Ultimate Bot Tournament #8: Session 5
SirDude has entered.
Nyperold has entered.
Nyperold has left.
Maryam has entered.
SirDude has left.
SirDude has entered.
NessaChan has entered.
Nyperold has entered.
NessaChan: bot bot bot bot
Maryam: bot bot? bot!
Nyperold: Ohhhh! Bot BOOOOOooot!
vball has entered.
Sentynel has entered.
TalkingDog has entered.
gremlinn has entered.
ThePhan has entered.
gremlinn is away.
Sam has entered.
Sam: Hello!
NessaChan: hello.
* gremlinn Hello!
Randy has entered.
Sam: Welcome to session...something...of UBT #...I forget...
Maryam: I believe it's in the topic there.
Sam: Oh yeah, #5 of #8.
Maryam: 8? I see 10 scheduled.
Sam: Maryam: it's #5 of 10 of #8.
Maryam: Oh. Right then.
Sam: We'll be playing...some bots...tonight....
Sentynel: Alright, who's been at Sam's memory banks?
Sam: We'll be playing SearchBot first. Hooray!
Sam: Everyone express some sort of excitement.
TalkingDog: Woo!
NessaChan: yay
TalkingDog: Woo!
vball: Yipee!
Sentynel: And there was much rejoicing!
Maryam: *waves flags*
NessaChan: yatta
ThePhan: Whee!
Nyperold: Woohoo!
NessaChan: yee-haw
Randy: Too sleepy to play. Night y'all!
[RinkChat] User Randy has been kicked from the room by Randy.
Randy has left.
Maryam: I'm kinda knackered too, but I'll stay.
SearchBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: And now, without further adieu -- and I mean it, this is no time to say goodbye -- please welcome UBT Guest Star WHIZKID!
WhizKid has been summoned by Sam.
NessaChan: Hi WK
WhizKid: Sam: Please be more profound.
Sam: Whiz: Trying.
WhizKid: Sam: spank vaccinations!
Nyperold: WK: SearchBot is pretty profound.
WhizKid: Nyperold: counterfeit Sentynel's cockroach!
NessaChan: WK: How have you been?
WhizKid: NessaChan: scratch corn!
NessaChan: er, ok.
Sam: The game begins in 30 seconds!
WhizKid: Beans, besides communists!
NessaChan: lol
Nyperold: WK: But that will drive down the value of cockroaches.
WhizKid: Nyperold: We should hang shockingly!
NessaChan: Beans are worth more to communists than cockroaches.
SearchBot: Starting a new game:
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the fewest search results? (1) jarringly, (2) absquatulated, (3) uprooted, (4) insentient, (5) colter, (6) tangled, (7) homeostasis, (8) rotes, (9) torchon.
Sam: Remember, use /b.
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: absquatulated (7,530) [+3] (Maryam, NessaChan, Sentynel, SirDude, TalkingDog, ThePhan, vball)
SearchBot: Answer: insentient (46,500) [+2] (Nyperold)
SearchBot: Answer: jarringly (164,000) [+1] (WhizKid)
SearchBot: Answer: torchon (443,000)
SearchBot: Answer: homeostasis (634,000) (Sam)
SearchBot: Answer: colter (1,040,000)
SearchBot: Answer: uprooted (1,070,000) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: rotes (3,150,000) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: tangled (5,020,000) [-3]
WhizKid: YES!
Sam: That's such an awesome word, I figured it would be used on pages of awesome words.
Sam: But I think the past tense form makes it rarer.
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the fewest search results? (1) fumarole, (2) midwinter, (3) kaolin, (4) cants, (5) verification, (6) theses, (7) dichromatism, (8) scouse, (9) loadstone.
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: dichromatism (23,700) [+3] (Maryam, NessaChan, vball)
SearchBot: Answer: fumarole (101,000) [+2] (Sam, Sentynel, SirDude)
SearchBot: Answer: loadstone (109,000) [+1] (Nyperold)
SearchBot: Answer: cants (112,000)
SearchBot: Answer: scouse (131,000)
SearchBot: Answer: kaolin (792,000) (TalkingDog, WhizKid)
SearchBot: Answer: midwinter (963,000) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: theses (4,950,000) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: verification (38,600,000) [-3]
SirDude: Eh, that was my second guess
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the most search results? (1) Barrientos, (2) Duarte, (3) Fenwick, (4) Stepp, (5) Mullen, (6) Trout, (7) Counts, (8) Tennant, (9) Dowdell.
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: Counts (26,200,000) [+3] (Maryam, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, SirDude, TalkingDog, ThePhan, vball, WhizKid)
SearchBot: Answer: Trout (18,900,000) [+2] (NessaChan)
SearchBot: Answer: Mullen (4,050,000) [+1]
SearchBot: Answer: Duarte (3,650,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Fenwick (3,620,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Tennant (2,520,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Stepp (827,000) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: Barrientos (318,000) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: Dowdell (219,000) [-3]
WhizKid: Cool.
Nyperold: Good thing I switched.
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the fewest search results? (1) 4881913, (2) 9042951, (3) 0376044, (4) 5230604, (5) 0635154, (6) 3085909, (7) 4120294, (8) 5540322, (9) 5102639.
Sentynel: Ummm.
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: 0376044 (85) [+3] (NessaChan, Sentynel, SirDude)
SearchBot: Answer: 0635154 (97) [+2] (Maryam, Nyperold, TalkingDog)
SearchBot: Answer: 9042951 (114) [+1] (ThePhan, WhizKid)
SearchBot: Answer: 5230604 (119)
SearchBot: Answer: 4881913 (131)
SearchBot: Answer: 5540322 (131)
SearchBot: Answer: 5102639 (159) [-1] (Sam, vball)
SearchBot: Answer: 4120294 (234) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: 3085909 (245) [-3]
WhizKid: Who da man? Who da man?
vball: Yikes.
Sam: Sheesh.
Sam: Oh, I forgot the leading zero rule.
ThePhan: I didn't know there was a leading zero rule.
ThePhan: I just remember higher numbers being better.
Sam: Yeah, I also missed seeing the one starting with 9.
WhizKid: NessaChan captures untold fireflies!
NessaChan: yes, this is true.
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the fewest search results? (1) wearily, (2) moralized, (3) birches, (4) ordain, (5) hideouts, (6) bequeathing, (7) druidical, (8) sulfate, (9) stroud.
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: druidical (54,000) [+3] (Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sentynel, SirDude, ThePhan, vball)
SearchBot: Answer: moralized (73,900) [+2]
SearchBot: Answer: bequeathing (190,000) [+1] (Sam, TalkingDog)
SearchBot: Answer: hideouts (262,000) (WhizKid)
SearchBot: Answer: ordain (438,000)
SearchBot: Answer: birches (518,000)
SearchBot: Answer: wearily (1,610,000) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: stroud (3,750,000) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: sulfate (5,650,000) [-3]
Nyperold: That was totally druidical.
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the most search results? (1) jvd, (2) hda, (3) wdd, (4) byq, (5) tbl, (6) wjs, (7) ukz, (8) iur, (9) jyn.
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: tbl (1,430,000) [+3] (NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, vball)
SearchBot: Answer: hda (1,270,000) [+2] (TalkingDog, WhizKid)
SearchBot: Answer: iur (1,260,000) [+1] (Maryam, ThePhan)
SearchBot: Answer: ukz (528,000)
SearchBot: Answer: jyn (491,000) (SirDude)
SearchBot: Answer: jvd (335,000)
SearchBot: Answer: byq (287,000) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: wdd (287,000) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: wjs (258,000) [-3]
WhizKid: That one was for you, Mom.
Maryam: Aww. He dedicated it to Sam.
NessaChan: Who is then?
Maryam: There's no one else who could be his mom.
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the fewest search results? (1) determinative, (2) throatily, (3) playmate, (4) retrocede, (5) nocuous, (6) axe, (7) paster, (8) resolutions, (9) etymons.
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: etymons (11,100) [+3] (Maryam, NessaChan, SirDude, ThePhan)
SearchBot: Answer: nocuous (18,300) [+2] (Nyperold, Sentynel, vball)
SearchBot: Answer: throatily (18,400) [+1] (TalkingDog)
SearchBot: Answer: determinative (360,000) (WhizKid)
SearchBot: Answer: paster (374,000)
SearchBot: Answer: retrocede (388,000) (Sam)
SearchBot: Answer: axe (14,000,000) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: playmate (16,300,000) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: resolutions (21,000,000) [-3]
WhizKid: Cool.
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the fewest search results? (1) Robbie, (2) Herminia, (3) Shirlee, (4) Ocie, (5) Rhoda, (6) Maria, (7) Laurette, (8) Eda, (9) Pattie.
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: Ocie (190,000) [+3] (NessaChan, Sentynel, vball)
SearchBot: Answer: Shirlee (307,000) [+2] (WhizKid)
SearchBot: Answer: Laurette (373,000) [+1]
SearchBot: Answer: Herminia (420,000) (Maryam, Nyperold, Sam, SirDude, TalkingDog, ThePhan)
SearchBot: Answer: Pattie (630,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Rhoda (1,950,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Eda (6,520,000) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: Robbie (32,900,000) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: Maria (142,000,000) [-3]
WhizKid: Who da man? Who da man?
Maryam: Interesting.
ThePhan: Huh.
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the fewest search results? (1) Gilbreath, (2) Camp, (3) Hood, (4) Linkous, (5) Koonce, (6) Lavigne, (7) Harbin, (8) Rau, (9) Whittaker.
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: Linkous (195,000) [+3] (Nyperold)
SearchBot: Answer: Koonce (205,000) [+2] (Sam, TalkingDog, ThePhan, vball)
SearchBot: Answer: Gilbreath (282,000) [+1] (Maryam, Sentynel, SirDude)
SearchBot: Answer: Whittaker (1,960,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Harbin (2,310,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Lavigne (13,800,000) (WhizKid)
SearchBot: Answer: Rau (15,800,000) [-1] (NessaChan)
SearchBot: Answer: Hood (55,100,000) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: Camp (133,000,000) [-3]
ThePhan: Awww, and I picked the wrong one.
* ThePhan keeps switching back and forth between two.
Sam: The Zelda games are pretty Linkous.
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the fewest search results? (1) scullion, (2) bedtime, (3) yolks, (4) menthene, (5) hurtful, (6) solemnify, (7) parenthesized, (8) stanching, (9) reciprocally.
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: solemnify (2,340) [+3] (Maryam, Sam, Sentynel, ThePhan)
SearchBot: Answer: menthene (21,800) [+2]
SearchBot: Answer: stanching (32,000) [+1] (NessaChan, TalkingDog)
SearchBot: Answer: parenthesized (220,000) (vball, WhizKid)
SearchBot: Answer: scullion (308,000) (Nyperold, SirDude)
SearchBot: Answer: reciprocally (332,000)
SearchBot: Answer: yolks (510,000) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: hurtful (1,240,000) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: bedtime (7,790,000) [-3]
WhizKid: I'm too tired to think straight.
NessaChan: WK: take a nap
WhizKid: NessaChan: Let's kiss any dishwasher!
NessaChan: ok
Sentynel: I was about to sympathise there.
Sentynel: Then I realised it was WK.
Sam: Sent: LOL
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the fewest search results? (1) 7188403, (2) expediently, (3) pronephros, (4) villainousness, (5) trenchant, (6) Holcomb, (7) Billings, (8) novas, (9) mi.
Sam: IT'S #9!
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: 7188403 (85) [+3] (Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, SirDude, WhizKid)
SearchBot: Answer: villainousness (3,590) [+2]
SearchBot: Answer: pronephros (27,800) [+1] (ThePhan, vball)
SearchBot: Answer: expediently (40,500)
SearchBot: Answer: trenchant (432,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Holcomb (1,840,000)
SearchBot: Answer: novas (7,020,000) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: Billings (35,200,000) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: mi (254,000,000) [-3] (TalkingDog)
WhizKid: Suckers!
TalkingDog: um
Sam: TD: I was kidding.
* TalkingDog was late and guessed anything, dumbly.
ThePhan: Oh, dear. I forgot numbers had many results.
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the fewest search results? (1) chophouse, (2) booboisie, (3) blowhole, (4) buying, (5) simile, (6) zenithal, (7) stripeless, (8) revered, (9) possums.
Maryam: Is that a cross between "boob" and "bourgeoisie"?
Sam: booboisie. --noun a segment of the general public composed of uneducated, uncultured persons.
Sentynel: Maryam: Apparently it is a cross between "boob" and "bourgeoisie"
Maryam: Heheh.
gremlinn: What's the word for that....
Nyperold: Portmanteau
gremlinn: Yeah.
Sam: My next book will be a satirical expose of the decadence of the booboisie.
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: stripeless (12,300) [+3]
SearchBot: Answer: booboisie (19,600) [+2] (Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, SirDude, TalkingDog, ThePhan)
SearchBot: Answer: zenithal (60,200) [+1] (vball)
SearchBot: Answer: chophouse (134,000)
SearchBot: Answer: blowhole (248,000)
SearchBot: Answer: possums (336,000)
SearchBot: Answer: simile (4,040,000) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: revered (5,780,000) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: buying (198,000,000) [-3] (WhizKid)
SearchBot: Sentynel wins!
Sentynel: I'm surprised stripeless was so low.
Maryam: Grats Sent!
Sentynel: Thanks.
vball: Congrats Sentynel!
Sam: Still a dead heat at the top. http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=8
Sentynel: Exciting.
Maryam: Hm. I don't think I normally play the next two bots, but perhaps I shall attempt to keep my lead.
ThePhan: Maryam: Do it!
Maryam: My rapidly eroding lead.
Sam: And now, with further adieu, say goobye to WhizKid! Goobye! Goobye!
NessaChan: bye wk.
NessaChan: WK: bye
WhizKid: NessaChan: You should be more like the hologram!
NessaChan: ok
WhizKid has been dismissed by Sam.
LineBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sentynel: Argh, LineBot is not my strongpoint.
LineBot: Make up a sentence using the words walnut. (1/* accepted)
LineBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LineBot: Vote 1 for Walnut brownies. Mmmmmmmm.
LineBot: Vote 2 for Don't fall and crack your head like a walnut! The meat isn't appetizing.
LineBot: Vote 3 for The walnut suffers from something of an inferiority complex compared to a Brazil nut.
LineBot: Vote 4 for A big walnut fell on my head.
LineBot: Vote 5 for No, there are no walnuts in an Almond Joy. Otherwise it'd be called a Walnut Joy.
LineBot: Vote 6 for Billy frowned. This question was harder than a titanium walnut, but he wouldn't let it crack him.
LineBot: Vote 7 for There's a town near me named Walnut. I learned very quickly I was not the only one to make a joke about its residents being nutty. They were not amused.
gremlinn: vote 6
SirDude: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 5
Maryam: vote 6
vball: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 5
Sentynel: vote 7
NessaChan: vote 1
Sam: vote 3
Sam: vote 6
Sam: vote 3
* SirDude sees indecisiveness
LineBot: SirDude wins 3 points for No, there are no walnuts in an Almond Joy. Otherwise it'd be called a Walnut Joy.
LineBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for Billy frowned. This question was harder than a titanium walnut, but he wouldn't let it crack him.
LineBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for There's a town near me named Walnut. I learned very quickly I was not the only one to make a joke about its residents being nutty. They were not amused.
LineBot: Maryam wins 1 point for Walnut brownies. Mmmmmmmm.
LineBot: Sentynel wins 1 point for The walnut suffers from something of an inferiority complex compared to a Brazil nut.
LineBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for A big walnut fell on my head.
LineBot: vball wins 0 points for Don't fall and crack your head like a walnut! The meat isn't appetizing.
Maryam: I don't think I could decide whether I like walnuts or Brazil nuts better.
Sentynel: Sam used to be indecisive, but now he's not so sure...
gremlinn: Maryam is trying to be overindecisive.
Maryam: Unrelated to other indecisiveness.
LineBot: Make up a sentence using the words farmer, courts, fiesta. (1/* accepted)
LineBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LineBot: Vote 1 for The Farmer 's fiesta was so noisy and loud, all the neighbors complained. He got arrested and the case went through several courts.
LineBot: Vote 2 for In retrospect, the king decided, holding a fiesta in the courts with "farmer" fancy dress had led to rather more domestic animals being brought in than he would have liked.
LineBot: Vote 3 for At the fiesta, the colorfully-dressed farmer courts his date with a saucy dance.
LineBot: Vote 4 for At a fiesta, the Mexican farmer courts a lovely seņorita.
LineBot: Vote 5 for The son of our resident farmer courts his gal in full fiesta costume.
LineBot: Vote 6 for The Mexican Farmer Fiesta got a little too rowdy. The courts are booked.
* ThePhan did not have time to finish :-(
ThePhan: Alas. I must think faster.
Maryam: vote 6
gremlinn: vote 4
Sam: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 2
Sentynel: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 3
vball: vote 6
SirDude: vote 3
LineBot: Maryam wins 3 points for At the fiesta, the colorfully-dressed farmer courts his date with a saucy dance.
LineBot: SirDude wins 3 points for The Mexican Farmer Fiesta got a little too rowdy. The courts are booked.
LineBot: Sentynel wins 2 points for In retrospect, the king decided, holding a fiesta in the courts with "farmer" fancy dress had led to rather more domestic animals being brought in than he would have liked.
LineBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for At a fiesta, the Mexican farmer courts a lovely seņorita.
LineBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for The Farmer 's fiesta was so noisy and loud, all the neighbors complained. He got arrested and the case went through several courts.
LineBot: vball wins 0 points for The son of our resident farmer courts his gal in full fiesta costume.
NessaChan: booo
* NessaChan must kick her creativity up a notch
vball: I'm hanging out at Zero with you Nessa.
LineBot: Make up a sentence using the words expensive, annoyingly. (1/* accepted)
Sentynel: I keep trying to submit stuff on /msg. My mind is broked.
LineBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LineBot: Vote 1 for Shopping at Nordstrom is annoyingly expensive. They're just clothes, for heaven sakes!
LineBot: Vote 2 for Apple Macintosh: Because your current computer wasn't annoyingly expensive enough.
LineBot: Vote 3 for Annoyingly, the popcorn is not only expensive considering the amount, but you're buying a lot in one go.
LineBot: Vote 4 for When you don't have any reliable income, everything can seem annoyingly expensive.
LineBot: Vote 5 for Why must a first-class two-month vacation be just so annoyingly expensive? Geez!
LineBot: Vote 6 for Not long after purchasing expensive house, he discovered it was annoyingly close to a sewage treatment plant.
LineBot: Vote 7 for Why is everything so annoyingly expensive? I mean, I want things! But, I don't have money! It's really very annoying.
SirDude: vote 7
vball: vote 5
gremlinn: vote 1
Sentynel: vote 7
Sam: vote 5
Maryam: vote 2
NessaChan: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 2
Maryam: vote 6
LineBot: Maryam wins 2 points for Why must a first-class two-month vacation be just so annoyingly expensive? Geez!
LineBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for Why is everything so annoyingly expensive? I mean, I want things! But, I don't have money! It's really very annoying.
LineBot: Sentynel wins 2 points for Apple Macintosh: Because your current computer wasn't annoyingly expensive enough.
LineBot: SirDude wins 1 point for When you don't have any reliable income, everything can seem annoyingly expensive.
LineBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Not long after purchasing expensive house, he discovered it was annoyingly close to a sewage treatment plant.
LineBot: vball wins 1 point for Shopping at Nordstrom is annoyingly expensive. They're just clothes, for heaven sakes!
LineBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Annoyingly, the popcorn is not only expensive considering the amount, but you're buying a lot in one go.
ThePhan: Mine was missing a word. Heh.
Maryam: I liked it anyway.
ThePhan: Yay! I am glad.
Maryam: It's hard to resist the temptation to use the two given words together.
NessaChan: hehe
ThePhan: And, what? No, I didn't steal that from an episode of How I Met Your Mother...
Maryam: Phan: Er... did someone accuse you of that?
ThePhan: Maryam: Heh. No. But I really did.
* Sam would like to state that he did not steal the idea for bot tournaments from episode 3.18 of I Dream of Jeannie.
gremlinn: Sam: neither did I.
Sam: Good.
LineBot: Make up a sentence using the words but, manservants, minus, vball. (1/* accepted)
LineBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LineBot: Vote 1 for vball loved her new mansion, including the manservants, but minus the kangaroo farm next door.
LineBot: Vote 2 for The king ordered his staff to begin cleaning up, but the manservants were minus vball. Great.
LineBot: Vote 3 for I wanted to invite vball over to my pool party, but how could I have a pool party minus my manservants! They called in sick, so I had to cancel. *sigh*
LineBot: Vote 4 for Minus one of their best teammates, the manservants did their best, but still managed to be viciously beaten by the chambermaids in the vball tournament.
LineBot: Vote 5 for vball employed many manservants, but had to let one go when he couldn't answer what was seven minus one.
LineBot: Vote 6 for You would think vball would have many manservants, but really, who needs them when you have minus?
Sam: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 1
Maryam: vote 3
gremlinn: vote 1
Sentynel: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 1
vball: vote 3
Sentynel: Kangaroo farm!
LineBot: vball wins 5 points for vball loved her new mansion, including the manservants, but minus the kangaroo farm next door.
LineBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for I wanted to invite vball over to my pool party, but how could I have a pool party minus my manservants! They called in sick, so I had to cancel. *sigh*
LineBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Minus one of their best teammates, the manservants did their best, but still managed to be viciously beaten by the chambermaids in the vball tournament.
LineBot: Maryam wins 0 points for vball employed many manservants, but had to let one go when he couldn't answer what was seven minus one.
LineBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for You would think vball would have many manservants, but really, who needs them when you have minus?
LineBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for The king ordered his staff to begin cleaning up, but the manservants were minus vball. Great.
* NessaChan laughs at the idea of a manservants vs. chambermaids vball match.
Sentynel: There was a story on the news recently about an escaped wallaby wandering around the English countryside. That was fun.
LineBot: Make up a sentence using the words primitive, brace, different, damaging. (1/* accepted)
LineBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LineBot: Vote 1 for The brace I was using for my carpal tunnel was of a really primitive design, different from the latest models. Instead of helping, it was really quite damaging.
LineBot: Vote 2 for A piece of crap on a stick of crap made of crap was certainly a different kind of leg brace, but it was far too primitive and was damaging the injured limb more than helping.
LineBot: Vote 3 for The modern brace is different from the primitive one in that the risk of accidentally damaging the limb is greatly reduced.
LineBot: Vote 4 for For fear of a dog doing damaging to the new fence with a different type of paint, the owner used a primitive brace composed of concrete.
LineBot: Vote 5 for After damaging his leg fighting a wooly mammoth, the caveman fashioned a primitive brace out of several different types of wood.
LineBot: Vote 6 for The primitive brace was rather different from the modern one. Some believe it was less damaging to the teeth.
Sentynel: vote 2
SirDude: vote 2
vball: vote 2
gremlinn: vote 3
Maryam: vote 6
ThePhan: vote 5
Maryam: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 4
Sam: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 6
LineBot: NessaChan wins 3 points for After damaging his leg fighting a wooly mammoth, the caveman fashioned a primitive brace out of several different types of wood.
LineBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for A piece of crap on a stick of crap made of crap was certainly a different kind of leg brace, but it was far too primitive and was damaging the injured limb more than helping.
LineBot: vball wins 2 points for For fear of a dog doing damaging to the new fence with a different type of paint, the owner used a primitive brace composed of concrete.
LineBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for The primitive brace was rather different from the modern one. Some believe it was less damaging to the teeth.
LineBot: Maryam wins 0 points for The brace I was using for my carpal tunnel was of a really primitive design, different from the latest models. Instead of helping, it was really quite damaging.
LineBot: SirDude wins 0 points for The modern brace is different from the primitive one in that the risk of accidentally damaging the limb is greatly reduced.
vball: I changed mine halfway through and it doesn't even make sense!
Maryam: vball: You got points anyway!
LineBot: Make up a sentence using the words megawatt, seigniorage, names. (1/* accepted)
gremlinn: Vowels gone wild.
Sam: "The difference between the value of money and the cost to produce it. "
Sam: That's what seigniorage means.
gremlinn: Cool.
Sam: yeah.
10Kan: Mine would've worked better if I didn't know that.
LineBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LineBot: Vote 1 for Even after feeding a megawatt of power to their Earth names database, the aliens could only get an annoyingly obtuse definition about financial somethings for "seigniorage".
LineBot: Vote 2 for Who changed the megawatt usage so that it lowers our overall seigniorage of operating this plant? I want names!
LineBot: Vote 3 for Megawatt swore that, with his new electro-suit, the names of the city's heroes would no longer enjoy seigniorage.
LineBot: Vote 4 for The names were all spelled wrong! The principal threw a megawatt fit with a full seigniorage episodeto boot!
LineBot: Vote 5 for "Well, I like your writing," the editor told his newest author, "but something HAS to be done about these names. I mean, Seigniorage Megawatt?"
Maryam: Oh. I read the definition too quickly.
Maryam: Mine doesn't really make sense then.
gremlinn: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 1
Sam: vote 1
Maryam: vote 5
Sentynel: vote 5
vball: vote 5
10Kan: vote 1
LineBot: Sentynel wins 3 points for Even after feeding a megawatt of power to their Earth names database, the aliens could only get an annoyingly obtuse definition about financial somethings for "seigniorage".
LineBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for "Well, I like your writing," the editor told his newest author, "but something HAS to be done about these names. I mean, Seigniorage Megawatt?"
LineBot: Maryam wins 1 point for Who changed the megawatt usage so that it lowers our overall seigniorage of operating this plant? I want names!
LineBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for Megawatt swore that, with his new electro-suit, the names of the city's heroes would no longer enjoy seigniorage.
LineBot: vball wins 0 points for The names were all spelled wrong! The principal threw a megawatt fit with a full seigniorage episodeto boot!
Maryam: If I'd managed to change mine to "mint" instead of "plant" in time, it would have made somewhat better sense.
gremlinn: Maryam: yours was the only one that made sense to me (and didn't gratuitiously use the words).
Sam: Sentynel's used the word in quotes, which I normally don't vote for, but it had something about the actual real definition, too.
LineBot: Make up a sentence using the words disgracefully, clothes, gauze. (1/* accepted)
LineBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LineBot: Vote 1 for All she wanted was to be like a Disney princess and make her own clothes out of household items, but her mother said she was behaving disgracefully by wearing the gauze gown to the dinner party.
LineBot: Vote 2 for On Project Runway, they disgracefully made the contestants make clothes out of gauze. It was pretty gross.
LineBot: Vote 3 for Miranda threw the dress, no more than gauze, onto the bed. "I've never been treated so disgracefully before! These are no clothes!"
LineBot: Vote 4 for The nuns were shocked on their tour of the harems to see how disgracefully the girls wore clothes. Nothing but thin gauze!
LineBot: Vote 5 for The seamstress was given the task of making a beautiful gown out of gauze. Unfortunately, she better stick to regular clothes. The gown weathered disgracefully!
Sam: vote 4
Maryam: vote 3
vball: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 3
Sentynel: vote 3
10Kan: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 5
LineBot: 10Kan wins 3 points for Miranda threw the dress, no more than gauze, onto the bed. "I've never been treated so disgracefully before! These are no clothes!"
LineBot: Maryam wins 2 points for The nuns were shocked on their tour of the harems to see how disgracefully the girls wore clothes. Nothing but thin gauze!
LineBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for On Project Runway, they disgracefully made the contestants make clothes out of gauze. It was pretty gross.
LineBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for All she wanted was to be like a Disney princess and make her own clothes out of household items, but her mother said she was behaving disgracefully by wearing the gauze gown to the dinner party.
LineBot: vball wins 1 point for The seamstress was given the task of making a beautiful gown out of gauze. Unfortunately, she better stick to regular clothes. The gown weathered disgracefully!
Maryam: I just like the idea of a group of nuns taking a tour of the harems, with no idea of what they'd find there.
Sam: LOL
Sam: Now I want to make a dollz fairy with GAUZE ON.
gremlinn: And you'll make us gaze upon the gauze upon them?
Sam: I'll bandage up my eyes, so I'll have gauze upon my gaze upon the gauze upon them.
gremlinn: Ooh, take a picture of that.
Sam: I'm with you.
LineBot: Make up a sentence using the words furthermore, uncorked. (1/* accepted)
SirDude: ...and furthermore, something about that idea of Sam's seems uncorked.
[LineBot->SirDude] Your submission was accepted, but in the future you can make your submissions private by prepending /b.
SirDude: ...Aw crap.
Sentynel: It took me four attempts to spell "uncorcked".
Sentynel: *uncorked.
Sam: LOL
NessaChan: lol.
gremlinn: Sentynel: you're 2 for 6 now. Batting .333.
Sentynel: gremlinn: I'm turning into LaZ!
LineBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LineBot: Vote 1 for "...and furthermore," he compounded to his rant, "this wine should have been uncorked at the table, not before!"
LineBot: Vote 2 for ...and furthermore, something about that idea of Sam's seems uncorked.
LineBot: Vote 3 for When the waiter uncorked the champagne, it went all over the lady's dress; furthermore, it shorted out her Blackberry.
LineBot: Vote 4 for Once I have uncorked this bottle, I shall elucidate upon your pulchritude. Furthermore, I shall compose a sonnet about your limpid eyes.
LineBot: Vote 5 for I am not drunk, Occifer! And furthermore...the second bottle of wine sitting there is not uncorked!
LineBot: Vote 6 for "...Furthermore," continued our guest, "Leaving the wine uncorked will soon have the somellier torqued."
LineBot: Vote 7 for I can't believe you were so rude to have uncorked the champange that we were going to use to send off the Queen's new ship! Furthermore, you're dressed like a flamingo and not wearing the propper uniform!
SirDude: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 3
10Kan: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 7
vball: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 6
Sam: vote 4
Sentynel: vote 3
Maryam: vote 6
LineBot: NessaChan wins 3 points for I can't believe you were so rude to have uncorked the champange that we were going to use to send off the Queen's new ship! Furthermore, you're dressed like a flamingo and not wearing the propper uniform!
LineBot: 10Kan wins 2 points for "...Furthermore," continued our guest, "Leaving the wine uncorked will soon have the somellier torqued."
LineBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for When the waiter uncorked the champagne, it went all over the lady's dress; furthermore, it shorted out her Blackberry.
LineBot: Maryam wins 1 point for Once I have uncorked this bottle, I shall elucidate upon your pulchritude. Furthermore, I shall compose a sonnet about your limpid eyes.
LineBot: vball wins 1 point for I am not drunk, Occifer! And furthermore...the second bottle of wine sitting there is not uncorked!
LineBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for "...and furthermore," he compounded to his rant, "this wine should have been uncorked at the table, not before!"
LineBot: SirDude wins 0 points for ...and furthermore, something about that idea of Sam's seems uncorked.
10Kan: Those reminders about flamingo costumes are all over the etiquette guides. You should've known better.
Sentynel: I was too busy trying to spell "uncorkced" to remember the funnies.
Sentynel: *UNCORKED.
LineBot: Make up a sentence using the words ushers, maim, cliff, toddlers. (1/* accepted)
Sam: Those words should generate some frightening submissions.
LineBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LineBot: Vote 1 for Under Dogbert's guidance, numerous toddlers launched mashed potatoes to maim ushers and force them off a cliff.
LineBot: Vote 2 for The ushers at the Grand Canyon are chiefly in charge of keeping toddlers from wandering off the edge of a cliff and causing maim - age.
LineBot: Vote 3 for The worst horror movie ever: The orangutan ushers the toddlers over the cliff, with intent to maim.
LineBot: Vote 4 for At the Church of Zero Tolerance, ushers are instructed to maim unruly toddlers and throw them over the cliff out back.
10Kan: Darn!
SirDude: vote 2
Sam: vote 3
Maryam: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 1
Sentynel: vote 4
10Kan: vote 3
NessaChan: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 4
10Kan: If it'd been "Toddler" and not "Toddlers", I'd have submitted "The family really had no excuse, but tried to complain to the ushers about the gratuitious violence in "Toddler Cliff Maim Spree 6: With a Vengeance"
LineBot: gremlinn wins 3 points for At the Church of Zero Tolerance, ushers are instructed to maim unruly toddlers and throw them over the cliff out back.
LineBot: Maryam wins 3 points for The worst horror movie ever: The orangutan ushers the toddlers over the cliff, with intent to maim.
LineBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for The ushers at the Grand Canyon are chiefly in charge of keeping toddlers from wandering off the edge of a cliff and causing maim - age.
LineBot: SirDude wins 1 point for Under Dogbert's guidance, numerous toddlers launched mashed potatoes to maim ushers and force them off a cliff.
LineBot: Make up a sentence using the words fashionable, husk, scar, confining. (1/* accepted)
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'UBT #8, Session 6: Tuesday, April 27, 2010, at 9:30pm EDT!' by Sam.
LineBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LineBot: Vote 1 for As the insect shook itself free from the confining husk of its previous exoskeleton, it wondered if the marks of the struggle would leave a fashionable scar.
LineBot: Vote 2 for It was really not fashionable to have such a large scar, so I attempted to keep the coconut husk over my face at the tiki party. This had the effect of confining me to a chair, since I could not dance wildly like everyone else.
LineBot: Vote 3 for The Phantom was delighted to shed his confining husk of a mask when he discovered having a scar was now fashionable.
LineBot: Vote 4 for The doctors were forced to surgically remove the fashionable, but somewhat confining, dress, leaving a nasty scar, before it reduced its unfortunate wearer to a mere husk.
NessaChan: ... whaaaaaa
Sentynel: vote 3
NessaChan: ran out of timeeeee
ThePhan: vote 2
gremlinn: vote 3
10Kan: vote 3
Sam: vote 2
gremlinn: I wonder if it's by ThePhan.....
Maryam: vote 1
Sam: Almost certainly.
LineBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for The Phantom was delighted to shed his confining husk of a mask when he discovered having a scar was now fashionable.
LineBot: Maryam wins 2 points for It was really not fashionable to have such a large scar, so I attempted to keep the coconut husk over my face at the tiki party. This had the effect of confining me to a chair, since I could not dance wildly like everyone else.
LineBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for As the insect shook itself free from the confining husk of its previous exoskeleton, it wondered if the marks of the struggle would leave a fashionable scar.
LineBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for The doctors were forced to surgically remove the fashionable, but somewhat confining, dress, leaving a nasty scar, before it reduced its unfortunate wearer to a mere husk.
ThePhan: It was! It was!
10Kan: :)
ThePhan: That's what happens in Phantom 2.
ThePhan: (Except not.)
Nyperold: It was either that or someone trying to fish a vote from her. :D
ThePhan: Nyp: Which would have worked. Heh.
LineBot: Make up a sentence using the words stilt, scow, neither, like. (1/* accepted)
Sam: scow: any of various vessels having a flat-bottomed rectangular hull with sloping ends, built in various sizes with or without means of propulsion, as barges, punts, rowboats, or sailboats.
gremlinn: "Scow" is one of those words I've probably found a few thousand times in Boggle, but would never use in real life or have reason to know the definition of.
Sam: It can also mean "an old or clumsy boat; hulk; tub. "
LineBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LineBot: Vote 1 for "Father, the life of a garbage-barge dwelling circus performer is not the life for me. Neither the stilt nor the scow do I like."
LineBot: Vote 2 for I don't recommend using a stilt while on a scow. When you fall in the sea, neither you, nor the fish would like it.
LineBot: Vote 3 for I watched in horror as the scow plunged into the stilt holding up the beach house. Neither my companion nor I had foreseen such a happenstance, and we did not like it one bit.
* ThePhan was concocting a far-too-long story about a girl wearing silts on a scow.
10Kan: vote 3
ThePhan: And using it to row herself back to score but being distressed because it meant she had to take one of them off.
Maryam: vote 2
NessaChan: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 2
Sam: vote 3
gremlinn: vote 2
LineBot: NessaChan wins 3 points for I don't recommend using a stilt while on a scow. When you fall in the sea, neither you, nor the fish would like it.
LineBot: Maryam wins 2 points for I watched in horror as the scow plunged into the stilt holding up the beach house. Neither my companion nor I had foreseen such a happenstance, and we did not like it one bit.
LineBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for "Father, the life of a garbage-barge dwelling circus performer is not the life for me. Neither the stilt nor the scow do I like."
LineBot: Make up a sentence using the words vball's, fantasies, TalkingDog's. (1/* accepted)
Maryam: Oh dear.
SirDude: ...
Sam: LOL. Wow.
Nyperold: LineBot: Sure, pick on the away people.
LineBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LineBot: Vote 1 for vball's and TalkingDog's NaNoWriMo attempts fell apart when they discovered that both their stories were fantasies with nearly identical plots.
LineBot: Vote 2 for I don't think any of us want to know TalkingDog's or vball's fantasies.
LineBot: Vote 3 for TalkingDog's fantasies are certainly different from vball's, in many ways.
LineBot: Vote 4 for For some reason, TalkingDog's fantasies all involved being a judge on Vball's cooking show.
LineBot: Vote 5 for vball's vacation fantasies include mountain climbing and sky diving. TalkingDog's, on the other hand, consist more of touring a bunny farm.
LineBot: Vote 6 for When I think of Vball's and TalkingDog's fantasies... well, actually I don't think of vball's and TalkingDog's fantasies, but I bet they involve RinkChat.
ThePhan: vote 5
Maryam: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 4
SirDude: vote 6
10Kan: vote 6
Sentynel: I'm going to go lie down for a few. Hopefully I'll be back.
gremlinn: vote 1
Sam: vote 4
LineBot: 10Kan wins 2 points for For some reason, TalkingDog's fantasies all involved being a judge on Vball's cooking show.
LineBot: Maryam wins 2 points for vball's vacation fantasies include mountain climbing and sky diving. TalkingDog's, on the other hand, consist more of touring a bunny farm.
LineBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for When I think of Vball's and TalkingDog's fantasies... well, actually I don't think of vball's and TalkingDog's fantasies, but I bet they involve RinkChat.
LineBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for vball's and TalkingDog's NaNoWriMo attempts fell apart when they discovered that both their stories were fantasies with nearly identical plots.
LineBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for TalkingDog's fantasies are certainly different from vball's, in many ways.
LineBot: SirDude wins 0 points for I don't think any of us want to know TalkingDog's or vball's fantasies.
gremlinn: All my dreams are nightmares.
LineBot: Make up a sentence using the words xor, ponders, roughly, Nyperold. (1/* accepted)
gremlinn: "Xor" is not a word.
Maryam: xor? Really???
ThePhan: xor?
Nyperold: "Exclusive or."
Sam: xor means one or the other, but not both.
gremlinn: It's not a word though.
Sam: It's not English, but I'm not sure why it's there.
gremlinn: Like "ln" in mathematics, it's an abbreviation.
Sam: Oh, I remember.
gremlinn: Sam: ah, for the Whizzes, right?
Sam: It's from WhizKid's word database. For him to play AcroBot well, I had to have a word starting with every letter (or as many as possible) of each part of speech. Including "xor" allowed me to have a conjunction starting with x.
gremlinn: I kind of remember us talking about it.
gremlinn: I wish "xor" worked in Scrabble.
Sam: It would be convenient.
LineBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LineBot: Vote 1 for "Nyperold xor... who?" He ponders the dilemma. This project has been going pretty roughly...
LineBot: Vote 2 for Xor the Savage was a viking. He roughly stole Nyperold 's sandwich. Now he ponders the meaning of life.
LineBot: Vote 3 for Nyperold ponders the Scrabble board, and then plays his word. "Xor," he says confidently. "Xor?" his opponent snaps roughly. "Is that even a word?"
LineBot: Vote 4 for One ponders whether Nyperold uses "xor" when searching. Perhaps he's happier more roughly wording his search terms.
10Kan: Forgot the "ponders".
ThePhan: vote 4
SirDude: vote 3
10Kan: vote 3
Maryam: vote 3
NessaChan: vote 4
Sam: vote 2
LineBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for Nyperold ponders the Scrabble board, and then plays his word. "Xor," he says confidently. "Xor?" his opponent snaps roughly. "Is that even a word?"
LineBot: Maryam wins 2 points for One ponders whether Nyperold uses "xor" when searching. Perhaps he's happier more roughly wording his search terms.
LineBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for Xor the Savage was a viking. He roughly stole Nyperold 's sandwich. Now he ponders the meaning of life.
LineBot: SirDude wins 0 points for "Nyperold xor... who?" He ponders the dilemma. This project has been going pretty roughly...
LineBot: Make up a sentence using the words usher, assorted, toothpaste, pupilage. (1/* accepted)
SirDude: Pupilage...?
Sam: "the state or period of being a pupil; tutelage."
gremlinn: No regale tutelage, Ron!
Nyperold: The usher, during his pupilage, encountered many flavors of toothpaste, including banana and pomegranate.
Nyperold: Oops.
LineBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LineBot: Vote 1 for When the earthquake hit the boarding school, it was my duty to usher the assorted sleepy pupilage into the safehouse. Some still had toothpaste on their faces, as it was close to lights out.
LineBot: Vote 2 for The usher was appalled that people had accused him of maiming toddlers over a cliff. Instead, he was teaching several assorted toddlers about toothpaste. He was happy to be teaching, and they were happy with their pupilage.
LineBot: Vote 3 for Under the pupilage of Usher, the students made assorted R&B grooves about toothpaste and hygiene.
SirDude: ...Bleh. Too late.
ThePhan: vote 3
10Kan: vote 2
SirDude: [->Bots] His pupilage included usher ing assorted miscreants out of the theater and stopping others from leaving toothpaste in unsavory places.
Maryam: vote 2
NessaChan: vote 2
gremlinn: vote 2
10Kan: Aww man, I was going to make one about toothpaste tubes splitting in half down the middle.
Sam: vote 1
LineBot: ThePhan wins 4 points for The usher was appalled that people had accused him of maiming toddlers over a cliff. Instead, he was teaching several assorted toddlers about toothpaste. He was happy to be teaching, and they were happy with their pupilage.
LineBot: Maryam wins 1 point for When the earthquake hit the boarding school, it was my duty to usher the assorted sleepy pupilage into the safehouse. Some still had toothpaste on their faces, as it was close to lights out.
LineBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for Under the pupilage of Usher, the students made assorted R&B grooves about toothpaste and hygiene.
Maryam: Once again I didn't bother to look at the actual definition. Oops.
LineBot: Make up a sentence using the words refreshing, however, Sam. (1/* accepted)
* Sam !
LineBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LineBot: Vote 1 for I was failing miserably at the speed bots. However, that all changed when Sam suggested I switch from refreshing to streaming.
LineBot: Vote 2 for Sam found his job strangely refreshing; however, Ralph did not feel the same way.
LineBot: Vote 3 for However much Sam fails at anything, seeing him will always be refreshing. To Leen, at least.
LineBot: Vote 4 for Sam was always demanding that people WROK! It's refreshing, however, when we play bots for an evening instead.
LineBot: Vote 5 for Some of the Rinkies found the idea of a no-bot UBT refreshing. Sam, however, had no idea how it would be different from normal chat.
LineBot: Vote 6 for Sam, this game is very refreshing, however difficult it may be.
Sam: vote 4 (but get back to wrok when this is over)
Maryam: vote 1
SirDude: vote 4
10Kan: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 5
gremlinn: vote 1
LineBot: Maryam wins 3 points for Sam was always demanding that people WROK! It's refreshing, however, when we play bots for an evening instead.
LineBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for I was failing miserably at the speed bots. However, that all changed when Sam suggested I switch from refreshing to streaming.
LineBot: 10Kan wins 2 points for Some of the Rinkies found the idea of a no-bot UBT refreshing. Sam, however, had no idea how it would be different from normal chat.
LineBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Sam, this game is very refreshing, however difficult it may be.
LineBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Sam found his job strangely refreshing; however, Ralph did not feel the same way.
LineBot: SirDude wins 0 points for However much Sam fails at anything, seeing him will always be refreshing. To Leen, at least.
ThePhan: Mostly because I want to know what a no-but UBT would be. How *would* that be different from normal chat?
ThePhan: Ahh, maybe.
Sam: Maybe WordZap.
ThePhan: Er. No-but?
Sam: LOL
10Kan: Phan: Maybe you would have humans doing the bot-work?
LineBot: Make up a sentence using the words boat, werewolves, 10Kan's. (1/* accepted)
LineBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LineBot: Vote 1 for There had better not be any werewolves in 10Kan's boat. They might want to use it someday
LineBot: Vote 2 for Professor Lupin invited us on 10Kan's boat, but I declined since I didn't want to be stuck at sea with a bunch of werewolves.
LineBot: Vote 3 for Travelers need have no fear of amphibious werewolves on 10Kan's Full Moon Cruise boat! The outer hull is covered in solid silver spikes.
LineBot: Vote 4 for It was certainly surprising to find 10Kan's boat surrounded by werewolves. 10Kan didn't know they could swim, or he never would have sailed during the new moon.
LineBot: Vote 5 for We all leaped into 10Kan's boat at the last second. Unfortunately for the end of this story, we discovered that running water does not stop werewolves.
Maryam: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 5
SirDude: vote 3
10Kan: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 5
Sam: vote 3
LineBot: 10Kan wins 3 points for Travelers need have no fear of amphibious werewolves on 10Kan's Full Moon Cruise boat! The outer hull is covered in solid silver spikes.
LineBot: Maryam wins 2 points for We all leaped into 10Kan's boat at the last second. Unfortunately for the end of this story, we discovered that running water does not stop werewolves.
LineBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for It was certainly surprising to find 10Kan's boat surrounded by werewolves. 10Kan didn't know they could swim, or he never would have sailed during the new moon.
LineBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Professor Lupin invited us on 10Kan's boat, but I declined since I didn't want to be stuck at sea with a bunch of werewolves.
LineBot: SirDude wins 0 points for There had better not be any werewolves in 10Kan's boat. They might want to use it someday
10Kan: I should have said "the outer hull menaces with spikes of silver."
ThePhan: Gosh dang it. I meant full moon, but apparently had Twilight sequels on the brain. WHY WHY WHY?
ThePhan: The mistake itself isn't nearly as distressing as the fact that I was apparently thinking about Twilight.
10Kan: You get anti-werewolves on a new moon.
10Kan: They become excessively polite and civilized.
LineBot: Make up a sentence using the words nightmares, caliper, rainbow, plastic. (1/* accepted)
Maryam: I didn't know "caliper" was ever singular.
gremlinn: Maybe if you break the instrument, one of the legs would be called a caliper.
LineBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LineBot: Vote 1 for For weeks I've had these nightmares. I'm stuck in a plastic rainbow I need to measure, but can't find a caliper. What do you think it says about my childhood?
LineBot: Vote 2 for I was stuck in the mad scientist's lab to the point where I started having nightmares about that rainbow plastic caliper. Who'd ever have thought Barbie would go so wrong?
LineBot: Vote 3 for When thinking of 10Kan's boat full of werewolves, I had horrible nightmares... but they turned into dreams of a bunny with a plastic caliper dancing under the rainbow.
LineBot: Vote 4 for "In my nightmares, a huge giant uses a caliper to tear down a rainbow, revealing that it's only a strip of colored plastic. So, am I crazy, doc?"
gremlinn: vote 4
Maryam: vote 1
10Kan: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 1
Sam: vote 2
LineBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for For weeks I've had these nightmares. I'm stuck in a plastic rainbow I need to measure, but can't find a caliper. What do you think it says about my childhood?
LineBot: 10Kan wins 2 points for "In my nightmares, a huge giant uses a caliper to tear down a rainbow, revealing that it's only a strip of colored plastic. So, am I crazy, doc?"
LineBot: Maryam wins 1 point for I was stuck in the mad scientist's lab to the point where I started having nightmares about that rainbow plastic caliper. Who'd ever have thought Barbie would go so wrong?
LineBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for When thinking of 10Kan's boat full of werewolves, I had horrible nightmares... but they turned into dreams of a bunny with a plastic caliper dancing under the rainbow.
LineBot: ThePhan wins!
Maryam: Yay, Phan!
10Kan: Go Phan!
ThePhan: Whoa, what? I thought I was like eighth in line to win. Heh. Well, yay!
Nyperold: :)
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=8
Sam: Next up is WordBot!
LineBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Sam: But we'll have a 5 minute break first.
WordBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: It's time for WordBot! We'll be playing in quiz mode. Submit as many answers as you like for each question, as many answers per line as you wish. The game starts in 30 seconds.
* 10Kan has to go to bed now. He's gotta get up at 7 sharp tomorrow.
10Kan: Good night!
Sam: Night!
NessaChan: nite
ThePhan: Night!
Nyperold: Night!
10Kan has left.
gremlinn: I'll be up earlier: 7 flat!
WordBot: Starting a new quiz game:
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: swiftness. (3 answers)
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: swiftness. (3 answers)
WordBot: Claimed answer: shiftless (gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: stiffness (gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: sweetness (Sam, ThePhan)
WordBot: Scores this round: gremlinn: +2, Sam: +1, ThePhan: +1.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: _r_n_e_s_. (1 answer)
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: _r_n_e_s_. (1 answer)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: princesse.
NessaChan: oh boy
Maryam: ... Huh.
gremlinn: Wow...I thought "princessa" but didn't try it.
ThePhan: I had "princess," then realized there was an extra space and tried "princessy."
Sam: hahaha, I thought of "princess" but then couldn't figure out what to put on the end. Except for 'e'. But that wouldn't be a word.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words made by scrambling and adding one letter to: corrie. (5 answers)
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words made by scrambling and adding one letter to: corrie. (5 answers)
WordBot: Claimed answer: cornier (Sam, gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: courier (Sam)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: cirrose.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: crosier.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: crozier.
WordBot: Scores this round: Sam: +2, gremlinn: +1.
gremlinn: Need to add "rockier"
Sam: Oh.
NessaChan: d'oh I misspelled courier
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words of length 5 or more made with the letters: cthoinhc. (14 answers)
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words of length 5 or more made with the letters: cthoinhc. (14 answers)
WordBot: Claimed answer: chinch (gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: chino (gremlinn, Maryam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: chthonic (gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: cinch (Sam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: conch (Sam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: conic (gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: hitch (ThePhan)
WordBot: Claimed answer: notch (Sam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: tonic (gremlinn, NessaChan)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: chico.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: chiton.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: cthonic.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: hotch.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: ontic.
WordBot: Scores this round: gremlinn: +5, Sam: +3, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, ThePhan: +1.
Sam: Those are my weakest question type.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Unscramble the following word: rcates. (7 answers)
Maryam: Oh geez. I totally was thinking "chthonic" at the back of my head but dismissed it as too unlikely.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Unscramble the following word: rcates. (7 answers)
WordBot: Claimed answer: carets (gremlinn, Sentynel, NessaChan)
WordBot: Claimed answer: caster (gremlinn, Sentynel, SirDude)
WordBot: Claimed answer: caters (gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: crates (gremlinn, ThePhan, SirDude, Nyperold, Maryam, Sam, NessaChan, Sentynel)
WordBot: Claimed answer: reacts (gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: recast (gremlinn, SirDude)
WordBot: Claimed answer: traces (gremlinn, Nyperold, Maryam, Sentynel)
WordBot: Scores this round: gremlinn: +7, Sentynel: +4, SirDude: +3, Maryam: +2, NessaChan: +2, Nyperold: +2, Sam: +1, ThePhan: +1.
Sam: Ugh. That was BAD on my part.
Sentynel: Nuts. Too slow with another two.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: gr_ed_ne_s. (1 answer)
Sentynel: I think my brain might have turned itself back on. This is reassuring.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: gr_ed_ne_s. (1 answer)
WordBot: Claimed answer: greediness (gremlinn, ThePhan, Sam, Maryam, Nyperold, NessaChan, SirDude)
WordBot: Scores this round: gremlinn: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1, Sam: +1, SirDude: +1, ThePhan: +1.
Sentynel: Too slow again. Blah.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Unscramble the following word: sako. (2 answers)
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Unscramble the following word: sako. (2 answers)
WordBot: Claimed answer: oaks (gremlinn, Sam, NessaChan, ThePhan, Nyperold, Sentynel)
WordBot: Claimed answer: soak (Sam, gremlinn, SirDude, Nyperold, ThePhan, Sentynel)
WordBot: Scores this round: gremlinn: +2, Nyperold: +2, Sam: +2, Sentynel: +2, ThePhan: +2, NessaChan: +1, SirDude: +1.
* Nyperold thought of the Dilbert character second.
* SirDude did too
gremlinn: I got in 21 possibilities, just in case.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words of length 6 or more made with the letters: reipecver. (12 answers)
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words of length 6 or more made with the letters: reipecver. (12 answers)
WordBot: Claimed answer: creeper (gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: creepier (gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: perceive (Maryam, gremlinn, ThePhan)
WordBot: Claimed answer: perceiver (ThePhan, gremlinn, Sentynel)
WordBot: Claimed answer: pierce (ThePhan)
WordBot: Claimed answer: receive (Maryam, gremlinn, ThePhan, SirDude, Nyperold)
WordBot: Claimed answer: receiver (gremlinn, ThePhan, SirDude, Nyperold)
WordBot: Claimed answer: recipe (Nyperold, Maryam, Sam, SirDude)
WordBot: Claimed answer: revere (gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: reverie (gremlinn)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: pricer.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: reprieve.
WordBot: Scores this round: gremlinn: +8, ThePhan: +5, Maryam: +3, Nyperold: +3, SirDude: +3, Sam: +1, Sentynel: +1.
Sentynel: Slow, slow, slow.
NessaChan: man, I forgot my i before e rule.
Sentynel: Have I mentioned how much gremlinn scares me?
Maryam: I think "reiver" should be in there.
gremlinn: Reaver?
Maryam: reive: to rob, plunder.
gremlinn: Ahh.
Sam: Good catch.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: la_gu_sh_s. (1 answer)
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: la_gu_sh_s. (1 answer)
WordBot: Claimed answer: languishes (gremlinn, Sam, Sentynel, SirDude, ThePhan, Nyperold, Maryam, NessaChan)
WordBot: Scores this round: gremlinn: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1, Sam: +1, Sentynel: +1, SirDude: +1, ThePhan: +1.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: reunify. (4 answers)
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: reunify. (4 answers)
WordBot: Claimed answer: rectify (ThePhan, Sam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: reunion (gremlinn, ThePhan, Nyperold)
WordBot: Claimed answer: reunite (Sam, ThePhan, Sentynel, Nyperold, SirDude, NessaChan, Maryam)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: reedify.
WordBot: Scores this round: ThePhan: +3, Nyperold: +2, Sam: +2, gremlinn: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, Sentynel: +1, SirDude: +1.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: _e_s_e_l_. (2 answers)
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: _e_s_e_l_. (2 answers)
Maryam: I am worst at these.
Maryam: LOL
WordBot: Claimed answer: newsreels (Sentynel)
WordBot: Claimed answer: seashells (Sentynel)
WordBot: Scores this round: Sentynel: +2.
Sam: NICE.
Maryam: Wow, nice, Sent.
Sentynel: Wow.
NessaChan: sheesh
Sentynel: Thanks.
Sam: How'd you do that?
* ThePhan applauds!
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words with all these letters, in order: c, a, p, r, t. (9 answers)
Sentynel: I think my mind has exchanged its sanity for WordBot scores.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words with all these letters, in order: c, a, p, r, t. (9 answers)
Sentynel: In some cases, anyway.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: camphorate.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: capillarity.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: caprification.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: cardiorespiratory.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: carport.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: carports.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: chalcopyrite.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: champertous.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: champerty.
Sentynel: I should have got carport.
NessaChan: oh, cardiorespiratory, duh.
Maryam: Of course. How could I have missed 'chalcopyrite'?
gremlinn: "Chalcopyrite" has always interested me because of the pseudo-substring "copyrite".
WordBot: Question (use /b): Unscramble the following word: iertms. (6 answers)
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Unscramble the following word: iertms. (6 answers)
WordBot: Claimed answer: merits (gremlinn, ThePhan, Sentynel, Maryam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: mister (gremlinn, SirDude, Sentynel, Sam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: miters (Sam, gremlinn, Maryam, SirDude, NessaChan)
WordBot: Claimed answer: mitres (Sam, gremlinn, NessaChan, Nyperold)
WordBot: Claimed answer: remits (gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: timers (Sam, ThePhan, gremlinn, Nyperold)
WordBot: Scores this round: gremlinn: +6, Sam: +4, Maryam: +2, NessaChan: +2, Nyperold: +2, Sentynel: +2, SirDude: +2, ThePhan: +2.
WordBot: gremlinn wins!
Maryam: Yay grem!
NessaChan: good job
gremlinn: I knew it wouldn't like "smiter".
Maryam: Aw, I put that too.
Sentynel: Heh, I put "smiter" too.
Nyperold: I attempted that word, as well.
Sentynel: I also typoed "timers" to "timer"...
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=8
Sentynel: Ouch, I've slipped to fourth.
NessaChan: yay
NessaChan: er, yay about title bot, not you slipping
Sentynel: I know you're really yaying about being a point ahead of me.
Sentynel: I'LL GET YOU YET
Sam: TitleBot begins in 3 minutes...
SearchBot has been dismissed by Sam.
WordBot has been dismissed by Sam.
TitleBot has been summoned by Sam.
TalkingDog: TattleBoot!
* Nyperold hears the rare-but-majestic jingling kitty.
NessaChan: two of my cats are jingling kitties
Sam: We'll be alternating between creating game names and lipstick color names. Your words for each are separate. The hand of words you are shown is only that set of words that applies to the upcoming round.
TitleBot: Sam chose the word Trail for this round. (1/* accepted)
TitleBot: Make up the name of a video game using the word Trail and words in your hand. (1/* accepted)
Sam: dump 4 6 10 9
TalkingDog: dump 3 10
gremlinn: This game needs about 1000 new categories.
Sam: I have the word list for foods all ready, but I forgot to test it and put it in.
ThePhan: Those are great fun.
TitleBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
TitleBot: Vote 1 for Trail of Golden Groove Doctors.
TitleBot: Vote 2 for The Sinister Egg Trail.
TitleBot: Vote 3 for Helpful Little Rescue: the Dead Wimps Trail.
TitleBot: Vote 4 for Pokemon Trail: Total Annihilation.
TitleBot: Vote 5 for Sparkling Haeresis Trail Advance.
TitleBot: Vote 6 for Barbie's Defense Trail.
TitleBot: Vote 7 for Mega Wolf Trail.
Sam: Maybe for the next UBT, I'll debut the food mode and only use that.
SirDude: So I guess we can look forward to it in UBT 9?
NessaChan: oh I forgot we can't add words
TalkingDog: vote 1
Maryam: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 2
SirDude: vote 3
Sentynel: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 6
gremlinn: vote 2
Sam: vote 2
SirDude: vote 2
TitleBot: Sentynel wins 4 points for The Sinister Egg Trail.
TitleBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for Trail of Golden Groove Doctors.
TitleBot: TalkingDog wins 1 point for Pokemon Trail: Total Annihilation.
TitleBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Barbie's Defense Trail.
TitleBot: Maryam wins 0 points for Helpful Little Rescue: the Dead Wimps Trail.
TitleBot: Sam wins 0 points for Mega Wolf Trail.
TitleBot: SirDude wins 0 points for Sparkling Haeresis Trail Advance.
Maryam: I had a vague story for mine but I think it got lost in the frenzy of putting words together.
Sam: The SINISTER.................eggs?
gremlinn: They hatch aliens.
Sam: It's rather well-known that Alfred Hitchcock was afraid of cops, but his other lesser-known fear was of eggs.
gremlinn: Ovophobia?
Nyperold: I remember you saying that.
Sam: Yeah.
TitleBot: Maryam chose the word Brilliant for this round. (1/* accepted)
TitleBot: Make up the name of a lipstick color using the word Brilliant and words in your hand. (1/* accepted)
* ThePhan has words that all go together but none of them go with this word. Heh.
TalkingDog: dump 3 5 6 10
Maryam: dump 1 7
Maryam: dump 3
NessaChan: dump 9 10
ThePhan: dump 10 7
TitleBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
TitleBot: Vote 1 for Brilliant Coffee.
TitleBot: Vote 2 for Brilliant Purple Eggplant.
TitleBot: Vote 3 for Brilliant Apricot Lemonade.
TitleBot: Vote 4 for Brilliant Bronze Amber.
TitleBot: Vote 5 for Brilliant Geranium.
TitleBot: Vote 6 for Brilliant Blueberry Flake.
TitleBot: Vote 7 for Brilliant NessaChan Blizzard.
Sam: dump 3 6
SirDude: vote 7
gremlinn: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 2
NessaChan: vote 7
Maryam: vote 6
Sam: vote 7
TalkingDog: vote 7
* NessaChan doesn't know what that color would look like
Sentynel: vote 6
Maryam: Nessa: Minty?
NessaChan: possibly
TalkingDog: Mmmm, wintergreen.
TitleBot: Sentynel wins 4 points for Brilliant NessaChan Blizzard.
TitleBot: Maryam wins 2 points for Brilliant Purple Eggplant.
TitleBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for Brilliant Blueberry Flake.
TitleBot: TalkingDog wins 1 point for Brilliant Bronze Amber.
TitleBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Brilliant Apricot Lemonade.
TitleBot: SirDude wins 0 points for Brilliant Coffee.
TitleBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for Brilliant Geranium.
Sentynel: I didn't have anything resembling an actual colour. So I had to improvise.
TitleBot: Nyperold chose the word Subatomic for this round. (1/* accepted)
TitleBot: Make up the name of a video game using the word Subatomic and words in your hand. (1/* accepted)
Sam: dump 9 10 7
ThePhan: dump 5
ThePhan: dump 8
Maryam: dump 4
NessaChan: dump 9 10
Maryam: I still think we should be able to use 'of', 'and', and 'the' whenever we want.
NessaChan: Maryam: That's how I messed up on the first round
Sam: Maryam: I do too, but it would be one of the most boring uses of programming time I can think of.
Maryam: Sam: Aw.
Sam: I'll do it eventually.
TitleBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
TitleBot: Vote 1 for Supreme Subatomic Deer.
TitleBot: Vote 2 for Upbeat Subatomic Silicon Metro Club Burnout.
TitleBot: Vote 3 for 7 Subatomic Pigs.
TitleBot: Vote 4 for The Subatomic Ocean Boulder Chain.
TitleBot: Vote 5 for Subatomic Castle Pilots Turbo.
TitleBot: Vote 6 for Subatomic Men Vs Rose Bond.
TitleBot: Vote 7 for Clancy's Subatomic Woman.
TitleBot: Vote 8 for Subatomic Midget Love Battle.
Sam: vote 8
Maryam: vote 3
NessaChan: lol.
SirDude: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 8
TalkingDog: vote 5
Sentynel: vote 2
NessaChan: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 1
Sam: HM 7
TitleBot: Sentynel wins 2 points for Subatomic Midget Love Battle.
TitleBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for Supreme Subatomic Deer.
TitleBot: Maryam wins 1 point for Clancy's Subatomic Woman.
TitleBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for The Subatomic Ocean Boulder Chain.
TitleBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Subatomic Castle Pilots Turbo.
TitleBot: Sam wins 1 point for 7 Subatomic Pigs.
TitleBot: TalkingDog wins 1 point for Upbeat Subatomic Silicon Metro Club Burnout.
TitleBot: SirDude wins 0 points for Subatomic Men Vs Rose Bond.
TalkingDog: She's cute because she's subatomically small?
TitleBot: NessaChan chose the word Flamingo for this round. (1/* accepted)
TitleBot: Make up the name of a lipstick color using the word Flamingo and words in your hand. (1/* accepted)
Sam: dump 1 3 6
ThePhan: dump 9 10
Sentynel: dump 1 3 5 6 7 8 10
TalkingDog: dump 1 8 9
TitleBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
TitleBot: Vote 1 for Shocking Dutch Flamingo.
TitleBot: Vote 2 for Pink Flamingo Hotness.
TitleBot: Vote 3 for Flamingo Flame.
TitleBot: Vote 4 for Delicious Flamingo Creampuff.
TitleBot: Vote 5 for Urban Flamingo Latte.
TitleBot: Vote 6 for Brownish Aztec Flamingo Boyfriends.
TitleBot: Vote 7 for Dirty Bruised Flamingo.
TitleBot: Vote 8 for Fundamental Pearl Flamingo.
gremlinn: vote 3
Maryam: LOL
SirDude: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 7
Maryam: vote 7
TalkingDog: vote 2
Sentynel: vote 2
Sam: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 5
Sentynel: "People who regularly eat chocolate are more depressive, experts have found." Guys, cause and effect mixed up much? I know depression makes me want to eat chocolate.
Sentynel: The article also later notes, "Chocolate could even be a direct cause of depression, the researchers added."
gremlinn: They need to hypothesize a neurochemical chain of cause and effect or shut up
Maryam: TopicBot on grem's line.
Sam: Maryam: LOL, yes.
TitleBot: Maryam wins 3 points for Pink Flamingo Hotness.
TitleBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for Dirty Bruised Flamingo.
TitleBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Urban Flamingo Latte.
TitleBot: Sam wins 1 point for Brownish Aztec Flamingo Boyfriends.
TitleBot: Sentynel wins 1 point for Shocking Dutch Flamingo.
TitleBot: TalkingDog wins 1 point for Flamingo Flame.
TitleBot: SirDude wins 0 points for Fundamental Pearl Flamingo.
TitleBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for Delicious Flamingo Creampuff.
NessaChan: kekeke
TitleBot: TalkingDog chose the word Gear for this round. (1/* accepted)
TitleBot: Make up the name of a video game using the word Gear and words in your hand. (1/* accepted)
Sam: dump 1 6 8 9 10
NessaChan: dump 2
Maryam: dump 9
TalkingDog: dump 8 9
ThePhan: dump 3 7
TitleBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
TitleBot: Vote 1 for Gaiden Gear Advanced.
TitleBot: Vote 2 for Dragon Gear Network USA.
TitleBot: Vote 3 for Gear Quest: Bionic Cheese.
TitleBot: Vote 4 for Cannon Gear: Operational Assassins.
TitleBot: Vote 5 for Ballet Tower Construction: High Gear.
TitleBot: Vote 6 for Chicago Blizzard Gear: Winter Dance.
TitleBot: Vote 7 for Dragon Gear: Super Croquet Kids of Drakengard.
Sam: I forgot to say this game is only played to 15 points.
Maryam: vote 7
SirDude: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 3
NessaChan: awe, boo
ThePhan: Aww. I may not really get a chance to use my awesome lipstick combination words. Ah well.
NessaChan: vote 3
Sentynel: vote 5
NessaChan: I like this game
TalkingDog: vote 4
NessaChan: I would like to play more
Sam: vote 3
TitleBot: Sentynel wins 3 points for Gear Quest: Bionic Cheese.
TitleBot: TalkingDog wins 2 points for Ballet Tower Construction: High Gear.
TitleBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for Dragon Gear: Super Croquet Kids of Drakengard.
TitleBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Dragon Gear Network USA.
TitleBot: SirDude wins 1 point for Cannon Gear: Operational Assassins.
TitleBot: Maryam wins 0 points for Gaiden Gear Advanced.
TitleBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for Chicago Blizzard Gear: Winter Dance.
Nyperold: That reminds me, I saw a t-shirt the other day with "Pop Star" on it, and the graphic was a five-pointed star made of 10 Blow Pops.
TitleBot: SirDude chose the word Meringue for this round. (1/* accepted)
TitleBot: Make up the name of a lipstick color using the word Meringue and words in your hand. (1/* accepted)
Maryam: dump 9
TitleBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
TitleBot: Vote 1 for Magenta Meringue.
TitleBot: Vote 2 for Golden Delicious Sahara Meringue.
TitleBot: Vote 3 for Kool-Aid Meringue.
TitleBot: Vote 4 for Meringue Babe Strut.
TitleBot: Vote 5 for Tangerine Meringue Creampuff.
TitleBot: Vote 6 for Spring Sunlight Sherbet Meringue.
Sentynel: dump 1 2 4 8
SirDude: vote 1
Maryam: vote 3
* TalkingDog had zero ideas.
Nyperold: vote 5
Sam: vote 4
Sentynel: vote 1
Maryam: None of my food words went that well with 'meringue'.
NessaChan: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 4
TitleBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for Magenta Meringue.
TitleBot: Sentynel wins 2 points for Meringue Babe Strut.
TitleBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for Kool-Aid Meringue.
TitleBot: SirDude wins 1 point for Tangerine Meringue Creampuff.
TitleBot: Maryam wins 0 points for Spring Sunlight Sherbet Meringue.
TitleBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Golden Delicious Sahara Meringue.
TitleBot: Sentynel wins!
Maryam: Yay, Sent!
Sentynel: Wow. Nice. Thanks folks.
Sentynel: Clearly my sleep-deprived somewhat insane brain produces amusing titles
ThePhan: All right. So I never figured out how to combine them, but my lipstick words included "Vampire" and "Stalker." A couple rounds later, they added "Twilight."
Maryam: Phan: Aw, that would have been awesome.
Sentynel: I'd have voted for that, Phan.
Nyperold: I wanted to use TRAFFIC, but I couldn't use it because of the TRAFFIC.
Sam: And the final scores for the night! http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=8 Note: The next session is TOMORROW NIGHT, not Wednesday like usual.
Maryam: Oooh, the slimmest my lead's gotten.
Sentynel: Back up to second. Awesome.
ThePhan: Go, Sentynel, up at second!
Sam: This is BY FAR the closest UBT.
Sam: Usually you sort of know who's got it after the first three or so nights.
Sam: Even the Game Ranking is a toss-up, still.