Ultimate Bot Tournament #8: Session 3
SirDude has entered.
Nyperold has entered.
Maryam has entered.
NessaChan has entered.
Sentynel has entered.
Goosey has entered.
* Maryam chairdances to electric guitar.
vball has entered.
FantasyFreak has entered.
ThePhan has entered.
Maryam: For a bit of light pre-UBT entertainment: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html
NessaChan: Maryam: lol
Goosey: Maryam: LOL!
Goosey: LOL
Sentynel: Maryam: BRILLIANT
FantasyFreak: Please pardon my ignorance; is there anything I should know about this UBT event?
FantasyFreak: I'm reading through the rules, but so far I'm unfamiliar with most of the terminology.
Maryam: We just play bots and have fun.
ThePhan: FF: Nothing special. We play a couple different games (you'll have time to read the instructions before we start) and then just play. It's a lot of fun.
ThePhan: "We play a couple different games and then just play." That's a great sentence.
Sam has entered.
gremlinn has entered.
goldfishy has entered.
Sam: FF: Some are easier to pick up than others, but you can just join in whenever you want, whether you think you know the rules or not.
Sam: Welcome to session 3!
NessaChan: yay
Goosey: YAY!
gremlinn: I FEEL WELCOME
gremlinn: Only Buzz interests me tonight.
Maryam: Poor Woody.
: I am Sam's kitty Zach. I will be your host, since Sam is unable to see the screen, as I am sitting in his lap.
Maryam: KITTY
Maryam: Zach: You're a kitty!
goldfishy: Awwww ZACH!
Sentynel: Hi, kitty!
FantasyFreak: Meow.
NessaChan: xD
* goldfishy puts her hands in the air "KITTY"
gremlinn: Are you a Lego maniac?
gremlinn: C'mon, someone must remember that.
Maryam: grem: Sorry. :-(
gremlinn: 80s commercial.
: Our first bot will be ScatterBot. I am very good at scattering, especially when there is a vacuum cleaner, bathwater, fireworks, or broom about.
ThePhan: Also, "cat" is in the name.
ThePhan: SkittyerBot.
NessaChan: My cat is good at scattering litter outside of the litterbox
gremlinn: One time he ate a bug.
ScatterBot has been summoned by Sam.
vball: ove you
gremlinn: We all ove you too!
ThePhan: vball: Ove you too!
Sam: Before we start, let me say a bit about the process of objecting to answers in this bot.
Sam: During the voting process, you may also, if you wish, raise an objection to the validity of one or more answers in the list. For example, neither a "whale" nor a "wjioejrisdwer" is a bird that starts with W, so players can (and should) raise objections if these answers appear. Raise an objection by typing object N, where N is the number of the answer you object to. You may object to multiple answers on the same line by separating multiple numbers with spaces or commas. If you wish to withdraw an objection, type ok N. Note that sometimes, particularly when there are only two answers to vote on, you will be forced to vote for an answer you also object to. This is ok.
Sam: Sometimes an answer will be disqualified unjustly, or not disqualified when it should be. In this situation, the bot owner may decide to overrule the decision and adjust the scores manually between rounds. This is permissible but in general should only be done in cases of provable factual error. For example, if players didn't think an "auk" was a bird and thus disqualified it as a bird that starts with A, the bot owner may pause the bot, reverse the points, and post a link to the Wikipedia page for "auk" to back that decision up. Players can decide for themselves how permissive they want to be with answers. In general, answers should be nouns, names, or titles and avoid superfluous words. For example, use of an adjective like "yellow" i
Sam: Hey there was an i down there.
Sam: ...like "yellow" in "yellow pencil" should probably be objected to, whereas in "yellow jacket" it is quite necessary and therefore acceptable.
Nyperold: Heh!
gremlinn: Isn't it "yellowjacket"?
gremlinn: Oh, two words or hyphenated.
TalkingDog has entered.
LaZorra has entered.
Sam: During the tournament, if you want to defend an unjustly disqualified answer, shout at me, and I'll pause the bot, and we can talk about it.
Sam: Unless there are questions about what my name is, the game will begin in 60 seconds.
gremlinn: What's your name?
Goosey: Where is your name?
goldfishy: And how do you spell that?
vball: T-H-A-T
goldfishy: Thanks vball!
vball: No problemo.
Sam: Ok, there was a question about what my name is, so it starts in 15 seconds instead.
gremlinn: Sweet.
Maryam: Heh.
Goosey: LOL
gremlinn: It's a stealth game. It has begun already.
ScatterBot: Name a mythical creature that starts with R.
ScatterBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
ScatterBot: Raise objections to any invalid entries at this time. (4 required to disqualify)
ScatterBot: Vote 1 for redcap.
ScatterBot: Vote 2 for Radioactive Man.
ScatterBot: Vote 3 for roc.
ScatterBot: Vote 4 for roger rabbit.
ScatterBot: Vote 5 for Ragnarok.
ScatterBot: Vote 6 for Red Riding Hood.
goldfishy: I can't think of anything sensible! I'm thinking robot right now!
gremlinn: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 3
gremlinn: object 1 5
Goosey: vote 1
Sentynel: object 5
Maryam: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 3
Maryam: object 5
Sam: vote 3
SirDude: object 2 5 6
vball: vote 6
Goosey: object 4 2
Sentynel: vote 3
Sam: object 5
FantasyFreak: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 1
Nyperold: object 5 4 6
ScatterBot: vball wins 3 points for roger rabbit.
ScatterBot: Sam wins 2 points for Red Riding Hood.
ScatterBot: FantasyFreak wins 1 point for Roc.
ScatterBot: Goosey wins 1 point for Roc.
ScatterBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for Ragnarok.
ScatterBot: Maryam wins 1 point for roc.
ScatterBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for Radioactive Man.
ScatterBot: Sentynel wins 1 point for redcap.
ScatterBot: TalkingDog wins 1 point for roc.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: Sentynel wins 4 points for redcap.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: FantasyFreak wins 4 points for Roc.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: Goosey wins 4 points for Roc.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: Maryam wins 4 points for roc.
TalkingDog: vote 1
ScatterBot: Vote Results: TalkingDog wins 4 points for roc.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: Sam wins 1 point for Red Riding Hood.
ScatterBot: gremlinn's answer Ragnarok was disqualified. The 1 point is taken back.
ScatterBot: TalkingDog loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Sam: object 2
TalkingDog: Gak.
gremlinn: Actually, Ragnarok's a creature in Final Fantasy XIII.
Sam: Oh.
Maryam: grem: Oh. It's usually an object.
gremlinn: I forgot about that, so I objected to my own answer early on.
Sam: Is that mythical?
gremlinn: Well, it's a fictional game.
Sentynel: grem: A redcap is a malevolent dwarf in English folklore.
ScatterBot: Name a non-alcoholic drink that starts with V.
ScatterBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
ScatterBot: Raise objections to any invalid entries at this time. (4 required to disqualify)
ScatterBot: Vote 1 for vernor's.
ScatterBot: Vote 2 for Violade.
ScatterBot: Vote 3 for V8.
ScatterBot: Vote 4 for Vapor.
ScatterBot: Vote 5 for vimto.
ScatterBot: Vote 6 for vodka.
ScatterBot: Vote 7 for Virgin Marguerita.
ScatterBot: Vote 8 for Vault.
SirDude: vote 3
Maryam: vote 3
TalkingDog: vote 3
Sam: Oh, non-alcoholic.
ThePhan: vote 7
Maryam: object 6
SirDude: object 6 7
Goosey: object 6
Sam: object 6
ThePhan: object 6
Nyperold: object 6
NessaChan: d'oh, too lated
vball: vote 3
FantasyFreak: object 6
Sam: vote 3
goldfishy: vote 7
TalkingDog: object 6 7
NessaChan: vote 3
Goosey: vote 3
* Maryam is not gonna go look up all those other things.
vball: object 6
FantasyFreak: vote 4
gremlinn: object 1 2 4 5 6 7 8
Sentynel: vote 5
ScatterBot: FantasyFreak wins 1 point for V8.
ScatterBot: goldfishy wins 1 point for vimto.
ScatterBot: Goosey wins 1 point for Violade.
ScatterBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for Vapor.
ScatterBot: Sam wins 1 point for vodka.
ScatterBot: SirDude wins 1 point for vernor's.
ScatterBot: TalkingDog wins 1 point for Vault.
ScatterBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for V8.
ScatterBot: vball wins 1 point for Virgin Marguerita.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: FantasyFreak wins 7 points for V8.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: ThePhan wins 7 points for V8.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: vball wins 2 points for Virgin Marguerita.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: goldfishy wins 1 point for vimto.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: NessaChan wins 1 point for Vapor.
ScatterBot: Sam's answer vodka was disqualified. The 1 point is taken back.
Sam: I should read the question next time.
gremlinn: I have heard of V8 - wish I'd thought of it.
SirDude: Yeah, me too
Sam: Here I thought EVERYBODY was going to answer vodka.
Goosey: LOL
Maryam: Actually the first thing that popped into my head was "vermouth".
Sam: Or that.
ScatterBot: Name an ice cream topping that starts with D.
ScatterBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
ScatterBot: Raise objections to any invalid entries at this time. (3 required to disqualify)
ScatterBot: Vote 1 for drizzle.
ScatterBot: Vote 2 for diced pineapple.
ScatterBot: Vote 3 for dark chocolate chips.
ScatterBot: Vote 4 for dates.
ScatterBot: Vote 5 for dulce de leche.
ScatterBot: Vote 6 for Dutch chocolate.
Sam: vote 1
FantasyFreak: vote 1
gremlinn: vote 3
NessaChan: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 5
Sam: Don't order the leech dessert.
Maryam: vote 5
gremlinn: object 1 2 4 5 6
Nyperold: vote 1
Goosey: vote 2
Maryam: Is "drizzle" a thing?
ThePhan: vote 3
gremlinn: Never heard of it.
goldfishy: Hehe object 2 4 on principle ;-p
Sentynel: vote 3
Goosey: "I topped my ice cream with a chocolate drizzle."
ScatterBot: Maryam wins 2 points for diced pineapple.
ScatterBot: Sam wins 2 points for dulce de leche.
ScatterBot: Goosey wins 1 point for drizzle.
ScatterBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for dates.
ScatterBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for Dutch chocolate.
ScatterBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for dark chocolate chips.
ScatterBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for dates.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: Goosey wins 3 points for drizzle.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: NessaChan wins 3 points for dark chocolate chips.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: Sam wins 3 points for dulce de leche.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: Maryam wins 1 point for diced pineapple.
Maryam: Oh yeah, I didn't even realize that'd get me more than one point.
ScatterBot: Name an unit of measurement that starts with T.
ScatterBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
ScatterBot: Raise objections to any invalid entries at this time. (5 required to disqualify)
ScatterBot: Vote 1 for tick.
ScatterBot: Vote 2 for tempo.
ScatterBot: Vote 3 for type.
ScatterBot: Vote 4 for tad.
ScatterBot: Vote 5 for teaspoon.
ScatterBot: Vote 6 for Tesla.
ScatterBot: Vote 7 for terabyte.
gremlinn: object 1 2 3 4
Goosey: vote 5
Sam: vote 2
Maryam: vote 5
* Nyperold was same-seconded on "ton".
ThePhan: vote 7
TalkingDog: vote 5
gremlinn: vote 5
FantasyFreak: vote 5
Sentynel: vote 5
Sam: object 1 3
SirDude: object 2 3
ThePhan: object 1 3 4
Maryam: object 3
NessaChan: vote 7
SirDude: object 6
vball: vote 1
Sentynel: object 2 3
Maryam: object 2
FantasyFreak: object 2 3
TalkingDog: object 2 3 4
gremlinn: I tried to change my submission - don't even know if I succeeded yet.
LaZorra: vote 7
ScatterBot: Goosey wins 1 point for tad.
ScatterBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for tesla.
ScatterBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for type.
ScatterBot: Maryam wins 1 point for tick.
ScatterBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for tempo.
ScatterBot: Sam wins 1 point for terabyte.
ScatterBot: Sentynel wins 1 point for Tesla.
ScatterBot: TalkingDog wins 1 point for terabyte.
ScatterBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for teaspoon.
ScatterBot: vball wins 1 point for teaspoon.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: ThePhan wins 6 points for teaspoon.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: vball wins 6 points for teaspoon.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: Sam wins 3 points for terabyte.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: TalkingDog wins 3 points for terabyte.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: Maryam wins 1 point for tick.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: NessaChan wins 1 point for tempo.
ScatterBot: NessaChan's answer tempo was disqualified. The 2 points are taken back.
ScatterBot: LaZorra's answer type was disqualified. The 1 point is taken back.
gremlinn: Ah, I did. Went from terabyte to tesla.
gremlinn: But it was capitalized first.
Nyperold: Well... it appeared right after, but within, well, the same second.
Goosey: Just because some of those aren't EXACT units of measurement doesn't mean they should be disqualified.
Maryam: As in, "I'll be back in a tick".
Sam: Nobody said "ton."
ThePhan: Sam: I almost did. But I changed it at the last minute.
Sentynel: SirDude: The Tesla is the SI unit of measurement of magnetic field strength.
ScatterBot: Name an onomatopoeia that is not an animal sound that starts with C.
gremlinn: Goosey: just how far is a tad?
Goosey: Just a tad.
Sam: A smidgeon of a way.
Goosey: Exactly.
gremlinn: The correct answer is about half a million miles.
Sentynel: A tad is a fair bit less than a wodge.
ScatterBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
ScatterBot: Raise objections to any invalid entries at this time. (6 required to disqualify)
ScatterBot: Vote 1 for crack.
ScatterBot: Vote 2 for click clack.
ScatterBot: Vote 3 for crash.
ScatterBot: Vote 4 for ching.
ScatterBot: Vote 5 for CLASH!.
ScatterBot: Vote 6 for Choo choo!!!.
ScatterBot: Vote 7 for crunch.
ScatterBot: Vote 8 for clang.
ScatterBot: Vote 9 for *cough*.
Sam: vote 6
ThePhan: vote 7
gremlinn: Wow, no objections here.
SirDude: vote 9
Maryam: vote 2
gremlinn: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 3
TalkingDog: vote 8
Sentynel: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 7
FantasyFreak: vote 9
Maryam: I'm not sure "cough" is one, but I won't object.
Goosey: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 6
* LaZorra stuffs leaves down her shirt.
* Goosey makes choo choo noises at uninterested worms.
* LaZorra high-fives Goosey!
ScatterBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for Choo choo!!!.
ScatterBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for click clack.
ScatterBot: FantasyFreak wins 1 point for crunch.
ScatterBot: Goosey wins 1 point for crack.
ScatterBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for crunch.
ScatterBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for CLASH!.
ScatterBot: Maryam wins 1 point for crash.
ScatterBot: Sam wins 1 point for *cough*.
ScatterBot: Sentynel wins 1 point for crunch.
ScatterBot: SirDude wins 1 point for ching.
ScatterBot: TalkingDog wins 1 point for crack.
ScatterBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for clang.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: NessaChan wins 3 points for Choo choo!!!.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: FantasyFreak wins 2 points for crunch.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: gremlinn wins 2 points for crunch.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: Sentynel wins 2 points for crunch.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: Sam wins 2 points for *cough*.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: SirDude wins 2 points for ching.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: Maryam wins 1 point for crash.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: Nyperold wins 1 point for click clack.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: ThePhan wins 1 point for clang.
Nyperold: Nessa's and mine go together. :)
NessaChan: :D
ScatterBot: Name a type of hat that starts with E.
* SirDude wonders what happened to "Click"
ScatterBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
ScatterBot: Raise objections to any invalid entries at this time. (3 required to disqualify)
ScatterBot: Vote 1 for Eton.
ScatterBot: Vote 2 for elephant bonnet.
ScatterBot: Vote 3 for Engineer.
ScatterBot: Vote 4 for Easter.
ScatterBot: Vote 5 for elk antler cap?.
ScatterBot: Vote 6 for Easter bonnet.
ScatterBot: Vote 7 for elephat.
Sam: vote 3
gremlinn: object 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Maryam: vote 3
Nyperold: \b Edam cheese hat
FantasyFreak: vote 6
SirDude: object 7
SirDude: For spelling fail
Goosey: vote 6
gremlinn: vote 6
Sentynel: I was tempted to submit "excellent hat".
NessaChan: vote 6
Sam: object 1 2 4 6 7
Maryam: object 2 7 5
ThePhan: vote 1
vball: vote 3
ThePhan: Hey, there's a song about 6.
Sam: object 5
LaZorra: vote 3
ScatterBot: Goosey wins 1 point for Eton.
ScatterBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for elephat.
ScatterBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for elephant bonnet.
ScatterBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for Engineer.
ScatterBot: Sam wins 1 point for elk antler cap?.
ScatterBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Easter bonnet.
ScatterBot: vball wins 1 point for Easter.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: NessaChan wins 4 points for Engineer.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: ThePhan wins 4 points for Easter bonnet.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: Goosey wins 1 point for Eton.
ScatterBot: LaZorra's answer elephant bonnet was disqualified. The 1 point is taken back.
ScatterBot: Sam's answer elk antler cap? was disqualified. The 1 point is taken back.
ScatterBot: gremlinn's answer elephat was disqualified. The 1 point is taken back.
NessaChan: object 4 7 2
Sam: I disqualified myself.
LaZorra: The elephants are most displeased that you reject their bonnets.
gremlinn: Can I get a consolation groan?
Sam: groan
gremlinn: Thanks.
Sam: Welcome.
ScatterBot: Name something that is usually blue that starts with I.
ScatterBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
ScatterBot: Raise objections to any invalid entries at this time. (4 required to disqualify)
ScatterBot: Vote 1 for indigo.
ScatterBot: Vote 2 for iris.
ScatterBot: Vote 3 for indigo portion of a rainbow drawing.
ScatterBot: Vote 4 for ice igloo.
ScatterBot: Vote 5 for indigo dye.
ScatterBot: Vote 6 for ice.
ScatterBot: Vote 7 for Indian ocean..
ScatterBot: Vote 8 for ink.
FantasyFreak: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 7
Sam: vote 7
vball: vote 7
gremlinn: object 1 2 3 5 6 8
Maryam: vote 5
Goosey: vote 1
Sam: object 3
gremlinn: vote 4
ThePhan: object 3 8
NessaChan: vote 7
Maryam: object 4
gremlinn: vote 7
NessaChan: object 3 4 6
ScatterBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for ice igloo.
ScatterBot: FantasyFreak wins 1 point for Indian ocean..
ScatterBot: Goosey wins 1 point for ice.
ScatterBot: Maryam wins 1 point for indigo portion of a rainbow drawing.
ScatterBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for indigo dye.
ScatterBot: Sam wins 1 point for indigo.
ScatterBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for iris.
ScatterBot: vball wins 1 point for ink.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: FantasyFreak wins 5 points for Indian ocean..
ScatterBot: Vote Results: Sam wins 2 points for indigo.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: NessaChan wins 1 point for indigo dye.
ScatterBot: Maryam's answer indigo portion of a rainbow drawing was disqualified. The 1 point is taken back.
ScatterBot: LaZorra loses a point for submitting and not voting.
gremlinn: unobject 5
Maryam: Why object 3? It usually is blue.
NessaChan: oh, hmm
NessaChan: I 'm sorry
gremlinn: Maryam: I have to object to things I'm unsure about.
NessaChan: I un object
ScatterBot: Game is paused.
LaZorra: And NOW you pause it!
LaZorra: grr
LaZorra: :-p
* Sam observes the debate.
Sentynel: Indigo is more of a purple.
Maryam: Sent: But it's blue enough.
LaZorra: Indigo is between blue and purple.
Sam: Sent, you didn't object.
Sam: Who DID object?
Sam: TP, NC, grem, and me. Any of you want to withdraw your objections?
gremlinn: No.
LaZorra: Sam: NC already did.
Sam: Oh.
Sentynel: Sam: I didn't think it was far enough off to be worth objecting to, I'm just easily sucked into silly debates.
Sentynel: The only reason indigo is *in* the rainbow is because Newton had a silly obsession with sevens.
gremlinn: Sentynel: oh yeah, I heard about that. Never went to see if it's true though.
NessaChan: I objected, but I am willing to rescend my objection
Sam: I think I'll withdraw my own objection, actually. It looks like an answer worded awkwardly just to start with I, but it isn't. And I'm in the "colors are negotiable" camp.
ScatterBot: Maryam's score has been incremented by 1 point.
Maryam: Thanks, Sam.
ScatterBot: Name a chemical element that starts with J.
ScatterBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
ScatterBot: Raise objections to any invalid entries at this time. (2 required to disqualify)
ScatterBot: Vote 1 for just try and object - just try!.
ScatterBot: Vote 2 for Jabberwocky juice.
ScatterBot: Vote 3 for justinium.
ScatterBot: Vote 4 for jade.
gremlinn: object 1 2 3 4
NessaChan: object 1 2 3 4
gremlinn: vote 4
Sentynel: object 1 2 3 4
LaZorra: object 1 2 3 4
Goosey: LOL
Maryam: object 1 2 3 4
NessaChan: vote 2
Sam: object 1 2 3 4
Sentynel: There isn't one.
SirDude: object 1 2 4
LaZorra: vote 4
Goosey: object 1 2 3 4
Sentynel: vote 1
vball: vote 3
ScatterBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for just try and object - just try!.
ScatterBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for Jabberwocky juice.
ScatterBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for justinium.
ScatterBot: vball wins 1 point for jade.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: vball wins 2 points for jade.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: gremlinn wins 1 point for just try and object - just try!.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: LaZorra wins 1 point for Jabberwocky juice.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: NessaChan wins 1 point for justinium.
ScatterBot: gremlinn's answer just try and object - just try! was disqualified. The 3 points are taken back.
ScatterBot: LaZorra's answer Jabberwocky juice was disqualified. The 3 points are taken back.
ScatterBot: NessaChan's answer justinium was disqualified. The 2 points are taken back.
ScatterBot: vball's answer jade was disqualified. The 3 points are taken back.
Sam: I tried to think of a joke answer, but I couldn't think of one. The obvious joke was jokium. Duh.
* NessaChan thought justinium sounded like it should be an element
gremlinn: I tried reciting as many as I could in my head - couldn't come up with any.
Sentynel: I'm 99% sure there isn't one.
* Sentynel checks periodic table
Nyperold: Nope, none.
Sentynel: Yeah, none
ScatterBot: Name a snack food that starts with F.
ScatterBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
ScatterBot: Raise objections to any invalid entries at this time. (4 required to disqualify)
ScatterBot: Vote 1 for French toast.
ScatterBot: Vote 2 for French fries.
ScatterBot: Vote 3 for fritters.
ScatterBot: Vote 4 for Fritos.
gremlinn: object 1 3
gremlinn: vote 4
Goosey: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 2
Maryam: vote 3
vball: vote 4
SirDude: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 4
Sam: vote 1
vball: object 1
Sentynel: vote 2
ScatterBot: Goosey wins 2 points for french fries.
ScatterBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for French fries.
ScatterBot: vball wins 2 points for French Fries.
ScatterBot: Maryam wins 1 point for Fritos.
ScatterBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for Fritos.
ScatterBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for fritters.
ScatterBot: Sam wins 1 point for Fritos.
ScatterBot: Sentynel wins 1 point for French toast.
ScatterBot: SirDude wins 1 point for fritos.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: Maryam wins 4 points for Fritos.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: NessaChan wins 4 points for Fritos.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: Sam wins 4 points for Fritos.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: SirDude wins 4 points for fritos.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: Goosey wins 3 points for french fries.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: gremlinn wins 3 points for French fries.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: vball wins 3 points for French Fries.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: Nyperold wins 1 point for fritters.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: Sentynel wins 1 point for French toast.
NessaChan: high fives!
gremlinn: What are fritters?
Sam: Deep fried dough.
NessaChan: they are fried food which can be any number of things
Goosey: Delicious fried food.
gremlinn: Ah.
Sam: Usually apple fritters or clam fritters.
NessaChan: I make crab fritters.
Sam: Corn fritters.
Sam: It's all just stuff in the dough.
Sam: They're ridiculously good.
Sam: Not usually a snack, admittedly.
Sentynel: "A fritter is any kind of food coated in batter and deep fried."
ScatterBot: Name a celestial object that starts with T.
ScatterBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
ScatterBot: Raise objections to any invalid entries at this time. (3 required to disqualify)
ScatterBot: Vote 1 for Tornado.
ScatterBot: Vote 2 for Tycho.
ScatterBot: Vote 3 for Titan.
ScatterBot: Vote 4 for titus.
ScatterBot: Vote 5 for Taurus.
Sam: Tiamat, Celestial Dragon of Evil
gremlinn: object 1 4 5
Goosey: Gah.
Sam: vote 3
Maryam: vote 3
vball: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 3
Goosey: vote 5
Sam: object 1
gremlinn: I don't believe constellations can be called objects.
NessaChan: vote 5
Maryam: object 1
ScatterBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for Titan.
ScatterBot: Maryam wins 1 point for Taurus.
ScatterBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for titus.
ScatterBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Tycho.
ScatterBot: Sam wins 1 point for Taurus.
ScatterBot: Sentynel wins 1 point for Taurus.
ScatterBot: vball wins 1 point for Tornado.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: gremlinn wins 3 points for Titan.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: Maryam wins 3 points for Taurus.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: Sam wins 3 points for Taurus.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: Sentynel wins 3 points for Taurus.
ScatterBot: vball's answer Tornado was disqualified. The 1 point is taken back.
ScatterBot: gremlinn loses a point for submitting and not voting.
ScatterBot: Sentynel loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Sentynel: object 1
Sentynel: ARGH
Sentynel: Lag.
ScatterBot: Name something children get in trouble for that starts with M.
ScatterBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
ScatterBot: Raise objections to any invalid entries at this time. (3 required to disqualify)
ScatterBot: Vote 1 for Making a mess.
ScatterBot: Vote 2 for Making mud.
ScatterBot: Vote 3 for mischief.
ScatterBot: Vote 4 for making messes.
ScatterBot: Vote 5 for mmmmm.
ScatterBot: Vote 6 for Monkey Business.
Sam: object 5
SirDude: object 5
Goosey: object 5
Maryam: vote 3
Maryam: object 5
SirDude: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 3
Goosey: vote 1
vball: Darn. Should have said mumbling.
FantasyFreak: vote 3
NessaChan: object 5
vball: vote 3
Sentynel: object 5
Sam: vote 4
Sentynel: vote 6
ScatterBot: Goosey wins 2 points for making messes.
ScatterBot: Maryam wins 2 points for making messes.
ScatterBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for Making a mess.
ScatterBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for Making mud.
ScatterBot: Sam wins 2 points for mmmmm.
ScatterBot: SirDude wins 1 point for mischief.
ScatterBot: vball wins 1 point for Monkey Business.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: SirDude wins 4 points for mischief.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: Goosey wins 2 points for making messes.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: Maryam wins 2 points for making messes.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: NessaChan wins 2 points for Making a mess.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: vball wins 1 point for Monkey Business.
ScatterBot: Sam's answer mmmmm was disqualified. The 2 points are taken back.
FantasyFreak: object 5
Goosey: I used to be better at this game.
ScatterBot: Name an internal organ that starts with I.
ScatterBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
ScatterBot: Raise objections to any invalid entries at this time. (3 required to disqualify)
ScatterBot: Vote 1 for intestine.
ScatterBot: Vote 2 for Intestines.
ScatterBot: Vote 3 for ilium.
ScatterBot: Vote 4 for ioesophagi.
gremlinn: object 1 2 3 4
Sam: vote 1
Sam: object 3 4
NessaChan: vote 1
Maryam: vote 3
Goosey: vote 2
SirDude: vote 1
FantasyFreak: vote 2
Maryam: object 4
Sentynel: object 4
FantasyFreak: object 4
vball: vote 1
NessaChan: object 3
ScatterBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for ioesophagi.
ScatterBot: FantasyFreak wins 1 point for intestine.
ScatterBot: Goosey wins 1 point for ilium.
ScatterBot: Maryam wins 1 point for intestine.
ScatterBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for intestines.
ScatterBot: SirDude wins 1 point for intestines.
ScatterBot: vball wins 1 point for Intestines.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: FantasyFreak wins 4 points for intestine.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: Maryam wins 4 points for intestine.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: NessaChan wins 2 points for intestines.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: SirDude wins 2 points for intestines.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: vball wins 2 points for Intestines.
ScatterBot: Vote Results: Goosey wins 1 point for ilium.
ScatterBot: Goosey's answer ilium was disqualified. The 2 points are taken back.
ScatterBot: gremlinn's answer ioesophagi was disqualified. The 2 points are taken back.
ScatterBot: gremlinn loses a point for submitting and not voting.
ScatterBot: NessaChan wins!
NessaChan: woah, what?
Nyperold: Huzzah!
FantasyFreak: Congratulations, Nessa!
NessaChan: thanks :D
Sentynel: The ilium is a bone in the pelvis.
Goosey: I knew it was an internal something.
vball: My first thought was iris, but that wasn't internal...
FantasyFreak: vball: I thought of iris as well.
vball: FF: Great minds think alike.
Sentynel: Arguably the iris *is* internal.
gremlinn: But an organ?
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=8
gremlinn: Is the eye an organ?
Goosey: grem: Yes.
Sam: Eyes are organs, I'm pretty sure.
gremlinn: So iris would just be a part, unfortunately.
vball: I believe so. It's on the organs you can donate.
gremlinn: But at least you thought of it. I couldn't think of anything.
ScatterBot has been dismissed by Sam.
vball: It has been a long time since I've played bots. I love it.
Sam: A break long enough for Sentynel to grab a snack, come back, and say, "I have come back from getting a snack!" ...........or 7 minutes, whichever comes first.
Sentynel: Sam: Good call sir.
* Sentynel scarpers
gremlinn: I have jelly beans.
vball: Pass the jelly beans.
gremlinn: I'll just describe the taste, and you can sort of imagine it.
gremlinn: That one was pink and was sort of like melon.
gremlinn: That one was blue and was sort of like a different kind of melon.
gremlinn: That one was orange and was like orange.
vball: Is your tongue orange now?
gremlinn: That's all the colors I have.
gremlinn: Oh wait, there's a red one.
gremlinn: Hmm, it tastes like cherry.
gremlinn: Screw all those other ones.
vball: I can't eat them one at a time.
Maryam: Do you have "red"- and "purple"-flavored ones?
gremlinn: I shouldn't have bought the "Tropical" variety. They're all melony.
gremlinn: The original flavors are better.
vball: Yeah. I like the original ones too.
Sam: Jelly bellies or bust.
Maryam: Jelly Bellies are the best.
FantasyFreak: I love Jelly Bellies!
gremlinn: Jelly Belly is expensive though.
Sam: Woeth it.
Sam: worth
Sam: lap kitty makes it hard to type
Maryam: We have big old dispensers of individual flavors in the Super Target I shop at.
gremlinn: Maryam: oh yeah, I've seen those.
FantasyFreak: Maryam: I LOVE those flavor dispensers! They used to have them at my grocery store.
gremlinn: Might have been a Target, I can't remember.
SnagBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: Our next bot is SnagBot! We play one game where each object can only be taken (or given) once, and then one game where trading can continue until the round ends. We start the first game in 1 minute.
SnagBot: Rules: Disadvantageous Bad Trades Disallowed, Can Take Unclaimed Items Only, Must Keep Bad Items Given To You.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: audit [-1], hypothermia [-1], mop [-1], seaweed [-1], beetle [-2], cough [-3]
SnagBot: Maryam donates the cough [-3] to Sam.
SnagBot: Maryam delivers the audit [-1] to NessaChan.
SnagBot: Maryam entrusts the hypothermia [-1] to Goosey.
SnagBot: Goosey has the hypothermia [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: NessaChan has the audit [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: Sam has the cough [-3], for -3 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: mop [-1], seaweed [-1], beetle [-2].
* NessaChan audits Maryam :)
Sam: ...This is going to be easy if only one person is playing.
Maryam: I'll be happy to be the only one playing here...
Goosey: LOL
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: audit [-2], poem [2], ball [1], spear [1], armor [1], blanket [1], armpit [-4], bowl [1], slinky [1], guitar [1], rattle [3], mug [1], barley [4], daisy [3], skunk [-1], sewage [-1]
SnagBot: Maryam captures the poem [2].
SnagBot: Goosey snares the rattle [3].
SnagBot: Maryam sequesters the bowl [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold pockets the slinky [1].
SnagBot: Goosey nips the barley [4].
SnagBot: Maryam gains the mug [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold yanks the guitar [1].
SnagBot: Goosey relinquishes the audit [-2] to Sam.
SnagBot: Maryam collars the daisy [3].
SnagBot: Goosey heaps the skunk [-1] upon Maryam.
SnagBot: Maryam retrieves the blanket [1].
SnagBot: Goosey has the rattle [3], barley [4], for 7 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the poem [2], blanket [1], bowl [1], mug [1], daisy [3], skunk [-1], for 7 points.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the guitar [1], slinky [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Sam has the audit [-2], for -2 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: ball [1], spear [1], armor [1], armpit [-4], sewage [-1].
Sam: By the way, if your score is negative after either of these two games, it'll be rounded back up to zero.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: Goosey [1], perforation [-4], wolf [-1], overalls [3], carburetor [4]
SnagBot: Maryam retrieves the Goosey [1].
SnagBot: Goosey secures the carburetor [4].
SnagBot: Maryam pulls in the overalls [3].
SnagBot: Goosey confers the perforation [-4] upon Maryam.
SnagBot: Maryam transfers the wolf [-1] to Goosey.
SnagBot: Goosey has the wolf [-1], carburetor [4], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the Goosey [1], overalls [3], perforation [-4], for 0 points.
Goosey: YAY
Sam: Hooray!
* gremlinn makes Maryam give up the Goose.
Sam: LOL!
Goosey: HEY How come I'm only one point???
Sentynel: GUYS GUYS
Sentynel: I have achieved a lifetime ambition.
Sam: Sent: You got a lolcat from Don Murphy?
Sentynel: I successfully opened the microwave door at the end of it heating my hot chocolate, with timing precise enough that the timer reached zero, but the beeper did not have time to sound.
Sentynel: I have tried to do this literally every time I microwaved anything for YEARS, and I just did it.
Sam: Sent; LOL LOL LOL
gremlinn: Sentynel: nice!
Sentynel: I didn't even know it was possible.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: fire [-2]
TalkingDog: Hot potato!
SnagBot: NessaChan bequeaths the fire [-2] to Goosey.
Goosey: HEY
gremlinn: This is kind of an appropriate round.
SnagBot: Goosey has the fire [-2], for -2 points.
Goosey: I HAS FIAR
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: dagger [2], cavities [-1], anvil [-2], matches [1], sofa [3], locusts [-2], rifle [1], mattress [2], scythe [1], masculinity [3], shingle [2], pillow [2], amethyst [2]
SnagBot: vball commandeers the shingle [2].
SnagBot: Maryam commandeers the masculinity [3].
SnagBot: Maryam seizes the matches [1].
SnagBot: vball nails the pillow [2].
SnagBot: Goosey clasps the dagger [2].
SnagBot: SirDude snares the amethyst [2].
SnagBot: Maryam gains the sofa [3].
SnagBot: SirDude secures the rifle [1].
SnagBot: SirDude snags the scythe [1].
SnagBot: SirDude secures the mattress [2].
SnagBot: Goosey passes the anvil [-2] to Maryam.
SnagBot: Maryam commits the locusts [-2] to SirDude.
SnagBot: Maryam has the matches [1], sofa [3], masculinity [3], anvil [-2], for 5 points.
SnagBot: SirDude has the amethyst [2], scythe [1], rifle [1], locusts [-2], mattress [2], for 4 points.
SnagBot: vball has the shingle [2], pillow [2], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Goosey has the dagger [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: cavities [-1].
* NessaChan snags the nothing for nothing
gremlinn: Maryam's a dude now.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: turns [1], needle [2], radiation [-3], sewage [-1], cannonball [1]
SnagBot: Maryam ensnares the needle [2].
SnagBot: Maryam hands over the radiation [-3] to SirDude.
SnagBot: SirDude collects the turns [1].
SnagBot: Maryam dispenses the sewage [-1] to Goosey.
SnagBot: SirDude nips the cannonball [1].
SnagBot: Maryam has the needle [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Goosey has the sewage [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: SirDude has the turns [1], radiation [-3], cannonball [1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: anklet [1], squash [4], penguin [1]
SnagBot: Maryam collars the anklet [1].
SnagBot: NessaChan purloins the squash [4].
SnagBot: Maryam picks up the penguin [1].
* NessaChan alwmost typed sqaw
Maryam: LOL LOL you're all infected!
SnagBot: NessaChan has the squash [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the anklet [1], penguin [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: notice [4], tangerine [2], monocle [3], fumes [-2], caterpillar [2], lute [4], motorcycle [2], ticket [-2], pillow [1]
SnagBot: Maryam pilfers the notice [4].
SnagBot: vball retrieves the tangerine [2].
SnagBot: Maryam snatches the monocle [3].
SnagBot: Goosey grabs the lute [4].
SnagBot: NessaChan takes the motorcycle [2].
SnagBot: Maryam fetches the caterpillar [2].
SnagBot: NessaChan snags the pillow [1].
SnagBot: Goosey delivers the fumes [-2] to Maryam.
NessaChan: b monocle
SnagBot: Goosey presents the ticket [-2] to Maryam.
NessaChan: whoops
SnagBot: Maryam has the fumes [-2], notice [4], ticket [-2], caterpillar [2], monocle [3], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Goosey has the lute [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: NessaChan has the motorcycle [2], pillow [1], for 3 points.
SnagBot: vball has the tangerine [2], for 2 points.
Nyperold: The lute! The warrant!
Maryam: LOL
NessaChan: the pillow makes the motorcycle a little more comfortable
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: landmine [-3], fox [2], ostrich [2], lingerie [2], pecan [2], subpoena [-2], grate [1], saxophone [1]
SnagBot: Maryam swipes the lingerie [2].
SnagBot: Goosey gives the landmine [-3] to Maryam.
SnagBot: vball attains the ostrich [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold pinches the pecan [2].
SnagBot: Maryam acquires the fox [2].
SnagBot: NessaChan grasps the saxophone [1].
SnagBot: Maryam surrenders the subpoena [-2] to Goosey.
SnagBot: vball plucks the grate [1].
SnagBot: vball has the grate [1], ostrich [2], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the pecan [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the landmine [-3], lingerie [2], fox [2], for 1 point.
SnagBot: NessaChan has the saxophone [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Goosey has the subpoena [-2], for -2 points.
* NessaChan plays jazz on her motorcycle
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: stilts [2], baton [2], teacup [4], dinosaur [1], oar [1], chick [2]
* Goosey just tries to slow down Maryam as much as she can, as she has no hope of beating her.
SnagBot: Maryam clasps the stilts [2].
SnagBot: NessaChan pockets the baton [2].
SnagBot: Goosey clutches the teacup [4].
SnagBot: NessaChan snags the dinosaur [1].
SnagBot: Maryam nabs the oar [1].
SnagBot: Goosey yanks the chick [2].
SnagBot: Goosey has the teacup [4], chick [2], for 6 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the oar [1], stilts [2], for 3 points.
SnagBot: NessaChan has the dinosaur [1], baton [2], for 3 points.
Sentynel: Bah, I'm lagging like a really, really laggy thing.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: pincushion [3], log [3], restaurant [2], safe [4], guitar [1], bandage [1], rock [1], orange [4], cape [1], pebble [4], glue [4]
* NessaChan rides her dinosaur while twirling the baton
SnagBot: SirDude commandeers the glue [4].
Sam: Everybody lags in SnagBot.
SnagBot: vball seizes the restaurant [2].
SnagBot: Maryam swipes the pincushion [3].
SnagBot: Sentynel attains the pebble [4].
SnagBot: SirDude collars the orange [4].
SnagBot: vball salvages the guitar [1].
SnagBot: vball fetches the rock [1].
SnagBot: SirDude salvages the bandage [1].
SnagBot: NessaChan grasps the safe [4].
SnagBot: SirDude gains the log [3].
NessaChan: orange
SnagBot: Maryam pinches the cape [1].
SnagBot: SirDude has the orange [4], glue [4], bandage [1], log [3], for 12 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the pincushion [3], cape [1], for 4 points.
SnagBot: NessaChan has the safe [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Sentynel has the pebble [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: vball has the guitar [1], rock [1], restaurant [2], for 4 points.
Maryam: Wow, SirDude. Nice haul.
* SirDude stretches
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: notice [1], spandex [1], log [2], teddy [1], toupee [4], seashell [1], opal [2], crown [3], widget [5], carrot [1], sandpaper [3], snowglobe [2], boomerang [1], calendar [1], skirt [2], fairy [4], quill [3]
SnagBot: SirDude pilfers the notice [1].
SnagBot: Maryam yoinks the spandex [1].
SnagBot: NessaChan drags in the boomerang [1].
SnagBot: Maryam seizes the opal [2].
SnagBot: vball clutches the snowglobe [2].
SnagBot: SirDude wins the fairy [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold collars the teddy [1].
SnagBot: Maryam pinches the sandpaper [3].
SnagBot: SirDude picks up the quill [3].
SnagBot: NessaChan snitches the seashell [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold yanks the skirt [2].
SnagBot: SirDude collars the widget [5].
SnagBot: Sentynel snags the crown [3].
Nyperold: opal
SnagBot: vball ropes in the carrot [1].
SnagBot: Maryam secures the toupee [4].
Sam: Wow, maybe I should have played this one. I won SnagBot the last three UBT's.
SnagBot: SirDude plucks the log [2].
SnagBot: vball salvages the calendar [1].
SnagBot: SirDude has the notice [1], widget [5], log [2], fairy [4], quill [3], for 15 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the toupee [4], opal [2], spandex [1], sandpaper [3], for 10 points.
SnagBot: vball has the snowglobe [2], calendar [1], carrot [1], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the skirt [2], teddy [1], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Sentynel has the crown [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: NessaChan has the boomerang [1], seashell [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Maryam wins!
NessaChan: woo
Maryam: Yay!
Maryam: That game's more fun when I win. :-P
vball: Nice Maryam!
NessaChan: maryam has fingers of fire
Sam: SirDude got half his points of the last game in the last round.
SnagBot: Rules: Disadvantageous Bad Trades Disallowed, Can Steal Items From Others, Can Pass Along Bad Items Given To You.
Sam: The second SnagBot game begins in 30 seconds. In this variation, you can take items out of people's hands until the round ends.
Sentynel: Ah, the insane variation.
* NessaChan cracks knuckles
NessaChan: (not really)
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: clover [1], paperback [2], rug [4], halberd [1], mirror [5]
SnagBot: Maryam pinches the paperback [2].
SnagBot: Goosey purloins the paperback [2].
SnagBot: SirDude pilfers the rug [4].
SnagBot: vball swipes the paperback [2].
SnagBot: Maryam picks up the rug [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold grasps the clover [1].
SnagBot: Sentynel confiscates the mirror [5].
SnagBot: NessaChan ensnares the paperback [2].
SnagBot: Goosey annexes the rug [4].
SnagBot: Maryam procures the mirror [5].
SnagBot: vball hauls in the rug [4].
SnagBot: Sentynel confiscates the rug [4].
SnagBot: NessaChan grasps the mirror [5].
SnagBot: Maryam nips the halberd [1].
SnagBot: SirDude purloins the rug [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold drags in the halberd [1].
SnagBot: vball filches the mirror [5].
SnagBot: SirDude clutches the halberd [1].
SnagBot: Maryam collars the clover [1].
SnagBot: Goosey yoinks the rug [4].
SnagBot: Sentynel clutches the paperback [2].
SnagBot: Maryam procures the rug [4].
SnagBot: NessaChan nails the paperback [2].
SnagBot: Goosey snitches the rug [4].
SnagBot: Sentynel snatches the mirror [5].
SnagBot: SirDude salvages the paperback [2].
SnagBot: Maryam picks up the mirror [5].
SnagBot: NessaChan nails the mirror [5].
SnagBot: Sentynel annexes the clover [1].
SnagBot: SirDude clasps the rug [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold drags in the paperback [2].
SnagBot: Sentynel pulls in the mirror [5].
SnagBot: NessaChan seizes the paperback [2].
SnagBot: Goosey absconds with the mirror [5].
SnagBot: vball snags the halberd [1].
SnagBot: Sentynel pulls in the rug [4].
SnagBot: Maryam fetches the mirror [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold filches the rug [4].
SnagBot: Goosey drags in the rug [4].
SnagBot: NessaChan yoinks the mirror [5].
SnagBot: NessaChan has the paperback [2], mirror [5], for 7 points.
SnagBot: Goosey has the rug [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Sentynel has the clover [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: vball has the halberd [1], for 1 point.
Maryam: Boo.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: rainbow [2], bedpan [-1], oil [-2], creeps [-1], flu [-3], wound [-1], pipe [2], pearl [1], deadline [-2], mosquito [-4], daiquiri [2], poppy [2], chair [1], tiara [1], shoelaces [1], weevil [-4]
SnagBot: Maryam salvages the rainbow [2].
SnagBot: vball snags the tiara [1].
SnagBot: Sentynel snags the pearl [1].
SnagBot: NessaChan collects the daiquiri [2].
SnagBot: SirDude forks over the mosquito [-4] to Maryam.
SnagBot: Nyperold collars the pearl [1].
SnagBot: Maryam confers the bedpan [-1] upon SirDude.
SnagBot: Sentynel collects the shoelaces [1].
SnagBot: vball nails the shoelaces [1].
SnagBot: Goosey presents the weevil [-4] to Maryam.
SnagBot: SirDude nabs the rainbow [2].
SnagBot: Sentynel gets the rainbow [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold snags the pipe [2].
SnagBot: NessaChan yoinks the pearl [1].
SnagBot: Maryam hands the deadline [-2] to Goosey.
SnagBot: vball bags the rainbow [2].
SnagBot: Sentynel picks up the poppy [2].
SnagBot: SirDude abducts the daiquiri [2].
SnagBot: Sentynel confiscates the daiquiri [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold plucks the daiquiri [2].
SnagBot: vball clasps the poppy [2].
SnagBot: SirDude appropriates the shoelaces [1].
SnagBot: Maryam presents the mosquito [-4] to SirDude.
SnagBot: Sentynel abducts the chair [1].
SnagBot: Maryam collars the tiara [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold clasps the poppy [2].
SnagBot: vball wins the daiquiri [2].
SnagBot: Goosey abducts the rainbow [2].
SnagBot: Maryam seizes the poppy [2].
SnagBot: Sentynel clasps the rainbow [2].
SnagBot: SirDude gives the weevil [-4] to Goosey.
SnagBot: Goosey snitches the poppy [2].
SnagBot: Sentynel has the rainbow [2], chair [1], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the pipe [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: vball has the daiquiri [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the tiara [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: NessaChan has the pearl [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Goosey has the deadline [-2], weevil [-4], poppy [2], for -4 points.
SnagBot: SirDude has the shoelaces [1], bedpan [-1], mosquito [-4], for -4 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: oil [-2], wound [-1], flu [-3], creeps [-1].
Sam: That could have been worse.
Sam: So many negatives.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: glop [-4], sunburn [-2], arsenic [-1], slobber [-1], anvil [-3]
SnagBot: Maryam furnishes the arsenic [-1] to NessaChan.
SnagBot: SirDude bequeaths the anvil [-3] to NessaChan.
Sam: ...as is the case here.
SnagBot: Maryam dispenses the anvil [-3] to Sentynel.
SnagBot: vball dispenses the sunburn [-2] to Maryam.
SnagBot: SirDude doles out the glop [-4] to NessaChan.
SnagBot: Sentynel presents the glop [-4] to Maryam.
SnagBot: NessaChan cedes the arsenic [-1] to Sam.
SnagBot: SirDude dispenses the arsenic [-1] to Sentynel.
SnagBot: Sentynel commits the anvil [-3] to Maryam.
SnagBot: Maryam passes the sunburn [-2] to vball.
SnagBot: SirDude surrenders the sunburn [-2] to NessaChan.
SnagBot: Sentynel has the arsenic [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: NessaChan has the sunburn [-2], for -2 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the glop [-4], anvil [-3], for -7 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: slobber [-1].
* NessaChan gets noxema
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: porcupine [-5], sponge [1], opal [3], forgetfulness [-4], bobcat [-1], arsenic [-5], hat [1], refrigerator [1], carburetor [1]
Sentynel: That was a nasty round.
SnagBot: NessaChan snatches the sponge [1].
SnagBot: Sentynel pulls in the sponge [1].
SnagBot: Goosey ropes in the opal [3].
SnagBot: vball nips the sponge [1].
SnagBot: Maryam shells the forgetfulness [-4] out to Sentynel.
SnagBot: Nyperold snatches the hat [1].
SnagBot: SirDude catches the opal [3].
SnagBot: Goosey seizes the sponge [1].
SnagBot: NessaChan takes the refrigerator [1].
SnagBot: SirDude nabs the hat [1].
SnagBot: Sentynel confiscates the refrigerator [1].
SnagBot: Maryam secures the refrigerator [1].
SnagBot: Goosey collars the opal [3].
SnagBot: SirDude entraps the refrigerator [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold wins the sponge [1].
SnagBot: Sentynel furnishes the forgetfulness [-4] to Maryam.
SnagBot: Maryam ensnares the sponge [1].
SnagBot: vball steals the refrigerator [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold confiscates the opal [3].
SnagBot: vball clutches the opal [3].
SnagBot: Goosey filches the opal [3].
SnagBot: SirDude passes the forgetfulness [-4] to NessaChan.
SnagBot: Sentynel confiscates the carburetor [1].
SnagBot: Maryam snitches the opal [3].
SnagBot: vball purloins the opal [3].
SnagBot: Goosey snares the sponge [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold yanks the hat [1].
SnagBot: vball snitches the sponge [1].
SnagBot: NessaChan clasps the sponge [1].
SnagBot: Goosey secures the opal [3].
SnagBot: SirDude doles out the porcupine [-5] to NessaChan.
SnagBot: Sentynel filches the opal [3].
SnagBot: Maryam consigns the arsenic [-5] to NessaChan.
SnagBot: vball collars the opal [3].
SnagBot: SirDude grabs the opal [3].
SnagBot: Goosey pulls in the sponge [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold abducts the sponge [1].
SnagBot: NessaChan heaps the forgetfulness [-4] upon SirDude.
SnagBot: SirDude steals the sponge [1].
SnagBot: Sentynel salvages the sponge [1].
SnagBot: Goosey ensnares the opal [3].
SnagBot: Goosey has the opal [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Sentynel has the sponge [1], carburetor [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the hat [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: vball has the refrigerator [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: SirDude has the forgetfulness [-4], for -4 points.
SnagBot: NessaChan has the arsenic [-5], porcupine [-5], for -10 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: bobcat [-1].
NessaChan: wow, there went my score, lol
Sam: This is kind of a violent game.
Maryam: I think we're losing more than we're gaining, here.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: basket [2], shingle [1], accordion [1], pistachio [4]
gremlinn: Yeah, people are brutal at this game.
Sentynel: Ouchies.
SnagBot: NessaChan snares the basket [2].
SnagBot: Goosey filches the basket [2].
SnagBot: Maryam ropes in the basket [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold snags the shingle [1].
SnagBot: NessaChan annexes the accordion [1].
SnagBot: Goosey pinches the shingle [1].
SnagBot: Sentynel secures the pistachio [4].
SnagBot: SirDude bags the pistachio [4].
SnagBot: Goosey abducts the basket [2].
SnagBot: Maryam procures the pistachio [4].
SnagBot: NessaChan catches the pistachio [4].
SnagBot: Sentynel swipes the accordion [1].
SnagBot: vball appropriates the shingle [1].
SnagBot: SirDude ensnares the basket [2].
SnagBot: Goosey purloins the shingle [1].
SnagBot: NessaChan plucks the basket [2].
SnagBot: Sentynel hauls in the shingle [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold drags in the accordion [1].
SnagBot: Maryam sequesters the basket [2].
SnagBot: vball ropes in the pistachio [4].
SnagBot: NessaChan pulls in the shingle [1].
SnagBot: SirDude secures the pistachio [4].
SnagBot: Maryam commandeers the pistachio [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold procures the basket [2].
SnagBot: Goosey pulls in the basket [2].
SnagBot: NessaChan fetches the accordion [1].
SnagBot: Maryam abducts the basket [2].
SnagBot: Sentynel clutches the pistachio [4].
SnagBot: Goosey gets the shingle [1].
SnagBot: NessaChan catches the pistachio [4].
SnagBot: Maryam salvages the pistachio [4].
SnagBot: Goosey wins the basket [2].
SnagBot: Sentynel sequesters the basket [2].
SnagBot: NessaChan appropriates the shingle [1].
SnagBot: Sentynel takes the shingle [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold gets the pistachio [4].
SnagBot: Goosey pulls in the shingle [1].
SnagBot: SirDude snitches the pistachio [4].
SnagBot: NessaChan bags the pistachio [4].
SnagBot: Maryam ensnares the shingle [1].
SnagBot: vball entraps the basket [2].
SnagBot: Goosey obtains the basket [2].
SnagBot: NessaChan has the pistachio [4], accordion [1], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Goosey has the basket [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the shingle [1], for 1 point.
SirDude: I'm rifling through so fast it's taking my next typing before sending the previous one
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: hug [1], exam [-1], corset [-3], straw [1], landmine [-1], nightgown [4], futon [3], switch [-1], book [1], ring [3], cotton [1], ponytail [4], straitjacket [-2]
SnagBot: Sentynel plucks the nightgown [4].
SnagBot: Goosey nails the nightgown [4].
SnagBot: NessaChan nips the ponytail [4].
SnagBot: Sentynel acquires the futon [3].
NessaChan: nightgown
SnagBot: Maryam presents the exam [-1] to Sentynel.
SnagBot: vball catches the hug [1].
SnagBot: Goosey pockets the futon [3].
SnagBot: SirDude procures the hug [1].
SnagBot: NessaChan snatches the straw [1].
SnagBot: Goosey appropriates the ring [3].
SnagBot: Sentynel attains the ring [3].
SnagBot: Maryam pilfers the ponytail [4].
SnagBot: vball filches the straw [1].
NessaChan: ponytail
NessaChan: futon
SnagBot: Nyperold filches the ring [3].
SnagBot: SirDude furnishes the landmine [-1] to Goosey.
SnagBot: Sentynel snags the hug [1].
SnagBot: Maryam catches the futon [3].
SnagBot: SirDude entraps the futon [3].
SnagBot: Goosey ensnares the futon [3].
SnagBot: NessaChan ensnares the futon [3].
SnagBot: Sentynel picks up the cotton [1].
SnagBot: vball clasps the nightgown [4].
SnagBot: Goosey grabs the ring [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold nails the cotton [1].
SnagBot: Maryam delivers the landmine [-1] to vball.
SnagBot: Sentynel attains the ponytail [4].
SnagBot: NessaChan snatches the ponytail [4].
SnagBot: vball nails the futon [3].
SnagBot: Goosey bags the nightgown [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold picks up the hug [1].
SnagBot: Sentynel forks over the exam [-1] to Maryam.
SnagBot: Goosey abducts the futon [3].
SnagBot: Maryam secures the ring [3].
SnagBot: vball retrieves the nightgown [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold collars the futon [3].
SnagBot: Goosey confiscates the ring [3].
SnagBot: Sentynel fetches the ponytail [4].
SnagBot: vball collars the futon [3].
SnagBot: SirDude dispenses the corset [-3] to Goosey.
SnagBot: Goosey fetches the nightgown [4].
SnagBot: NessaChan pinches the nightgown [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold retrieves the ring [3].
SnagBot: Goosey obtains the futon [3].
SnagBot: Sentynel ensnares the nightgown [4].
SnagBot: Sentynel has the nightgown [4], ponytail [4], for 8 points.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the ring [3], hug [1], cotton [1], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Goosey has the corset [-3], futon [3], for 0 points.
SnagBot: vball has the straw [1], landmine [-1], for 0 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the exam [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: switch [-1], book [1], straitjacket [-2].
Sam: Heck if I know who's winning Snag at this point.
gremlinn: Sentynel, for now.
Sam: grem: Including the other game, I mean.
gremlinn: Ah.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: beanbag [3], rattle [1], fox [4], brownie [1], lingerie [2], penguin [2], pillow [1], blender [4]
SnagBot: vball seizes the rattle [1].
SnagBot: Goosey retrieves the fox [4].
SnagBot: Maryam seizes the beanbag [3].
SnagBot: SirDude yoinks the beanbag [3].
SnagBot: vball confiscates the brownie [1].
SnagBot: SirDude grasps the fox [4].
SnagBot: Goosey yoinks the beanbag [3].
SnagBot: Maryam entraps the blender [4].
SnagBot: SirDude nails the lingerie [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold purloins the rattle [1].
SnagBot: NessaChan yoinks the beanbag [3].
SnagBot: Goosey hauls in the fox [4].
SnagBot: Maryam bags the fox [4].
SnagBot: vball appropriates the beanbag [3].
SnagBot: SirDude pilfers the blender [4].
SnagBot: Sam collars the lingerie [2].
SnagBot: Sentynel annexes the blender [4].
SnagBot: SirDude snatches the fox [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold yoinks the brownie [1].
SnagBot: vball fetches the blender [4].
SnagBot: NessaChan ensnares the penguin [2].
SnagBot: Goosey ropes in the beanbag [3].
SnagBot: SirDude captures the brownie [1].
SnagBot: Maryam pilfers the lingerie [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold commandeers the pillow [1].
SnagBot: Goosey gains the fox [4].
SnagBot: Sentynel takes the beanbag [3].
SnagBot: SirDude snatches the pillow [1].
SnagBot: NessaChan commandeers the pillow [1].
SnagBot: vball swipes the brownie [1].
SnagBot: Maryam obtains the penguin [2].
SnagBot: Sentynel yanks the rattle [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold gains the blender [4].
SnagBot: NessaChan grabs the blender [4].
SnagBot: SirDude picks up the blender [4].
SnagBot: Sentynel takes the fox [4].
SnagBot: Maryam pilfers the beanbag [3].
SnagBot: Goosey picks up the beanbag [3].
SnagBot: SirDude filches the fox [4].
SnagBot: vball ropes in the penguin [2].
SnagBot: Sentynel nips the lingerie [2].
SnagBot: Maryam acquires the blender [4].
SnagBot: Goosey purloins the fox [4].
SnagBot: SirDude procures the brownie [1].
SnagBot: vball gets the fox [4].
SnagBot: NessaChan entraps the penguin [2].
SnagBot: Maryam has the blender [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: vball has the fox [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Goosey has the beanbag [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: NessaChan has the pillow [1], penguin [2], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Sentynel has the rattle [1], lingerie [2], for 3 points.
SnagBot: SirDude has the brownie [1], for 1 point.
Maryam: Pretty evenly distributed, there.
Sentynel: A rattle and lingerie. I worry about me sometimes.
Sam: LOL
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: chores [-3], corset [-2], beefhead [-2], spider [-2], nosehair [-2], centipede [-1], sludge [-1]
Sam: Uh oh.
SnagBot: Goosey confers the chores [-3] upon Maryam.
SnagBot: Maryam grants the chores [-3] to Sentynel.
SnagBot: Maryam relinquishes the sludge [-1] to Sentynel.
SnagBot: vball heaps the chores [-3] upon Nyperold.
SnagBot: SirDude furnishes the beefhead [-2] to Sentynel.
SnagBot: Maryam commits the beefhead [-2] to Goosey.
SnagBot: Sentynel turns over the chores [-3] to Maryam.
SnagBot: SirDude presents the corset [-2] to Sentynel.
SnagBot: Goosey hands the corset [-2] to SirDude.
SnagBot: Maryam bequeaths the nosehair [-2] to vball.
SnagBot: vball commits the spider [-2] to Goosey.
SnagBot: Sentynel grants the beefhead [-2] to SirDude.
SnagBot: Maryam gives the chores [-3] to Sentynel.
SnagBot: NessaChan lavishes the beefhead [-2] upon Sentynel.
SnagBot: Sentynel hands the sludge [-1] to Maryam.
SnagBot: SirDude forks over the corset [-2] to Goosey.
SnagBot: Goosey confers the spider [-2] upon vball.
SnagBot: Maryam has the sludge [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: Goosey has the corset [-2], for -2 points.
SnagBot: vball has the nosehair [-2], spider [-2], for -4 points.
SnagBot: Sentynel has the chores [-3], beefhead [-2], for -5 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: centipede [-1].
Sam: It's come up with a higher percentage of negatives than it usually tends to, I think.
Sentynel: Ouch.
vball: I HATE spiders!
gremlinn: The centipede calmly navigates the bloodbath, undisturbed.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: thirst [-1], foreclosure [-5], cartilage [-4]
SnagBot: Maryam awards the foreclosure [-5] to Goosey.
SnagBot: Goosey bequeaths the foreclosure [-5] to Maryam.
NessaChan: oh boy
SnagBot: SirDude turns over the foreclosure [-5] to Sentynel.
SnagBot: Maryam confers the cartilage [-4] upon vball.
SnagBot: Maryam donates the thirst [-1] to Sentynel.
SnagBot: Goosey entrusts the foreclosure [-5] to SirDude.
SnagBot: SirDude shells the cartilage [-4] out to Sentynel.
SnagBot: Maryam heaps the foreclosure [-5] upon Goosey.
SnagBot: SirDude relinquishes the thirst [-1] to Nyperold.
SnagBot: Goosey confers the foreclosure [-5] upon vball.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the thirst [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: Sentynel has the cartilage [-4], for -4 points.
SnagBot: vball has the foreclosure [-5], for -5 points.
vball: Yikes
Maryam: This is going to go on forever, isn't it?
Sentynel: Argh, looking away.
Sentynel: The game is trying to keep us BOUND to it FOREVER.
Sentynel: Eternally passing unfortunate objects to each other.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: blocks [1], lozenge [2], broom [2], caulk [1], mud [-2], initiative [3], iceberg [1], steam [-2], carpet [4]
SnagBot: SirDude pilfers the blocks [1].
SnagBot: Goosey attains the initiative [3].
SnagBot: vball wins the lozenge [2].
SnagBot: Maryam bags the blocks [1].
SnagBot: NessaChan confiscates the blocks [1].
SnagBot: Goosey collects the broom [2].
SnagBot: Sentynel captures the carpet [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold gets the blocks [1].
SnagBot: vball ropes in the broom [2].
SnagBot: Maryam snatches the carpet [4].
SnagBot: SirDude hauls in the initiative [3].
SnagBot: NessaChan gains the carpet [4].
SnagBot: vball ropes in the caulk [1].
gremlinn: Net +10 this time
SnagBot: Nyperold acquires the caulk [1].
SnagBot: Goosey confiscates the lozenge [2].
SnagBot: SirDude picks up the carpet [4].
SnagBot: Sentynel commandeers the initiative [3].
SnagBot: NessaChan nabs the blocks [1].
SnagBot: Maryam takes the iceberg [1].
SnagBot: SirDude procures the iceberg [1].
SnagBot: NessaChan pulls in the broom [2].
SnagBot: Sentynel nips the caulk [1].
SnagBot: Goosey hands the steam [-2] to Sam.
SnagBot: Maryam snatches the broom [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold nips the iceberg [1].
SnagBot: NessaChan abducts the carpet [4].
SnagBot: SirDude donates the mud [-2] to Sentynel.
SnagBot: vball relinquishes the mud [-2] to Goosey.
SnagBot: Sentynel nails the iceberg [1].
SnagBot: NessaChan collars the broom [2].
SnagBot: Maryam catches the caulk [1].
SnagBot: Goosey snares the broom [2].
SnagBot: NessaChan sequesters the broom [2].
SnagBot: Sentynel nabs the broom [2].
SnagBot: vball attains the lozenge [2].
SnagBot: SirDude transmits the steam [-2] to Nyperold.
SnagBot: Nyperold snares the lozenge [2].
SnagBot: Goosey purloins the initiative [3].
SnagBot: Sentynel plucks the carpet [4].
SnagBot: NessaChan pinches the carpet [4].
SnagBot: vball takes the blocks [1].
SnagBot: NessaChan obtains the broom [2].
SnagBot: SirDude purloins the caulk [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold commandeers the broom [2].
SnagBot: SirDude purloins the carpet [4].
SnagBot: Maryam grabs the lozenge [2].
SnagBot: NessaChan nips the carpet [4].
SnagBot: vball entraps the initiative [3].
SnagBot: Goosey lavishes the mud [-2] upon vball.
SnagBot: Sentynel procures the lozenge [2].
SnagBot: NessaChan has the carpet [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Sentynel has the lozenge [2], iceberg [1], for 3 points.
SnagBot: vball has the initiative [3], blocks [1], mud [-2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: SirDude has the caulk [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the broom [2], steam [-2], for 0 points.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: log [1], stilts [4], buttercup [2], dollar [1], oatmeal [2], record [1], sunset [4], cello [1], hubcap [1], handcream [2], twig [4], diorama [3], kaleidoscope [1]
SnagBot: SirDude hauls in the diorama [3].
SnagBot: NessaChan drags in the stilts [4].
SnagBot: Sentynel annexes the handcream [2].
SnagBot: SirDude purloins the twig [4].
SnagBot: vball procures the diorama [3].
SnagBot: Maryam pulls in the stilts [4].
SnagBot: NessaChan swipes the buttercup [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold absconds with the cello [1].
SnagBot: Goosey acquires the twig [4].
SnagBot: vball confiscates the twig [4].
SnagBot: SirDude wins the sunset [4].
SnagBot: NessaChan seizes the oatmeal [2].
SnagBot: Maryam seizes the handcream [2].
SnagBot: Goosey snares the stilts [4].
SnagBot: SirDude filches the dollar [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold attains the dollar [1].
SnagBot: Maryam grasps the kaleidoscope [1].
SnagBot: Goosey plucks the twig [4].
SnagBot: vball snitches the oatmeal [2].
SnagBot: NessaChan snares the stilts [4].
SnagBot: Sentynel acquires the kaleidoscope [1].
SnagBot: Maryam collects the twig [4].
SnagBot: SirDude secures the stilts [4].
SnagBot: vball appropriates the record [1].
SnagBot: Goosey secures the stilts [4].
SnagBot: SirDude procures the dollar [1].
SnagBot: Sentynel captures the oatmeal [2].
SnagBot: Goosey swipes the twig [4].
SnagBot: Maryam pulls in the diorama [3].
SnagBot: vball snatches the sunset [4].
SnagBot: SirDude plucks the cello [1].
SnagBot: NessaChan annexes the oatmeal [2].
SnagBot: Maryam snares the sunset [4].
SnagBot: Sentynel ropes in the twig [4].
SnagBot: SirDude procures the hubcap [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold clasps the twig [4].
SnagBot: vball seizes the hubcap [1].
SnagBot: Maryam retrieves the cello [1].
SnagBot: Sentynel steals the record [1].
SnagBot: vball absconds with the cello [1].
SnagBot: Maryam catches the dollar [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold wins the stilts [4].
SnagBot: Goosey takes the twig [4].
SnagBot: vball retrieves the twig [4].
SnagBot: Maryam fetches the cello [1].
SnagBot: Goosey abducts the stilts [4].
SnagBot: Maryam has the sunset [4], handcream [2], dollar [1], cello [1], diorama [3], for 11 points.
SnagBot: vball has the hubcap [1], twig [4], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Goosey has the stilts [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: NessaChan has the buttercup [2], oatmeal [2], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Sentynel has the record [1], kaleidoscope [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: log [1].
* NessaChan has a cat named Buttercup :)
Maryam: Woot!
gremlinn: How do you snare in a sunset?
Sam: With a really big, heat-resistant rope.
Sentynel: With a black hole.
Nyperold: With a suncatcher.
Goosey: How do you solve a problem like Maria?
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: briefcase [2], antenna [5], anvil [-3], straw [2], ort [-2], textbooks [-2], crown [2], disease [-5], lotion [5], honey [3], meteorite [1], skull [-1], sword [1], cape [1], twig [1], pinecone [5]
SnagBot: Sentynel snags the cape [1].
SnagBot: Maryam sequesters the antenna [5].
SnagBot: NessaChan entraps the honey [3].
SnagBot: Maryam pockets the straw [2].
SnagBot: SirDude confers the skull [-1] upon NessaChan.
SnagBot: Goosey procures the pinecone [5].
SnagBot: vball pilfers the antenna [5].
SnagBot: Sentynel snatches the pinecone [5].
SnagBot: NessaChan nails the pinecone [5].
SnagBot: SirDude snitches the sword [1].
SnagBot: Goosey swipes the antenna [5].
NessaChan: honey
SnagBot: Sentynel clasps the antenna [5].
SnagBot: Maryam turns over the anvil [-3] to Sentynel.
SnagBot: SirDude filches the pinecone [5].
SnagBot: Goosey nabs the honey [3].
SnagBot: Sentynel attains the straw [2].
SnagBot: Maryam wins the honey [3].
SnagBot: vball transfers the anvil [-3] to Maryam.
SnagBot: SirDude drags in the lotion [5].
SnagBot: Maryam filches the lotion [5].
SnagBot: vball entraps the antenna [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold grasps the honey [3].
Sam: NC: Sweetie.
SnagBot: NessaChan transfers the skull [-1] to SirDude.
SnagBot: Sentynel fetches the honey [3].
SnagBot: Maryam bestows the anvil [-3] upon vball.
SnagBot: Nyperold confiscates the straw [2].
SnagBot: Sentynel pilfers the pinecone [5].
SnagBot: Maryam yanks the sword [1].
SnagBot: Sentynel nails the lotion [5].
SnagBot: Maryam procures the pinecone [5].
SnagBot: SirDude bequeaths the disease [-5] to NessaChan.
SnagBot: Nyperold pulls in the lotion [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold has the straw [2], lotion [5], for 7 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the sword [1], pinecone [5], for 6 points.
SnagBot: Sentynel has the honey [3], cape [1], for 4 points.
SnagBot: vball has the antenna [5], anvil [-3], for 2 points.
SnagBot: SirDude has the skull [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: NessaChan has the disease [-5], for -5 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: briefcase [2], ort [-2], crown [2], textbooks [-2], meteorite [1], twig [1].
Sentynel: Honey and a cape. I am... the Beeman!
Goosey: LOL
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: album [2], parachute [2], tantrum [-1], sandwich [1], sunglasses [1], surfboard [1], brain [3], goosebumps [-2], underwear [-2], binoculars [5], tulip [3], chainsaw [2], tombstone [-2], washcloth [3], fan [2], hammer [3], pain [-1]
SnagBot: Maryam appropriates the hammer [3].
SnagBot: vball sequesters the binoculars [5].
SnagBot: SirDude secures the album [2].
SnagBot: Maryam commits the pain [-1] to Sentynel.
SnagBot: Nyperold acquires the brain [3].
SnagBot: vball pulls in the tulip [3].
SnagBot: NessaChan snares the parachute [2].
SnagBot: Goosey nabs the hammer [3].
SnagBot: SirDude snares the parachute [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold captures the fan [2].
SnagBot: NessaChan swipes the surfboard [1].
SnagBot: vball snares the chainsaw [2].
SnagBot: Maryam gains the binoculars [5].
SnagBot: NessaChan obtains the brain [3].
SnagBot: SirDude grasps the binoculars [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold retrieves the hammer [3].
SnagBot: vball bags the hammer [3].
SnagBot: SirDude seizes the brain [3].
SnagBot: Sentynel commandeers the album [2].
SnagBot: NessaChan confiscates the binoculars [5].
SnagBot: vball snares the sunglasses [1].
SnagBot: Maryam yanks the surfboard [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold plucks the tulip [3].
SnagBot: SirDude pilfers the surfboard [1].
SnagBot: Sentynel heaps the pain [-1] upon Maryam.
SnagBot: NessaChan abducts the brain [3].
SnagBot: Maryam pilfers the hammer [3].
SnagBot: vball collars the brain [3].
SnagBot: Sentynel seizes the hammer [3].
SnagBot: Goosey salvages the binoculars [5].
SnagBot: NessaChan ensnares the fan [2].
SnagBot: Maryam captures the sunglasses [1].
SnagBot: SirDude captures the sunglasses [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold plucks the surfboard [1].
SnagBot: SirDude grabs the hammer [3].
SnagBot: NessaChan yoinks the brain [3].
SnagBot: Maryam procures the parachute [2].
SnagBot: Goosey collars the hammer [3].
SnagBot: Goosey has the binoculars [5], hammer [3], for 8 points.
SnagBot: NessaChan has the brain [3], fan [2], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the tulip [3], surfboard [1], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Sentynel has the album [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: vball has the chainsaw [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the parachute [2], pain [-1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: SirDude has the sunglasses [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: tantrum [-1], sandwich [1], goosebumps [-2], underwear [-2], tombstone [-2], washcloth [3].
SirDude: Hey Maryam, I think something's wrong with your parachute
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: rattlesnake [-1], sandwich [1], nickel [5], fedora [4], sunflower [1], dandelion [4], rattle [2], rosebud [2], mattress [5], sponge [1], floss [4], initiative [3], table [2], glue [2]
SnagBot: Maryam picks up the sandwich [1].
SnagBot: NessaChan pinches the glue [2].
SnagBot: vball gets the initiative [3].
SnagBot: Goosey annexes the mattress [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold annexes the rosebud [2].
SnagBot: NessaChan catches the fedora [4].
SnagBot: SirDude donates the rattlesnake [-1] to Goosey.
SnagBot: Maryam pulls in the dandelion [4].
SnagBot: vball seizes the glue [2].
SnagBot: vball fetches the table [2].
SnagBot: NessaChan collars the sunflower [1].
SnagBot: SirDude grabs the sandwich [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold pilfers the sponge [1].
SnagBot: Sentynel snitches the mattress [5].
SnagBot: vball ropes in the floss [4].
SnagBot: Goosey clutches the floss [4].
SnagBot: SirDude snatches the nickel [5].
SnagBot: Sentynel picks up the fedora [4].
SnagBot: vball snitches the floss [4].
SnagBot: Maryam obtains the floss [4].
SnagBot: vball purloins the fedora [4].
SnagBot: Goosey drags in the fedora [4].
SnagBot: SirDude snags the fedora [4].
SnagBot: Sentynel grasps the nickel [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold pinches the table [2].
SnagBot: Maryam seizes the initiative [3].
SnagBot: NessaChan yoinks the rattle [2].
SnagBot: vball seizes the dandelion [4].
SnagBot: SirDude snatches the dandelion [4].
SnagBot: Sentynel swipes the table [2].
SnagBot: Goosey purloins the glue [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold nips the floss [4].
SnagBot: Maryam purloins the table [2].
SnagBot: vball fetches the rattle [2].
SnagBot: NessaChan wins the fedora [4].
SnagBot: SirDude snatches the mattress [5].
SnagBot: Goosey yoinks the mattress [5].
SnagBot: Sentynel appropriates the dandelion [4].
SnagBot: NessaChan nails the rattle [2].
SnagBot: Goosey confiscates the floss [4].
SnagBot: Maryam collars the dandelion [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold retrieves the initiative [3].
SnagBot: SirDude gains the initiative [3].
SnagBot: Sentynel seizes the mattress [5].
SnagBot: Maryam collars the glue [2].
SnagBot: Goosey gets the fedora [4].
SnagBot: NessaChan snitches the fedora [4].
SnagBot: SirDude steals the nickel [5].
SnagBot: vball annexes the dandelion [4].
SnagBot: SirDude has the nickel [5], sandwich [1], initiative [3], for 9 points.
SnagBot: NessaChan has the rattle [2], fedora [4], sunflower [1], for 7 points.
SnagBot: Sentynel has the mattress [5], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the table [2], glue [2], for 4 points.
SnagBot: vball has the dandelion [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Goosey has the floss [4], rattlesnake [-1], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the sponge [1], rosebud [2], for 3 points.
* Nyperold goes sledding.
Sentynel: Sigh.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: arsenic [-4], subpoena [-1], sewage [-1]
SnagBot: Maryam awards the sewage [-1] to Sentynel.
SnagBot: Goosey turns over the arsenic [-4] to Sentynel.
SnagBot: Maryam donates the arsenic [-4] to Goosey.
SnagBot: Sentynel turns over the arsenic [-4] to Maryam.
SnagBot: SirDude entrusts the subpoena [-1] to Goosey.
SnagBot: Maryam hands the subpoena [-1] to Sentynel.
SnagBot: Sentynel dishes out the sewage [-1] to Goosey.
SnagBot: vball gives the sewage [-1] to Sentynel.
SnagBot: Maryam leaves the arsenic [-4] to Sentynel.
SnagBot: Sentynel bequeaths the subpoena [-1] to Maryam.
SnagBot: Goosey gives the subpoena [-1] to SirDude.
SnagBot: SirDude has the subpoena [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: Sentynel has the arsenic [-4], sewage [-1], for -5 points.
Sentynel: Meanies!
Sam: Sometimes it doesn't pay to be ahead.
Sentynel: It's like the bloody blue shell in Mario Kart.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: cramps [-1], garnet [1], recipe [1], keyboard [5], table [1], oyster [1]
SnagBot: Maryam relinquishes the cramps [-1] to Goosey.
SnagBot: vball snags the garnet [1].
SnagBot: Goosey catches the keyboard [5].
SnagBot: NessaChan ensnares the oyster [1].
SnagBot: Maryam obtains the oyster [1].
SnagBot: vball snares the table [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn remits the cramps [-1] to Maryam.
SnagBot: Maryam takes the table [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold seizes the garnet [1].
SnagBot: vball pinches the keyboard [5].
SnagBot: NessaChan nips the oyster [1].
SnagBot: vball yanks the oyster [1].
SnagBot: Maryam snatches the recipe [1].
SnagBot: Sentynel filches the keyboard [5].
SnagBot: SirDude nips the keyboard [5].
SnagBot: Goosey filches the keyboard [5].
SnagBot: Sentynel plucks the table [1].
SnagBot: SirDude attains the table [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold bags the table [1].
SnagBot: NessaChan retrieves the oyster [1].
SnagBot: Maryam entraps the garnet [1].
SnagBot: SirDude takes the oyster [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold sequesters the recipe [1].
SnagBot: SirDude absconds with the keyboard [5].
SnagBot: vball absconds with the keyboard [5].
SnagBot: Maryam relinquishes the cramps [-1] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: SirDude snatches the recipe [1].
SnagBot: NessaChan grasps the keyboard [5].
SnagBot: vball plucks the garnet [1].
SnagBot: Goosey sequesters the table [1].
SnagBot: SirDude snatches the garnet [1].
SnagBot: Maryam pockets the keyboard [5].
SnagBot: NessaChan attains the oyster [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold steals the keyboard [5].
SnagBot: vball drags in the table [1].
SnagBot: Goosey filches the keyboard [5].
SnagBot: SirDude drags in the keyboard [5].
SnagBot: gremlinn passes the cramps [-1] to Maryam.
SnagBot: Nyperold ensnares the garnet [1].
SnagBot: Maryam nabs the garnet [1].
SnagBot: SirDude has the recipe [1], keyboard [5], for 6 points.
SnagBot: NessaChan has the oyster [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: vball has the table [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Maryam has the cramps [-1], garnet [1], for 0 points.
Sam: Oooh, burn.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: blocks [1], corset [-1], snowglobe [1], nails [4], cockroach [-2], camera [4], halberd [5], wheelbarrow [1], blender [4]
SnagBot: Maryam abducts the camera [4].
SnagBot: SirDude swipes the blocks [1].
SnagBot: Goosey gains the halberd [5].
SnagBot: SirDude sequesters the halberd [5].
SnagBot: Sentynel sequesters the halberd [5].
SnagBot: vball annexes the blocks [1].
SnagBot: SirDude clasps the nails [4].
SnagBot: Sentynel annexes the blocks [1].
SnagBot: Goosey seizes the nails [4].
SnagBot: Sentynel plucks the nails [4].
SnagBot: NessaChan takes the camera [4].
SnagBot: Goosey seizes the halberd [5].
SnagBot: vball pockets the snowglobe [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold nabs the blocks [1].
SnagBot: Sentynel nails the blender [4].
SnagBot: Maryam annexes the halberd [5].
SnagBot: Goosey procures the nails [4].
SnagBot: vball plucks the nails [4].
SnagBot: SirDude grants the corset [-1] to Goosey.
SnagBot: Sentynel confiscates the wheelbarrow [1].
SnagBot: Maryam gets the nails [4].
SnagBot: SirDude annexes the camera [4].
SnagBot: vball hauls in the halberd [5].
SnagBot: Sentynel fetches the halberd [5].
SnagBot: Goosey secures the halberd [5].
SnagBot: Maryam acquires the snowglobe [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold nails the snowglobe [1].
SnagBot: SirDude picks up the blender [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn furnishes the cockroach [-2] to Maryam.
SnagBot: vball takes the nails [4].
SnagBot: Goosey pulls in the nails [4].
SnagBot: Maryam collars the blocks [1].
SnagBot: SirDude snares the halberd [5].
SnagBot: Sentynel grabs the nails [4].
SnagBot: SirDude yoinks the nails [4].
SnagBot: vball nabs the halberd [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold bags the nails [4].
SnagBot: Maryam yanks the blender [4].
SnagBot: Goosey filches the halberd [5].
SnagBot: Sentynel retrieves the halberd [5].
SnagBot: Goosey grabs the nails [4].
SnagBot: SirDude dishes out the cockroach [-2] to Goosey.
SnagBot: Nyperold wins the camera [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn hands the cockroach [-2] to Sentynel.
SnagBot: Sentynel bags the camera [4].
SnagBot: NessaChan gains the camera [4].
SnagBot: Maryam forks over the cockroach [-2] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: vball appropriates the snowglobe [1].
SnagBot: SirDude hauls in the blender [4].
SnagBot: Goosey secures the halberd [5].
SnagBot: Goosey has the nails [4], corset [-1], halberd [5], for 8 points.
SnagBot: NessaChan has the camera [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: SirDude has the blender [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the blocks [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Sentynel has the wheelbarrow [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: vball has the snowglobe [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: gremlinn has the cockroach [-2], for -2 points.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: eggnog [4], doll [2], matches [1], rose [3], gum [1], compass [1], hubcap [4], carpet [4]
SnagBot: Maryam captures the eggnog [4].
SnagBot: Sentynel ensnares the hubcap [4].
SnagBot: Goosey yanks the eggnog [4].
SnagBot: Maryam gets the matches [1].
SnagBot: NessaChan drags in the doll [2].
SnagBot: SirDude plucks the eggnog [4].
SnagBot: Sentynel annexes the rose [3].
SnagBot: vball captures the eggnog [4].
SnagBot: Maryam fetches the hubcap [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold pulls in the matches [1].
SnagBot: SirDude snags the carpet [4].
SnagBot: Goosey retrieves the hubcap [4].
SnagBot: Sentynel confiscates the carpet [4].
SnagBot: vball collects the matches [1].
SnagBot: Maryam snags the carpet [4].
SnagBot: SirDude catches the hubcap [4].
SnagBot: Sentynel gets the eggnog [4].
SnagBot: vball snares the eggnog [4].
SnagBot: Maryam retrieves the rose [3].
SnagBot: SirDude pilfers the rose [3].
SnagBot: Goosey seizes the carpet [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold catches the compass [1].
SnagBot: vball appropriates the compass [1].
SnagBot: Sentynel annexes the doll [2].
SnagBot: SirDude abducts the gum [1].
SnagBot: Maryam pinches the gum [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold secures the rose [3].
SnagBot: Sentynel picks up the compass [1].
SnagBot: NessaChan snares the doll [2].
SnagBot: Maryam sequesters the rose [3].
SnagBot: Goosey nabs the eggnog [4].
SnagBot: SirDude hauls in the compass [1].
SnagBot: Sentynel swipes the gum [1].
SnagBot: vball picks up the hubcap [4].
SnagBot: Maryam pockets the carpet [4].
SnagBot: Sentynel clutches the rose [3].
SnagBot: SirDude ropes in the eggnog [4].
SnagBot: Goosey bags the carpet [4].
SnagBot: SirDude snags the carpet [4].
SnagBot: Sentynel clutches the carpet [4].
SnagBot: Maryam obtains the eggnog [4].
SnagBot: vball seizes the eggnog [4].
SnagBot: Goosey wins the eggnog [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold collects the rose [3].
SnagBot: Sentynel has the gum [1], carpet [4], for 5 points.
SnagBot: vball has the matches [1], hubcap [4], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Goosey has the eggnog [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the rose [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: NessaChan has the doll [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: SirDude has the compass [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Goosey wins!
Maryam: Yay Goosey!
Sentynel: Woah. Well done!
Goosey: Wha? YAY!
vball: Yay Goosey!
Nyperold: Huzzah!
Sam: And the scores for SnagBot as a whole are...
Sam: ...as seen here. http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=8&v=1 Maryam wins SnagBot as a whole!
Maryam: Whooo!
NessaChan: wooo
Sentynel: Woah. Some nutter built a Turing machine in Dwarf Fortress. http://www.boingboing.net/2010/04/15/colossal-turing-mach.html
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=8
Maryam: Tomorrow will start my decline.
Maryam: Well, assuming I do passably fair in the rest of the bots tonight.
Sentynel: I kinda miss the craziness of WordZap from the last UBT.
Goosey: Sent: That was crazy fun.
Sentynel: And totally not just because I won Zap.
Sam: I'll figure out how to use Zap again somehow.
Goosey: Sam: Just turn it on randomly in chat sometimes. That would rock.
Sam: CountryBot is next! But we'll have 3 more minutes' break first.
SnagBot has been dismissed by Sam.
CountryBot has been summoned by Sam.
CountryBot: Starting a new quiz game:
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Monaco? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Mediterranean Sea (NessaChan)
CountryBot: Scores this round: NessaChan: +1.
Sam: Remember, if only N answers are recognized for a question, only your last N answers submitted will be considered and scored.
Maryam: Oh. Monaco, not Morocco.
Sentynel: Argh. I was too slow submitting, because I was trying to remember how to spell that.
vball: Couldn't remember how to spell it....
Sentynel: I got it right, about a second too late.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What nation(s) border Liechtenstein? (2 answers accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Switzerland (Sentynel)
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Austria.
CountryBot: Scores this round: Sentynel: +1.
Sentynel: Oh, yes, Austria. Durr.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Amman is the capital of what country? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Jordan (Sentynel)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Sentynel: +1.
Sam: By the way, this game is only played to 15 points.
vball: Phew!
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What is the largest city in Tuvalu? (1 answer accepted)
Sentynel: Dude, did you accidentally set it to the "ridiculously vicious" difficulty!?
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Funafuti.
Sam: FUNAFUTI!!!!!
gremlinn: FUN AND FRUITY
Goosey: LOL
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania, and Russia border which nation(s)? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Latvia (Goosey)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Goosey: +1.
Goosey: WOO!
* Goosey cuddles her little point.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Australia? (5 answers accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Indian Ocean (Goosey, Maryam, Sentynel, NessaChan)
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Timor Sea.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Arafura Sea.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Coral Sea.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Tasman Sea.
CountryBot: Scores this round: Goosey: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, Sentynel: +1.
Sentynel: Oh, blast, I forgot it was the Tasman sea, not the Tasmanian.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Bratislava is the capital of what country? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Slovakia (Goosey)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Goosey: +1.
Sentynel: Er, objection.
gremlinn: Objection sustained.
Sentynel: I called it the Slovak Republic.
Sam: Sent: One moment on that.
Sam: Continue to play.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): United States, Guatemala, and Belize border which nation(s)? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Mexico (Maryam, NessaChan, Goosey, vball, Sentynel)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Goosey: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, Sentynel: +1, vball: +1.
vball: Okay. I don't hate this game so much. I actually knew an answer.
CountryBot: Sentynel's score has been incremented by 1 point.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What is the largest city in Singapore? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Singapore (Nyperold, Sentynel, Maryam)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Maryam: +1, Nyperold: +1, Sentynel: +1.
NessaChan: D'oh! I knew that!!!! shoot!
gremlinn: When in doubt, parrot the question.
gremlinn: Or add "city" at the end.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What is the capital of Algeria? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Algiers (Sentynel)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Sentynel: +1.
Maryam: Ohh, right. Dangit.
Goosey: TOO LATE
* NessaChan gives Sentynel the Geography Bee Badge :)
Sentynel: I HAS A BADGE
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Guinea? (1 answer accepted)
gremlinn: Guinea? The Bay of Guinea Pigs.
Maryam: LOL
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Atlantic Ocean (vball, Sentynel)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Sentynel: +1, vball: +1.
NessaChan: d'oh, I guessed the wrong ocean
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What is the largest city in Holy See? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Vatican City (Maryam, Goosey, NessaChan, Sentynel, Nyperold)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Goosey: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1, Sentynel: +1.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Nauru? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Pacific Ocean.
NessaChan: I guessed the wrong one again xD
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Algeria and Spain border which nation(s)? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Morocco (Maryam, Sam)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Maryam: +1, Sam: +1.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What is the largest city in Cape Verde? (1 answer accepted)
Sam: Cobra Verde is a good movie.
Maryam: It sounds like a monster movie.
Sam: haha. Very much not, but I see what you mean.
gremlinn: Cape Fearde?
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Praia.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Myanmar, Cambodia, China, Thailand, and Vietnam border which nation(s)? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Laos (Nyperold, Sentynel)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Nyperold: +1, Sentynel: +1.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Saint Vincent and the Grenadines? (2 answers accepted)
Sam: That's not a country -- that's a band!
Goosey: LOL
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Caribbean Sea (Maryam, Sentynel, Nyperold)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Atlantic Ocean (Maryam, Sentynel, vball)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Maryam: +2, Sentynel: +2, Nyperold: +1, vball: +1.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, and Mauritania border which nation(s)? (1 answer accepted)
gremlinn: Maybe Bissau!
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Senegal.
Sentynel: cote d'ivoire
Sentynel: Oops.
Sentynel: Wrong, not in bot, and too slow.
Sentynel: Triple fail.
Sam: Sent: Wrong, late, AND public. You messed that up in three entirely different ways.
Goosey: LOL
Sentynel: Sam: But at least I beat you. =)
Sam: At least you BE...oh, crap.
Sentynel: Haha.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Valletta is the largest city in what country? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Malta (Sentynel)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Sentynel: +1.
* Sam cuts his losses at a double fail. STILL NOT AS BAD AS YOUR TRIPLE.
Sam: Now I know what ThePhan was feeling like last time.
gremlinn: Could I get a triple vanilla fail with some boohoo sprinkles and whine sauce on top?
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Morocco? (2 answers accepted)
NessaChan: I think I need to invest in a globe that isn't from pre-1988
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Atlantic Ocean (Nyperold, Sentynel, vball, Maryam)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Mediterranean Sea (Sentynel, Nyperold, Maryam)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Maryam: +2, Nyperold: +2, Sentynel: +2, vball: +1.
CountryBot: Sentynel wins!
Maryam: Yay Sentynel!
Sentynel: Wow.
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=8 We have a new #2!
NessaChan: nooo
NessaChan: hehe
SirDude: Down to #5
Goosey: Wow. I'm in fourth place. Cool.
Sam: BuzzBot is the last game of the evening! That'll be after a 5 or so minute break.
CountryBot has been dismissed by Sam.
BuzzBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: The game begins...
Goosey: GAME
gremlinn: BEGINS
gremlinn: , THE
Goosey: LOL LOL
Sam: Remember, in BuzzBot you can't give clues about the structure of a word -- like, giving clues about its spelling. Nor can you evade saying forbidden words by spelling them wrong or censoring letters
[BuzzBot->Sam] You're up! Try to get someone to say background without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: back, ground, front, fore, foreground, before. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Sam has been given a buzzword.
Sam: In a picture, it's what's behind the people.
gremlinn: background
Sentynel: background
BuzzBot: gremlinn guesses background and is correct! gremlinn and Sam each get a point.
Maryam: landscape
Goosey: landscape
NessaChan: background
vball: backdrop
Nyperold: bunny ears
SirDude: extras
gremlinn: Dang, that's one of the random guess words.
gremlinn: leather, acorn, zebra, etc.
Maryam: evangelist!
[BuzzBot->Goosey] You're up! Try to get someone to say chemistry without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: chemical, chemist, element, reaction. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Goosey has been given a buzzword.
Goosey: in high school you can take biology or this.
gremlinn: chemistry
Maryam: chemistry
BuzzBot: gremlinn guesses chemistry and is correct! gremlinn and Goosey each get a point.
gremlinn: physics
NessaChan: chemistry
* Goosey is a good clue-giver.
Sentynel: They'd better make physics compulsory.
gremlinn: They all should be.
Sentynel: I know, but I'm a physicist so I have a vested interest.
gremlinn: And "critical thinking" should be mandatory too.
[BuzzBot->Sentynel] You're up! Try to get someone to say change without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: money, coin, transform, become. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Sentynel has been given a buzzword.
Maryam: change
NessaChan: change
gremlinn: change
Goosey: change
BuzzBot: Maryam guesses change and is correct! Maryam and Sentynel each get a point.
Sam: Speaking of the random guess words, that's also forbidden in UBT games (but not others). Don't just submit random guesses to try to get the word by chance.
vball: change
SirDude: tweak
Maryam: What if the clue is "one of the random guess words"? :-)
SirDude: What if it's gotten that way by chance?
Sam: Maryam: hahaha. Then that's fine.
SirDude: Like one of us is just talking and randomly gets it?
gremlinn: That has happened, I think.
Sam: I think that's probably okay if it was truly unintentional. I just didn't want people guessing randomly all the time as a matter of strategic play.
[BuzzBot->Nyperold] You're up! Try to get someone to say rainbow without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: color, colour, sky, rain, bow, light. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Nyperold has been given a buzzword.
Nyperold: Birds fly over it; why oh why can't I?
Maryam: rainbow
NessaChan: rainbow
gremlinn: rainbow
BuzzBot: Maryam guesses rainbow and is correct! Maryam and Nyperold each get a point.
Goosey: rainbow
Sam: We only play this to 10 points, so each point in BuzzBot counts as 3 points in the UBT.
vball: Man you guys are fast!
Nyperold: Time and the Ranibow?
Sentynel: vball: We're all welded to our computers.
Sam: (I typed that last red line in one second. Look at the timestamps.)
SirDude: You sure you didn't just C/P it?
Sam: SD: Shhhhh.
Goosey: LOL
[BuzzBot->vball] You're up! Try to get someone to say bulb without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: light, round. Good luck!
BuzzBot: vball has been given a buzzword.
vball: many people plant these for flowers
Goosey: roses
NessaChan: seeds
Maryam: seeds
NessaChan: bulbs
BuzzBot: NessaChan guesses bulb and is correct! NessaChan and vball each get a point.
SirDude: gardens
vball: Woo hoo. Thanks Nessa!
gremlinn: Oh, I get it. Kind of a like a light bulb, but outdoors. Silly gardeners.
NessaChan: sure, I like bulbs. :)
[BuzzBot->Maryam] You're up! Try to get someone to say stapler without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: staple, tool, instrument, attach. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Maryam has been given a buzzword.
Maryam: You can't take my red ________. It's mine.
Goosey: cap
NessaChan: stapler
Sam: butterfly
vball: wagon
BuzzBot: NessaChan guesses stapler and is correct! NessaChan and Maryam each get a point.
gremlinn: lipstick
Goosey: crayon
Maryam: Also the squirrels are married.
Goosey: ???
NessaChan: xD
Nyperold: It's a florescent bulb.
gremlinn: OFFICE
vball: red stapler???
Maryam: Goosey: You should see Office Space.
Goosey: ...
[BuzzBot->gremlinn] You're up! Try to get someone to say chain without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: link, metal, rattle. Good luck!
BuzzBot: gremlinn has been given a buzzword.
gremlinn: a bot
Maryam: crack
vball: game
Sam: cute
SirDude: buzz
Sam: blitz
Goosey: game
Sam: buzz
Nyperold: rps
Goosey: rock
SirDude: count
Sam: scatter
Sentynel: script
NessaChan: country
Goosey: country
Sam: voca
vball: strategy
Sam: search
Sentynel: robot
Maryam: math
Goosey: topic
Sentynel: program
vball: mechanical
NessaChan: rock
Maryam: match
Sam: hotornot
Goosey: bible
Sam: word
SirDude: bot
NessaChan: title
Sam: jumble
Sam: math
vball: smart
Maryam: bible
Goosey: hon
Sam: astro
Maryam: mole
NessaChan: ro
vball: calculating
Maryam: insult
Goosey: caption
gremlinn: tiebreaker
Sam: stack
SirDude: poker
Sam: chain
BuzzBot: Sam guesses chain and is correct! Sam and gremlinn each get a point.
Nyperold: wall-e
vball: chain
Goosey: auto
gremlinn: Haha, made y'all work.
Goosey: That was a mean clue.
vball: Shoot! just missed it
gremlinn: I should have said "the best bot" but then it'd be, like, BAM, OVER!
[BuzzBot->NessaChan] You're up! Try to get someone to say disappear without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: vanish, leave, gone, ghost, magician. Good luck!
BuzzBot: NessaChan has been given a buzzword.
NessaChan: when harry potter puts on his cloak
gremlinn: invisibile
gremlinn: invisible
Sentynel: invisible
Goosey: invisible
Nyperold: disappears
Sentynel: disappear
BuzzBot: Nyperold guesses disappear and is correct! Nyperold and NessaChan each get a point.
NessaChan: the process of doing that
Maryam: That clue confused me.
Maryam: I was trying to think of the times he put it on.
vball: I thought sure grem had it.
Sentynel: Invisibile: Medical condition that is notoriously hard to diagnose.
NessaChan: sorry, the forbidden words made it a little difficult
[BuzzBot->TalkingDog] You're up! Try to get someone to say sequel without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: book, movie, after, follow, follows, prequel. Good luck!
BuzzBot: TalkingDog has been given a buzzword.
TalkingDog: Toy Story 2 and 3, for example.
gremlinn: movie
Sentynel: films
gremlinn: cartoon
Maryam: sequel
NessaChan: animated
BuzzBot: Maryam guesses sequel and is correct! Maryam and TalkingDog each get a point.
Sentynel: animation
TalkingDog: But not 1.
NessaChan: sequels
vball: sequel
NessaChan: yeah I was going to, I don't know why I didn't
[BuzzBot->SirDude] You're up! Try to get someone to say original without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: first, began, unique, one, alike. Good luck!
BuzzBot: SirDude has been given a buzzword.
SirDude: You make copies so you can keep the
NessaChan: original
BuzzBot: NessaChan guesses original and is correct! NessaChan and SirDude each get a point.
gremlinn: original
Goosey: original
Sentynel: original
Maryam: original
Sam: Wow, nice.
[BuzzBot->Sentynel] You're up! Try to get someone to say actor without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: act, stage, play, movie, film. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Sentynel has been given a buzzword.
Sentynel: A person who takes on a role in a production.
gremlinn: actor
BuzzBot: gremlinn guesses actor and is correct! gremlinn and Sentynel each get a point.
Maryam: actor
NessaChan: actor
[BuzzBot->Nyperold] You're up! Try to get someone to say acorn without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: tree, seed, squirrel. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Nyperold has been given a buzzword.
NessaChan: Lou Ferrigno is on TV talking about guarding Butterfingers.
gremlinn: commercial
Nyperold: Sciuridae stash
NessaChan: magic
Maryam: roadrunner
vball: coins
gremlinn: infomercial
vball: money
Goosey: beetle
SirDude: scientific name
vball: food
Sam: Porishibiruji Hydrotherapy
vball: pizza
NessaChan: spell
Maryam: species
Goosey: butterfly
NessaChan: magic spell
NessaChan: latin
Goosey: kingfisher
BuzzBot: Time's up! No score. The buzzword was acorn.
Goosey: acorn
Maryam: ...
SirDude: That works too
NessaChan: I wasn't the one giving the clue
NessaChan: I was just saying
Sentynel: Ohhh, I see the second clue. Heh.
Sam: That isn't a Sinbad clue, as far as I know.
NessaChan: sorry o_o
gremlinn: I didn't get it, either way.
Sam: Me neither.
[BuzzBot->TalkingDog] You're up! Try to get someone to say linoleum without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: floor, tile, kitchen, bathroom. Good luck!
BuzzBot: TalkingDog has been given a buzzword.
TalkingDog: Figures I'd get a word I hate. Heh. Uhh... ground material?
Maryam: dirt
Maryam: earth
Sentynel: earth
gremlinn: outcropping
TalkingDog: Where ground is the indoor kind.
Sam: outcropping
Goosey: sol
vball: dirt
Sentynel: soil
vball: mud
Goosey: soil
FantasyFreak: concrete
Goosey: carpet
FantasyFreak: carpet
Sam: topsoil
Goosey: rug
NessaChan: coffee
vball: clay
gremlinn: rug
Goosey: linoleum
Maryam: linoleum
FantasyFreak: linoleum
BuzzBot: Goosey guesses linoleum and is correct! Goosey and TalkingDog each get a point.
Sentynel: rock
Sam: fertilizer
Nyperold: cement
Goosey: WOO
Sam: grem: We both guessed outcropping.
Maryam: Everyone hates outcropping.
gremlinn: Yeah. "Ground" made me think of "rocks".
gremlinn: Which led to that.
Sentynel: I like how three of you said linoleum at the same time, after 17 seconds or so.
[BuzzBot->Goosey] You're up! Try to get someone to say owner without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: property, possess, have, has, chat. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Goosey has been given a buzzword.
Goosey: Sam's label
Maryam: score
gremlinn: owner
NessaChan: owner
vball: sma
Sentynel: owner
BuzzBot: gremlinn guesses owner and is correct! gremlinn and Goosey each get a point.
Maryam: owner
FantasyFreak: owner
FantasyFreak: Wow gotta be super fast for this one.
Sentynel: When gremlinn's around, you have to be quick like the ninja to even stand a chance.
[BuzzBot->gremlinn] You're up! Try to get someone to say press without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: squeeze, button, print, printing, paper. Good luck!
BuzzBot: gremlinn has been given a buzzword.
gremlinn: (x + 3) in Smash
Goosey: variable
Sentynel: expression
BuzzBot: Sentynel guesses press and is correct! Sentynel and gremlinn each get a point.
NessaChan: mario
vball: formula
SirDude: function
Goosey: sentence
Maryam: LOL
Goosey: string
Sentynel: Okay then.
Goosey: ...
Sam: I love substring answers.
[BuzzBot->vball] You're up! Try to get someone to say puzzle without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: brain, think, question, enigma, mystery. Good luck!
BuzzBot: vball has been given a buzzword.
vball: You have pieces that are put together to form a picture
gremlinn: jigsaw
Maryam: puzzle
Goosey: puzle
NessaChan: puzzle
Sentynel: puzzle
Goosey: puzzle
Maryam: jigsaw
BuzzBot: Maryam guesses puzzle and is correct! Maryam and vball each get a point.
Nyperold: jigsaw
Goosey: GAH
gremlinn: Dang, wrong part.
vball: sorry, grem
gremlinn: Not your fault.
* Goosey takes consolation in her baklava ice cream.
[BuzzBot->NessaChan] You're up! Try to get someone to say casserole without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: food, meal, bake, oven, stove. Good luck!
BuzzBot: NessaChan has been given a buzzword.
NessaChan: tuna noodle
gremlinn: piano
Maryam: glop
Goosey: casserole
Nyperold: casserole
BuzzBot: Goosey guesses casserole and is correct! Goosey and NessaChan each get a point.
Maryam: casserole
FantasyFreak: casserole
Maryam: Bah, undone by my Rinkiness.
gremlinn: You can tuna piano.
NessaChan: lol
[BuzzBot->Maryam] You're up! Try to get someone to say box without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: square, rectangle, container, cardboard, wood. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Maryam has been given a buzzword.
Maryam: You try to think out of it.
gremlinn: box
BuzzBot: gremlinn guesses box and is correct! gremlinn and Maryam each get a point.
Goosey: box
vball: box
Sentynel: "I refuse to think outside the box until I see some evidence of thinking going on inside the box."
Goosey: Sent: NICE
[BuzzBot->SirDude] You're up! Try to get someone to say unicorn without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: horn, horse, goat, creature, animal, myth, mythic, mythical, fantasy. Good luck!
BuzzBot: SirDude has been given a buzzword.
SirDude: ...Uh, crap, I can't think of a clue for this one
Sam: outcropping
NessaChan: toilet
Goosey: zebra
BuzzBot: Time's up! No score. The buzzword was unicorn.
gremlinn: Hey, no random guessing!
NessaChan: it wasn't random, he said "crap"
Sam: Not being able to think of a clue was a clue.
[BuzzBot->ThePhan] You're up! Try to get someone to say electricity without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: electric, current, power, circuit, shock. Good luck!
BuzzBot: ThePhan has been given a buzzword.
ThePhan: This helps our appliances go when we plug them in.
Maryam: electricity
vball: electricity
NessaChan: electricity
BuzzBot: Maryam guesses electricity and is correct! Maryam and ThePhan each get a point.
Goosey: electricty
Sentynel: electricity
* Goosey cannot spell.
Sentynel: Goosey: "electrickery"
Goosey: Sent: Thanks!
* ThePhan is not sure why she didn't immediately jump to something about Ben Franklin.
[BuzzBot->Sam] You're up! Try to get someone to say revolution without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: revolt, war, violent, violence, government, rebel, change. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Sam has been given a buzzword.
Sam: viva la
Maryam: revolution
NessaChan: vie boheme
Sentynel: revolution
BuzzBot: Maryam guesses revolution and is correct! Maryam and Sam each get a point.
ThePhan: france
Nyperold: difference
gremlinn: pinata
ThePhan: NC: Heh.
Sentynel: Ah, you're faster than me, Comrade Maryam.
* Goosey could only think of "vida loca"
Sam: I'd rather viva la difference, myself, but I didn't choose my word.
[BuzzBot->Maryam] You're up! Try to get someone to say aftermath without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: after, recent, follow, following. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Maryam has been given a buzzword.
Maryam: When a party or a battle is over, you're left with the ________
gremlinn: results
NessaChan: dregs
Sam: clean up
Maryam: That was a terrible clue.
SirDude: spoils
Sentynel: casualties
Sam: battlefield
gremlinn: level ups
vball: mess
Sentynel: mess
NessaChan: wounded
Goosey: trash
Sam: riches
SirDude: free stuff
Maryam: I can't think of a better one.
NessaChan: throw up
Sam: looting
gremlinn: spoils
Sentynel: blood
Goosey: winner
vball: prize
BuzzBot: Time's up! No score. The buzzword was aftermath.
Goosey: loser
Sam: mess
NessaChan: hangover
Sentynel: Oh.
Sam: That's a hard one.
Sentynel: Yeah.
ThePhan: Ohhh. That is a super difficult one.
NessaChan: when do you have english class?
NessaChan: har har har
Goosey: NC: LOL
Sentynel: grem: "Level ups" <-- Nice.
[BuzzBot->Goosey] You're up! Try to get someone to say picnic without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: food, meal, lunch, outside, grass, basket. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Goosey has been given a buzzword.
Goosey: brunch al fresco with a blanket.
Maryam: breakfast
gremlinn: pigs
vball: picnic
Nyperold: picnic
Maryam: in bed
BuzzBot: vball guesses picnic and is correct! vball and Goosey each get a point.
NessaChan: pancakes
Maryam: Oh.
vball: Well. What do you know!
Goosey: Yay vball!
ThePhan: I read that as "bunch of fresco with a blanket" and was trying to decipher that.
Goosey: TP: LOL
ThePhan: That will my Christmas gift to all this year. A bunch of fresco and a blanket.
Goosey: TP: I want! Hehe.
Sentynel: I know what I'd have said for "aftermath": "Original title of the HL2 expansion."
Maryam: Sent: No one would have gotten it.
Sentynel: Maryam: Hush.
[BuzzBot->vball] You're up! Try to get someone to say speech without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: talk, speak, address, stand, podium. Good luck!
BuzzBot: vball has been given a buzzword.
vball: Many people have a fear of giving this in front of a bunch of people.
gremlinn: speech
Maryam: speech
ThePhan: speech
SirDude: speech
BuzzBot: gremlinn guesses speech and is correct! gremlinn and vball each get a point.
Goosey: speech
NessaChan: speech
[BuzzBot->SirDude] You're up! Try to get someone to say goosebumps without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: goose, bump, hump, lump, skin, stand, shiver. Good luck!
BuzzBot: SirDude has been given a buzzword.
SirDude: Cold or fear might cause these
Sentynel: shivers
gremlinn: goosebumps
Goosey: chills
NessaChan: sweat
BuzzBot: gremlinn guesses goosebumps and is correct! gremlinn and SirDude each get a point.
Nyperold: R.L. Stine might cause these.
[BuzzBot->Sam] You're up! Try to get someone to say cactus without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: desert, grow, plant, thorn, pricker, water. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Sam has been given a buzzword.
Sam: desert stuff
BuzzBot: Sam said the forbidden word desert. No score. The answer was cactus.
Sentynel: sand
Goosey: LOL
gremlinn: just
Sentynel: Fail.
Sam: Oh, I probably should have glanced at that list.
NessaChan: hehe
Maryam: Hehehe.
FantasyFreak: LOL
gremlinn: Sam got his just deserts.
[BuzzBot->TalkingDog] You're up! Try to get someone to say trash without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: garbage, refuse, dumpster, throw, truck. Good luck!
BuzzBot: TalkingDog has been given a buzzword.
TalkingDog: Rubbish.
Goosey: trash
Maryam: trash
Sentynel: Junk
ThePhan: trash
gremlinn: garbage
Maryam: garbage
BuzzBot: Goosey guesses trash and is correct! Goosey and TalkingDog each get a point.
ThePhan: garbage
FantasyFreak: trash
vball: garbage
Nyperold: Waste!
Goosey: WOO
* Goosey high-fives TalkingDog!
* TalkingDog high-fives Goosey!
[BuzzBot->Sentynel] You're up! Try to get someone to say skirt without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: dress, pants, trousers, girl, woman, women, female, feminine, clothes, clothing. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Sentynel has been given a buzzword.
Sentynel: Like a kilt.
gremlinn: skirt
Maryam: plaid
Goosey: skirt
NessaChan: pleated
ThePhan: skirt
BuzzBot: gremlinn guesses skirt and is correct! gremlinn and Sentynel each get a point.
BuzzBot: gremlinn wins!
Goosey: tartan
vball: skirt
NessaChan: d'oh, stupid seamstress brain
Nyperold: "When a man wears it, it's called a kilt."
Goosey: Nyp: Or a lavalava.
Sentynel: Nyp: I hear the sound of a million Scots coming to lynch you.
* Nyperold was quoting Sam Starfall.
FantasyFreak: I think next BuzzBot, I will have to see if I can get streaming to work.
Maryam: FF: Oh, yeah, it's impossible if you don't have streaming.
Sam: ...and the final scores for tonight: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=8
Sam: See you tomorrow for session 4!
SirDude: I'm kinda still surprised I pulled that off in SnagBot
Maryam: grem actually did me a favor there. Kept others from getting points so I got even further into the lead.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'UBT #8, Session 4: Thursday, April 22, 2010, at 9:30pm EDT!' by Sam.