Ultimate Bot Tournament #8: Session 6
SirDude has entered.
FantasyFreak has entered.
FantasyFreak has left.
Sam has entered.
TalkingDog has entered.
NessaChan has entered.
Zup has entered.
Zup: Okay guys,
Zup: I know you postponed the last few sessions in order to let me have a fighting chance, but now the PARTY IS ON!
Sentynel has entered.
Zup: You guys did postpone them right? Why does it say Session 6?
FantasyFreak has entered.
Zup: Guys?
Sam: Zup: We skip around.
Zup: Ah, thanks. That relieves my fears.
Sam: Welcome to session 6!
gremlinn has entered.
Nyperold has entered.
Maryam has entered.
niekie has entered.
HogBot has been summoned by Sam.
NessaChan: I am not very good at this game.
* Zup hasn't played it before.
Maryam: I forgot the commands
Sam is away.
Ticia has entered.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Maryam trades 1 card with Zup.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Maryam trades 2 cards with Zup.
HogBot: Nyperold offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Maryam trades 3 cards with Nyperold.
HogBot: Maryam trades 3 cards with NessaChan.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Nyperold offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 1 card with Zup.
HogBot: Zup trades 1 card with Nyperold.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Maryam trades 1 card with NessaChan.
HogBot: Nyperold offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Maryam trades 2 cards with Nyperold.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Zup trades 2 cards with SirDude.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 2 cards with niekie.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Nyperold offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 2 cards with NessaChan.
HogBot: Maryam trades 3 cards with Nyperold.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Zup trades 1 card with SirDude.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Nyperold offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: NessaChan trades 1 card with Maryam.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan trades 2 cards with niekie.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 2 cards.
Sam: You can trade with me without needing confirmation. I probably have some of all of what you're collecting.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Zup trades 2 cards with Sam.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 2 cards with Sam.
HogBot: Maryam trades 1 card with Sam.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Maryam trades 1 card with Sam.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Zup trades 2 cards with niekie.
HogBot: Maryam trades 1 card with Sam.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: SirDude trades 1 card with Sam.
HogBot: Nyperold trades 3 cards with Sam.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 1 card with NessaChan.
HogBot: Maryam trades 2 cards with niekie.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: SirDude trades 1 card with Sam.
HogBot: Nyperold trades 3 cards with Sam.
HogBot: Maryam trades 1 card with Sam.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 1 card with Sam.
HogBot: Maryam trades 1 card with Sam.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Nyperold trades 3 cards with Sam.
HogBot: Zup trades 1 card with Sam.
HogBot: Maryam trades 1 card with niekie.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 1 card with Sam.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Nyperold trades 3 cards with Sam.
HogBot: Maryam trades 2 cards with NessaChan.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 2 cards.
* Ticia trades no cards with anyone.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Nyperold trades 3 cards with Sam.
HogBot: Maryam trades 2 cards with Sentynel.
HogBot: Zup trades 3 cards with Sam.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Nyperold trades 3 cards with Sam.
HogBot: SirDude trades 1 card with NessaChan.
HogBot: Zup trades 3 cards with Sam.
HogBot: NessaChan trades 2 cards with Maryam.
HogBot: Maryam trades 2 cards with Sam.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 2 cards with Sam.
HogBot: Nyperold trades 3 cards with Sam.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Maryam trades 2 cards with Sam.
HogBot: Zup trades 4 cards with Sam.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan trades 2 cards with Sam.
HogBot: Maryam trades 2 cards with Sam.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Nyperold trades 3 cards with Sam.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: SirDude trades 2 cards with Maryam.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Nyperold trades 3 cards with Sam.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: Maryam trades 2 cards with Sam.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: Maryam trades 2 cards with Sam.
HogBot: SirDude trades 1 card with NessaChan.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 3 cards with niekie.
HogBot: Nyperold offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Maryam trades 2 cards with Sam.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 3 cards with Nyperold.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan trades 2 cards with Sam.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 3 cards with Sam.
HogBot: Nyperold trades 1 card with Sam.
HogBot: SirDude trades 3 cards with Zup.
HogBot: Maryam trades 2 cards with Sam.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Nyperold trades 1 card with Sam.
HogBot: SirDude trades 3 cards with NessaChan.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Maryam trades 2 cards with Sam.
HogBot: The round is cut short.
HogBot: Scores: Maryam: +7, niekie: +6, Nyperold: +6, Sentynel: +6, SirDude: +6, Zup: +5, NessaChan: +4, Sam: +3, FantasyFreak: +2.
Maryam: Who had my other itch cards?
Sentynel: Who had the callouses?
SirDude: Where were my other 3 parasols?
niekie: I had 1 callous.
NessaChan: I had one itch
Ticia: hehe
Sam: FantasyFreak? Was anybody trading with her?
NessaChan: I was trying to get pigs.
Zup: I had handcuffs and swordsman.
Nyperold has been sent away by Sam.
FantasyFreak has been sent away by Sam.
NessaChan: but ended up with robots
SirDude: I had 3 pigs...
Nyperold: I had 6 ducks and kept alternating between robots and swordsmen,
niekie: I had 6 pigs.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 1 card.
NessaChan: I had 3 pigs but then I got rid of them
HogBot: Maryam trades 2 cards with SirDude.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: The round is cut short.
HogBot: Scores: niekie: +4, Maryam: +3, Sentynel: +3, SirDude: +3, Ticia: +3, NessaChan: +2, Zup: +2.
Maryam: ?
Zup: Wow. That was...wow.
Sam: Sorry, I /awayed Nyperold when he was actually playing.
Sentynel: Huh.
Sam: Hang on -- I have to reverse those scores.
Nyperold is back.
HogBot: niekie's score has been decremented by 4 points.
HogBot: Maryam's score has been decremented by 3 points.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Zup trades 2 cards with Sentynel.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan trades 2 cards with niekie.
HogBot: Zup trades 1 card with SirDude.
HogBot: Nyperold offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel's score has been decremented by 3 points.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: SirDude's score has been decremented by 3 points.
HogBot: Zup trades 2 cards with Nyperold.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: The round is cut short.
HogBot: Scores: Zup: +5, NessaChan: +3, niekie: +3, Nyperold: +3, Sentynel: +3, SirDude: +3, Ticia: +3, Maryam: +2.
Sam: Dang it!
HogBot: Game is paused.
Ticia: Hey, this works out nicely for me, lol.
* NessaChan pokes bot with a stick
HogBot: Ticia's score has been decremented by 3 points.
SirDude: Good time, actually, to read the instructions
* Zup hits bot with a stick.
HogBot: NessaChan's score has been decremented by 2 points.
Nyperold is away.
HogBot: Zup's score has been decremented by 2 points.
Sam: Okay. I'm going to restart.
Sam: That last round was fair if short.
Sam: Ok.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Maryam trades 1 card with SirDude.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Maryam trades 2 cards with Sentynel.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: NessaChan trades 1 card with Zup.
HogBot: Zup trades 1 card with SirDude.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: NessaChan trades 1 card with Maryam.
HogBot: Zup trades 1 card with SirDude.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 1 card with niekie.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 1 card with SirDude.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Zup trades 1 card with SirDude.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 2 cards with Maryam.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Maryam trades 2 cards with SirDude.
HogBot: Zup trades 2 cards with niekie.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: NessaChan trades 1 card with SirDude.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: niekie trades 2 cards with Sentynel.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Zup trades 2 cards with Ticia.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: niekie trades 2 cards with Maryam.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: Maryam trades 2 cards with Sentynel.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: NessaChan trades 1 card with SirDude.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Maryam trades 2 cards with Zup.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 3 cards with niekie.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Ticia trades 2 cards with Zup.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Maryam trades 3 cards with SirDude.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 3 cards with NessaChan.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: Ticia trades 1 card with Zup.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Maryam trades 4 cards with SirDude.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 1 card with Zup.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: niekie trades 3 cards with Zup.
HogBot: Maryam trades 4 cards with NessaChan.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 1 card with Ticia.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: NessaChan trades 1 card with Ticia.
HogBot: SirDude trades 4 cards with Maryam.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 3 cards with niekie.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Zup trades 3 cards with Maryam.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan trades 4 cards with niekie.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: Zup trades 3 cards with Sentynel.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 1 card with Ticia.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 2 cards with Zup.
HogBot: Zup trades 3 cards with niekie.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Maryam trades 1 card with Sentynel.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: SirDude trades 4 cards with NessaChan.
HogBot: Maryam trades 1 card with Ticia.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 1 card with niekie.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Ticia trades 1 card with Sentynel.
HogBot: SirDude trades 3 cards with Zup.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Ticia trades 1 card with niekie.
HogBot: NessaChan trades 3 cards with Maryam.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 1 card with SirDude.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 1 card with Ticia.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: SirDude trades 4 cards with Zup.
HogBot: Maryam trades 3 cards with niekie.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Maryam trades 1 card with Sentynel.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: SirDude trades 3 cards with Ticia.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Zup trades 3 cards with niekie.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 1 card with NessaChan.
HogBot: SirDude trades 3 cards with niekie.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 1 card with Zup.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Ticia trades 3 cards with niekie.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: Zup trades 4 cards with Maryam.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: SirDude trades 3 cards with NessaChan.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Maryam trades 3 cards with niekie.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Zup trades 3 cards with SirDude.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan trades 1 card with Maryam.
HogBot: niekie trades 3 cards with Ticia.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 1 card with Maryam.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 1 card.
NessaChan: b 9ticia
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Maryam trades 1 card with Zup.
Sam: This is the world's suckiest bot game.
HogBot: Zup trades 1 card with Ticia.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: NessaChan trades 1 card with Ticia.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 1 card with SirDude.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 1 card.
NessaChan: hog
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: NessaChan hogs all the bugs and wins the round with 30 points!
HogBot: Other Scores: Ticia: +9, Maryam: +8, Sentynel: +8, SirDude: +8, niekie: +6, Zup: +5.
Sam: Oooh.
Maryam: Nice, Nessa!
Sentynel: ARGH
Sentynel: So close.
NessaChan: thanks :O
SirDude: Where was my last Poodle?
Zup: LOL
Maryam: I just needed one more lollipop.
Sentynel: Who had my samurai?
Maryam: SD: I had it.
Ticia: I had just gotten it
Sentynel: I was looking for my samurai for AGES. I suddenly saw a whole bunch of people going from trading 3s and 4s to 1s.
Zup: This bot does not translate well from the card game.
Sam: Zup: I could have told you that. I hate it.
Maryam: We could take a vote never to include it in UBTs again.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Ticia trades 2 cards with Sentynel.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Maryam trades 2 cards with NessaChan.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Zup trades 3 cards with niekie.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 2 cards with SirDude.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Maryam trades 1 card with Zup.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Ticia trades 2 cards with niekie.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Zup trades 1 card with NessaChan.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: NessaChan trades 1 card with SirDude.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Ticia trades 2 cards with Sentynel.
HogBot: Zup trades 1 card with Maryam.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 1 card with SirDude.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Zup trades 1 card with Ticia.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 2 cards with NessaChan.
HogBot: Ticia trades 1 card with niekie.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Zup trades 1 card with niekie.
Maryam: Great, three sets of three. Which do I try to keep?
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 1 card.
Zup: The highest one.
HogBot: niekie trades 1 card with NessaChan.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Ticia trades 1 card with Zup.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 1 card.
Maryam: But everyone else will be pulling for it too.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: NessaChan trades 1 card with Zup.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Ticia trades 1 card with Sentynel.
Maryam: Well, not everyone.
SirDude: Go for the medium-score one?
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Zup trades 1 card with niekie.
HogBot: NessaChan trades 3 cards with Maryam.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Zup trades 1 card with SirDude.
HogBot: Zup trades 1 card with Ticia.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Maryam trades 3 cards with Sentynel.
Maryam: hog
HogBot: Maryam hogs all the monkeys and wins the round with 35 points!
HogBot: Other Scores: niekie: +7, Zup: +6, Sentynel: +5, SirDude: +5, Ticia: +5, NessaChan: +4.
Maryam: That one went quick!
NessaChan: lol, you're welcome Maryam
Sentynel: Wow. That was quick!
Ticia: Ouch!
Zup: That was quick!
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Ticia trades 2 cards with Maryam.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Zup trades 2 cards with Sentynel.
HogBot: Maryam trades 2 cards with niekie.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Maryam trades 2 cards with NessaChan.
* SirDude sees lots of 2s
HogBot: Ticia trades 2 cards with Zup.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan trades 1 card with Maryam.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: niekie trades 3 cards with Zup.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Maryam trades 1 card with Sentynel.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 3 cards.
Maryam: Dang. It happened again.
HogBot: Zup trades 3 cards with niekie.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 2 cards with Ticia.
HogBot: Ticia trades 2 cards with SirDude.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Maryam trades 3 cards with niekie.
HogBot: NessaChan trades 1 card with Zup.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Ticia trades 1 card with Zup.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 3 cards with Maryam.
HogBot: NessaChan trades 1 card with Zup.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: niekie trades 3 cards with Maryam.
HogBot: NessaChan trades 1 card with Zup.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: NessaChan trades 1 card with Sentynel.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Ticia trades 1 card with Zup.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 3 cards with Maryam.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: niekie trades 3 cards with Maryam.
HogBot: NessaChan trades 1 card with Ticia.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sentynel trades 1 card with Zup.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Maryam trades 1 card with Zup.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: Zup trades 1 card with NessaChan.
HogBot: NessaChan trades 1 card with Ticia.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Maryam trades 2 cards with SirDude.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan trades 1 card with Zup.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: NessaChan trades 1 card with Ticia.
HogBot: niekie trades 2 cards with Maryam.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Zup trades 1 card with Sentynel.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: niekie offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Ticia trades 2 cards with Maryam.
HogBot: Zup trades 1 card with NessaChan.
HogBot: niekie trades 3 cards with SirDude.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Sentynel offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: SirDude offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Ticia offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: Maryam trades 2 cards with NessaChan.
Zup: Break 'em up!
HogBot: Maryam trades 2 cards with SirDude.
HogBot: Zup offers to trade 1 card.
Maryam: hog
HogBot: Maryam hogs all the earwigs and wins the round with 15 points!
HogBot: Other Scores: NessaChan: +7, Zup: +7, SirDude: +6, Sentynel: +5, Ticia: +5, niekie: +3.
HogBot: Maryam wins!
niekie is away.
Maryam: YAY
Zup: Ugh.
Ticia: Arg!
Maryam: IT'S OVER
Zup: Congrats!
Maryam: and I won.
NessaChan: so close
Ticia: I had five of one and 4 of another.
NessaChan: who had my bubbles
Sentynel: Well, glad that's over.
Ticia: I had croutons and cavemen
SirDude: I needed to swap 3 lemmings for 3 leopards
niekie: I had 1 bubbles.
Zup: I needed two kazoos!
NessaChan: I needed two bubbles.. hehe
NessaChan: zup: I had your kazoos
niekie: SirDude: I had your leopards.
Sam: Oh. I should come back to this window now.
Ticia: It's kinda fun
Ticia: I enjoyed it.
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=8
FantasyFreak is back.
Sam: Next is BingoBot.
Sam: I have nothing else to say about that.
HogBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Maryam: Hog and Bingo on the same night?
BingoBot has been summoned by Sam.
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is 7KJH2. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is DB4IM. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is CH8Q2. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sentynel] Your BingoBot card is JCD8Q. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->niekie] Your BingoBot card is OQW2B. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->FantasyFreak] Your BingoBot card is JY94P. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Ticia] Your BingoBot card is Z0N6C. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is P86MR. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is 7L41O. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is UTDH4. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is AENGF. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is S54TH. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
BingoBot: Next Call: H
BingoBot: Next Call: 9
BingoBot: Next Call: P
BingoBot: Next Call: 1
BingoBot: Next Call: C
BingoBot: Next Call: Y
BingoBot: Next Call: V
BingoBot: Next Call: 3
* TalkingDog tries to make a word out of his... Fange?
BingoBot: Next Call: 2
BingoBot: Next Call: I
BingoBot: Next Call: R
BingoBot: Next Call: S
BingoBot: Next Call: Q
BingoBot: Next Call: 0
BingoBot: Next Call: 4
BingoBot: Next Call: N
BingoBot: Next Call: 7
BingoBot: Next Call: B
BingoBot: Next Call: 6
BingoBot: Next Call: O
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: Z
BingoBot: Next Call: X
BingoBot: Next Call: E
BingoBot: Next Call: L
BingoBot: Next Call: T
BingoBot: Next Call: G
BingoBot: Next Call: W
BingoBot: Next Call: A
Ticia: bingo
BingoBot: Ticia calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: 5
BingoBot: Next Call: 8
BingoBot: Next Call: D
BingoBot: Next Call: M
Maryam: bingo
Sam: bingo
NessaChan: I stink at this game
niekie: Bingo.
Nyperold: Doug Liman's BINGo
Zup: It's always a guess.
BingoBot: Maryam calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Sam calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
Ticia: woo
FantasyFreak: Holy cow.
Maryam: Suddenly I'm hearing that as "... And that's the end." from Wii Fit's lotus position game.
Sam: I had four of my five called way early.
* SirDude failed to to notice the O
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is IE3WH. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is HNCV6. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is G3J4P. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sentynel] Your BingoBot card is FEJGP. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->niekie] Your BingoBot card is MAKZ8. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->FantasyFreak] Your BingoBot card is 0LMB7. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Ticia] Your BingoBot card is MEJ57. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is SWLFN. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is 74LJ2. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is LQVH5. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is J352Q. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is NLSTX. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
FantasyFreak: Reading over the instructions made this sound easy.
Ticia: I chant the letters in my head and eliminate them as they show up
BingoBot: Next Call: 0
BingoBot: Next Call: R
BingoBot: Next Call: 1
BingoBot: Next Call: 8
BingoBot: Next Call: J
BingoBot: Next Call: 3
BingoBot: Next Call: 7
BingoBot: Next Call: 5
BingoBot: Next Call: E
BingoBot: Next Call: H
BingoBot: Next Call: 4
BingoBot: Next Call: V
BingoBot: Next Call: L
BingoBot: Next Call: X
BingoBot: Next Call: A
BingoBot: Next Call: 6
Nyperold: Bingo Crosby
BingoBot: Next Call: I
BingoBot: Next Call: 9
BingoBot: Nyperold calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: K
BingoBot: Next Call: G
BingoBot: Next Call: F
BingoBot: Next Call: D
BingoBot: Next Call: T
BingoBot: Next Call: W
BingoBot: Next Call: N
BingoBot: Next Call: S
BingoBot: Next Call: O
BingoBot: Next Call: Z
Maryam: bingo
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Maryam calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: P
BingoBot: Next Call: U
BingoBot: Next Call: 2
BingoBot: Next Call: B
Sentynel: bingo
BingoBot: Sentynel calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
NessaChan: Alas
Ticia: Heh
[BingoBot->Ticia] Your BingoBot card is 937J0. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is TYQSF. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is SYHM6. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is 18PTA. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sentynel] Your BingoBot card is HWSRI. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->niekie] Your BingoBot card is 9LFEM. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->FantasyFreak] Your BingoBot card is OSMRP. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is UP1CV. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is 72CW0. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is NLOEK. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is 1ZUHO. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is KYSV7. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
BingoBot: Next Call: I
BingoBot: Next Call: W
BingoBot: Next Call: A
BingoBot: Next Call: D
BingoBot: Next Call: 5
BingoBot: Next Call: G
BingoBot: Next Call: P
BingoBot: Next Call: 0
BingoBot: Next Call: E
BingoBot: Next Call: S
BingoBot: Next Call: C
BingoBot: Next Call: M
BingoBot: Next Call: 7
BingoBot: Next Call: H
BingoBot: Next Call: Z
BingoBot: Next Call: O
BingoBot: Next Call: L
BingoBot: Next Call: 6
BingoBot: Next Call: 8
BingoBot: Next Call: 3
BingoBot: Next Call: 2
BingoBot: Next Call: X
BingoBot: Next Call: Q
BingoBot: Next Call: U
BingoBot: Next Call: T
BingoBot: Next Call: V
BingoBot: Next Call: J
BingoBot: Next Call: N
SirDude: 2 Bingo!
BingoBot: SirDude calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: R
BingoBot: Next Call: Y
BingoBot: Next Call: B
BingoBot: Next Call: F
NessaChan: bingo
Sentynel: bingo
Zup: Bingo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sam: bingo
BingoBot: NessaChan calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Sentynel calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
Nyperold: Bingo
Ticia: rats
Zup: Dang!
Ticia: Always 1 away from bingo
ThePhan: bingo!
FantasyFreak: Rats, I didn't hit enter firmly enough that time.
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is RN0WL. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is ABYQX. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is AH18I. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sentynel] Your BingoBot card is 1YOTE. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is WIHJN. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->niekie] Your BingoBot card is 1JBFD. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->FantasyFreak] Your BingoBot card is VGOYN. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Ticia] Your BingoBot card is A6RHO. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is 6CHB4. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is 43XBG. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is IKX54. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is 0YECH. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is 9MFUD. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
BingoBot: Next Call: E
BingoBot: Next Call: D
BingoBot: Next Call: 3
BingoBot: Next Call: 2
BingoBot: Next Call: X
BingoBot: Next Call: 6
BingoBot: Next Call: K
BingoBot: Next Call: 8
BingoBot: Next Call: N
BingoBot: Next Call: G
BingoBot: Next Call: 7
BingoBot: Next Call: B
BingoBot: Next Call: T
BingoBot: Next Call: J
BingoBot: Next Call: 0
BingoBot: Next Call: 1
BingoBot: Next Call: A
BingoBot: Next Call: U
BingoBot: Next Call: S
BingoBot: Next Call: 9
BingoBot: Next Call: M
BingoBot: Next Call: Q
BingoBot: Next Call: V
BingoBot: Next Call: Y
BingoBot: Next Call: P
BingoBot: Next Call: O
Sentynel: bingo
NessaChan: bingo
BingoBot: Sentynel calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: NessaChan calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: C
BingoBot: Next Call: W
BingoBot: Next Call: F
BingoBot: Next Call: 4
Zup: BIGNOSE! I mean, bingo!
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: L
BingoBot: Next Call: I
Ticia: bingooooooo
Maryam: bingo
niekie: Bingo.
BingoBot: Ticia calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Maryam calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
Sam: bingo
Nyperold: Bingo cherries!
SirDude: 4 Bingo!
Ticia: dang
ThePhan: My gosh. I still had four letters left.
ThePhan: Usually I'm down to 2 by the time the final bingo's called.
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is 2L9HF. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is BLKMJ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is BMX4C. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sentynel] Your BingoBot card is QPJCB. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is Q6LG4. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->niekie] Your BingoBot card is 4NGAS. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->FantasyFreak] Your BingoBot card is TM8UC. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Ticia] Your BingoBot card is CJVQA. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is PFJ74. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is MO9IG. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is Q3ZHX. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is O6MIN. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is XJ198. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
* Sam has a BMX.
Sentynel: I have a JCB.
BingoBot: Next Call: 1
BingoBot: Next Call: W
BingoBot: Next Call: B
BingoBot: Next Call: V
BingoBot: Next Call: 2
BingoBot: Next Call: 9
BingoBot: Next Call: Q
BingoBot: Next Call: F
BingoBot: Next Call: K
BingoBot: Next Call: R
BingoBot: Next Call: O
BingoBot: Next Call: D
Sam: What's a JCB?
BingoBot: Next Call: P
BingoBot: Next Call: J
BingoBot: Next Call: S
BingoBot: Next Call: N
BingoBot: Next Call: M
BingoBot: Next Call: E
BingoBot: Next Call: H
BingoBot: Next Call: Z
BingoBot: Next Call: 3
BingoBot: Next Call: U
BingoBot: Next Call: 5
BingoBot: Next Call: C
Sentynel: bingo
BingoBot: Sentynel calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: I
BingoBot: Next Call: A
BingoBot: Next Call: 7
BingoBot: Next Call: 6
Zup: B I N G O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bingo!
Ticia: bingo bango bongo
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Ticia calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: 0
BingoBot: Next Call: T
BingoBot: Next Call: Y
BingoBot: Next Call: G
niekie: Bingo.
Sam: bingo
BingoBot: niekie calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Sam calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: X
BingoBot: Next Call: L
SirDude: G Bingo!
TalkingDog: BINGO
Nyperold: Bingo
BingoBot: SirDude calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
ThePhan: bingo
NessaChan: bingo
Ticia: yay, finally
NessaChan: I had "blkmj"
Zup: Agh. That stupid L!
Sentynel: Sam: British backhoe manufacturer. Generic term over here.
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is )ZI|$}X+:p. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is !*T=~(wz[|. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is %h}9/Fi={>. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sentynel] Your BingoBot card is HkgrPUN"BT. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is !d+n7)1-v2. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->niekie] Your BingoBot card is g6{Sv><Gty. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->FantasyFreak] Your BingoBot card is h~>"ycR)T2. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Ticia] Your BingoBot card is tIucY#\)6k. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is v9Lj;3GQ_N. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is \=gzox6i3w. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is .$3,yVMTYi. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is z->\e?b#}<. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is Txi^$)!%De. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
Zup: ?
Maryam: yikes
ThePhan: OH MY
Sentynel: what.
SirDude: Uh,,,
FantasyFreak: Whoa!
NessaChan: hehe
Sentynel: This is the "guess randomly" roud.
Sentynel: Round, also.
Nyperold: Did the quadratic formula explode?
BingoBot: Next Call: n
BingoBot: Next Call: Y
BingoBot: Next Call: e
BingoBot: Next Call: M
BingoBot: Next Call: V
BingoBot: Next Call: c
BingoBot: Next Call: %
BingoBot: Next Call: >
BingoBot: Next Call: K
BingoBot: Next Call: v
BingoBot: Next Call: )
BingoBot: Next Call: a
FantasyFreak: BINGO
BingoBot: FantasyFreak calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: 8
BingoBot: Next Call: F
BingoBot: Next Call: i
BingoBot: Next Call: k
BingoBot: Next Call: f
BingoBot: Next Call: P
BingoBot: Next Call: ]
BingoBot: Next Call: Z
Ticia: bingo
BingoBot: Ticia calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: ^
BingoBot: Next Call: I
BingoBot: Next Call: (
BingoBot: Next Call: J
BingoBot: Next Call: p
BingoBot: Next Call: 2
BingoBot: Next Call: |
BingoBot: Next Call: x
BingoBot: Next Call: w
BingoBot: Next Call: *
BingoBot: Next Call: T
BingoBot: Next Call: U
BingoBot: Next Call: {
BingoBot: Next Call: ~
BingoBot: Next Call: j
BingoBot: Next Call: g
BingoBot: Next Call: <
BingoBot: Next Call: 4
BingoBot: Next Call: S
BingoBot: Next Call: ,
BingoBot: Next Call: W
BingoBot: Next Call: B
BingoBot: Next Call: -
BingoBot: Next Call: L
TalkingDog: BINGO
BingoBot: TalkingDog calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: E
BingoBot: Next Call: _
BingoBot: Next Call: &
BingoBot: Next Call: z
Nyperold: Bingo
BingoBot: Nyperold calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: G
BingoBot: Next Call: y
BingoBot: Next Call: =
BingoBot: Next Call: 9
BingoBot: Next Call: b
BingoBot: Next Call: 3
BingoBot: Next Call: `
BingoBot: Next Call: 1
BingoBot: Next Call: R
BingoBot: Next Call: 7
BingoBot: Next Call: 0
BingoBot: Next Call: ;
BingoBot: Next Call: C
BingoBot: Next Call: @
BingoBot: Next Call: ?
BingoBot: Next Call: A
BingoBot: Next Call: N
BingoBot: Next Call: H
BingoBot: Next Call: u
BingoBot: Next Call: Q
BingoBot: Next Call: O
BingoBot: Next Call: :
BingoBot: Next Call: !
BingoBot: Next Call: }
BingoBot: Next Call: /
BingoBot: Next Call: +
BingoBot: Next Call: #
BingoBot: Next Call: q
BingoBot: Next Call: [
BingoBot: Next Call: D
BingoBot: Next Call: d
BingoBot: Next Call: X
BingoBot: Next Call: h
BingoBot: Next Call: r
BingoBot: Next Call: 5
BingoBot: Next Call: .
FantasyFreak: Holy guacamole.
BingoBot: Next Call: "
BingoBot: Next Call: 6
BingoBot: Next Call: m
BingoBot: Next Call: l
* Ticia laughs and laughs
Maryam: bingo
BingoBot: Maryam calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: s
BingoBot: Next Call: $
BingoBot: Next Call: t
BingoBot: Next Call: \
Sentynel: bingo
BingoBot: Sentynel calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: o
BingoBot: Next Call: '
niekie: bingo
BingoBot: niekie calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
ThePhan: ...bingo?
Sam: bingo
BingoBot: ThePhan calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
Sentynel: SCORE
Zup: bingo
NessaChan: bingo
ThePhan: I figured I HAD to have used up my card by then.
[BingoBot->Ticia] Your BingoBot card is 294. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is 370. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is 423. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is 280. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sentynel] Your BingoBot card is 490. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is 160. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->niekie] Your BingoBot card is 519. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->FantasyFreak] Your BingoBot card is 460. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is 478. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is 986. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is 287. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is 902. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is 283. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
Sentynel: That was a complete edumacated guess.
NessaChan: fail
BingoBot: Next Call: 9
BingoBot: Next Call: 3
BingoBot: Next Call: 4
NessaChan: bingo
BingoBot: NessaChan calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: 8
BingoBot: Next Call: 6
BingoBot: Next Call: 2
SirDude: 86 Bingo!
NessaChan: d'oh
BingoBot: SirDude calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: 1
Ticia: bingo
Maryam: bingo
BingoBot: Ticia calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Maryam calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
Nyperold: bingo
Zup: bingo
Maryam: Nuts.
Ticia: hehe
Maryam: Oh, I did get in.
ThePhan: No bingo for me.
[BingoBot->Ticia] Your BingoBot card is `:<\|. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is }{)!\. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is %!/#&. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is ,)`-=. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sentynel] Your BingoBot card is |(#'{. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is .{!`-. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->niekie] Your BingoBot card is :[?#). This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->FantasyFreak] Your BingoBot card is [=`$!. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is *_].$. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is :>\+&. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is >`^=,. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is _-{:). This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is [+$]:. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
niekie: !
FantasyFreak: Hmm.
ThePhan: Meeep.
BingoBot: Next Call: @
BingoBot: Next Call: '
Sentynel: I have a smiley, I think.
BingoBot: Next Call: =
BingoBot: Next Call: ~
BingoBot: Next Call: &
BingoBot: Next Call: |
BingoBot: Next Call: ;
BingoBot: Next Call: !
BingoBot: Next Call: <
BingoBot: Next Call: >
Sentynel: It means "vexed by bingobot".
BingoBot: Sentynel calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: `
BingoBot: Next Call: *
BingoBot: Next Call: :
BingoBot: Next Call: [
BingoBot: Next Call: }
BingoBot: Next Call: (
BingoBot: Next Call: %
BingoBot: Next Call: .
BingoBot: Next Call: /
BingoBot: Next Call: "
Sentynel: NUTS
BingoBot: Next Call: _
BingoBot: Next Call: ^
Nyperold: bingo
Sam: bingo
Ticia: bingo
BingoBot: Nyperold calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Sam calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: ,
BingoBot: Next Call: \
BingoBot: Ticia calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: ?
BingoBot: Next Call: $
BingoBot: Next Call: ]
BingoBot: Next Call: #
BingoBot: Next Call: )
BingoBot: Next Call: {
NessaChan: bingo
Zup: asdkfjnsdfkjgnsjkgfndsfkgjbingoodjsfhgshgduslfhgdusfhgsdfihg
FantasyFreak: bingo
BingoBot: NessaChan calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
TalkingDog: BINGO
niekie: Bingo.
Zup: LOL
Ticia: hahAh you all suck
Ticia: Just kidding. I love you.
[BingoBot->Ticia] Your BingoBot card is qxPud. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is VzlxR. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is vgdPl. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is xwIAn. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sentynel] Your BingoBot card is euapS. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is lxmkr. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->niekie] Your BingoBot card is lVrWk. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->FantasyFreak] Your BingoBot card is YyqGT. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is HAILi. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is LDcNK. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is zwoDI. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is OMEgj. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is Tigyx. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
BingoBot: Next Call: w
BingoBot: Next Call: a
BingoBot: Next Call: M
BingoBot: Next Call: J
BingoBot: Next Call: C
BingoBot: Next Call: o
BingoBot: Next Call: x
BingoBot: Next Call: X
BingoBot: Next Call: N
BingoBot: Next Call: O
BingoBot: Next Call: b
BingoBot: Next Call: D
BingoBot: Next Call: h
BingoBot: Next Call: p
BingoBot: Next Call: d
BingoBot: Next Call: G
BingoBot: Next Call: B
BingoBot: Next Call: n
BingoBot: Next Call: Y
BingoBot: Next Call: k
BingoBot: Next Call: A
BingoBot: Next Call: v
BingoBot: Next Call: E
BingoBot: Next Call: l
BingoBot: Next Call: W
BingoBot: Next Call: P
BingoBot: Next Call: c
BingoBot: Next Call: L
BingoBot: Next Call: T
BingoBot: Next Call: Q
BingoBot: Next Call: g
BingoBot: Next Call: U
BingoBot: Next Call: f
BingoBot: Next Call: Z
BingoBot: Next Call: t
BingoBot: Next Call: e
BingoBot: Next Call: R
BingoBot: Next Call: r
BingoBot: Next Call: y
BingoBot: Next Call: S
BingoBot: Next Call: K
BingoBot: Next Call: H
NessaChan: bingo
Sam: bingo
BingoBot: NessaChan calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Sam calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: m
BingoBot: Next Call: q
Zup: BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: j
BingoBot: Next Call: I
SirDude: K Bingo!
ThePhan: bingo
TalkingDog: BINGO
BingoBot: SirDude calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: ThePhan calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
niekie: Bingo.
Maryam: bingo
Nyperold: I've got burrs that bingo-bango-bingo...
Ticia: bingo
FantasyFreak: bingo
Ticia: scroll bar aaaaaahhhhhhh
NessaChan: bunko!
Maryam: How many points is this until?
Sam: 15
[BingoBot->Ticia] Your BingoBot card is STxKv. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is CsEQr. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is XNDoA. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is FSiLA. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sentynel] Your BingoBot card is zCigZ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is EOfgI. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->niekie] Your BingoBot card is YLSaU. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->FantasyFreak] Your BingoBot card is ZcViz. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is arHzx. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is YrSuD. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is WoVMz. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is zuswo. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is pEeKo. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
BingoBot: Next Call: K
BingoBot: Next Call: H
BingoBot: Next Call: D
BingoBot: Next Call: V
BingoBot: Next Call: X
BingoBot: Next Call: y
BingoBot: Next Call: Q
BingoBot: Next Call: d
BingoBot: Next Call: f
BingoBot: Next Call: k
BingoBot: Next Call: J
BingoBot: Next Call: L
BingoBot: Next Call: O
BingoBot: Next Call: x
BingoBot: Next Call: Y
BingoBot: Next Call: F
BingoBot: Next Call: s
BingoBot: Next Call: h
BingoBot: Next Call: e
BingoBot: Next Call: I
BingoBot: Next Call: R
BingoBot: Next Call: T
BingoBot: Next Call: W
BingoBot: Next Call: m
BingoBot: Next Call: n
BingoBot: Next Call: o
BingoBot: Next Call: r
BingoBot: Next Call: b
BingoBot: Next Call: U
BingoBot: Next Call: p
BingoBot: Next Call: P
BingoBot: Next Call: N
BingoBot: Next Call: t
BingoBot: Next Call: M
BingoBot: Next Call: G
BingoBot: Next Call: w
BingoBot: Next Call: A
BingoBot: Next Call: v
BingoBot: Next Call: q
BingoBot: Next Call: i
Nyperold: recycling bingo
BingoBot: Nyperold calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: l
BingoBot: Next Call: u
BingoBot: Next Call: B
BingoBot: Next Call: Z
BingoBot: Next Call: S
BingoBot: Next Call: g
TalkingDog: bingo
BingoBot: TalkingDog calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: a
BingoBot: Next Call: C
SirDude: S Bingo!
Zup: bingobingobignobongi
BingoBot: SirDude calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: c
BingoBot: Next Call: z
Sam: bingo
Ticia: bingo
BingoBot: Sam calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Ticia calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
Sentynel: Bingo fuel. More sugar required.
FantasyFreak: bingo
niekie: Bingo.
TalkingDog: Oops. Wrong Z.
[BingoBot->Ticia] Your BingoBot card is oqixs. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is mp2qn. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is jcy1e. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is gsdf3. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sentynel] Your BingoBot card is 789z6. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is jmahf. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->niekie] Your BingoBot card is vybxp. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->FantasyFreak] Your BingoBot card is thojw. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is jhuwi. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is 1y4ec. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is 7yi3e. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is wryh2. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is qitj4. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
BingoBot: Next Call: c
BingoBot: Next Call: 1
BingoBot: Next Call: v
BingoBot: Next Call: 3
NessaChan: mine is almost my name
BingoBot: Next Call: 0
BingoBot: Next Call: w
BingoBot: Next Call: s
BingoBot: Next Call: q
BingoBot: Next Call: z
BingoBot: Next Call: 6
BingoBot: Next Call: f
BingoBot: Next Call: n
BingoBot: Next Call: 2
BingoBot: Next Call: y
BingoBot: Next Call: d
BingoBot: Next Call: l
BingoBot: Next Call: e
BingoBot: Next Call: g
BingoBot: Next Call: o
BingoBot: Next Call: a
BingoBot: Next Call: 5
BingoBot: Next Call: u
Sam: bingo
BingoBot: Sam calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: i
BingoBot: Next Call: 7
BingoBot: Next Call: j
BingoBot: Next Call: 8
Zup: bingo! WOOT!
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: r
BingoBot: Next Call: m
Nyperold: Bingo Cingo
niekie: Bingo.
BingoBot: Nyperold calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: niekie calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: p
BingoBot: Next Call: 4
NessaChan: bingo
BingoBot: NessaChan calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
Ticia: bingo
FantasyFreak: There was a farmer had a dog and bingo was his name-o.
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is 59j3o. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is gony5. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is d3yo0. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sentynel] Your BingoBot card is xokrh. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is c83ew. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->niekie] Your BingoBot card is hbzq1. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->FantasyFreak] Your BingoBot card is 0fepo. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Ticia] Your BingoBot card is e8tlf. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is 6lfqr. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is sn3y4. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is fdk9q. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is 7ulx4. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is hq4y0. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
niekie is back.
BingoBot: Next Call: z
BingoBot: Next Call: 8
BingoBot: Next Call: 6
BingoBot: Next Call: f
BingoBot: Next Call: c
BingoBot: Next Call: a
BingoBot: Next Call: b
BingoBot: Next Call: d
BingoBot: Next Call: v
BingoBot: Next Call: g
BingoBot: Next Call: j
BingoBot: Next Call: s
BingoBot: Next Call: u
BingoBot: Next Call: y
BingoBot: Next Call: h
BingoBot: Next Call: 5
BingoBot: Next Call: 4
BingoBot: Next Call: w
BingoBot: Next Call: t
BingoBot: Next Call: k
BingoBot: Next Call: 2
BingoBot: Next Call: o
BingoBot: Next Call: i
BingoBot: Next Call: x
niekie: bingo.
BingoBot: niekie calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: e
BingoBot: Next Call: r
BingoBot: Next Call: 7
BingoBot: Next Call: m
Sentynel: bingo
BingoBot: Sentynel calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: q
BingoBot: Next Call: 0
BingoBot: Next Call: p
BingoBot: Next Call: 9
Nyperold: bingo-go-Gomez!
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Nyperold calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: n
BingoBot: Next Call: 1
BingoBot: Next Call: 3
BingoBot: Next Call: l
TalkingDog: bingo
BingoBot: TalkingDog calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
SirDude: 3 Bingo!
BingoBot: SirDude calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
FantasyFreak: bingoooooo
Sam: bingo
Zup: UGH
Maryam: Oh man, I coulda called.
FantasyFreak: Ratso.
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is spl50. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is x8q3y. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is evnpx. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sentynel] Your BingoBot card is 1xty2. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is aksq3. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->niekie] Your BingoBot card is fop5e. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->FantasyFreak] Your BingoBot card is lmuic. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Ticia] Your BingoBot card is bqxmu. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is wvikd. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is 7l4j6. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is 1kimz. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is 0vmpo. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is 84kbw. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
BingoBot: Next Call: d
BingoBot: Next Call: m
BingoBot: Next Call: 2
BingoBot: Next Call: w
BingoBot: Next Call: e
BingoBot: Next Call: t
BingoBot: Next Call: z
BingoBot: Next Call: f
BingoBot: Next Call: v
BingoBot: Next Call: 5
BingoBot: Next Call: k
BingoBot: Next Call: q
BingoBot: Next Call: u
BingoBot: Next Call: 7
BingoBot: Next Call: l
BingoBot: Next Call: 0
BingoBot: Next Call: 6
BingoBot: Next Call: r
BingoBot: Next Call: 3
BingoBot: Next Call: i
BingoBot: Next Call: 9
BingoBot: Next Call: o
BingoBot: Next Call: j
BingoBot: Next Call: g
BingoBot: Next Call: a
BingoBot: Next Call: 8
BingoBot: Next Call: c
BingoBot: Next Call: n
BingoBot: Next Call: 4
BingoBot: Next Call: s
BingoBot: Next Call: 1
BingoBot: Next Call: x
FantasyFreak: bingo
BingoBot: FantasyFreak calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: y
BingoBot: Next Call: b
Nyperold: bingo and purgo
Zup: bingo woot!
BingoBot: Nyperold calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: p
BingoBot: Next Call: h
Maryam: bingo
SirDude: 4 Bingo!
Sentynel: bingo, googleo
NessaChan: bingo
ThePhan: bingo
BingoBot: Maryam calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
niekie: Bingo.
TalkingDog: bingo
Sam: Good job, FF.
FantasyFreak: Yay!
FantasyFreak: Thanks Sam :)
NessaChan: awe, so close
Nyperold: I am awed by how close that was.
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is UMHXB. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is OZNFS. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is GMEOB. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sentynel] Your BingoBot card is LJBSG. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is JKQWL. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->niekie] Your BingoBot card is EZJMS. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->FantasyFreak] Your BingoBot card is OUKCN. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Ticia] Your BingoBot card is CLTQD. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is QLOKF. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is KBDEF. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is KJOQB. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is QEZNU. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is QNLZW. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
Sentynel: I have the BSG! =D
BingoBot: Next Call: A
BingoBot: Next Call: N
BingoBot: Next Call: Z
BingoBot: Next Call: U
BingoBot: Next Call: L
BingoBot: Next Call: D
BingoBot: Next Call: Y
BingoBot: Next Call: I
BingoBot: Next Call: G
BingoBot: Next Call: E
BingoBot: Next Call: K
BingoBot: Next Call: B
BingoBot: Next Call: X
BingoBot: Next Call: W
BingoBot: Next Call: C
BingoBot: Next Call: V
BingoBot: Next Call: F
BingoBot: Next Call: R
BingoBot: Next Call: H
BingoBot: Next Call: J
BingoBot: Next Call: P
BingoBot: Next Call: Q
Maryam: bingo
BingoBot: Maryam calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: M
BingoBot: Next Call: S
TalkingDog: bingo
SirDude: K Bingo!
BingoBot: TalkingDog calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: SirDude calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
Sentynel: bingo
Nyperold: Bingo.
FantasyFreak: Aw I was one off.
SirDude: Bleh, could have called earlier but missed the K
[BingoBot->Ticia] Your BingoBot card is WMEYZ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is LVTBK. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is HEOWY. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is HPTFE. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sentynel] Your BingoBot card is FOGRT. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is BAYXG. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->niekie] Your BingoBot card is PMWSH. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->FantasyFreak] Your BingoBot card is JYVWB. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is JWQYV. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is HVRUZ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is JULOS. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is CXQYE. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is OBLJU. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
niekie: Right after Maryam called I got the last 2 letters I needed
BingoBot: Next Call: G
BingoBot: Next Call: Z
Nyperold: JULOS, Destroyer of Worlds
BingoBot: Next Call: D
BingoBot: Next Call: S
BingoBot: Next Call: M
BingoBot: Next Call: L
BingoBot: Next Call: I
BingoBot: Next Call: F
BingoBot: Next Call: W
BingoBot: Next Call: P
BingoBot: Next Call: J
BingoBot: Next Call: R
BingoBot: Next Call: C
BingoBot: Next Call: Q
BingoBot: Next Call: T
BingoBot: Next Call: B
BingoBot: Next Call: H
BingoBot: Next Call: E
BingoBot: Next Call: K
BingoBot: Next Call: N
niekie: Bingo.
BingoBot: niekie calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: U
BingoBot: Next Call: Y
Sam: hahah. The calls spell "FILMS" backwards.
BingoBot: Next Call: A
BingoBot: Next Call: O
Nyperold: Anna BiNgo
BingoBot: Nyperold calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: X
BingoBot: Next Call: V
Maryam: bingo
Zup: bababababbababababababingo!!!!!!!!!
BingoBot: Maryam calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
SirDude: V Bingo!
FantasyFreak: bingo
SirDude: Bah
NessaChan: oh bother, I could have called, I didn't see the Y
FantasyFreak: Sam: I'm trying...
SirDude: I second Sam, I gotta hit the restroom
Sentynel: I've been on 14 for like three or four rounds, and SirDude has for at least one.
SirDude: After getting 3 of mine almost consecutively too...
[BingoBot->Ticia] Your BingoBot card is BMVHR. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is PTUIW. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is KGUEN. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is YFCRS. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sentynel] Your BingoBot card is HYJOS. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is EGQXR. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->niekie] Your BingoBot card is OVGSW. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->FantasyFreak] Your BingoBot card is NPHCG. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is MAITJ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is UCVJB. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is OZQRJ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is LCVNA. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is TKFDX. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
BingoBot: Next Call: E
BingoBot: Next Call: K
BingoBot: Next Call: G
BingoBot: Next Call: W
BingoBot: Next Call: M
BingoBot: Next Call: I
BingoBot: Next Call: V
BingoBot: Next Call: Q
BingoBot: Next Call: S
BingoBot: Next Call: F
BingoBot: Next Call: T
BingoBot: Next Call: H
BingoBot: Next Call: P
BingoBot: Next Call: R
BingoBot: Next Call: N
BingoBot: Next Call: O
BingoBot: Next Call: U
BingoBot: Next Call: C
BingoBot: Next Call: X
BingoBot: Next Call: J
Zup: asdjfghdsfguidsfhfdsbgiyddsfgdgfdskjgsfdjygsfdbingoakhdjsfhgjvbfhhfhhfhfhhdjkkdldffdkbgnmueriv
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: L
BingoBot: Next Call: Y
NessaChan: bingo
ThePhan: bingo
BingoBot: NessaChan calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: ThePhan calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
niekie: Bingo.
Sam: bingo
Sentynel: ARGH.
FantasyFreak: I wasn't even close that time.
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is WXHNK. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is HNLWU. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is MATZY. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sentynel] Your BingoBot card is JZDRQ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is ILCWD. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->niekie] Your BingoBot card is QURYV. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->FantasyFreak] Your BingoBot card is LTSIV. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Ticia] Your BingoBot card is ADJNH. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is OTNEL. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is YQSWF. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is XSCZB. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is ZUHYC. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is BOYAE. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
BingoBot: Next Call: R
BingoBot: Next Call: E
BingoBot: Next Call: Q
BingoBot: Next Call: J
BingoBot: Next Call: G
BingoBot: Next Call: F
BingoBot: Next Call: U
BingoBot: Next Call: N
BingoBot: Next Call: M
BingoBot: Next Call: V
BingoBot: Next Call: I
BingoBot: Next Call: Z
BingoBot: Next Call: D
BingoBot: Next Call: K
BingoBot: Next Call: B
BingoBot: Next Call: S
Sentynel: bingo
BingoBot: Sentynel calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Sentynel wins!
Sentynel: FINALLY
FantasyFreak: bingo
Maryam: Yay Sent!
Zup: YAY!
niekie: YAY
ThePhan: Yay Sentynel!
FantasyFreak: Yay!
Nyperold: Yay! It's over!
SirDude: OK, right back
Sentynel: I had to pause my music for that round. A good song came on, and I was in danger of singing along to that rather than repeating my remaining letters.
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=8
Sentynel: Wait, what, I've got the most wins? O.o
Maryam: Sent: Nice job.
Sentynel: Maryam: Yup, you've got a moderate points lead. 12 points.
Sentynel: I'LL GET YE YET
Maryam: It's crazy how long I've been holding onto the lead with my teeth.
Sentynel: Try your hands.
Maryam: It's been a slim lead for a long time.
* Sentynel has a sudden bizarre image of Maryam typing with her teeth
* NessaChan is in 3rd ;Oo
* SirDude continues to fail at winning games
* SirDude also continues to creep up the points leaderboard. Now tied with Sam at 5th
Sam: 5 or so minute break!
* niekie goes and gets ICE CREAM.
* NessaChan yawns
* SirDude stretches
ThePhan: Five minute break! Everyone break something!
* ThePhan breakdances.
* Nyperold creates a line break.
SirDude: What was next again?
Nyperold: VocaBot
* Zup better do well in this one. I mean, he is an ENGLISH major.
Maryam: Voca's one of those where if you fail once you're gone.
Maryam: I mean, you still get a bunch of points. But you lose most of your hope of actually winning.
Zup: I hope I can win. It would be nice to win a bot sometime.
Sam: Zup: You've got four tournament wins.
Zup: Sam: I mean in this one.
Sentynel: Oh dear. "Ooh, five minute break between rounds", thinks I. "Good time to tweak PyRook a little!"
Maryam: Break it?
Sentynel: Hopefully not.
Sam: Sent: I did some pygame wrok during Hog.
Sentynel: I won't know if my change fixed anything or made anything worse for the ten minutes it takes the stream to time out, though.
Sam: It's time for VocaBot!
BingoBot has been dismissed by Sam.
VocaBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: For our game of VocaBot, please welcommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmme...WHIZKID!!!!
WhizKid has been summoned by Sam.
Zup: wk: HELLO!
WhizKid: Zup: Please let me renovate your orts!
Nyperold: wk: Welcome!
WhizKid: Nyperold: Don't be so useful.
Nyperold: wk: I try not to be.
WhizKid: Nyperold: I can pave your blisters!
Nyperold: wk: I think that would cause more blisters.
Maryam: wk: Devour eighty tombstones
WhizKid: Maryam: I like you when you're impressive.
Maryam: See, you just have to speak his language.
NessaChan: WK: Wreck my journal
WhizKid: NessaChan: You need to execute your siren.
Sentynel: wk: Is my program going to work?
WhizKid: Sentynel: renovate opals!
Sentynel: wk: I'll take that as a maybe.
WhizKid: Nyperold: Loan me gremlinn.
VocaBot: Starting a new game:
VocaBot: Question: What word is an antonym of zenith? (1) congestion, (2) sumptuous, (3) desirable, (4) sweep, (5) bottom, (6) indisposed.
WhizKid: Zup: You are so dangerous!
WhizKid: Sentynel: glue a splinter.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: congestion
VocaBot: Answer: sumptuous (niekie)
VocaBot: Answer: desirable
VocaBot: Answer: sweep
VocaBot: Answer: bottom [+1] (Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, SirDude, TalkingDog, ThePhan, Ticia, Zup)
VocaBot: Answer: indisposed (WhizKid)
Sentynel: Did I win this one last tournament?
Sam: Sent: Yes.
Sentynel: Hum, I'm defending then.
Sentynel: Yikes.
VocaBot: Question: What word means yellow? (1) denticulate, (2) pristine, (3) xanthous, (4) induce, (5) hotheaded, (6) glade.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: denticulate
VocaBot: Answer: pristine
VocaBot: Answer: xanthous [+1] (Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, ThePhan, Ticia, Zup)
VocaBot: Answer: induce
VocaBot: Answer: hotheaded (niekie, WhizKid)
VocaBot: Answer: glade (SirDude)
Nyperold: Guess between two.
Sentynel: That's a cool word. Hadn't heard it before.
* TalkingDog pokes himself in the head. Stop being distracted.
VocaBot: Question: What is the definition of capitation? (1) harsh, (2) bicker, (3) poll tax, (4) ideal, (5) self-government, (6) rot.
Ticia: LOL
Sentynel: Sam: LOL LOL
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: harsh
VocaBot: Answer: bicker
VocaBot: Answer: poll tax [+1] (NessaChan, Sam, Sentynel, WhizKid)
VocaBot: Answer: ideal (Maryam)
VocaBot: Answer: self-government (niekie, Nyperold, SirDude, TalkingDog, ThePhan, Ticia)
VocaBot: Answer: rot (Zup)
WhizKid: All RIGHT!
Ticia: rats
Zup: Never heard of that. Ugh.
Maryam: I should have guessed that.
Nyperold: I thought it would have to do with "heads" of state or something.
Sam: wk: Good job!
WhizKid: Sam: You are huge!
Sam: I am HUGE!!!
ThePhan: LOL
Maryam: LOL
VocaBot: Question: What word is an antonym of dishearten? (1) alimentation, (2) perjury, (3) quirk, (4) tribulation, (5) vie, (6) embolden.
WhizKid: Ticia: reprimand her apple.
Ticia: wk: whose apple?
WhizKid: Ticia: emulate ThePhan's ears!
Ticia: wk: Wait, what about her apple?
WhizKid: Ticia: snag Maryam's ogresses.
Ticia: wk: What about the apples, though?
WhizKid: Ticia: defrost niekie's meat!
Maryam: Yeah, you can have those ogresses. I thought an ogress farm would be a good idea, but all they do is make noise and mess.
Ticia: wk: Wait, now we're talking meat?
WhizKid: Ticia: attack underwear!
Ticia: Wk: gross
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: alimentation
VocaBot: Answer: perjury
VocaBot: Answer: quirk
VocaBot: Answer: tribulation (niekie)
VocaBot: Answer: vie
VocaBot: Answer: embolden [+1] (Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, SirDude, TalkingDog, ThePhan, Ticia, WhizKid, Zup)
WhizKid: Go me!
WhizKid: Zup: I want nine halos!
VocaBot: Question: What word is a synonym of improvident? (1) lad, (2) ultra, (3) exaggerate, (4) negligent, (5) continence, (6) expendable.
NessaChan: WK: embolden thirty lads
WhizKid: NessaChan's legendary!
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: lad
VocaBot: Answer: ultra
VocaBot: Answer: exaggerate
VocaBot: Answer: negligent [+1] (Maryam, NessaChan, niekie, Nyperold, Sentynel, SirDude, TalkingDog, ThePhan, Ticia)
VocaBot: Answer: continence (WhizKid)
VocaBot: Answer: expendable (Sam, Zup)
Zup: Dangit! That was my second guess.
Sam: I had that first and was just changing back to it.
VocaBot: Question: What word means hard outer covering? (1) fop, (2) felicitation, (3) result, (4) forever, (5) sass, (6) incrustation.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: fop
VocaBot: Answer: felicitation
VocaBot: Answer: result
VocaBot: Answer: forever
VocaBot: Answer: sass (niekie, WhizKid)
VocaBot: Answer: incrustation [+1] (Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, SirDude, TalkingDog, ThePhan, Ticia, Zup)
WhizKid: Dang.
Sentynel: Incrustacean: The state of having been eaten by a crab.
Maryam: Heh.
WhizKid: Viruses Oscillate, Consequently Almonds Brighten Opals, Thursday!
VocaBot: Question: What word is an antonym of perspicacious? (1) dull, (2) change, (3) lexicon, (4) allege, (5) slay, (6) cajolery.
WhizKid: Ticia: You can't kick!
Ticia: wk: it'll be hard to attack the underwear if I can't kick
WhizKid: Ticia: You are lucid.
Ticia: wk: Thank you!
WhizKid: Ticia: I can't grill the onions!
Sentynel: DISASTER
Ticia: wk: Then you shouldn't try.
niekie: Mmm.. grilled onions.
WhizKid: Ticia: Stop being greedy.
Ticia: wk: but I really like grilled onions.
WhizKid: Ticia: Be more disagreeable!
Ticia: wk: I HATE YOU
WhizKid: Ticia: One time I saw you regurgitate.
Sam: Ew.
Ticia: wk: You shouldn't have been spying on me
WhizKid: Ticia: Quit being so dangerous!
Ticia: wk: you're the one spying on ME!
WhizKid: Ticia: You can kick!
Sam: wk: Make up your mind.
Ticia: wk: What? I thought I couldn't kick?
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: dull [+1] (Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, ThePhan, Ticia, Zup)
VocaBot: Answer: change
VocaBot: Answer: lexicon
VocaBot: Answer: allege
VocaBot: Answer: slay
VocaBot: Answer: cajolery (niekie, SirDude, WhizKid)
NessaChan: phew, I wasn't sure about that one.
niekie: Bah, I should go for my first choice more.
VocaBot: Question: What word is a synonym of subsume? (1) abstain, (2) nefarious, (3) sidestep, (4) frantic, (5) contain, (6) cerebral.
* Sentynel dithers a bit
* Maryam does too.
* NessaChan three
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: abstain (SirDude)
VocaBot: Answer: nefarious
VocaBot: Answer: sidestep (niekie)
VocaBot: Answer: frantic
VocaBot: Answer: contain [+1] (Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, ThePhan, Ticia, WhizKid, Zup)
VocaBot: Answer: cerebral
WhizKid: Sweeeeet.
Maryam: Phew.
NessaChan: woo
NessaChan: *high five*
VocaBot: Question: What word means boil down? (1) bucket, (2) encounter, (3) estrangement, (4) decoct, (5) accost, (6) chouse.
Zup: I feel like I'm in school being tested...against the really smart kids.
Ticia: LOL
WhizKid: Ticia: counterfeit her communist.
Ticia: wk: I don't believe in communism.
WhizKid: Ticia: Buy me some shins!
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: bucket
VocaBot: Answer: encounter
VocaBot: Answer: estrangement
VocaBot: Answer: decoct [+1] (Maryam, NessaChan, niekie, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, SirDude, ThePhan, Ticia, WhizKid, Zup)
VocaBot: Answer: accost
VocaBot: Answer: chouse
Ticia: wk: Buy your own body parts!
WhizKid: Ticia: I used to know how to muzzle one yacht.
WhizKid: And that's how you do it.
Ticia: wk: I bet that hurt.
ThePhan: "I used to know how to do it. And that's how you do it." I feel like we missed a lesson there.
Sam: TP: Yeah.
Nyperold: There was a jump cut.
WhizKid: Ticia: I like to enlarge!
Ticia: wk: That's really tmi.
VocaBot: Question: What word is an antonym of unkempt? (1) antipode, (2) tidy, (3) meander, (4) utmost, (5) anile, (6) pamphlet.
Sentynel: Excellent, my PyRook modification did in fact work!
WhizKid: Zup: Stop being fat!
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: antipode (niekie)
VocaBot: Answer: tidy [+1] (Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, SirDude, ThePhan, Ticia, Zup)
VocaBot: Answer: meander (WhizKid)
VocaBot: Answer: utmost
VocaBot: Answer: anile
VocaBot: Answer: pamphlet
WhizKid: No fair! I was same-seconded!
VocaBot: Question: What word is a synonym of refulgent? (1) cavort, (2) prank, (3) radiant, (4) scrumptious, (5) inimitable, (6) kin.
WhizKid: Ticia: fossilize ThePhan's zucchinis.
ThePhan: wk: I don't even have zucchinis.
WhizKid: ThePhan: Please be less honest!
ThePhan: wk: OK. I do have zucchinis.
WhizKid: ThePhan: Buy me her rags.
Ticia: ewwww
* ThePhan buys Ticia's rags.
ThePhan: wk: Here you go. I bought Ticia's rags for you.
WhizKid: ThePhan: I hate your charity.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: cavort (SirDude)
VocaBot: Answer: prank (WhizKid)
VocaBot: Answer: radiant [+1] (Maryam, NessaChan, Sentynel, ThePhan, Ticia)
VocaBot: Answer: scrumptious (Nyperold, Sam)
VocaBot: Answer: inimitable (niekie, Zup)
VocaBot: Answer: kin
WhizKid: hehehe
NessaChan: oh my gosh I really wasn't sure about that one.
Zup: NO! I switched it.
VocaBot: Question: What word means tree-shaped? (1) peruke, (2) laconic, (3) under, (4) pasquinade, (5) rush, (6) dendriform.
Sam: I peruked once when I came down with a carrold and had a high ferever.
Ticia: LOL
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: peruke
VocaBot: Answer: laconic (WhizKid)
VocaBot: Answer: under
VocaBot: Answer: pasquinade
VocaBot: Answer: rush
VocaBot: VocaBot
Ticia: ....
Ticia: is broken
Sentynel: Huh?
Sam: Voca: ???
Maryam: ???
Zup: ???
NessaChan: um
ThePhan: Uh?
niekie: .. um.
Sentynel: The correct answer escaped!
VocaBot: Question: What word is a synonym of finespun? (1) picturesque, (2) periodic, (3) incredulous, (4) create, (5) juvenile, (6) refined.
Sam: WHAT!?
Ticia: haha, sam broke the bot!
SirDude: Bot fail?
Sentynel: Did we get points for it?
Sentynel: Yeah, we still got points for it.
NessaChan: weird.
Sam: He said his name and quit. !!??
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: picturesque (SirDude)
VocaBot: Answer: periodic (WhizKid)
VocaBot: Answer: incredulous
VocaBot: Answer: create
VocaBot: Answer: juvenile
VocaBot: Answer: refined [+1] (Maryam, NessaChan, niekie, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, ThePhan, Ticia, Zup)
WhizKid: Cuss it all to tarnation!
NessaChan: lol
NessaChan: scary.
Ticia: Sam: You used all the big words in one sentence. That confused it and it broke.
VocaBot: Question: What word means the ringing of bells? (1) intransigent, (2) deplorable, (3) tintinnabulous, (4) indebted, (5) concave, (6) bounden.
Ticia: This game is fun.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: intransigent (SirDude)
VocaBot: Answer: deplorable
VocaBot: Answer: tintinnabulous [+1] (Maryam, NessaChan, niekie, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, ThePhan, Ticia, Zup)
VocaBot: Answer: indebted (WhizKid)
VocaBot: Answer: concave
VocaBot: Answer: bounden
ThePhan: ThePhan
ThePhan has left.
Ticia: LOL
Sam: Whatever it is, humans can catch it.
VocaBot: Question: What is the definition of camise? (1) nearness, (2) medley, (3) practical, (4) ponder, (5) castrate, (6) tunic.
ThePhan has entered.
ThePhan: I think it's time for Oreos.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: nearness
VocaBot: Answer: medley
VocaBot: Answer: practical (niekie, WhizKid)
VocaBot: Answer: ponder
VocaBot: Answer: castrate
VocaBot: Answer: tunic [+1] (Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, SirDude, ThePhan, Ticia, Zup)
WhizKid: Dagnabbit.
Ticia: Mmmmm
Nyperold: Like "camisole".
Sam: Or chemise.
Ticia: or "Tunic"
Sentynel: Chemise was what I figured it from, yeah.
Zup: I had camisoles in mind too.
Maryam: Sam's is the one I thought of.
VocaBot: Question: What word is an antonym of perfunctory? (1) inquest, (2) thorough, (3) stack, (4) blotch, (5) navel, (6) jocular.
Sam: Perfunctory is the opposite of my belly button.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: inquest
VocaBot: Answer: thorough [+1] (Maryam, NessaChan, niekie, Sam, Sentynel, ThePhan, Zup)
VocaBot: Answer: stack (WhizKid)
VocaBot: Answer: blotch
VocaBot: Answer: navel
VocaBot: Answer: jocular (SirDude, Ticia)
WhizKid: What's it take to get ahead?
Ticia: DANG IT
Ticia: I almost changed my answer.
SirDude: I -did- change it. =P
VocaBot: Question: What word means mutter? (1) protuberance, (2) maunder, (3) trickle, (4) behoove, (5) bequest, (6) dilate.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: protuberance (niekie)
VocaBot: Answer: maunder [+1] (Maryam, NessaChan, Sam, Sentynel, SirDude, ThePhan, Zup)
VocaBot: Answer: trickle (WhizKid)
VocaBot: Answer: behoove
VocaBot: Answer: bequest (Nyperold, Ticia)
VocaBot: Answer: dilate
WhizKid: Dang!
VocaBot: Question: What word is an antonym of inflammable? (1) porringer, (2) brochure, (3) cajolery, (4) inundate, (5) palate, (6) nonflammable.
Ticia: hahaha
Ticia: I like this question.
Sam: Think hard on this one.
NessaChan: hehe
* SirDude thi... Sam beat
Sentynel: Sam: Obviously, the answer is "flammable".
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: porringer
VocaBot: Answer: brochure
VocaBot: Answer: cajolery
VocaBot: Answer: inundate
VocaBot: Answer: palate
VocaBot: Answer: nonflammable [+1] (Maryam, NessaChan, niekie, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, SirDude, ThePhan, Ticia, WhizKid, Zup)
WhizKid: Who da man? Who da man?
Sam: Even WhizKid got that one.
NessaChan: even WK got it right
Ticia: wow, even wk .... sam beat
ThePhan: denonuninflammable
ThePhan: Wow, that's denonuninreadable.
VocaBot: Question: What word means lower ranking? (1) booking, (2) cohort, (3) puisne, (4) desperado, (5) amaze, (6) vainglorious.
WhizKid: niekie romanticizes numerous laboratories.
niekie: wk: I do?
WhizKid: WROK!
WhizKid: niekie: You are studious!
niekie: wk: Why, thank you.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: booking (Ticia)
VocaBot: Answer: cohort (NessaChan, Sam, SirDude)
VocaBot: Answer: puisne [+1] (Maryam, Nyperold, Sentynel, ThePhan, WhizKid, Zup)
VocaBot: Answer: desperado
VocaBot: Answer: amaze
VocaBot: Answer: vainglorious (niekie)
WhizKid: Oooh, cool.
NessaChan: d'oh!
Sentynel: Phew.
Sentynel: I had cohort initially, then changed my mind.
Sam: Wrong part of speech, I guess. And I suppose cohorts can be equals.
Sentynel: Sam: Yeah, it was the part of speech that made me decide to switch.
VocaBot: Question: What word is an antonym of kempt? (1) unkempt, (2) iniquitous, (3) spendthrift, (4) refute, (5) discrimination, (6) inadequate.
Ticia: LOL
ThePhan: LOL
niekie: LOL
Ticia: the bot is throwing us a bone.
Maryam: "kempt" is actually a word?
Sam: Maryam: Yes.
ThePhan: The answer's obviously "discrimination."
Sentynel: No no, it's "inadequate".
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: unkempt [+1] (Maryam, NessaChan, niekie, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, SirDude, ThePhan, Ticia, Zup)
VocaBot: Answer: iniquitous (WhizKid)
VocaBot: Answer: spendthrift
VocaBot: Answer: refute
VocaBot: Answer: discrimination
VocaBot: Answer: inadequate
WhizKid: Bogus.
VocaBot: Question: What is the definition of rorqual? (1) tunnel, (2) dugout, (3) leaf-shedding, (4) dunce, (5) whale, (6) alliance.
Ticia: No idea on this one.
Ticia: Totally guessing.
Zup: Ticia: Me too.
ThePhan: Yeah, I've got no clue on this one.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: tunnel (NessaChan, Nyperold)
VocaBot: Answer: dugout (SirDude)
VocaBot: Answer: leaf-shedding (niekie, Zup)
VocaBot: Answer: dunce (Ticia, WhizKid)
VocaBot: Answer: whale [+1] (Maryam, Sam, Sentynel, ThePhan)
VocaBot: Answer: alliance
WhizKid: Dagnabbit.
Ticia: dang
Maryam: WHOO
NessaChan: oh bother.
Maryam: I have no idea what made me choose that.
Sam: Sounded like a whale to me.
Sentynel: That was a shakily educated guess.
ThePhan: WHOO! I chose it because it looked like "narwhal" to me. Heh.
Maryam: Phan: I suppose that might have been why I did, too.
NessaChan: at least I guessed it was a noun
ThePhan: Rorqual and Narwhal, the whale twins! Teaching childrens lessons!
VocaBot: Question: What word is a synonym of deify? (1) flail, (2) ambitious, (3) capitulate, (4) proem, (5) idolize, (6) pastiche.
* Sam deifies his arms around all over the place.
Sentynel: Sam: Epic flail.
Sam: Sent: hahahahaha, ouch.
ThePhan: Sent: LOL
* Ticia is cracking up
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: flail (niekie)
VocaBot: Answer: ambitious
VocaBot: Answer: capitulate
VocaBot: Answer: proem (WhizKid)
VocaBot: Answer: idolize [+1] (Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, SirDude, ThePhan, Ticia, Zup)
VocaBot: Answer: pastiche
WhizKid: :'-(
VocaBot: Question: What word means sensible? (1) anodyne, (2) trench, (3) anneal, (4) levelheaded, (5) duteous, (6) turbot.
NessaChan: hehe
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: anodyne
VocaBot: Answer: trench (WhizKid)
VocaBot: Answer: anneal
VocaBot: Answer: levelheaded [+1] (Maryam, NessaChan, niekie, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, SirDude, ThePhan, Ticia, Zup)
VocaBot: Answer: duteous
VocaBot: Answer: turbot
Sam: wk: Duh.
Ticia: wk: you are dumb.
WhizKid: Ticia: You should be more like your plunger!
VocaBot: Question: What word is a synonym of nincompoop? (1) assure, (2) tempest, (3) goon, (4) permissive, (5) souvenir, (6) decisive.
Ticia: DAVE
Maryam: You named your plunger Dave?
Ticia: LOL
ThePhan: LOL
Zup: This one seems TOO easy.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: assure
VocaBot: Answer: tempest (WhizKid)
VocaBot: Answer: goon [+1] (Maryam, NessaChan, niekie, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, SirDude, ThePhan, Ticia, Zup)
VocaBot: Answer: permissive
VocaBot: Answer: souvenir
VocaBot: Answer: decisive
WhizKid: *whine*
* NessaChan gives WhizKid cheese
VocaBot: Question: What word is an antonym of conciliate? (1) farce, (2) query, (3) devious, (4) cadaver, (5) rile, (6) privacy.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: farce
VocaBot: Answer: query (niekie)
VocaBot: Answer: devious
VocaBot: Answer: cadaver
VocaBot: Answer: rile [+1] (Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, SirDude, ThePhan, Ticia, WhizKid, Zup)
VocaBot: Answer: privacy
WhizKid: Read 'em and weep.
Ticia: Sentynel, have you missed any yet?
Sam: I don't think he has.
NessaChan: He has not
Maryam: If he had, he and I would be even and we aren't.
Ticia: That's what I thought.
Ticia: No pressure, Sent...
Ticia: Just, you know, don't miss any.
VocaBot: Question: What word is a synonym of covetous? (1) maiden, (2) hogging, (3) abominable, (4) objurgate, (5) assist, (6) astringent.
Sentynel: AAAARGH
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: maiden
VocaBot: Answer: hogging [+1] (Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, SirDude, ThePhan, Ticia)
VocaBot: Answer: abominable
VocaBot: Answer: objurgate (niekie, Zup)
VocaBot: Answer: assist
VocaBot: Answer: astringent (WhizKid)
Sentynel: Phew.
WhizKid: Darn it all.
NessaChan: o_o
Ticia: hehe
Zup: AGH!
Sam: It's not a very close synonym.
Sentynel: I didn't think the part of speech was right, though I can kinda see it.
VocaBot: Question: What is the definition of anacoluthon? (1) hybrid, (2) diagram, (3) equality, (4) ordinary, (5) abrupt grammatical shift, (6) supplementary.
Sentynel: Um.
* ThePhan hasn't the faintest idea.
Nyperold: Is that Jonathan's wife?
Sentynel: Hahaha.
Ticia: I think it's one of the greek gods.
* NessaChan guesses
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: hybrid (ThePhan, WhizKid)
VocaBot: Answer: diagram
VocaBot: Answer: equality
VocaBot: Answer: ordinary
VocaBot: Answer: abrupt grammatical shift [+1] (Maryam, NessaChan, niekie, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, SirDude, Ticia, Zup)
VocaBot: Answer: supplementary
WhizKid: Eh. Oh well.
ThePhan: DANG IT
Ticia: whew. Changed it at the last second.
ThePhan: Totally had that, and then swiched to "hybrid" because it sounded like anaconda and python, and hey, the narwhal thing worked for me last time.
VocaBot: Question: What word is a synonym of compendious? (1) upbraid, (2) laconic, (3) sheen, (4) rationality, (5) bourgeois, (6) intelligent.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: upbraid (niekie)
VocaBot: Answer: laconic [+1] (Ticia)
VocaBot: Answer: sheen
VocaBot: Answer: rationality (WhizKid)
VocaBot: Answer: bourgeois (NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam)
VocaBot: Answer: intelligent (Maryam, Sentynel, SirDude, ThePhan, Zup)
Ticia: HA
Maryam: Wow.
Sentynel: Er?
NessaChan: wow :O
Zup: Nice, Ticia!
Sam: Sentynel missed one.
niekie: My first guess was 6
VocaBot: Question: What is the definition of maraud? (1) working, (2) innocence, (3) work together, (4) raid, (5) commotion, (6) agitation.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: working
VocaBot: Answer: innocence (WhizKid)
VocaBot: Answer: work together
VocaBot: Answer: raid [+1] (Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, SirDude, ThePhan, Ticia, Zup)
VocaBot: Answer: commotion (niekie)
VocaBot: Answer: agitation
WhizKid: Drat!
niekie: Argh. I chose 4 first :-\
VocaBot: Question: What word means conspire? (1) physician, (2) amorphous, (3) pace, (4) foresight, (5) consummate, (6) machinate.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: physician
VocaBot: Answer: amorphous (WhizKid)
VocaBot: Answer: pace
VocaBot: Answer: foresight (niekie)
VocaBot: Answer: consummate (SirDude)
VocaBot: Answer: machinate [+1] (Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, ThePhan, Ticia, Zup)
WhizKid: I almost nailed that round, but then I didn't.
VocaBot: Question: What word is a synonym of eristic? (1) mammon, (2) ovate, (3) disagreeable, (4) indelicate, (5) uvula, (6) defective.
Sam: Sheesh.
Ticia: Totally guessing on this one.
Zup: Yeah. Another random guess.
Maryam: Me too.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: mammon (SirDude, Ticia)
VocaBot: Answer: ovate
VocaBot: Answer: disagreeable [+1] (Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sentynel, ThePhan)
VocaBot: Answer: indelicate (Sam, Zup)
VocaBot: Answer: uvula (WhizKid)
VocaBot: Answer: defective (niekie)
VocaBot: Sentynel wins!
Ticia: rats
* NessaChan changed her answer 3 times
Maryam: Yay Sent!
Zup: Yay Sent!
Ticia: yay, sentynel!
ThePhan: Yay Sentynel!
Sam: Sent: Did you know that one?
Sentynel: Sam: This is another of my slightly educated guesses.
Nyperold: Eris: in Greek mythology the goddess of discord.
Nyperold: I looked it up afterward, but it was a guess at the time.
WhizKid: NessaChan: Let's share Maryam's ovary!
Ticia: wk: ...
Maryam: Let's... not. o.o
NessaChan: lol, uhm.. that's okay, she can keep it.
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=8
Sam: kid: Say good night, WhizKid.
WhizKid: Sam: You are ladylike.
Sam: Close enough.
VocaBot has been dismissed by Sam.
WhizKid has been dismissed by Sam.
ThePhan: "You are ladylike" is synonymous with good night? I should use that more often.
StackBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: Our last bot of the evening. We start in 5 minutes.
Nyperold: Now for UnsolvedMysteriesBot!
NessaChan: I'm not very good at this game but I like it
Ticia: Wow, I haven't played this game in ages.
Maryam: gremlinn, come back! Keep others from scoring points in this game I am terrible at!
Sam: This is the one word-based game gremlinn doesn't dominate at.
Maryam: Oh.
Sam: Wow, he's never won it in a UBT before.
Ticia: One night, back in the dawn of time when I was single. I heard a loud crash from the direction of my living room. It was about 2am and I was asleep, so I ignored it. When I woke up, I had forgotten all about it. My neighbors (we lived in connected houses) came home from vacation the next day and came to ask me if I'd noticed anything strange while they were gone. Turns out, someone had fallen through their ceiling... you could see the footprints leading from the pile of debris to their front door.
ThePhan: LOL! Oh my.
Maryam: Dude.
Sam: LOL
SirDude: What?
Ticia: There were five apartments all connected through the attics, so it could have been any of three other people.
Sam: But they never found out who?
Ticia: I have a theory that it was the guy who lived on the other side of me, but he was military police. If they ever figured out who it was, they never told me.
Ticia: It always sounded like he was moving furniture around at odd times of the night.
Sam: 30 seconds...
StackBot: Starting a new free-for-all game.
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot: J A I L
StackBot: A M M O
StackBot: L U S T
Zup: tour
Sam: eddy
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with tour and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with eddy and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: J A I L
StackBot: A M M O
StackBot: L U S T
StackBot: T O U R
StackBot: E D D Y
SirDude: star
NessaChan: blab
StackBot: NessaChan continues the stack with blab and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except NessaChan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: J A I L
StackBot: A M M O
StackBot: L U S T
StackBot: T O U R
StackBot: E D D Y
StackBot: B L A B
Maryam: ankh
Sam: plan
Ticia: bead
SirDude: stop
Sentynel: Argh, how do I play this again? *instruction reading*
StackBot: SirDude continues the stack with stop and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except SirDude, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: J A I L
StackBot: A M M O
StackBot: L U S T
StackBot: T O U R
StackBot: E D D Y
StackBot: B L A B
StackBot: S T O P
Zup: tred
Sam: puma
Sam: punt
Zup: cred
Sam: puns
Ticia: crud
NessaChan: yobs
Sam: pins
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with pins and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: J A I L
StackBot: A M M O
StackBot: L U S T
StackBot: T O U R
StackBot: E D D Y
StackBot: B L A B
StackBot: S T O P
StackBot: P I N S
ThePhan: pits
Zup: bred
Ticia: cred
Maryam: snip
SirDude: idea
Zup: tred
Zup: sted
ThePhan: CREW
Zup: pled
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with crew and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: J A I L
StackBot: A M M O
StackBot: L U S T
StackBot: T O U R
StackBot: E D D Y
StackBot: B L A B
StackBot: S T O P
StackBot: P I N S
StackBot: C R E W
ThePhan: Er, not in all caps so much.
NessaChan: tech
Sam: init
Zup: wren
Ticia: hehe
NessaChan: were
Sam: dyne
Zup: lion
StackBot: NessaChan continues the stack with were and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except NessaChan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: J A I L
StackBot: A M M O
StackBot: L U S T
StackBot: T O U R
StackBot: E D D Y
StackBot: B L A B
StackBot: S T O P
StackBot: P I N S
StackBot: C R E W
StackBot: W E R E
Maryam: crip
Sam: typo
Sam: typy
Zup: tree
Sam: hypo
Ticia: user
NessaChan: ryme
Zup: plot
Zup: make
Zup: lak
Zup: like
Sam: asci
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot: J A I L
StackBot: A M M O
StackBot: L U S T
StackBot: T O U R
StackBot: E D D Y
StackBot: B L A B
StackBot: S T O P
StackBot: P I N S
StackBot: C R E W
StackBot: W E R E
Sentynel: myna
Ticia: inte
Zup: mome
Zup: mime
Zup: poem
Sam: iglu
Zup: rome
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with iglu and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: J A I L
StackBot: A M M O
StackBot: L U S T
StackBot: T O U R
StackBot: E D D Y
StackBot: B L A B
StackBot: S T O P
StackBot: P I N S
StackBot: C R E W
StackBot: W E R E
StackBot: I G L U
Maryam: That's a word?
Ticia: I suck at this game
Zup: brat
Ticia: hehe
SirDude: onyx
StackBot: SirDude continues the stack with onyx and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except SirDude, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: J A I L
StackBot: A M M O
StackBot: L U S T
StackBot: T O U R
StackBot: E D D Y
StackBot: B L A B
StackBot: S T O P
StackBot: P I N S
StackBot: C R E W
StackBot: W E R E
StackBot: I G L U
StackBot: O N Y X
NessaChan: nice.
Ticia: The word HEHE is not a valid continuation of the stack...
Zup: kite
Maryam: orna
Zup: kron
NessaChan: ulna
Zup: kryn
Ticia: zzyx
Sam: Not much left.
NessaChan: urba
Zup: kyte
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot: J A I L
StackBot: A M M O
StackBot: L U S T
StackBot: T O U R
StackBot: E D D Y
StackBot: B L A B
StackBot: S T O P
StackBot: P I N S
StackBot: C R E W
StackBot: W E R E
StackBot: I G L U
StackBot: O N Y X
Zup: kyti
SirDude: uhhh
Ticia: zynk
Zup: kyto
Ticia: zyzk
Zup: kyta
Ticia: heh
Zup: myna
Sam: Probably only one or two words possible.
Zup: myta
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. All possible continuations: myth.
Zup: ahhahaha
Sentynel: Argh.
Sam: Whoa, Zup, close!
SirDude: Like that one.
Ticia: hhehehe
NessaChan: oic
Zup: Too late. lol
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot: B A S S O
StackBot: L I M E Y
StackBot: F L I R T
Sam: idyll
Sam: nymph
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with idyll and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B A S S O
StackBot: L I M E Y
StackBot: F L I R T
StackBot: I D Y L L
Zup: grump
Maryam: nymph
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with grump and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B A S S O
StackBot: L I M E Y
StackBot: F L I R T
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: G R U M P
Ticia: asks
NessaChan: barns
NessaChan: burns
SirDude: stain
StackBot: SirDude continues the stack with stain and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except SirDude, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B A S S O
StackBot: L I M E Y
StackBot: F L I R T
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: G R U M P
StackBot: S T A I N
Sam: uncl
Sam: uncle
Maryam: snack
Zup: smell
Zup: query
Maryam: snick
Sentynel: thyme
NessaChan: dyers
Ticia: asses
Sam: elbow
Zup: raked
Sam: endow
Zup: train
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with endow and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B A S S O
StackBot: L I M E Y
StackBot: F L I R T
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: G R U M P
StackBot: S T A I N
StackBot: E N D O W
SirDude: choke
NessaChan: dyads
Ticia: spell
StackBot: SirDude continues the stack with choke and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except SirDude, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B A S S O
StackBot: L I M E Y
StackBot: F L I R T
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: G R U M P
StackBot: S T A I N
StackBot: E N D O W
StackBot: C H O K E
Zup: myths
Zup: jelly
Zup: catty
NessaChan: herby
Sam: occur
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with occur and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B A S S O
StackBot: L I M E Y
StackBot: F L I R T
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: G R U M P
StackBot: S T A I N
StackBot: E N D O W
StackBot: C H O K E
StackBot: O C C U R
Maryam: tunny
NessaChan: herse
NessaChan: herbs
Zup: pluck
StackBot: NessaChan continues the stack with herbs and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except NessaChan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B A S S O
StackBot: L I M E Y
StackBot: F L I R T
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: G R U M P
StackBot: S T A I N
StackBot: E N D O W
StackBot: C H O K E
StackBot: O C C U R
StackBot: H E R B S
Maryam: trunk
Zup: crock
Ticia: abutt
Maryam: thank
Maryam: think
Ticia: I am bad
Zup: wrack
Ticia: at this game
Zup: myna
Zup: mynas
Sam: usurp
Zup: stuck
Maryam: mynah
Zup: stock
StackBot: Maryam continues the stack with mynah and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Maryam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B A S S O
StackBot: L I M E Y
StackBot: F L I R T
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: G R U M P
StackBot: S T A I N
StackBot: E N D O W
StackBot: C H O K E
StackBot: O C C U R
StackBot: H E R B S
StackBot: M Y N A H
Ticia: dunne
Zup: stock
Sam: affix
Zup: donne
Ticia: dusty
Maryam: taker
Zup: clock
NessaChan: perks
Sam: abysm
FantasyFreak: parks
Zup: strike
Maryam: Oh right, I'm not up.
Zup: taker
Maryam: Heh.
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot: B A S S O
StackBot: L I M E Y
StackBot: F L I R T
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: G R U M P
StackBot: S T A I N
StackBot: E N D O W
StackBot: C H O K E
StackBot: O C C U R
StackBot: H E R B S
StackBot: M Y N A H
Sam: There are plenty of possibilities left, but I can't figure out what.
Zup: plate
SirDude: dulch
Ticia: taker
Sam: At least I think there are.
NessaChan: sonic
Zup: pyrit
Zup: norma
NessaChan: yodel
Zup: bread
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. All possible continuations: amend, putti, tophi, tutti, upend, volva.
Maryam: teaks
Zup: plead
Sam: Oh, not that many.
Ticia: My brain doesn't work this way.
Sam: It's hard to see what's missing.
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot: A N K H
StackBot: T A L L
StackBot: K E E N
Zup: idyl
NessaChan: onyx
Zup: crab
Maryam: sump
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with crab and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A N K H
StackBot: T A L L
StackBot: K E E N
StackBot: C R A B
StackBot: Maryam continues the stack with sump and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Maryam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A N K H
StackBot: T A L L
StackBot: K E E N
StackBot: C R A B
StackBot: S U M P
Ticia: zoos
Sam: play
NessaChan: your
StackBot: Ticia continues the stack with zoos and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Ticia, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A N K H
StackBot: T A L L
StackBot: K E E N
StackBot: C R A B
StackBot: S U M P
StackBot: Z O O S
Zup: stag
Ticia: Woo!
Zup: plan
SirDude: tick
Sam: blit
Zup: myna
NessaChan: fish
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with myna and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A N K H
StackBot: T A L L
StackBot: K E E N
StackBot: C R A B
StackBot: S U M P
StackBot: Z O O S
StackBot: M Y N A
SirDude: lick
StackBot: SirDude continues the stack with lick and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except SirDude, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A N K H
StackBot: T A L L
StackBot: K E E N
StackBot: C R A B
StackBot: S U M P
StackBot: Z O O S
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: L I C K
NessaChan: bald
Sam: slip
Ticia: byte
Zup: edit
Sam: plus
NessaChan: dyer
Maryam: blip
Sam: plut
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with edit and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A N K H
StackBot: T A L L
StackBot: K E E N
StackBot: C R A B
StackBot: S U M P
StackBot: Z O O S
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: L I C K
StackBot: E D I T
Sam: plum
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with plum and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A N K H
StackBot: T A L L
StackBot: K E E N
StackBot: C R A B
StackBot: S U M P
StackBot: Z O O S
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: L I C K
StackBot: E D I T
StackBot: P L U M
Zup: film
Sam: into
NessaChan: drys
Zup: flip
Maryam: soon
NessaChan: plow
Zup: fair
FantasyFreak: dote
Zup: fire
NessaChan: blab
Maryam: ulna
Ticia: onyx
Zup: fear
Zup: four
NessaChan: brad
Ticia: ovum
NessaChan: bros
Zup: frie
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot: A N K H
StackBot: T A L L
StackBot: K E E N
StackBot: C R A B
StackBot: S U M P
StackBot: Z O O S
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: L I C K
StackBot: E D I T
StackBot: P L U M
Sam: into
Zup: free
Sam: updo
Zup: flea
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with updo and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A N K H
StackBot: T A L L
StackBot: K E E N
StackBot: C R A B
StackBot: S U M P
StackBot: Z O O S
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: L I C K
StackBot: E D I T
StackBot: P L U M
StackBot: U P D O
NessaChan: ewer
Zup: flan
NessaChan: xray
Maryam: word
NessaChan: omen
Zup: fjor
Maryam: ward
FantasyFreak: dune
NessaChan: amar
Zup: flor
Ticia: xylo
NessaChan: yoyo
Zup: vans
Zup: vein
Maryam: wyrd
Zup: prop
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot: A N K H
StackBot: T A L L
StackBot: K E E N
StackBot: C R A B
StackBot: S U M P
StackBot: Z O O S
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: L I C K
StackBot: E D I T
StackBot: P L U M
StackBot: U P D O
FantasyFreak: drum
NessaChan: yard
Sam: iffy
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with iffy and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A N K H
StackBot: T A L L
StackBot: K E E N
StackBot: C R A B
StackBot: S U M P
StackBot: Z O O S
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: L I C K
StackBot: E D I T
StackBot: P L U M
StackBot: U P D O
StackBot: I F F Y
SirDude: wyrm
Ticia: nice
Zup: opal
Zup: onto
NessaChan: oval
Zup: only
NessaChan: ovum
Zup: ankh
Zup: LOL
NessaChan: over
Ticia: byrd
NessaChan: ovar
Zup: I thought I'd seen that somewhere
FantasyFreak: trys
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot: A N K H
StackBot: T A L L
StackBot: K E E N
StackBot: C R A B
StackBot: S U M P
StackBot: Z O O S
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: L I C K
StackBot: E D I T
StackBot: P L U M
StackBot: U P D O
StackBot: I F F Y
Zup: done
NessaChan: ovom
Zup: dead
Zup: drop
Zup: make
NessaChan: ovyl
Sam: hypo
Ticia: slyp
Zup: ovum
Sam: typy
Zup: oval
Sam: otto
Maryam: orbs
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. All possible continuations: ogre.
Zup: lack
NessaChan: oic.
NessaChan: I knew it was an o word
FantasyFreak: I have been battling ogres all weekend, why didn't I think of that...
Sam: I figured it had to start with O.
Sam: The only alternative was three consonants and ending in a vowel.
Sam: Weird we didn't use an E in the last column.
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot: B A R K
StackBot: D H O W
StackBot: P E E S
NessaChan: onyx
Sam: iffy
Zup: ogre
Zup: myna
SirDude: poik
StackBot: NessaChan continues the stack with onyx and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with iffy and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B A R K
StackBot: D H O W
StackBot: P E E S
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: I F F Y
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with myna and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B A R K
StackBot: D H O W
StackBot: P E E S
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: I F F Y
StackBot: M Y N A
Sam: slip
SirDude: star
Maryam: ankh
Zup: goat
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with slip and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B A R K
StackBot: D H O W
StackBot: P E E S
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: I F F Y
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: S L I P
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with goat and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B A R K
StackBot: D H O W
StackBot: P E E S
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: I F F Y
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: S L I P
StackBot: G O A T
FantasyFreak: drop
NessaChan: plan
Sam: updo
Maryam: arks
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with updo and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B A R K
StackBot: D H O W
StackBot: P E E S
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: I F F Y
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: S L I P
StackBot: G O A T
StackBot: U P D O
FantasyFreak: pray
Zup: ankh
SirDude: rile
StackBot: SirDude continues the stack with rile and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except SirDude, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B A R K
StackBot: D H O W
StackBot: P E E S
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: I F F Y
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: S L I P
StackBot: G O A T
StackBot: U P D O
StackBot: R I L E
Sam: urge
Zup: prop
FantasyFreak: trim
Zup: ovum
Maryam: wyrd
Sam: epic
Sam: oryx
Zup: tire
NessaChan: clip
Zup: trip
Sam: anhk
Zup: trap
Sam: ankh
NessaChan: gull
Zup: tran
Sam: acyl
Maryam: pump
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot: B A R K
StackBot: D H O W
StackBot: P E E S
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: I F F Y
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: S L I P
StackBot: G O A T
StackBot: U P D O
StackBot: R I L E
NessaChan: foul
Zup: drop
Maryam: heel
SirDude: fund
NessaChan: fail
Maryam: sums
FantasyFreak: drum
Zup: true
NessaChan: feel
Zup: trut
Sam: etui
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with etui and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B A R K
StackBot: D H O W
StackBot: P E E S
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: I F F Y
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: S L I P
StackBot: G O A T
StackBot: U P D O
StackBot: R I L E
StackBot: E T U I
NessaChan: fril
NessaChan: frys
SirDude: auxy
Zup: ture
NessaChan: axis
NessaChan: axer
Zup: tune
Zup: tube
NessaChan: axim
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot: B A R K
StackBot: D H O W
StackBot: P E E S
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: I F F Y
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: S L I P
StackBot: G O A T
StackBot: U P D O
StackBot: R I L E
StackBot: E T U I
Zup: tuba
NessaChan: axid
Sam: dunk
Zup: axed
NessaChan: oxor
Sam: burp
Zup: avid
SirDude: dumb
Zup: ovum
Sam: bumf
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. All possible continuations: arch, fuzz, hush, juju, lush, numb, tush, tutu, vugg, vugh.
Zup: aved
NessaChan: tush!
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot: J A M B
StackBot: T H E N
StackBot: V O I D
NessaChan: onyx
StackBot: NessaChan continues the stack with onyx and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except NessaChan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: J A M B
StackBot: T H E N
StackBot: V O I D
StackBot: O N Y X
SirDude: funk
Zup: idyl
StackBot: SirDude continues the stack with funk and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except SirDude, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: J A M B
StackBot: T H E N
StackBot: V O I D
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: F U N K
Sam: updo
Zup: myna
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with updo and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: J A M B
StackBot: T H E N
StackBot: V O I D
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: F U N K
StackBot: U P D O
Zup: vugh
NessaChan: brad
Zup: ankh
SirDude: stop
Sentynel: slow
StackBot: SirDude continues the stack with stop and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except SirDude, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: J A M B
StackBot: T H E N
StackBot: V O I D
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: F U N K
StackBot: U P D O
StackBot: S T O P
NessaChan: brap
Maryam: wyrd
Zup: juju
Sam: idyl
NessaChan: wrap
Zup: done
Sam: idol
Zup: ogre
Sentynel: play
Sam: dile
StackBot: Sentynel continues the stack with play and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sentynel, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: J A M B
StackBot: T H E N
StackBot: V O I D
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: F U N K
StackBot: U P D O
StackBot: S T O P
StackBot: P L A Y
Sam: idle
Maryam: wyrm
Zup: fuzz
SirDude: wyrm
Zup: ch
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with idle and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: J A M B
StackBot: T H E N
StackBot: V O I D
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: F U N K
StackBot: U P D O
StackBot: S T O P
StackBot: P L A Y
StackBot: I D L E
NessaChan: maxi
Zup: arch
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with arch and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: J A M B
StackBot: T H E N
StackBot: V O I D
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: F U N K
StackBot: U P D O
StackBot: S T O P
StackBot: P L A Y
StackBot: I D L E
StackBot: A R C H
Sentynel: ribs
Sam: arch
StackBot: Sentynel continues the stack with ribs and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sentynel, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: J A M B
StackBot: T H E N
StackBot: V O I D
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: F U N K
StackBot: U P D O
StackBot: S T O P
StackBot: P L A Y
StackBot: I D L E
StackBot: A R C H
StackBot: R I B S
SirDude: wire
NessaChan: poem
Zup: stan
NessaChan: peon
Maryam: 'wyrm' not recognized. Boo.
Zup: avid
SirDude: wrok
Zup: edit
Sam: etch
Zup: amen
Sam: exec
NessaChan: blob
Sam: echo
Sam: epic
Zup: endo
NessaChan: dyer
Maryam: sank
Zup: ends
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot: J A M B
StackBot: T H E N
StackBot: V O I D
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: F U N K
StackBot: U P D O
StackBot: S T O P
StackBot: P L A Y
StackBot: I D L E
StackBot: A R C H
StackBot: R I B S
Maryam: true
Sentynel: best
NessaChan: dyad
StackBot: Sentynel continues the stack with best and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sentynel, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: J A M B
StackBot: T H E N
StackBot: V O I D
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: F U N K
StackBot: U P D O
StackBot: S T O P
StackBot: P L A Y
StackBot: I D L E
StackBot: A R C H
StackBot: R I B S
StackBot: B E S T
Zup: dand
Maryam: chug
Sam: dyne
SirDude: exur
Zup: epic
NessaChan: mama
Maryam: crag
Zup: exed
Zup: exam
NessaChan: myna
Maryam: coag
Zup: exum
Sam: etui
Zup: plex
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot: J A M B
StackBot: T H E N
StackBot: V O I D
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: F U N K
StackBot: U P D O
StackBot: S T O P
StackBot: P L A Y
StackBot: I D L E
StackBot: A R C H
StackBot: R I B S
StackBot: B E S T
Zup: enui
NessaChan: magi
SirDude: myrr
Sam: e...?
Sentynel: myra
Zup: eats
Zup: east
Sam: typy
Sam: typo
Sam: type
NessaChan: evis
Sam: Oh.
NessaChan: evil
Zup: erin
Zup: echo
NessaChan: evyl
Maryam: blug
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. All possible continuations: ecru, gyri.
NessaChan: oh ecr
Sentynel: Oh. Obviously...
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O O D
StackBot: H A F T
StackBot: S E E R
Sam: idyl
Zup: myrhh
NessaChan: myna
Zup: myna
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with idyl and wins 1 point!
StackBot: NessaChan continues the stack with myna and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except NessaChan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O O D
StackBot: H A F T
StackBot: S E E R
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: M Y N A
SirDude: mile
Maryam: jail
Zup: hush
Zup: fuzz
Sam: ammo
Zup: ecru
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with ammo and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with ecru and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O O D
StackBot: H A F T
StackBot: S E E R
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: A M M O
StackBot: E C R U
Zup: gyri
Sentynel: like
Maryam: tons
StackBot: Sentynel continues the stack with like and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sentynel, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O O D
StackBot: H A F T
StackBot: S E E R
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: A M M O
StackBot: E C R U
StackBot: L I K E
Zup: gyri
Maryam: true
Zup: vugh
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with vugh and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O O D
StackBot: H A F T
StackBot: S E E R
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: A M M O
StackBot: E C R U
StackBot: L I K E
StackBot: V U G H
Sam: knot
Zup: arch
NessaChan: blam
SirDude: undy
Zup: vugg
Sam: knob
Maryam: trot
Sam: knur
Zup: juju
Ticia: onyx
NessaChan: flan
Sam: knut
Zup: ogre
Sentynel: wham
NessaChan: plan
Zup: LOL
Ticia: ogre
StackBot: Sentynel continues the stack with wham and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sentynel, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O O D
StackBot: H A F T
StackBot: S E E R
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: A M M O
StackBot: E C R U
StackBot: L I K E
StackBot: V U G H
StackBot: W H A M
Zup: ogre
Maryam: sump
Zup: juju
Maryam: blip
NessaChan: ohno
Zup: arch
SirDude: trix
StackBot: Maryam continues the stack with blip and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Maryam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O O D
StackBot: H A F T
StackBot: S E E R
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: A M M O
StackBot: E C R U
StackBot: L I K E
StackBot: V U G H
StackBot: W H A M
StackBot: B L I P
Sam: epic
Sam: otic
Zup: sent
Sentynel: ugly
NessaChan: ogre
Zup: etui
StackBot: Sentynel continues the stack with ugly and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sentynel, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O O D
StackBot: H A F T
StackBot: S E E R
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: A M M O
StackBot: E C R U
StackBot: L I K E
StackBot: V U G H
StackBot: W H A M
StackBot: B L I P
StackBot: U G L Y
NessaChan: ovum
Zup: ovum
Sam: ovum
SirDude: orts
StackBot: SirDude ends the stack with orts (no valid continuations) and wins 4 points!
NessaChan: ovas
Zup: oval
NessaChan: nice!
Zup: NICE!
Ticia: nice
Sam: Wow.
Sam: Good job.
* SirDude stretches
Sentynel: Nice.
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot: T Y P E D
StackBot: S C A L P
StackBot: U N C U T
Maryam: sneak
Sam: oxbow
NessaChan: brans
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with oxbow and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T Y P E D
StackBot: S C A L P
StackBot: U N C U T
StackBot: O X B O W
Maryam: trick
Zup: idyll
NessaChan: blobs
SirDude: moron
Sentynel: worms
Sam: apple
StackBot: NessaChan continues the stack with blobs and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except NessaChan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T Y P E D
StackBot: S C A L P
StackBot: U N C U T
StackBot: O X B O W
StackBot: B L O B S
Zup: stomp
Zup: smell
Zup: catty
Maryam: click
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with catty and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T Y P E D
StackBot: S C A L P
StackBot: U N C U T
StackBot: O X B O W
StackBot: B L O B S
StackBot: C A T T Y
Zup: cattle
Ticia: cable
Sam: ethyl
Zup: myrhh
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with ethyl and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T Y P E D
StackBot: S C A L P
StackBot: U N C U T
StackBot: O X B O W
StackBot: B L O B S
StackBot: C A T T Y
StackBot: E T H Y L
Sentynel: vodka
Zup: myrhh
Maryam: prick
StackBot: Sentynel continues the stack with vodka and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Maryam continues the stack with prick and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Maryam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T Y P E D
StackBot: S C A L P
StackBot: U N C U T
StackBot: O X B O W
StackBot: B L O B S
StackBot: C A T T Y
StackBot: E T H Y L
StackBot: V O D K A
StackBot: P R I C K
Zup: tutti
NessaChan: ovums
Zup: raked
Sam: addax
Ticia: ogres
Zup: plugh
NessaChan: axels
Zup: raven
SirDude: blume
Zup: train
Sam: affix
Zup: tophi
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with affix and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T Y P E D
StackBot: S C A L P
StackBot: U N C U T
StackBot: O X B O W
StackBot: B L O B S
StackBot: C A T T Y
StackBot: E T H Y L
StackBot: V O D K A
StackBot: P R I C K
StackBot: A F F I X
Maryam: rubes
NessaChan: irony
Zup: upend
Zup: jelly
Zup: amend
Maryam: runny
Zup: jelew
NessaChan: plock
SirDude: drest
Ticia: inked
Zup: grump
NessaChan: grass
Zup: stand
Sentynel: human
SirDude: funny
StackBot: Sentynel continues the stack with human and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sentynel, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T Y P E D
StackBot: S C A L P
StackBot: U N C U T
StackBot: O X B O W
StackBot: B L O B S
StackBot: C A T T Y
StackBot: E T H Y L
StackBot: V O D K A
StackBot: P R I C K
StackBot: A F F I X
StackBot: H U M A N
NessaChan: quilt
Zup: omens
Zup: liken
NessaChan: aquit
SirDude: fours
Maryam: other
Zup: licks
Sam: right
NessaChan: wefty
Zup: liked
Sam: nighs
Sam: nighy
Zup: water
SirDude: fiary
NessaChan: welch
Zup: waste
Zup: wight
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot: T Y P E D
StackBot: S C A L P
StackBot: U N C U T
StackBot: O X B O W
StackBot: B L O B S
StackBot: C A T T Y
StackBot: E T H Y L
StackBot: V O D K A
StackBot: P R I C K
StackBot: A F F I X
StackBot: H U M A N
Maryam: warps
Zup: whack
NessaChan: welth
Sam: nutso
Sentynel: rhyme
SirDude: fluxs
Zup: whomp
StackBot: Sentynel continues the stack with rhyme and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sentynel, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T Y P E D
StackBot: S C A L P
StackBot: U N C U T
StackBot: O X B O W
StackBot: B L O B S
StackBot: C A T T Y
StackBot: E T H Y L
StackBot: V O D K A
StackBot: P R I C K
StackBot: A F F I X
StackBot: H U M A N
StackBot: R H Y M E
NessaChan: welps
Zup: whist
NessaChan: welpy
NessaChan: felty
Zup: idyll
Zup: import
Sam: ichor
Maryam: vodka
Sam: infra
SirDude: gouda
NessaChan: fello
Zup: isles
NessaChan: filmy
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot: T Y P E D
StackBot: S C A L P
StackBot: U N C U T
StackBot: O X B O W
StackBot: B L O B S
StackBot: C A T T Y
StackBot: E T H Y L
StackBot: V O D K A
StackBot: P R I C K
StackBot: A F F I X
StackBot: H U M A N
StackBot: R H Y M E
Zup: impel
SirDude: gluts
Maryam: enter
Sentynel: lingo
StackBot: Sentynel continues the stack with lingo and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sentynel, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T Y P E D
StackBot: S C A L P
StackBot: U N C U T
StackBot: O X B O W
StackBot: B L O B S
StackBot: C A T T Y
StackBot: E T H Y L
StackBot: V O D K A
StackBot: P R I C K
StackBot: A F F I X
StackBot: H U M A N
StackBot: R H Y M E
StackBot: L I N G O
Sam: imply
NessaChan: brash
Maryam: crier
Zup: ammon
NessaChan: welsh
StackBot: NessaChan ends the stack with welsh (no valid continuations) and wins 4 points!
Zup: insta
Zup: Nice!
NessaChan: woo!
Maryam: Nice!
Sentynel: Oooh, nice!
NessaChan: thanks
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot: U R B A N
StackBot: S P A K E
StackBot: T I L E D
Sam: idyll
Maryam: rhyme
NessaChan: mynas
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with idyll and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: U R B A N
StackBot: S P A K E
StackBot: T I L E D
StackBot: I D Y L L
Maryam: nymph
Zup: stomp
Zup: idyll
StackBot: Maryam continues the stack with nymph and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Maryam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: U R B A N
StackBot: S P A K E
StackBot: T I L E D
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: N Y M P H
Zup: myrhh
Sam: elbow
Zup: grumpo
Zup: grump
NessaChan: flick
Sam: arrow
Zup: amend
StackBot: NessaChan continues the stack with flick and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except NessaChan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: U R B A N
StackBot: S P A K E
StackBot: T I L E D
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: N Y M P H
StackBot: F L I C K
Sam: ichor
Maryam: runny
Zup: jelly
StackBot: Maryam continues the stack with runny and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Maryam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: U R B A N
StackBot: S P A K E
StackBot: T I L E D
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: N Y M P H
StackBot: F L I C K
StackBot: R U N N Y
Sam: affix
Zup: omens
SirDude: paces
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with affix and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: U R B A N
StackBot: S P A K E
StackBot: T I L E D
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: N Y M P H
StackBot: F L I C K
StackBot: R U N N Y
StackBot: A F F I X
Sentynel: media
Zup: tophi
Zup: catty
Sentynel: yacht
Zup: raked
StackBot: Sentynel continues the stack with yacht and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sentynel, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: U R B A N
StackBot: S P A K E
StackBot: T I L E D
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: N Y M P H
StackBot: F L I C K
StackBot: R U N N Y
StackBot: A F F I X
StackBot: Y A C H T
Sam: kudzu
Zup: train
NessaChan: ewers
Zup: query
Zup: tutti
Sam: estop
SirDude: ports
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with estop and wins 1 point!
StackBot: SirDude continues the stack with ports and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except SirDude, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: U R B A N
StackBot: S P A K E
StackBot: T I L E D
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: N Y M P H
StackBot: F L I C K
StackBot: R U N N Y
StackBot: A F F I X
StackBot: Y A C H T
StackBot: E S T O P
StackBot: P O R T S
Zup: quail
NessaChan: ewers is a word
Sentynel: omega
Zup: smell
NessaChan: or at least I thought it was
Maryam: Nessa: I'd think so, yes.
NessaChan: bot said it is not
Sam: NC: It is. I'll add it.
NessaChan: thanks :D
StackBot: Sentynel continues the stack with omega and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sentynel, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: U R B A N
StackBot: S P A K E
StackBot: T I L E D
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: N Y M P H
StackBot: F L I C K
StackBot: R U N N Y
StackBot: A F F I X
StackBot: Y A C H T
StackBot: E S T O P
StackBot: P O R T S
StackBot: O M E G A
Maryam: frats
Maryam: yahoo
Zup: welsh
Zup: whack
NessaChan: glown
Zup: whomp
SirDude: brunk
NessaChan: clown
Zup: where
Sam: belch
Sentynel: I was kinda hoping "omega" would end the stack... It would have been appropriate.
Sam: bells
Maryam: Sent: Heh.
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot: U R B A N
StackBot: S P A K E
StackBot: T I L E D
StackBot: StackBot
StackBot: N Y M P H
StackBot: F L I C K
StackBot: R U N N Y
StackBot: A F F I X
StackBot: Y A C H T
StackBot: E S T O P
StackBot: P O R T S
StackBot: O M E G A
Zup: combs
Sentynel: Huh?
SirDude: bluff
Maryam: It did it again!
Zup: plant
Sentynel: StackBot just said -- yes.
NessaChan: cruxy
NessaChan: that is weird
* TalkingDog scratches his head.
Maryam: trunk
NessaChan: spock
Sam: I'm too distracted to think about this stack anymore.
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. All possible continuations: begum, chuff, churr, degum, gesso, mezzo, whoso.
Sam: Begummit.
SirDude: Chuff crossed my mind but I didn't think it was a word
NessaChan: nessachan
TalkingDog: Batman
Sam: LOL
NessaChan: TalkingDog: I knew it was you
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot: T O M B
StackBot: W A G E
StackBot: I N L Y
Sam: idyl
NessaChan: knew
Maryam: wyrd
SirDude: spam
Sam: onto
NessaChan: onyx
Zup: typo
StackBot: SirDude continues the stack with spam and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except SirDude, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T O M B
StackBot: W A G E
StackBot: I N L Y
StackBot: S P A M
Maryam: bird
Zup: myna
StackBot: Maryam continues the stack with bird and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with myna and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T O M B
StackBot: W A G E
StackBot: I N L Y
StackBot: S P A M
StackBot: B I R D
StackBot: M Y N A
Sam: blip
NessaChan: into
Zup: ecru
Sam: pint
Sam: punt
Maryam: onyx
Sam: port
NessaChan: yoyo
SirDude: flip
StackBot: SirDude continues the stack with flip and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except SirDude, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T O M B
StackBot: W A G E
StackBot: I N L Y
StackBot: S P A M
StackBot: B I R D
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: F L I P
Maryam: oryx
Zup: ecru
StackBot: Maryam continues the stack with oryx and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Maryam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T O M B
StackBot: W A G E
StackBot: I N L Y
StackBot: S P A M
StackBot: B I R D
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: F L I P
StackBot: O R Y X
NessaChan: pork
Maryam: Whoa, that's a word.
Zup: juju
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with juju and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T O M B
StackBot: W A G E
StackBot: I N L Y
StackBot: S P A M
StackBot: B I R D
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: F L I P
StackBot: O R Y X
StackBot: J U J U
Zup: fuzz
Sam: edgy
Sam: edge
Sentynel: peel
NessaChan: park
Sam: epic
StackBot: Sentynel continues the stack with peel and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sentynel, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T O M B
StackBot: W A G E
StackBot: I N L Y
StackBot: S P A M
StackBot: B I R D
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: F L I P
StackBot: O R Y X
StackBot: J U J U
StackBot: P E E L
SirDude: test
Maryam: edit
SirDude: rest
NessaChan: lark
Zup: amen
Zup: maon
NessaChan: lick
Zup: amon
NessaChan: luck
Sam: No points this stack. Aargh.
Maryam: ankh
Sam: knot
Zup: east
Zup: orts
Maryam: arks
NessaChan: pock
Zup: ovum
Zup: oval
NessaChan: pick
NessaChan: sick
Zup: edit
NessaChan: sack
SirDude: asks
StackBot: SirDude continues the stack with asks and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except SirDude, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T O M B
StackBot: W A G E
StackBot: I N L Y
StackBot: S P A M
StackBot: B I R D
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: F L I P
StackBot: O R Y X
StackBot: J U J U
StackBot: P E E L
StackBot: A S K S
Sam: undo
Sentynel: echo
Sam: etch
StackBot: Sentynel continues the stack with echo and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sentynel, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T O M B
StackBot: W A G E
StackBot: I N L Y
StackBot: S P A M
StackBot: B I R D
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: F L I P
StackBot: O R Y X
StackBot: J U J U
StackBot: P E E L
StackBot: A S K S
StackBot: E C H O
FantasyFreak: bask
NessaChan: blob
Zup: east
Maryam: pump
Sentynel: echo "echo" > StackBot
Zup: gyri
FantasyFreak: husk
NessaChan: otto
Zup: vugh
SirDude: fiar
Zup: grue
Maryam: stim
Zup: vugg
Zup: ogre
Zup: done
NessaChan: clay
Maryam: ettu
Zup: hush
Zup: arch
NessaChan: crys
Maryam: atta
Zup: hone
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot: T O M B
StackBot: W A G E
StackBot: I N L Y
StackBot: S P A M
StackBot: B I R D
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: F L I P
StackBot: O R Y X
StackBot: J U J U
StackBot: P E E L
StackBot: A S K S
StackBot: E C H O
Zup: hate
NessaChan: clobbablobbablarb
Sentynel: chug
StackBot: Sentynel ends the stack with chug (no valid continuations) and wins 4 points!
Zup: crud
NessaChan: nice.
Zup: NICE!
Maryam: Nice.
Sam: Sweet.
* NessaChan is in last place
Maryam: Sent, I think you're going to take the lead this game.
Sentynel: Maryam: That would be pretty cool. I wouldn't count on it, though.
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot: T O D Y
StackBot: B Y R E
StackBot: V A I L
Maryam: onyx
Sam: idyl
NessaChan: onyx
Zup: grump
SirDude: fiar
StackBot: Maryam continues the stack with onyx and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Maryam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T O D Y
StackBot: B Y R E
StackBot: V A I L
StackBot: O N Y X
Zup: myna
Maryam: wyrd
Zup: idyl
Sam: plan
NessaChan: myna
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with plan and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T O D Y
StackBot: B Y R E
StackBot: V A I L
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: P L A N
Maryam: wyrd
Zup: hate
Zup: ts
SirDude: stop
Zup: asks
Maryam: wand
StackBot: SirDude continues the stack with stop and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except SirDude, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T O D Y
StackBot: B Y R E
StackBot: V A I L
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: P L A N
StackBot: S T O P
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with asks and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T O D Y
StackBot: B Y R E
StackBot: V A I L
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: P L A N
StackBot: S T O P
StackBot: A S K S
NessaChan: loop
Zup: orts
Sam: dine
Maryam: wind
StackBot: Maryam continues the stack with wind and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Maryam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T O D Y
StackBot: B Y R E
StackBot: V A I L
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: P L A N
StackBot: S T O P
StackBot: A S K S
StackBot: W I N D
Sam: typy
Sam: dint
FantasyFreak: borg
Zup: done
Sam: dirt
Sentynel: chug
NessaChan: leck
Zup: gyri
Sam: dart
StackBot: Sentynel continues the stack with chug and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sentynel, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T O D Y
StackBot: B Y R E
StackBot: V A I L
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: P L A N
StackBot: S T O P
StackBot: A S K S
StackBot: W I N D
StackBot: C H U G
Zup: ecru
Sam: pert
FantasyFreak: fame
Zup: echo
NessaChan: peck
Sam: kurt
Maryam: blip
Sam: curt
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with echo and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T O D Y
StackBot: B Y R E
StackBot: V A I L
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: P L A N
StackBot: S T O P
StackBot: A S K S
StackBot: W I N D
StackBot: C H U G
StackBot: E C H O
SirDude: crub
NessaChan: reck
StackBot: NessaChan continues the stack with reck and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except NessaChan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T O D Y
StackBot: B Y R E
StackBot: V A I L
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: P L A N
StackBot: S T O P
StackBot: A S K S
StackBot: W I N D
StackBot: C H U G
StackBot: E C H O
StackBot: R E C K
Sam: cusp
Zup: typo
Sentynel: keep
Maryam: sump
Sam: unto
Zup: hate
Sam: etch
Zup: chug
Sam: etui
Sentynel: hump
Maryam: tums
Sam: ammo
Zup: vugh
Zup: vugg
Sam: eddy
Sam: onyx
Maryam: rump
NessaChan: boob
Zup: fuzz
Zup: ush
Sam: Good grief.
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with fuzz and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T O D Y
StackBot: B Y R E
StackBot: V A I L
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: P L A N
StackBot: S T O P
StackBot: A S K S
StackBot: W I N D
StackBot: C H U G
StackBot: E C H O
StackBot: R E C K
StackBot: F U Z Z
NessaChan: lol
Sentynel: dust
Zup: ogre
Sentynel: idea
Sam: ilka
StackBot: Sentynel ends the stack with idea (no valid continuations) and wins 4 points!
Maryam: army
Zup: updo
SirDude: mist
NessaChan: zzzz
Sentynel: Really? O.o
Zup: Woot.
Maryam: That was a good idea.
Sentynel: Maryam: Heheh. =p
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I N C E
StackBot: T R A I L
StackBot: S C R U B
Sam: kudzu
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with kudzu and wins 1 point!
Zup: grump
Sam: affix
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I N C E
StackBot: T R A I L
StackBot: S C R U B
StackBot: K U D Z U
Maryam: wyrds
SirDude: prize
Zup: tutti
Sam: awful
NessaChan: flick
Maryam: nymph
Sentynel: Hum, two lucky stack completions in a row have me in contention with Sam...
SirDude: flier
StackBot: Maryam continues the stack with nymph and wins 1 point!
StackBot: SirDude continues the stack with flier and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except SirDude, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I N C E
StackBot: T R A I L
StackBot: S C R U B
StackBot: K U D Z U
StackBot: N Y M P H
StackBot: F L I E R
Zup: tophi
Zup: myrhh
Zup: begum
NessaChan: plums
Sam: oxbow
Zup: chuff
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with oxbow and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with chuff and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I N C E
StackBot: T R A I L
StackBot: S C R U B
StackBot: K U D Z U
StackBot: N Y M P H
StackBot: F L I E R
StackBot: O X B O W
StackBot: C H U F F
NessaChan: frums
Zup: mezzo
Zup: sso
Sam: hypha
Sam: psych
Maryam: fuzzy
Sam: sword
Sam: optic
Sentynel: rolls
Sam: usurp
NessaChan: lambs
StackBot: Sentynel continues the stack with rolls and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sentynel, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I N C E
StackBot: T R A I L
StackBot: S C R U B
StackBot: K U D Z U
StackBot: N Y M P H
StackBot: F L I E R
StackBot: O X B O W
StackBot: C H U F F
StackBot: R O L L S
Zup: gesso
Sam: empty
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with gesso and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I N C E
StackBot: T R A I L
StackBot: S C R U B
StackBot: K U D Z U
StackBot: N Y M P H
StackBot: F L I E R
StackBot: O X B O W
StackBot: C H U F F
StackBot: R O L L S
StackBot: G E S S O
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with empty and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I N C E
StackBot: T R A I L
StackBot: S C R U B
StackBot: K U D Z U
StackBot: N Y M P H
StackBot: F L I E R
StackBot: O X B O W
StackBot: C H U F F
StackBot: R O L L S
StackBot: G E S S O
StackBot: E M P T Y
Maryam: campy
Zup: mezzo
Sentynel: yacht
StackBot: Sentynel continues the stack with yacht and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sentynel, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I N C E
StackBot: T R A I L
StackBot: S C R U B
StackBot: K U D Z U
StackBot: N Y M P H
StackBot: F L I E R
StackBot: O X B O W
StackBot: C H U F F
StackBot: R O L L S
StackBot: G E S S O
StackBot: E M P T Y
StackBot: Y A C H T
Zup: cattle
Zup: tty
SirDude: phony
Zup: query
Zup: train
Zup: catty
Zup: jelly
NessaChan: blogs
Zup: nd
Zup: amend
Zup: upend
NessaChan: broom
Zup: tophi
Maryam: blabs
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with upend and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I N C E
StackBot: T R A I L
StackBot: S C R U B
StackBot: K U D Z U
StackBot: N Y M P H
StackBot: F L I E R
StackBot: O X B O W
StackBot: C H U F F
StackBot: R O L L S
StackBot: G E S S O
StackBot: E M P T Y
StackBot: Y A C H T
StackBot: U P E N D
Sam: pshaw
Sam: addax
NessaChan: booms
Sentynel: adorn
StackBot: Sentynel ends the stack with adorn (no valid continuations) and wins 4 points!
Zup: acorn
NessaChan: zorba
Sam: abysm
NessaChan: ouch
Sam: Dang, I'm going to lose this if I'm not careful.
Sentynel: Eep. Close.
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot: B O D Y
StackBot: I N K S
StackBot: W A I N
Zup: idyl
Sam: umbo
NessaChan: onyx
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with umbo and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B O D Y
StackBot: I N K S
StackBot: W A I N
StackBot: U M B O
Sam: envy
Zup: myna
SirDude: pyre
NessaChan: myna
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with myna and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B O D Y
StackBot: I N K S
StackBot: W A I N
StackBot: U M B O
StackBot: M Y N A
Maryam: live
Zup: arch
Sentynel: zing
Zup: guff
Sam: acyl
StackBot: Maryam continues the stack with live and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with arch and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B O D Y
StackBot: I N K S
StackBot: W A I N
StackBot: U M B O
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: L I V E
StackBot: A R C H
Sam: exec
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with exec and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B O D Y
StackBot: I N K S
StackBot: W A I N
StackBot: U M B O
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: L I V E
StackBot: A R C H
StackBot: E X E C
NessaChan: loop
Zup: type
SirDude: burn
Sentynel: yuck
Zup: orts
Zup: tomb
Maryam: oryx
Zup: only
NessaChan: plop
StackBot: NessaChan continues the stack with plop and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except NessaChan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B O D Y
StackBot: I N K S
StackBot: W A I N
StackBot: U M B O
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: L I V E
StackBot: A R C H
StackBot: E X E C
StackBot: P L O P
Zup: vugh
Zup: east
Zup: vugg
Maryam: sytx
Maryam: styx
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with vugg and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B O D Y
StackBot: I N K S
StackBot: W A I N
StackBot: U M B O
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: L I V E
StackBot: A R C H
StackBot: E X E C
StackBot: P L O P
StackBot: V U G G
Sam: otto
NessaChan: dude
Sam: onto
Sentynel: zest
StackBot: Sentynel continues the stack with zest and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Sentynel wins!
Zup: ecru
SirDude: germm
Sam: Wow.
NessaChan: drum
Maryam: Grats!
Sentynel: Phew!
Sam: Nice.
Zup: nice! Congrats!
FantasyFreak: Yay Sent!
NessaChan: nice game
Sentynel: I got bloody lucky with three stack completions.
Sam: Dang, I don't know how you did that.
Sam: Great job, though!
Sentynel: Also, I can answer questions before they're asked.
Sam: And that's Numberwang.
Sam: A very interesting turn of events: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=8
Maryam: Thought so.
Zup: Woah!
* SirDude seems to have hit a brick wall in standings...
Sentynel: This has been a good night for me.
* NessaChan is still 3rd'd
Sentynel: Oho, and AstroBot and MathBot next.
Sentynel: I'm usually good at those.
* NessaChan will fail those bots
Sam: Next session is Thursday, at which point a new MYSTERY BOT will make its debut!
Zup: WOO! I will BE THERE
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'UBT #8, Session 7: Thursday, April 29, 2010, at 9:30pm EDT!' by Sam.
Sam: Also, congratulations, Maryam, for winning the Speed Class.
Maryam: I did? Cool.
Sentynel: Maryam is quick like the ninja.
NessaChan: maryam's refresh rate like wings of hummingbird
ThePhan: Yay Maryam!
Zup: Woohoo!