 5 points.
Sam: noooooooooooooo
NessaChan: a point!
Sam: And Kysle and Zup take the lead!
ThePhan: LOL
NessaChan: lol
FantasyFreak: Cue evil, Jaffar style laughter here!
HotOrNotDollBot: , ,
HotOrNotDollBot: What do you think LaZorra rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Zup: 4 5 2
gremlinn: 1 1 1
Maryam: 2 6 1
vball: 1 1 1
NessaChan: 2 4 1
Sam: 4 3 2
goldfishy: 1 4 1
FantasyFreak: 1 2 1
ThePhan: 2 2 1
Sam: hahaha. #3 looks hilarious next to the other two.
ThePhan: Look at the teeny tiny short guy with the muscles!
Kysle: What's with the hands-behind-the-back stance?
Kysle: What are they all hiding?
Sentynel: 2 4 1
HotOrNotDollBot: LaZorra's ratings were: 2 2 1.
HotOrNotDollBot: ThePhan guesses 2 2 1 (correct) and scores 5 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: FantasyFreak guesses 1 2 1 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: Kysle guesses 1 2 1 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: gremlinn guesses 1 1 1 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: vball guesses 1 1 1 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: NessaChan guesses 2 4 1 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: Sentynel guesses 2 4 1 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: goldfishy guesses 1 4 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: Maryam guesses 2 6 1 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Sam guesses 4 3 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Zup guesses 4 5 2 (off by 6) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: The highest score was 5, so LaZorra earns 5 points.
* ThePhan high fives LaZorra.
NessaChan: 2 poubts!
NessaChan: points!
TalkingDog: Water balloons!
ThePhan: #2 looks Robert Pattinsonesque to me. Except with more skin color.
Sentynel: #1's arm is cut off.
gremlinn: They didn't layer things right at some point.
HotOrNotDollBot: , ,
HotOrNotDollBot: What do you think NessaChan rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Zup: 1 6 7
gremlinn: 1 7 7
Maryam: 5 5 5
Sam: 5 7 5
vball: 1 6 6
ThePhan: 5 6 6
FantasyFreak: 2 6 6
goldfishy: 2 6 6
Kysle: Blue hair's hot.
goldfishy: I want blue hair to go with my light up bra
Sentynel: 4 5 7
ThePhan: #1 looks like a nice person.
Sam: #2 is wearing what everybody wears on plane trips.
HotOrNotDollBot: NessaChan's ratings were: 6 5 4.
HotOrNotDollBot: Maryam guesses 5 5 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: Kysle guesses 6 3 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: ThePhan guesses 5 6 6 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Sam guesses 5 7 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Sentynel guesses 4 5 7 (off by 5) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: FantasyFreak guesses 2 6 6 (off by 7) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: goldfishy guesses 2 6 6 (off by 7) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: vball guesses 1 6 6 (off by 8) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Zup guesses 1 6 7 (off by 9) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: gremlinn guesses 1 7 7 (off by 10) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: The highest score was 2, so NessaChan earns 2 points.
NessaChan: ^_^
HotOrNotDollBot: , ,
HotOrNotDollBot: What do you think gremlinn rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Zup: 7 7 7
Sam: 7 4 5
Maryam: 5 4 3
NessaChan: 6 5 4
ThePhan: 7 4 5
Sentynel: 7 4 4
ThePhan: #3 = Elle Woods.
FantasyFreak: 6 6 6
goldfishy: 7 5 6
NessaChan: she's going to spill makeup on her exceedingly round bed.
Sam: NC: LOL!
NessaChan: And the makeup will be named something like "Blissful Red Moonbeams"
vball: 6 7 7
Zup: Why does 2 need a magnifying glass?
Sam: I think that's a mirror.
FantasyFreak: Zup: that would probably be a mirror.
goldfishy: #2 only has one leg
ThePhan: goldfishy: I wasn't even sure if that was her leg or not or something to do with the bed.
HotOrNotDollBot: gremlinn's ratings were: 5 5 5.
HotOrNotDollBot: NessaChan guesses 6 5 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: Kysle guesses 6 5 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotDollBot: Maryam guesses 5 4 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: FantasyFreak guesses 6 6 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: Sam guesses 7 4 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: ThePhan guesses 7 4 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: goldfishy guesses 7 5 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotDollBot: Sentynel guesses 7 4 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: vball guesses 6 7 7 (off by 5) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: Zup guesses 7 7 7 (off by 6) and does not score.
HotOrNotDollBot: The highest score was 2, so gremlinn earns 2 points.
HotOrNotDollBot: Kysle wins!
HotOrNotDollBot: Portrait of FantasyFreak: . Portrait of goldfishy: . Portrait of Goosey: . Portrait of gremlinn: . Portrait of Kysle: . Portrait of LaZorra: . Portrait of Maryam: . Portrait of NessaChan: . Portrait of Sam: . Portrait of Sentynel: . Portrait of SinbadCaptionBot: . Portrait of TalkingDog: . Portrait of ThePhan: . Portrait of vball: . Portrait of Zup: .
HotOrNotDollBot: Hottest:
HotOrNotDollBot: Least Hot:
Maryam: Grats, Kysle!
Kysle: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! WOO
Kysle: I WIN
NessaChan: lol I'm fairly hot.
Maryam: aaaah no, I'm football dude!
Zup: Of course, mine actually does look like me. If I wore sweaters.
goldfishy: Awww I didn't get coloured hair or a light up bra - I'm so disappointed
Zup: Goldfishy: You are SUPERGIRL though, that makes up for something!
* TalkingDog is MAD. 32.
Maryam: I love that SinbadCaptionBot got one.
NessaChan: lol
Kysle: I've always wanted a staff.
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=8
Sentynel: Hm, kept my 2 point lead.
NessaChan: still really close scores
HotOrNotDollBot has been dismissed by Sam.
SinbadCaptionBot has been dismissed by Sam.
LaZorra: The hottest guy looks like Sac Efron.
LaZorra: *Zac
ThePhan: Zac's brother.
Kysle: LOL
NessaChan: ahaha
LaZorra: *Sak's Fifth Efron
Sam: Ok, because of the time, we'll push MathBot out to a later session. But we'll do AstroBot now. We play to 15 points, and the game starts in 5 minutes.
AstroBot has been summoned by Sam.
* Kysle hasn't seen this one, before.
* FantasyFreak will probably fail AstroBot.
* Kysle tries to recall what he knows about redshifts and dwarfs and all that.
Maryam: Don't forget about redshirts.
LaZorra: Red shifts go with white shoes, but only before Labor Day.
Kysle: Or is this more of a constellation thing?
Sentynel: Kysle: It's mostly stellar magnitudes and planetary moons.
* ThePhan guesses at random for Astro.
Maryam: I sometimes make an educated guess, but mostly it's random.
AstroBot: Questions will be restricted to the following types: Moons: Planets, Moons: Images, Stars: Constellations, Stars: Apparent Magnitudes.
Sam: Still 3 minutes...
Sam: I'm just setting the...settings.
LaZorra: Sam! That was BRILLIANT! You were one of the Sinbad writers, wren't you?
LaZorra: Can I get an autograph?
LaZorra: *sigh* Guess he's too busy to borher with a mere mortal like me.
* LaZorra would have to never say anything.
LaZorra: Oops, i should shouwer then.
LaZorra: *-u
LaZorra: *I
* Sam is indeed too busy to bore her. Busy being entertaining!
* Sentynel registers a higher than average typo density
Maryam: She did warn us she wasn't going to bake sense.
Sam: LOL
Sentynel: Hey, LaZ, what's a regular quadrilateral called?
* LaZorra glares at you all.
ThePhan: So, wait. If the mystery boy was HotOrNotDollBot, this means my new boy toy must be a cartoon, according to the promise I made at the beginning of the tournament. Hrm.
Maryam: I guess it's the bot itself that's your boy toy!
ThePhan: "Gah bot bot mystery bot" sounds like it should be a song.
Sam: TP: Sounds like a hit song by Whizzy Z and the Botz.
ThePhan: "Gah gah gah-ah-ah, ro ma ro-ma-ma, bot bot ooh-gah-gah..."
LaZorra: TP: LOL *dies*
ThePhan: LZ: I'm never going to sing it correctly again.
AstroBot: Starting a new game:
AstroBot: Question: Which of the following is a picture of Hyperion? (1) , (2) , (3) , (4) .
AstroBot: Time's Up!
AstroBot: Answer: (Kysle, NessaChan)
AstroBot: Answer:
AstroBot: Answer: (goldfishy, Maryam, Sam, vball)
AstroBot: Answer: [+1] (FantasyFreak, Sentynel, ThePhan)
NessaChan: that is a lumpy.. thing.
Sam: I knew it was a funky shape.
Maryam: Rats, I almost switched to that one.
AstroBot: Question: Which of these stars is part of the constellation Little Dog [Canis Minor]? (1) Procyon, (2) Castor, (3) Antares, (4) Alioth.
AstroBot: Time's Up!
AstroBot: Answer: Procyon (Little Dog [Canis Minor]) [+1] (goldfishy, Maryam, Sam, Sentynel)
AstroBot: Answer: Castor (Twins [Gemini]) (LaZorra, vball)
AstroBot: Answer: Antares (Scorpion [Scorpius]) (FantasyFreak, NessaChan, ThePhan)
AstroBot: Answer: Alioth (Great Bear [Ursa Major]) (Kysle)
AstroBot: Question: Which of the following is a picture of Proteus? (1) , (2) , (3) , (4) .
Kysle: 4 looks like a plate.
AstroBot: Time's Up!
AstroBot: Answer: (Sentynel)
AstroBot: Answer: (FantasyFreak, Maryam)
AstroBot: Answer: [+1] (goldfishy, Kysle, NessaChan, Sam, ThePhan)
AstroBot: Answer: (LaZorra, vball)
Sentynel: Argh. Changed my answer a second too late.
NessaChan: woo
AstroBot: Question: Which of these stars has a magnitude of 1.14? (1) Bellatrix, (2) Acrux, (3) Rigil Kentaurus, (4) Pollux.
NessaChan: uhmm
Kysle: 3 is a superhero's regular name, right?
Kysle: Or an extinct dinosaur
AstroBot: Time's Up!
AstroBot: Answer: Bellatrix (1.64) (FantasyFreak, LaZorra, NessaChan, vball)
AstroBot: Answer: Acrux (0.79) (Maryam, Sentynel, ThePhan)
AstroBot: Answer: Rigil Kentaurus (-0.29) (Kysle)
AstroBot: Answer: Pollux (1.14) [+1] (goldfishy, Sam)
AstroBot: Question: Which of these moons orbits Saturn? (1) Galatea, (2) Iapetus, (3) Deimos, (4) Portia.
Sentynel: Ugh, I'm not playing up to standard today.
Maryam: Sent: It's ok, you're still keeping your lead so far.
Kysle: How do you have a negative magnitude?
Sam: Kys: Be bright enough.
Sentynel: Kysle: The magnitude is really oddly defined.
Sam: Kys: Look up the magnitude of the sun.
Sentynel: Basically, it comes from a system defined by the earliest astronomers, where the dimmest stars they could see were 6, and the brightest 1.
Sentynel: But there are objects in the sky they couldn't see which are brighter, and so have negative magnitudes.
Kysle: Ohhh.
Sentynel: Technically, the questions should specify this is *apparent* magnitude.
Sentynel: Whereas the absolute magnitude is defined as how bright an object would appear from a distance of 10 parsecs.
Sam: I can do the Kessler Run in about 10 parsecs.
Sentynel: Sam: That annoys me EVERY SINGLE TIME.
Sentynel: Parsecs are distance, not time. AAAAAARGH.
Sentynel: /nerdrage
* Kysle gives Sent a lolly.
NessaChan: Maybe in the past/future parsecs has a different meaning
Maryam: They made up some contrived reason for it.
Maryam: Like, the Falcon could go closer to some dangerous points or something.
Sentynel: Maryam: Yeah, I know. I still don't like it.
Sam: Sent: I heard an explanation for that that actually makes sense. Someone posited that the Kessler Run was an obstacle course, and the idea was to navigate it in the smallest total travel distance.
Sam: So I'm gonna go by that.
Sentynel: Sam: Yeah, that's the explanation Maryam was referring to.
Sam: Oh.
FantasyFreak: Yes, it was weaving between black holes and he was supposedly going fast enough that he wouldn't get sucked in if he got closer.
FantasyFreak: Something like that...
AstroBot: Time's Up!
AstroBot: Answer: Galatea (Neptune) (FantasyFreak, Maryam, NessaChan, vball)
AstroBot: Answer: Iapetus (Saturn) [+1] (goldfishy, Sam, Sentynel)
AstroBot: Answer: Deimos (Mars) (Kysle)
AstroBot: Answer: Portia (Uranus) (LaZorra)
NessaChan: well, at least I remembered Deimos was a moon of Mars, which I probably only remember because I used to be a huge Sailor Moon nerd (used to be?) and Deimos is one of Sailor Mars's pet crows -_-;
Sam: NC: hehehee. Sailor Moon is educational!
NessaChan: Sam: This is true!
Maryam: Nessa: Well, I know Deimos is a Mars moon because of Doom.
AstroBot: Question: Which of these stars has a magnitude of 1.93? (1) Peacock, (2) Deneb, (3) Canopus, (4) Regulus.
AstroBot: Time's Up!
AstroBot: Answer: Peacock (1.93) [+1] (Sam, Sentynel, ThePhan)
AstroBot: Answer: Deneb (1.24) (FantasyFreak, vball)
AstroBot: Answer: Canopus (-0.73) (Maryam)
AstroBot: Answer: Regulus (1.36) (goldfishy, Kysle, NessaChan)
Sentynel: Fun, completely unrelated fact: The absolute magnitude of a quasar is the same as the apparent magnitude of the Sun.
AstroBot: Question: Which moon is this? (1) Larissa, (2) Titan, (3) Sycorax, (4) Europa.
AstroBot: Time's Up!
AstroBot: Answer: Larissa [+1] (Sam, Sentynel, ThePhan)
AstroBot: Answer: Titan
AstroBot: Answer: Sycorax (FantasyFreak, goldfishy, Kysle, Maryam, NessaChan)
AstroBot: Answer: Europa (vball)
AstroBot: Question: Which of these stars is part of the constellation Twins [Gemini]? (1) Rigil Kentaurus, (2) Pollux, (3) Arcturus, (4) Fomalhaut.
AstroBot: Time's Up!
AstroBot: Answer: Rigil Kentaurus (Centaur [Centaurus]) (FantasyFreak)
AstroBot: Answer: Pollux (Twins [Gemini]) [+1] (goldfishy, Maryam, NessaChan, Sam, Sentynel, vball)
AstroBot: Answer: Arcturus (Herdsman [Bootes]) (Kysle, ThePhan)
AstroBot: Answer: Fomalhaut (Southern Fish [Piscis Austrinus])
AstroBot: Question: Which of the following is a picture of Charon? (1) , (2) , (3) , (4) .
ThePhan: Oh. Heh. I actually knew that one, but chose randomly anyway. Oops.
AstroBot: Time's Up!
AstroBot: Answer: (NessaChan, Sentynel, vball)
AstroBot: Answer: (ThePhan)
AstroBot: Answer: (FantasyFreak, Kysle, Maryam)
AstroBot: Answer: [+1] (goldfishy, Sam)
NessaChan: Charon is a disco ball
ThePhan: NC: I had the same thought.
Sentynel: Oh boy, I wasn't paying attention on that question.
AstroBot: Question: Which constellation is Achernar a part of? (1) River [Eridanus], (2) Lyre [Lyra], (3) Orion [Orion], (4) Sea Serpent [Hydra].
AstroBot: Time's Up!
AstroBot: Answer: River [Eridanus] [+1] (Maryam, Sam, Sentynel, vball)
AstroBot: Answer: Lyre [Lyra]
AstroBot: Answer: Orion [Orion] (FantasyFreak, Kysle, NessaChan)
AstroBot: Answer: Sea Serpent [Hydra] (goldfishy, ThePhan)
NessaChan: whaaat a star named Archer isn't in a constellation of an archer?
NessaChan: I am disappointed
AstroBot: Question: Which of these moons orbits Saturn? (1) Ariel, (2) Callisto, (3) Moon, (4) Tethys.
AstroBot: Time's Up!
AstroBot: Answer: Ariel (Uranus)
AstroBot: Answer: Callisto (Jupiter) (FantasyFreak, NessaChan, vball)
AstroBot: Answer: Moon (Earth)
AstroBot: Answer: Tethys (Saturn) [+1] (goldfishy, Maryam, Sam, Sentynel, ThePhan)
Maryam: I know that Callisto orbits Jupiter because of Anne McCaffrey.
NessaChan: Oh brother, I wrote a report on Callisto in Jr. High.
NessaChan: I had to make a travel brochure about it and encouraged people to visit its casino, the Callisto Calypso
NessaChan: it didn't help apparently!
Sam: hehehe
AstroBot: Question: Which of these stars is the brightest? (1) Hadar, (2) Gacrux, (3) Procyon, (4) Rigel.
AstroBot: Time's Up!
AstroBot: Answer: Rigel (0.15 [var]) [+1] (FantasyFreak, goldfishy, Sam, Sentynel)
AstroBot: Answer: Procyon (0.36) (Maryam, NessaChan, ThePhan)
AstroBot: Answer: Hadar (0.61) (vball)
AstroBot: Answer: Gacrux (1.63)
Maryam: Nuts. That was my other choice.
FantasyFreak: Whee, my second point!
AstroBot: Question: Which planet does Miranda orbit? (1) Jupiter, (2) Neptune, (3) Pluto, (4) Uranus.
Sentynel: b 4
Sam: Sent: You sunk my battleship.
AstroBot: Time's Up!
AstroBot: Answer: Jupiter
AstroBot: Answer: Neptune (NessaChan)
AstroBot: Answer: Pluto
AstroBot: Answer: Uranus [+1] (goldfishy, Maryam, Sam, Sentynel, ThePhan, vball)
Maryam: I swear I chose that before he said that.
Sentynel: I typoed "/b 54", then "b 4", then got it right. Hopeless.
AstroBot: Question: Which of these stars is part of the constellation Eagle [Aquila]? (1) Altair, (2) Polaris, (3) Regor, (4) Bellatrix.
AstroBot: Time's Up!
AstroBot: Answer: Altair (Eagle [Aquila]) [+1] (goldfishy, Kysle, NessaChan, Sentynel, ThePhan, vball)
AstroBot: Answer: Polaris (Little Bear [Ursa Minor])
AstroBot: Answer: Regor (Sails [Vela]) (Maryam, Sam)
AstroBot: Answer: Bellatrix (Orion [Orion]) (FantasyFreak)
Sam: Aargh.
Sam: I knew Altair was in a bird.
Sam: But I didn't think it was the eagle
vball: I chose Alt"air" because of the bird reference.
NessaChan: haha me too
AstroBot: Question: Which moon is this? (1) Juliet, (2) Thebe, (3) Mimas, (4) Ganymede.
NessaChan: DUN DUN
Sentynel: THAT'S NO MOON
Kysle: LOL LOL
Sentynel: Hahaha.
NessaChan: NERDS!
ThePhan: LOL
NessaChan: hehe
Sam: That ruled.
Sentynel: You guys are all awesome.
LaZorra: You pepople are awesome.
Sentynel: PEPOPLE
Sentynel: WHAEVER!
ThePhan: I mean PEOPLE
ThePhan: ...
* LaZorra dies.
Sam: TP: Did you just misspell a misspelling?
Sam: TP: You know what that makes you, don't you?
ThePhan: You know what that makes me.
Sam: Yes I do know what that makes you.
ThePhan: LOL I DID
* Sentynel hyperventilates
LaZorra: bahahahaha
Sam: You know you're in a weird place when shouting "PEPOPLE PEPOPLE PEPOPLE" indicates success.
ThePhan: LOL
* ThePhan is laughing and coughing and dying and hacking and crying.
AstroBot: Time's Up!
AstroBot: Answer: Juliet
AstroBot: Answer: Thebe (goldfishy, vball)
AstroBot: Answer: Mimas [+1] (Sam, Sentynel, ThePhan)
AstroBot: Answer: Ganymede (FantasyFreak, Kysle, Maryam, NessaChan)
NessaChan: oh bother.
AstroBot: Question: Which constellation is Deneb a part of? (1) Centaur [Centaurus], (2) Swan [Cygnus], (3) Peacock [Pavo], (4) Keel [Carina].
AstroBot: Time's Up!
AstroBot: Answer: Centaur [Centaurus] (goldfishy, Maryam, ThePhan)
AstroBot: Answer: Swan [Cygnus] [+1] (Kysle, NessaChan, Sam, Sentynel, vball)
AstroBot: Answer: Peacock [Pavo]
AstroBot: Answer: Keel [Carina] (FantasyFreak)
AstroBot: Question: Which of these moons orbits Jupiter? (1) Larissa, (2) Titania, (3) Belinda, (4) Himalia.
AstroBot: Time's Up!
AstroBot: Answer: Larissa (Neptune) (Sam, ThePhan)
AstroBot: Answer: Titania (Uranus) (FantasyFreak, Maryam, NessaChan)
AstroBot: Answer: Belinda (Uranus) (vball)
AstroBot: Answer: Himalia (Jupiter) [+1] (goldfishy, Sentynel)
Sam: Aargh.
Sentynel: Eeek.
Sam: Sentynel caught up to me.
Maryam: Tie!
AstroBot: Question: Which of these stars is the brightest? (1) Fomalhaut, (2) Mirfak, (3) Capella, (4) Achernar.
Sam: And dang it, I'm not sure what the answer is.
Sam: I know it's one of two.
* NessaChan put on her formalhaut when she went to a prom in Germany..
AstroBot: Time's Up!
AstroBot: Answer: Capella (0.07) [+1] (goldfishy, Maryam, NessaChan, Sam, Sentynel)
AstroBot: Answer: Achernar (0.45) (FantasyFreak)
AstroBot: Answer: Fomalhaut (1.15) (Kysle, ThePhan, vball)
AstroBot: Answer: Mirfak (1.8)
AstroBot: It's a tie! The winners are: Sam, Sentynel.
Sam: Oh good.
Maryam: Grats, guys!
vball: Nice going, guys.
FantasyFreak: Bravo!
Sentynel: Phew. Been embarrassing if I'd lost that. I won this last UBT...
Sentynel: That and, y'know, I'm a physicist wanting to go into astrophysics.
Kysle: ... I don't think this is required material for astrophysicists.
Sentynel: Kysle: Well, no, but it's the sort of thing you tend to pick up with a general interest in the subject.
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=8 AND SENTYNEL PULLS AWAY.
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?players=1
* NessaChan flounders
* Goosey trouts.
* FantasyFreak salmons.
* Sentynel tunas
* Maryam halibuts.
* ThePhan piranhas.
Sam: Good night, all! Next session is Monday!
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'UBT #8, Session 8: Monday, May 3, 2010, at 9:30pm, EDT!' by Sam.
Sentynel: Three of us shouting "that's no moon!" at the appearance of Mimas was definitely the highlight of the evening.
Sentynel: I love how Mimas has wandered into popular culture as the Death Star moon since the Cassini probe got some really good shots of it...