Ultimate Bot Tournament #8: Session 2
SirDude has entered.
niekie has entered.
Nyperold has entered.
Sentynel has entered.
* Nyperold ushers a cricket outside.
Randy has entered.
Maryam has entered.
Zup has entered.
* Zup is hungeee!
Randy: And yay my connection is working really nicely!
Maryam: Randy: woot!
Randy: Which I won't win. heh
Zup: Randy: Sweet! Now what is RockBot?
Nyperold: It's just like RPSBot, but with a lot more ties. ![;-)](/rinkchat/smileys/wink.gif)
Randy: Zup: Its about different types of geological formations
Randy: ![;-)](/rinkchat/smileys/wink.gif)
Zup: Ooh, basalt!
Zup: And here I was thinking it was going to be a rock-and-roll trivia bot.
NessaChan has entered.
Kalimeris has entered.
gremlinn has entered.
Sam has entered.
TalkingDog has entered.
niekie: Yay!
Sentynel: UBTTTT
Goosey has entered.
Goosey: Hiiiiiiiiiii
Zup: woooooooo
Nyperold: Hello!
Randy: YAY!
Sam: Announcement: There will be a new, secret bot that we'll be playing on a later night. So, to make room on the schedule, we'll kick tonight off with the MoleBots.
goldfishy has entered.
MoleBot has been summoned by Sam.
SinbadBot has been summoned by Sam.
KickMoleBot has been summoned by Sam.
Zup: ugh
Goosey is away.
TalkingDog is away.
goldfishy is away.
Nyperold is away.
Randy is away.
Zup is away.
SirDude is away.
gremlinn is away.
Goosey: LOL
Randy: LOL
Sam: We'll be playing all three at the same time. The games begin in 30 seconds.
MoleBot: Randy pops out of the ground.
SinbadBot: gremlinn glitters and makes weird noises.
MoleBot: Randy escapes safely underground.
KickMoleBot: Sentynel pops out of the ground.
SinbadBot: gremlinn remains safely in place.
Maryam: whack sentynel
[RinkChat] User Sentynel has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Maryam pummels Sentynel with a lawnmower. Score!
SinbadBot: niekie glitters and makes weird noises.
MoleBot: gremlinn pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
Sentynel has left.
Randy is back.
Maryam: budge niekie
SinbadBot: niekie remains safely in place.
Sentynel has entered.
MoleBot: gremlinn escapes safely underground.
KickMoleBot: NessaChan pops out of the ground.
KickMoleBot: NessaChan escapes safely underground.
niekie: whack Nessachan
Maryam: whack nessachan
SinbadBot: goldfishy glitters and makes weird noises.
KickMoleBot: Sentynel pops out of the ground.
MoleBot: Randy pops out of the ground.
MoleBot: Randy escapes safely underground.
Maryam: budge goldfishy
SinbadBot: Maryam propels goldfishy with mental powers. Maryam is WINNING!
niekie: budge goldfishy
Sentynel: budge goldfishy
Randy: whack randy
Goosey: whack randy
Maryam: whack sentynel
SirDude: budge goldfishy
[RinkChat] User Sentynel has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Maryam whacks Sentynel in the jaw with a signpost. Score!
NessaChan: whack Maryam
MoleBot: Nyperold pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
Sentynel has left.
TalkingDog has left.
SinbadBot: gremlinn glitters and makes weird noises.
niekie: whack Nyperold
Maryam: whack nyperold
Sentynel has entered.
TalkingDog has entered.
Zup is back.
MoleBot: niekie whacks Nyperold with a sofa. Bonus score!
NessaChan: whack gremlinn
KickMoleBot: Maryam pops out of the ground.
Maryam: budge gremlinn
SinbadBot: Maryam displaces gremlinn with evil. Maryam is WINNING!
MoleBot: Goosey pops out of the ground.
Zup: whack maryam
Maryam: whack maryam
Sentynel: whack maryam
SinbadBot: Goosey glitters and makes weird noises.
NessaChan: whack Sam
[RinkChat] User Maryam has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Zup beats Maryam with a tombstone. Score!
niekie: wack Goosey
Maryam has left.
MoleBot: Goosey escapes safely underground.
NessaChan: whack Maryam
Maryam has entered.
niekie: budge Goosey
SinbadBot: niekie displaces Goosey with no help from Soukra. niekie is WINNING!
NessaChan: Whack Goosey
KickMoleBot: Randy pops out of the ground.
Sentynel: whack randy
TalkingDog is away.
Kalimeris: WHOA
Maryam: whack randy
Zup: whack randy
MoleBot: Kalimeris pops out of the ground.
NessaChan: Whack Sentynel
[RinkChat] User Randy has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Sentynel bats Randy with Sentynel's face. Score!
niekie: whack Randy
Randy has left.
Kalimeris: whack kalimeris
SinbadBot: niekie glitters and makes weird noises.
Zup: whack kalimeriz
MoleBot: Kalimeris beats up Kalimeris in the jaw with a pan of lasagna. Ouch!
NessaChan: Whack Randy
Maryam: budge niekie
Randy has entered.
SinbadBot: Maryam dislodges niekie with the winds of utter destruction. Maryam is WINNING!
niekie: budge niekie
Kalimeris: budge niekie
Sentynel: budge niekie
MoleBot: Sentynel pops out of the ground.
NessaChan: Whack niekie
MoleBot: Sentynel escapes safely underground.
gremlinn has left.
Maryam: whack sentynel
Zup: whack sentynel
MoleBot: Goosey pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
Sentynel: whack sentyne
Kalimeris: whack sentynel
NessaChan: whack sentynel
LaZorra has entered.
KickMoleBot: NessaChan pops out of the ground.
MoleBot: Goosey escapes safely underground.
NessaChan: hack maryam
SinbadBot: Sentynel glitters and makes weird noises.
Kalimeris: whack goosey
Sentynel: whack goosey
Maryam: whack goosey
Zup: whack goosey
niekie: whack Goosey
Maryam: whack nessachan
[RinkChat] User NessaChan has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Maryam smacks NessaChan with a giant evil space bug. Score!
Kalimeris: budge sentynel
SinbadBot: Kalimeris propels Sentynel with glaring eyes. Kalimeris is WINNING!
MoleBot: niekie pops out of the ground.
NessaChan has left.
Sentynel: budge sentynel
SirDude: budge sentynel
* LaZorra hacks Maryam.
Zup: whack niekie
niekie: whack niekie
MoleBot: Zup hits niekie in the neck with a truck. Score!
MoleBot: Sentynel pops out of the ground.
Sam: Remember -- if you are /away, you won't be kicked out by KickMoleBot, but you can't score points in it either. You can still play and score in the other two bots, though.
NessaChan has entered.
SinbadBot: Sam glitters and makes weird noises.
Maryam: LZ: Ow.
niekie: whack sentynel
KickMoleBot: Randy pops out of the ground.
Zup: whack sentynel
MoleBot: niekie thwacks Sentynel in the face with a rose bush. Score!
NessaChan: whack maryam
LaZorra: whack sam
Maryam: budge sam
MoleBot: NessaChan pops out of the ground.
SinbadBot: Maryam nudges Sam with a curse. Maryam is WINNING!
Kalimeris: grr
Maryam: whack randy
Goosey: Incidentally, my childhood nickname was Weasel.
Zup: whack nessachan
SinbadBot: Goosey glitters and makes weird noises.
MoleBot: Zup thwacks NessaChan in the neck with a pumpkin. Score!
[RinkChat] User Randy has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Maryam pops Randy with a saw. Score!
LaZorra: whack sam
Kalimeris is back.
NessaChan: whack r
SinbadBot: Goosey remains safely in place.
MoleBot: goldfishy pops out of the ground.
Randy has left.
Kalimeris: Silly kalimeris.
LaZorra: whack sam
KickMoleBot: Sam pops out of the ground.
NessaChan: whack randy
niekie: whack goldfishy
Zup: whack sam
Maryam: wahck sam
[RinkChat] User Sam has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Zup pounds Sam with Sentynel's foot. Score!
MoleBot: niekie belts goldfishy with a cement mixer. Score!
Goosey: As in, pop goes the?
KickMoleBot: Zup pops out of the ground.
Sam has left.
NessaChan: whack sentynel
Kalimeris: whack niekie
Sam has entered.
SinbadBot: Maryam glitters and makes weird noises.
Zup: whack zup
Maryam: whack zup
KickMoleBot: Zup conks Zup with a vat of battery acid. Ouch!
niekie: whack zup
NessaChan: whack zup
Maryam: budge maryam
SinbadBot: Maryam dislodges Maryam with the winds of utter destruction. HA!
KickMoleBot: Sentynel pops out of the ground.
NessaChan: hack sam
SinbadBot: niekie glitters and makes weird noises. Bonus round!
NessaChan: ck lazorra
Kalimeris: whack sentynel
MoleBot: Maryam pops out of the ground.
[RinkChat] User Sentynel has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Kalimeris whonks Sentynel with a rose bush. Score!
Sentynel has left.
Zup: whacksentynel
Maryam: whack sentynel
MoleBot: Maryam escapes safely underground.
NessaChan: whack lazorra
SinbadBot: niekie remains safely in place.
Kalimeris: budge niekie
LaZorra: whack maryam
Sentynel has entered.
Maryam: whack maryam
Randy has entered.
SinbadBot: Sentynel glitters and makes weird noises.
NessaChan: whack maryam
Kalimeris: budge sentynel
SinbadBot: Kalimeris propels Sentynel with all that is evil. Kalimeris is WINNING!
Sentynel: budge sentynel
niekie: budge senytnel
Zup: whack sentynel
MoleBot: Nyperold pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
Zup: whack nyperold
MoleBot: Zup pops Nyperold with TalkingDog. Bonus score!
KickMoleBot: Maryam pops out of the ground.
LaZorra: whack nyperold
Sentynel: whack nyperlod
Maryam: whack nyperold
KickMoleBot: Maryam escapes safely underground.
LaZorra: whack maryam
NessaChan: whack zup
niekie: budge nyperold
Maryam: whack maryam
KickMoleBot: Maryam pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
Maryam: whack maryam
KickMoleBot: Maryam skins Maryam with a ball and chain. Bonus ouch!
LaZorra: whack maryam
Zup: whack maryam
NessaChan: whack maryam
niekie: whack maryam
SinbadBot: NessaChan glitters and makes weird noises.
Sentynel: whack maryam
Kalimeris: whack maryam
MoleBot: SirDude pops out of the ground.
Maryam: budge nessachan
Kalimeris: whack sirdude
MoleBot: Kalimeris slugs SirDude with a refrigerator. Score!
NessaChan: whack nessachan
niekie: budge nessachan
SinbadBot: Maryam moves NessaChan with a spell. Maryam is WINNING!
Zup: whack sirdude
Sentynel: Is it my imagination, or is RinkChat lagging tonight?
Maryam: whack sirdude
KickMoleBot: Randy pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
LaZorra: whack randy
[RinkChat] User Randy has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: LaZorra whacks Randy with noodly glop. Bonus score!
Maryam: whack randy
Zup: whack randy
SinbadBot: niekie glitters and makes weird noises. Bonus round!
Randy has left.
SinbadBot: niekie remains safely in place.
Kalimeris: budge niekie
NessaChan: whack randy
Maryam: budge niekie
MoleBot: Sam pops out of the ground.
NessaChan: budge niekie
Kalimeris: whack sam
LaZorra: whack sam
MoleBot: Kalimeris blasts Sam with a steel girder. Score!
Randy has entered.
Zup: whack sam
Maryam: whack sam
Sam: Sent: With this much action, it'll be alittle laggy, yeah. Should stop when the game stops.
NessaChan: budge zup
MoleBot: Sam pops out of the ground.
LaZorra: shack wham
KickMoleBot: Sam pops out of the ground.
Randy: GRAR
Zup: whack sam
Kalimeris: whack sam
NessaChan: budge zup
SinbadBot: goldfishy glitters and makes weird noises.
MoleBot: Zup beats Sam with a power line. Score!
Maryam: whack sam
niekie: whack sam
[RinkChat] User Sam has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Zup crushes Sam with a steam engine. Score!
Randy: LOL
LaZorra: whack sam
Sam has left.
Sam has entered.
Maryam: budge goldfishy
NessaChan: whack goldfishy
SinbadBot: Maryam budges goldfishy with a wave of the hand. Maryam is WINNING!
MoleBot: Sentynel pops out of the ground.
SinbadBot: goldfishy glitters and makes weird noises.
KickMoleBot: Sam pops out of the ground.
Sentynel: whack sentynel
niekie: whack sentynel
Maryam: whack sentynel
MoleBot: Sentynel clobbers Sentynel with an elephant. Ouch!
Kalimeris: budge goldfishy
LaZorra: whack sam
Zup: whack sam
NessaChan: whack sentynel
Randy: whack sam
Sentynel: whack sam
Maryam: whack sam
NessaChan: goldfishy
SinbadBot: Kalimeris moves goldfishy with mental powers. Kalimeris is WINNING!
[RinkChat] User Sam has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: LaZorra busts Sam with a vat of battery acid. Score!
Sam has left.
NessaChan: ahck salmdf
SinbadBot: Maryam glitters and makes weird noises. Bonus round!
Sam has entered.
Sentynel: budge maryam
Maryam: budge maryam
SinbadBot: Sentynel moves Maryam with evil. Sentynel is bonusly WINNING!
NessaChan: whack maryam
MoleBot: Nyperold pops out of the ground.
KickMoleBot: Zup pops out of the ground.
Maryam: whack nyperold
Zup: whack nyperold
Kalimeris: whack nyperold
LaZorra: whack nyperold
NessaChan: whack nyperold
Sentynel: whack nyperold
Zup: whack zup
MoleBot: Maryam bashes Nyperold with SirDude's foot. Score!
SinbadBot: LaZorra glitters and makes weird noises.
KickMoleBot: Zup smooshes Zup with a chainsaw. Ouch!
Maryam: whack zup
NessaChan: whack zup
LaZorra: whack zup
Sentynel: whack sup
SinbadBot: LaZorra remains safely in place.
Kalimeris: budge lazorra
NessaChan: whack lazorra
Maryam: budge lazoora
SinbadBot: Maryam glitters and makes weird noises.
Kalimeris: budge maryam
niekie: budge maryam
Maryam: budge maryam
SinbadBot: Kalimeris relocates Maryam with no help from Soukra. Kalimeris is WINNING!
NessaChan: budge maryam
MoleBot: SirDude pops out of the ground.
KickMoleBot: Zup pops out of the ground.
KickMoleBot: Zup escapes safely underground.
NessaChan: budge zup
Maryam: whack zup
LaZorra: whack zup
Sentynel: I keep giggling at my typos of people's names.
niekie: whack sirdude
MoleBot: niekie blasts SirDude with a subpoena. Score!
Randy: whack zup
SirDude: whack sirdude
NessaChan: whack sirdude
SinbadBot: niekie glitters and makes weird noises.
KickMoleBot: Sentynel pops out of the ground.
Sentynel: budge niekie
niekie: budge niekie
SinbadBot: Sentynel nudges niekie with a wave of the hand. Sentynel is WINNING!
Zup: whack sentynel
[RinkChat] User Sentynel has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Zup crunches Sentynel with mud. Score!
Maryam: whack sentynel
niekie: hack sentynel
Sentynel has left.
NessaChan: budge niekeie
Kalimeris: whack sentynel
* LaZorra just tried to "what sentynel"
Sentynel has entered.
niekie: LOL
MoleBot: SirDude pops out of the ground.
NessaChan: whack nyperold
SinbadBot: Sentynel glitters and makes weird noises.
MoleBot: SirDude escapes safely underground.
Maryam: whack sirdud
LaZorra: whack sirdude
Sentynel: whack sirdude
KickMoleBot: LaZorra pops out of the ground.
Kalimeris: budge sentynel
MoleBot: Zup pops out of the ground.
SinbadBot: Kalimeris pushes Sentynel with a devastating act of magical madness. Kalimeris is WINNING!
niekie: budge sentynel
KickMoleBot: LaZorra escapes safely underground.
Maryam: budge sentynel
Zup: whack zup
LaZorra: whack zup
Kalimeris: whack zup
niekie: whack zup
MoleBot: Zup skins Zup with a watermelon. Ouch!
Randy: whack zup
Maryam: whack zup
MoleBot: Goosey pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
Sentynel: LaZorra: WHAT UP
Kalimeris: whack goosey
Zup: whack goosey
Maryam: whack goosey
MoleBot: Kalimeris hammers Goosey with a sheet of asbestos. Bonus score!
SinbadBot: SirDude glitters and makes weird noises.
LaZorra: whack goosey
NessaChan: budge goosey
SinbadBot: SirDude remains safely in place.
MoleBot: Randy pops out of the ground.
Kalimeris: budge sirdude
Sentynel: budge sirdude
KickMoleBot: Zup pops out of the ground.
Kalimeris: whack randy
niekie: budge sirdude
NessaChan: budge isr dus
Maryam: whack randy
Zup: whack rand
MoleBot: Kalimeris pounds Randy in the head with a steamroller. Score!
Sentynel: whack randy
LaZorra: whack zup
Kalimeris: whack zup
Zup: whack zup
MoleBot: Maryam pops out of the ground.
niekie: whack zup
[RinkChat] User Zup has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: LaZorra clobbers Zup with biosolids. Score!
Zup has left.
NessaChan: budge suzp
Maryam: whack maryam
MoleBot: Maryam bonks Maryam with a steel girder. Ouch!
Zup has entered.
MoleBot: goldfishy pops out of the ground.
SinbadBot: niekie glitters and makes weird noises.
Maryam: whack goldfishy
Zup: whack goldfishy
MoleBot: Maryam thumps goldfishy with a sledgehammer. Score!
Sentynel: budge niekie
NessaChan: whack goldfishy
niekie: budge niekie
SinbadBot: Sentynel removes niekie with no help from Soukra. Sentynel is WINNING!
Maryam: budge niekie
NessaChan: budge niekie
KickMoleBot: niekie pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
Maryam: whack niekie
MoleBot: TalkingDog pops out of the ground.
[RinkChat] User niekie has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Maryam socks niekie with a rose bush. Bonus score!
SinbadBot: NessaChan glitters and makes weird noises.
Kalimeris: whack niekie
Zup: whack nie
LaZorra: whack niekie
Sentynel: whack niekie
niekie has left.
NessaChan: budge sam
KickMoleBot: Kalimeris pops out of the ground.
Kalimeris: budge nessachan
SinbadBot: Kalimeris relocates NessaChan with all that is evil. Kalimeris is WINNING!
Sentynel: budge nessachan
Maryam: budge nessachan
niekie has entered.
NessaChan: budge nessachan
Kalimeris: whack kalimeris
Zup: whack kalimeris
MoleBot: TalkingDog escapes safely underground.
Maryam: whack kalimeris
KickMoleBot: Kalimeris slugs Kalimeris with a letter opener. Ouch!
Sentynel: whack kalimeris
SinbadBot: Kalimeris glitters and makes weird noises. Bonus round!
NessaChan: whack talking dog
Kalimeris: budge kalimeris
SinbadBot: Kalimeris budges Kalimeris with a devastating act of magical madness. Bonus HA!
NessaChan: whack kalimeris
Sentynel: budge kalimeris
KickMoleBot: LaZorra pops out of the ground.
Maryam: whack lazorra
LaZorra: whack lazorra
NessaChan: whack lazorra
Kalimeris: whack lazorra
Sentynel: whack lazorra
[RinkChat] User LaZorra has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Maryam pummels LaZorra with an elephant. Score!
Zup: whack lazorra
LaZorra has left.
MoleBot: Maryam pops out of the ground.
Zup: whack maryam
NessaChan: whack maryam
KickMoleBot: Sentynel pops out of the ground.
LaZorra has entered.
Sentynel: whack maryam
niekie: whack maryam
SinbadBot: Randy glitters and makes weird noises.
SinbadBot: Randy remains safely in place.
MoleBot: Zup smashes Maryam with some rotten meat. Score!
Maryam: whack maryam
Zup: whack sentynel
SinbadBot: SirDude glitters and makes weird noises.
[RinkChat] User Sentynel has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Zup smacks Sentynel with Sam's face. Score!
Kalimeris: budge randy
NessaChan: whack randy
Sentynel has left.
Kalimeris: budge sirdude
NessaChan: budge sirdude
niekie: budge sirdude
Maryam: budge sirdude
SinbadBot: Kalimeris dislodges SirDude with a curse. Kalimeris is WINNING!
Sentynel has entered.
SinbadBot: TalkingDog glitters and makes weird noises.
MoleBot: Sentynel pops out of the ground.
LaZorra: whack talkingdog
KickMoleBot: NessaChan pops out of the ground.
KickMoleBot: NessaChan escapes safely underground.
SinbadBot: TalkingDog remains safely in place.
Maryam: whack sentynel
Zup: whack sentynel
NessaChan: whack ksentyl
Kalimeris: whack sentynel
* Sentynel just tried to budgie sirdude
MoleBot: Maryam smooshes Sentynel with a steel girder. Score!
SinbadBot: niekie glitters and makes weird noises.
Maryam: budge talkingdog
NessaChan: whack talkingdog
SinbadBot: niekie remains safely in place.
NessaChan: ahck myself
niekie: budge niekie
gremlinn has entered.
NessaChan: whack nessachan
KickMoleBot: Sam pops out of the ground.
Maryam: whack sam
[RinkChat] User Sam has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Maryam crushes Sam in the neck with some barbed wire. Score!
Zup: whack sam
gremlinn is away.
Sentynel: whack sam
LaZorra: whack sam
niekie: whack sam
Sam has left.
NessaChan: whack sam
SinbadBot: Kalimeris glitters and makes weird noises.
MoleBot: Goosey pops out of the ground.
Sam has entered.
LaZorra is away.
Kalimeris: budge kalimeris
Maryam: budge kalimeris
NessaChan: budge sam
SinbadBot: Kalimeris transports Kalimeris with wild gesticulations. HA!
Kalimeris: whack goosey
Zup: whack goosey
Maryam: whack goosey
Sentynel: whack goosey
MoleBot: Kalimeris flogs Goosey with a whip. Score!
SinbadBot: Goosey glitters and makes weird noises.
KickMoleBot: Kalimeris pops out of the ground.
MoleBot: Nyperold pops out of the ground.
Maryam: budge goosey
Sentynel: budge goosey
Kalimeris: budge goosey
MoleBot: Nyperold escapes safely underground.
SinbadBot: Maryam transports Goosey with an electronic whirr. Maryam is WINNING!
niekie: whack kalimeris
Zup: whack kalimeris
NessaChan: whack kalimeris
Maryam: whack nyperold
Sentynel: whack kalimeris
Kalimeris: whack kalimers
[RinkChat] User Kalimeris has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: niekie crushes Kalimeris with a piano. Score!
Kalimeris has left.
NessaChan: whack maryam
TalkingDog: These games are violent.
MoleBot: LaZorra pops out of the ground.
Kalimeris has entered.
NessaChan: whack randy
Maryam: whack lazorra
niekie: whack lazorra
MoleBot: Maryam swats LaZorra with a letter opener. Score!
Kalimeris: whack lazorra
NessaChan: whack lazorra
SinbadBot: Nyperold glitters and makes weird noises. Bonus round!
SinbadBot: Nyperold remains safely in place.
NessaChan: whack niekie
KickMoleBot: niekie pops out of the ground.
[RinkChat] User niekie has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: NessaChan pummels niekie with a pot of hot coffee. Score!
Maryam: budge nyperold
Randy: whack randy
NessaChan: udge randy
niekie has left.
NessaChan: dge zup
Randy: whack zup
SinbadBot: gremlinn glitters and makes weird noises.
niekie has entered.
SinbadBot: gremlinn remains safely in place.
MoleBot: SirDude pops out of the ground.
Kalimeris: budge gremlin
Sentynel: budge gremlinn
Maryam: whack sirdude
MoleBot: Maryam wallops SirDude with a pumpkin. Score!
Kalimeris: grr
niekie: whack sirdude
Zup: whack sirdude
Sentynel: whack sirdude
NessaChan: budge sirdude
MoleBot: LaZorra pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
KickMoleBot: Kalimeris pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
SinbadBot: SirDude glitters and makes weird noises. Bonus round!
Kalimeris: whack kalimeris
KickMoleBot: Kalimeris bashes Kalimeris with Maryam's teeth. Bonus ouch!
Zup: whack lazorra
Sentynel: whack lazorra
Sam: WOW
Sam: All three games started bonus rounds within one second.
NessaChan: wahck randy
MoleBot: Zup bonks LaZorra with an anvil. Bonus score!
SinbadBot: SirDude remains safely in place.
NessaChan: ck randy
Sentynel: budge sirdude
Zup: whack kalimeris
NessaChan: whack sirdude
SinbadBot: niekie glitters and makes weird noises.
NessaChan: budge lazorra
Kalimeris: budge niekie
SinbadBot: Kalimeris displaces niekie with all that is evil. Kalimeris is WINNING!
KickMoleBot: Randy pops out of the ground.
NessaChan: budge sam
KickMoleBot: Randy escapes safely underground.
Maryam: whack randy
Kalimeris: whack randy
Zup: whack randy
NessaChan: whack kalimaer
MoleBot: Maryam pops out of the ground.
MoleBot: Maryam escapes safely underground.
Kalimeris: whack maryam
niekie: whack maryam
Zup: whack mar
Sentynel: whack maryam
NessaChan: whack maryam
SinbadBot: goldfishy glitters and makes weird noises.
KickMoleBot: Maryam pops out of the ground.
MoleBot: Sentynel pops out of the ground.
Maryam: budge goldfishy
SinbadBot: Maryam pushes goldfishy with mental powers. Maryam is WINNING!
niekie: whack maryam
NessaChan: whack goldfishy
Maryam: whack maryam
MoleBot: Sentynel escapes safely underground.
Sentynel: whack maryam
Zup: whack sentynel
Kalimeris: whack sentynel
[RinkChat] User Maryam has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: niekie smacks Maryam with a rabid dog. Score!
Maryam has left.
NessaChan: budge maryam
MoleBot: TalkingDog pops out of the ground.
Maryam has entered.
SinbadBot: Sentynel glitters and makes weird noises.
NessaChan: whack taklingdog
Kalimeris: whack talkingdog
MoleBot: Kalimeris whoops TalkingDog with a straight razor. Score!
niekie: whack talkingdog
SinbadBot: Sentynel remains safely in place.
Sentynel: budge senyynel
Zup: whack talkingdog
SinbadBot: Zup glitters and makes weird noises.
SinbadBot: Zup remains safely in place.
NessaChan: haha taklingdog.
Maryam: whack zup
Kalimeris: budge zup
KickMoleBot: niekie pops out of the ground.
Zup: whack zup
KickMoleBot: niekie escapes safely underground.
MoleBot: Maryam pops out of the ground.
niekie: budge zup
Zup: whack niekie
KickMoleBot: niekie pops out of the ground.
Maryam: whack nieki
NessaChan: budge nieke
NessaChan: whack maryam
Maryam: whack maryam
MoleBot: NessaChan beats up Maryam with a frozen side of beef. Score!
Sentynel: whack niekie
[RinkChat] User niekie has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Sentynel stabs niekie with some rotten meat. Score!
niekie has left.
SinbadBot: Kalimeris glitters and makes weird noises.
KickMoleBot: Sam pops out of the ground.
NessaChan: whack sentynel
niekie has entered.
Zup: whack sam
Kalimeris: budge kalimeris
Sentynel: whack sam
Maryam: budge kalimeris
SinbadBot: Kalimeris relocates Kalimeris with no help from Soukra. HA!
Kalimeris: whack sam
MoleBot: Goosey pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
[RinkChat] User Sam has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Zup bashes Sam with a tuba. Score!
NessaChan: whack sam
Sam has left.
Maryam: whack goosey
KickMoleBot: niekie pops out of the ground.
Sentynel: whack goosey
MoleBot: Maryam wallops Goosey with an axe. Bonus score!
Zup: whack goosey
Sentynel: whack niekie
Maryam: whack niekie
Zup: whack niekie
[RinkChat] User niekie has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Sentynel flogs niekie with a tuba. Score!
niekie has left.
Sam has entered.
MoleBot: Zup pops out of the ground.
NessaChan: whack niekie
SinbadBot: SirDude glitters and makes weird noises.
Kalimeris: Why is my score going all over the place?
Sam: Kali: The three bots are fighting over which one gets to label you.
Kalimeris: Aww, don't fight! I LOVE YOU ALL
Sam: LOL
niekie has entered.
Zup: whack zup
MoleBot: Zup whacks Zup with a pumpkin. Ouch!
NessaChan: whack sentynel
Maryam: budge sirdude
Kalimeris: budge sirdude
SinbadBot: Maryam dislodges SirDude with a curse. Maryam is WINNING!
Sentynel: budge sirdude
NessaChan: whack maryam
MoleBot: Zup pops out of the ground.
Maryam: whack zup
MoleBot: Maryam stabs Zup in the head with a lug wrench. Score!
Zup: whack zup
NessaChan: budge zup
niekie: whack zup
Sentynel: whack zup
KickMoleBot: Kalimeris pops out of the ground.
SinbadBot: LaZorra glitters and makes weird noises.
Sentynel: whack kalimeris
Kalimeris: whack kalimeris
NessaChan: whack kalimeris
Maryam: whack kalimeris
[RinkChat] User Kalimeris has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Sentynel hits Kalimeris with a refrigerator. Score!
Zup: whack kalimeris
Kalimeris has left.
SinbadBot: LaZorra remains safely in place.
niekie: whack kalimeris
Maryam: budge lazorra
NessaChan: budge lazorra
Kalimeris has entered.
SinbadBot: Sam glitters and makes weird noises.
Maryam: budge sam
NessaChan: budge sam
Sentynel: budge sam
SinbadBot: Maryam moves Sam with the winds of utter destruction. Maryam is WINNING!
SinbadBot: Maryam wins!
MoleBot: Maryam pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
MoleBot: Maryam escapes safely underground.
Maryam: whack maryam
KickMoleBot: Sentynel pops out of the ground.
NessaChan: whack maryam
Kalimeris: whach maryam
Zup: Yay!
KickMoleBot: Sentynel escapes safely underground.
niekie: whack maryam
Kalimeris: whack sentynel
Maryam: whack sentynel
KickMoleBot: niekie pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
MoleBot: Sentynel pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
NessaChan: whack sentylnel
Maryam: whack niekie
Kalimeris: whack niekie
niekie: whack niekie
MoleBot: Sentynel escapes safely underground.
Zup: whack niekie
[RinkChat] User niekie has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Maryam blasts niekie with a tank. Bonus score!
KickMoleBot: Maryam wins!
niekie has left.
Sentynel: whack niekie
NessaChan: whack lausflasfaerorra
Maryam: whack sentynel
niekie has entered.
MoleBot: TalkingDog pops out of the ground.
Kalimeris: whack someone
MoleBot: TalkingDog escapes safely underground.
Maryam: whack talkingdog
Zup: whack talkingdog
Kalimeris: whack talkingdog
MoleBot: niekie pops out of the ground.
Maryam: whack niekie
Zup: whack niekie
Sentynel: whack niekie
niekie: whaCK NIEKIE
MoleBot: Maryam bashes niekie with SirDude's face. Score!
Kalimeris: whack niekie
NessaChan: whack sirdude
MoleBot: Sentynel pops out of the ground.
Sentynel: whack sentynel
Zup: whack sentynel
MoleBot: Sentynel flogs Sentynel with a steam engine. Ouch!
Kalimeris: whack sentynel
niekie: whack sentynel
NessaChan: whack sentynel
MoleBot: Sentynel pops out of the ground.
Kalimeris: whack sentynel
MoleBot: Sentynel escapes safely underground.
Zup: whack sentynel
Sentynel: whack sentynyel
niekie: whack sentynel
NessaChan: whack sentynel
Randy: whack sentynel
MoleBot: Goosey pops out of the ground.
NessaChan: whack maryam
Kalimeris: whack goosey
Zup: whack goosey
MoleBot: Kalimeris conks Goosey with LaZorra's head. Score!
Maryam: whack goosey
Sentynel: whack goosey
NessaChan: whack goosey
niekie: whack goosey
Randy: whack goosey
NessaChan: whack lazorra
MoleBot: TalkingDog pops out of the ground.
Maryam: whack talkingdog
Kalimeris: whack talkingdog
niekie: whack talkingdog
Sentynel: whack talkingdog
Zup: whack talkingdog
NessaChan: whack talkingdog
MoleBot: Maryam smashes TalkingDog with a letter opener. Score!
MoleBot: Maryam wins!
LaZorra is back.
Nyperold is back.
SirDude is back.
gremlinn is back.
Maryam: YES
Sentynel: Triple victory for Maryam.
Sentynel: Impressive.
Kalimeris: Woo!
Zup: Wooo!
Randy: woooo!
* Maryam does a little dance.
Sam: Triple Play for Maryam, who hasn't won the MoleBots in tournament play before. Congratulations!
Maryam: I haven't? Cool!
Maryam: I mean, you know, cool that I have now.
LaZorra: POING
Zup: POING!!!!!!!!!!!11
* NessaChan hugs her point
Sam: A few minutes' break now...
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=8
Zup: and all of a sudden I'm in second?
CountBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: The game begins in 30 seconds!
niekie: Woo!
* NessaChan likes count bot
NessaChan: *obligatory A HA HA HA laugh like the muppet*
gremlinn: 30 seconds have passed.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 7, 3, 3, 2, 3, 4. (1/18 accepted)
* TalkingDog too.
Sentynel: Sentynel can not do bot, this.
Sentynel: Er.
LaZorra: LOL
Sentynel: He can't type /b either, apparently.
Sentynel: Never mind.
* LaZorra B'S Sentynel!
Nyperold: Doesn't matter; too many letters in "Sentynel".
Sentynel: Nyperold: Ah, yes, I also cannot count.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for "Heaven's The One" By Not Hell
CountBot: Vote 2 for Trumpet War! Are We All Here?
CountBot: Vote 3 for Skating Boy Has An Ego Trip!
CountBot: Vote 4 for Someone Say Who Is Not Here.
CountBot: Vote 5 for Fishing For Cod! My Big Fish.
CountBot: Vote 6 for Diamond Pin Was In The Pond
Sentynel: Tonight is not my night.
* LaZorra never even thought of a first word.
Zup: vote 6
gremlinn: vote 6
Kalimeris: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 2
niekie: vote 2
goldfishy: vote 2
* SirDude had forgotten to turn his brain on for this bot
LaZorra: vote 2
Maryam: vote 5
Sam: vote 6
CountBot: Nyperold wins 5 points for Trumpet War! Are We All Here?
CountBot: goldfishy wins 4 points for Diamond Pin Was In The Pond
CountBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for Fishing For Cod! My Big Fish.
CountBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for Skating Boy Has An Ego Trip!
CountBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Someone Say Who Is Not Here.
CountBot: Zup wins 0 points for "Heaven's The One" By Not Hell
gremlinn: Mine was kind of a pun too.
Sam: Whoever wins this game has an 85.7% chance of winning the tournament.
Maryam: grem: Oh, I see that now.
Sam: Wow. CountBot has had a different winner in all the past 7 tournaments: gremlinn, ThePhan, Counterpoint, iwpg, Sam, Randy, NessaChan.
NessaChan: interesting
Sam: Moreover, the winner of CountBot has gone on to win the tournament as a whole in 6 out of 7 times!
Sam: This is the game that matters!
NessaChan: interesting
Goosey: Sam: That's kind of a neat statistic.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 9, 2, 3, 2. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Carcasses On The TV
CountBot: Vote 2 for Everybody Is Fun. Hi!
CountBot: Vote 3 for Goldfishy Is Not In
CountBot: Vote 4 for Stumbling On The Ax?
CountBot: Vote 5 for Irritated At Bot, Mm.
CountBot: Vote 6 for NessaChan Is The DJ.
CountBot: Vote 7 for Nevermind. He Ate It.
Zup: Same seconded.
NessaChan: lol
gremlinn: vote 1
LaZorra: vote 7
Sam: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 6
Kalimeris: vote 1
NessaChan: hm 1
Goosey: vote 7
niekie: vote 7
Sentynel: vote 2
goldfishy: vote 7
Maryam: vote 7
CountBot: Kalimeris wins 5 points for Nevermind. He Ate It.
CountBot: Goosey wins 3 points for Carcasses On The TV
CountBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for Everybody Is Fun. Hi!
CountBot: Sam wins 1 point for NessaChan Is The DJ.
CountBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for Goldfishy Is Not In
CountBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for Stumbling On The Ax?
CountBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for Irritated At Bot, Mm.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 3, 1, 1, 3, 3. (1/18 accepted)
niekie: Grah.
* goldfishy cannot come up with anything not boring
* LaZorra submitted boring anyway.
* TalkingDog cannot come up with anything.
Sentynel: Better boring than nothing.
Kalimeris: Curse you, double one
* Goosey cannot come up with thinnynang.
LaZorra: Thinnynang?
Sam: Thinnynang.
* Goosey does not know why her brain compelled her to spout such nonsense.
Goosey: O.O
LaZorra: hehe
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Erm, I, I Can Not.
CountBot: Vote 2 for The Q? I Ate All.
CountBot: Vote 3 for Who? I? I Was NOT!!!!!!!!
CountBot: Vote 4 for Yes, I . . . I . . . Umm. Heh.
CountBot: Vote 5 for He's A -- A -- Bad Boy!
CountBot: Vote 6 for Are I A Big Kid?
CountBot: Vote 7 for Not I? I Was Not!
CountBot: Vote 8 for BRB. I. M. AFK, CYA.
Sam: vote 5
gremlinn: vote 5
Zup: vote 3
NessaChan: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 2
Kalimeris: vote 2
Sentynel: vote 4
Goosey: vote 8
goldfishy: vote 2
LaZorra: Q? NOM NOM
Maryam: vote 1
CountBot: gremlinn wins 3 points for The Q? I Ate All.
CountBot: Goosey wins 2 points for Yes, I . . . I . . . Umm. Heh.
CountBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for He's A -- A -- Bad Boy!
CountBot: Kalimeris wins 1 point for Who? I? I Was NOT!!!!!!!!
CountBot: Sentynel wins 1 point for Erm, I, I Can Not.
CountBot: Zup wins 1 point for BRB. I. M. AFK, CYA.
CountBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for Not I? I Was Not!
CountBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Are I A Big Kid?
Zup: Yay! Point!
* LaZorra points.
gremlinn: Haha. 3 points for one that made no sense.
gremlinn: This game is so unpredictable.
Sentynel: I figured the Scrabble one was grem, somehow.
gremlinn: It's Scrabble?
Sentynel: I figured you'd eaten the Q tile. Somehow.
: Hi. I am Goosey's fairy. But what she DOESN'T know -- *giggle* -- is that I make her say silly things! thinnynang! hee hee! I'll be wreaking more mischief later; just you wait!
Goosey: LOL
goldfishy: Hehe
goldfishy: Bad fairy!
Sentynel: Goosey has a typo fairy!
Sentynel: (Or should that be a typo fiary?)
LaZorra: WAIT
* NessaChan woners if she has a fairy
LaZorra: How come GOOSEY has a typo fairy?
gremlinn: Where's mine? I didn't get one.
Sam: grem: Goosey *made* that.
gremlinn: Oh.
* LaZorra pouts in the corner.
Goosey: LaZ: I don't have your natural talent.
LaZorra: All I ever get are hand-me-down typo demons.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 7, 2, 4, 3, 7. (1/18 accepted)
LaZorra: ER WHAT
LaZorra: My submission makes no sense.
Goosey: LOL
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Seventy An' Four Men Advance.
CountBot: Vote 2 for Napping At Dawn, The Weirdos!
CountBot: Vote 3 for Quickly! He Won't Get Pudding!
CountBot: Vote 4 for Quilted Is Good For Toilets.
CountBot: Vote 5 for "Kthxbai", He Said. How Annoyin'.
CountBot: Vote 6 for Maryam's In Zup's Tub! Scandal!
CountBot: Vote 7 for Codfish In Dish? Nom Anyways!
CountBot: Vote 8 for SirDude Is Cool. But LaZorra? ;)
SirDude: vote 8
Maryam: ![=-o](/rinkchat/smileys/hsurp.gif)
LaZorra: LOL
Zup: vote 3
Sam: ![:-.](/rinkchat/smileys/hoops.gif)
Sentynel: vote 2
Sam: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 6
Maryam: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 6
niekie: vote 2
Kalimeris: vote 7
Goosey: vote 3
CountBot: Kalimeris wins 3 points for Quickly! He Won't Get Pudding!
CountBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for Napping At Dawn, The Weirdos!
CountBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for Maryam's In Zup's Tub! Scandal!
CountBot: Goosey wins 1 point for Codfish In Dish? Nom Anyways!
CountBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for Quilted Is Good For Toilets.
CountBot: SirDude wins 1 point for "Kthxbai", He Said. How Annoyin'.
CountBot: Zup wins 1 point for SirDude Is Cool. But LaZorra? ;)
CountBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for Seventy An' Four Men Advance.
Maryam: :hoops: needs to get used more often.
: I'm the other fairy Goosey made. Aren't I cute? *giggle*
gremlinn: That one is nice.
Goosey: grem: Thanks!
LaZorra: She is cute.
Sam: The colors are really pretty on that, yeah.
goldfishy: She looks strawberry flavoured
gremlinn: Did you make the graphics?
Goosey: grem: Nah.
Goosey: But I plan to soon graduate to fiddling with them.
gremlinn: Or is it an assembly process with prefab stuff?
Sam: There are these pages where you can make your own by dragging and dropping components into a work area.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 4, 6, 3, 1, 3. (1/18 accepted)
* Sentynel has a typo daemon. It runs in the background playing with his typing.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Fits Goosey Too, I Say.
CountBot: Vote 2 for Some People Can, I Say!
CountBot: Vote 3 for Typo Faairy? Hmm. I Lik
CountBot: Vote 4 for Four Flirty Fae I See.
CountBot: Vote 5 for Hate Fairys? But I Can!
CountBot: Vote 6 for When Things Eat A Cat
Goosey: Who's licking my typo fairy???
Zup: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 6
SirDude: vote 2
Goosey: vote 4
niekie: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 3
Maryam: vote 5
Goosey: LOL
CountBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for Four Flirty Fae I See.
CountBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for When Things Eat A Cat
CountBot: Goosey wins 1 point for Some People Can, I Say!
CountBot: SirDude wins 1 point for Typo Faairy? Hmm. I Lik
CountBot: Zup wins 1 point for Hate Fairys? But I Can!
CountBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for Fits Goosey Too, I Say.
CountBot: LaZorra loses a point for submitting and not voting.
LaZorra: vote 1
LaZorra: GRAH
NessaChan: grahhh
Sam: The existing crew of RinkChat fairies were all scavenged from random places on the Internet. I never successfully found out until recently where they originally came from. They're called "dollz" (hence why I couldn't find them sooner -- I was googling for fairy-related things, but they're not necessarily all fairies) and there are a million gaudy web pages out there with "dollmaker" tools.
Goosey: I'm having fun with them. I will be making more. Just for fun.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 3, 4, 5. (1/18 accepted)
* Sentynel is struggling to come up with any submissions, never mind anything vaguely amusing. This is really not my bot.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Put, Take, Steal.
CountBot: Vote 2 for Eek! Bugs! SMASH!
CountBot: Vote 3 for Sam: WROK ZORRA
CountBot: Vote 4 for The Meat Taste!
CountBot: Vote 5 for All Cats Sleep
CountBot: Vote 6 for Yes. Cats Drink.
CountBot: Vote 7 for Boy, That Rules!
CountBot: Vote 8 for Run Your Brain!
CountBot: Vote 9 for Not Many Plums
CountBot: Vote 10 for And Then . . . DEATH!!!!!!
CountBot: Vote 11 for God Made Stuff.
Sam: vote 11
Kalimeris: vote 9
Zup: vote 11
LaZorra: vote 10
SirDude: vote 11
Goosey: vote 11
NessaChan: vote 7
gremlinn: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 11
goldfishy: vote 10
Sentynel: vote 2
niekie: vote 5
Goosey: 10 and 11 should be switched, hehe.
Maryam: vote 2
NessaChan: hehe
gremlinn: SMASH has bugs? Oh no.
* SirDude just thought of "Bad Typo Fairy!"
CountBot: gremlinn wins 5 points for God Made Stuff.
CountBot: Goosey wins 2 points for And Then . . . DEATH!!!!!!
CountBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for Eek! Bugs! SMASH!
CountBot: Sentynel wins 2 points for All Cats Sleep
CountBot: goldfishy wins 1 point for Not Many Plums
CountBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Boy, That Rules!
CountBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Yes. Cats Drink.
CountBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for Sam: WROK ZORRA
CountBot: niekie wins 0 points for The Meat Taste!
CountBot: SirDude wins 0 points for Run Your Brain!
CountBot: Zup wins 0 points for Put, Take, Steal.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 5, 5, 6, 5, 3, 4, 7. (1/18 accepted)
Sam: ...
Sentynel: Ummm.
gremlinn: Err.
Maryam: Ha ha, good luck all you people playing.
* Maryam lounges and sips a chilled drink.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Cruel Games Ravage These Bot Game Players.
CountBot: Vote 2 for Green Stuff Proves Manly Leg Germ Premise.
CountBot: Vote 3 for Smash Those Idiots Using The Beam Katanas!
CountBot: Vote 4 for Where There Should Never Bee, Typo Happens.
SirDude: vote 4
Maryam: vote 1
Sentynel: NUTS. A second too late with my entirely nonsensical submission.
Zup: vote 1
NessaChan: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!, ONE LETTER TOO SHORT
goldfishy: I only had one word to go - I just needed a 7 letter weapon! "bloody brains goosey fights off with "
gremlinn: vote 1
Sentynel: vote 1
Sam: vote 4
goldfishy: WEAPONS!
* goldfishy grrrs
CountBot: Sam wins 4 points for Cruel Games Ravage These Bot Game Players.
CountBot: Zup wins 2 points for Where There Should Never Bee, Typo Happens.
CountBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for Green Stuff Proves Manly Leg Germ Premise.
CountBot: SirDude wins 0 points for Smash Those Idiots Using The Beam Katanas!
NessaChan: I had Fifty Nifty Fellas Dance and Make Sodas
NessaChan: So I guess that's two letters too short
goldfishy: Oh that would have been good
Sentynel: I was going for "Sense clear answer absol ute none contain", because I didn't have a hope of creating an actual sentence.
NessaChan: alas
SirDude: I'd have voted for that
ThePhan has entered.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 4, 6, 5, 2. (1/18 accepted)
* TalkingDog is too unthinky to think of anything for anything.
* ThePhan does not do well with CountBot.
ThePhan: But I enjoy reading other people's suggestions!
* goldfishy cannot count
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for They Should Fight Me.
CountBot: Vote 2 for Phan Boldly Joins In!
CountBot: Vote 3 for Help! Panda's Eatin' Me!
CountBot: Vote 4 for Meat Swords! Slash 'Em!
CountBot: Vote 5 for Trap Goblin? Where At?
gremlinn: vote 1
Sentynel: vote 3
Zup: vote 2
goldfishy: :-( too late again
Kalimeris: vote 3
Sentynel: #4 sounds like a Sleep Talkin' Man.
NessaChan: vote 4
niekie: vote 1
Sam: vote 3
niekie: Sentynel: heh, I was going for that.
Maryam: vote 2
CountBot: NessaChan wins 3 points for Help! Panda's Eatin' Me!
CountBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for Phan Boldly Joins In!
CountBot: Kalimeris wins 2 points for They Should Fight Me.
CountBot: niekie wins 1 point for Meat Swords! Slash 'Em!
CountBot: Zup wins 0 points for Trap Goblin? Where At?
gremlinn: Pretty sure you could rearrange all 5 submissions into a story.
gremlinn: Maybe 5, 3, 2, 4, 1.
gremlinn: Err, I was looking at the latter ordering.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 6, 3, 8, 1, 5. (1/18 accepted)
* SirDude blanked out but submitted something anyway.
* Sentynel gives his poor abused brain a rest and goes to get a snack instead
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Counts For Countbot R Weird.
CountBot: Vote 2 for Freaky Cat Munching A Towel
CountBot: Vote 3 for Heroes Are Fighting A Beast!
CountBot: Vote 4 for Ground Yam; Julienne A Berry.
CountBot: Vote 5 for Sudden But Absolute, A Death.
Sam: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 2
SirDude: vote 3
Maryam: vote 5
niekie: vote 3
* ThePhan had just finished typing, "Robots, yay! LaZorra's a robot."
NessaChan: vote 4
Kalimeris: vote 2
Goosey: LOL
Zup: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 5
goldfishy: Argh mine was too long
LaZorra: vote 3
CountBot: LaZorra wins 4 points for Sudden But Absolute, A Death.
CountBot: Zup wins 3 points for Heroes Are Fighting A Beast!
CountBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for Freaky Cat Munching A Towel
CountBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Ground Yam; Julienne A Berry.
CountBot: SirDude wins 0 points for Counts For Countbot R Weird.
Nyperold: "I CAN HAS TOWEL??"
niekie: I keep coming up with good ones just after the cutoff ![:-(](/rinkchat/smileys/hsad.gif)
NessaChan: om nom nom
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 3, 2, 1, 6. (1/18 accepted)
gremlinn: You pretty much have to seed yourself with some random word or two, then polish off the rest to fit.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Son Of A *BEEEEP*
CountBot: Vote 2 for Son Of A Bleach!
CountBot: Vote 3 for NOW Am I Smelly?
CountBot: Vote 4 for Toe! Ow! I Jammed!
CountBot: Vote 5 for Are We A Circus?
CountBot: Vote 6 for Fry Me A Burger!
CountBot: Vote 7 for Tap In A Rhythm
CountBot: Vote 8 for Eat Me! A Puddin'!
CountBot: Vote 9 for Eye Am A Potato!
CountBot: Vote 10 for Sam Is A Rinkie.
SirDude: vote 6
Maryam: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 3
Sam: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 6
Zup: vote 6
Goosey: vote 10
gremlinn: vote 6
Kalimeris: vote 10
LaZorra: vote 10
NessaChan: vote 4
goldfishy: votw 9
goldfishy: vote 9
CountBot: Goosey wins 4 points for Fry Me A Burger!
CountBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for Sam Is A Rinkie.
CountBot: Kalimeris wins 2 points for NOW Am I Smelly?
CountBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for Toe! Ow! I Jammed!
CountBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Eye Am A Potato!
CountBot: Zup wins 1 point for Are We A Circus?
CountBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for Tap In A Rhythm
CountBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for Son Of A Bleach!
CountBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Eat Me! A Puddin'!
CountBot: SirDude wins 0 points for Son Of A *BEEEEP*
* LaZorra gets very close to Sam and says, "You're a Rinkie!"
Goosey: Lz: LOL
Sam: Er...oh.
Maryam: LZ: Are your arms up in the air?
LaZorra: Maryam: OF COURSE
Goosey: Sam: You're a Rinkie! \o/
LaZorra: LOL
Sam: Yes, I am! And I'm just sitting here!
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 3, 6, 3, 6. (1/18 accepted)
niekie: The horror! The horror!
[CountBot->niekie] Your submission was accepted, but in the future you can make your submissions private by prepending /b.
niekie: Grah, forgot /b
Maryam: niekie: Forget your /b?
Zup: vote niekie
ThePhan: niekie: LOL! I wondered what you were reacting to..
Goosey: LOL
niekie: LOL
LaZorra: Oh, LOL, i thought he was responding to Sam.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Mom, Listen: Dad Snores!
CountBot: Vote 2 for The Fatter Man = Bigger
CountBot: Vote 3 for Are Chains All Metals?
CountBot: Vote 4 for Tin Brains!! Tin Brains!!!
CountBot: Vote 5 for All People Are Humans.
CountBot: Vote 6 for The Horror! The Horror!
CountBot: Vote 7 for Any Rinkie Can HoNBot!
CountBot: Vote 8 for Too Stupid, You Newbie.
CountBot: Vote 9 for She Climbs The Ladder.
Maryam: 1: I'd think Mom knows...
Kalimeris: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 8
gremlinn: vote 6
Maryam: vote 6
LaZorra: vote 8
niekie: vote 9
Nyperold: vote 1
Zup: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 5
Sam: vote 7
goldfishy: vote 1
Goosey: vote 9
CountBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for Too Stupid, You Newbie.
CountBot: Kalimeris wins 2 points for She Climbs The Ladder.
CountBot: niekie wins 2 points for The Horror! The Horror!
CountBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for All People Are Humans.
CountBot: Zup wins 2 points for Mom, Listen: Dad Snores!
CountBot: goldfishy wins 1 point for Tin Brains!! Tin Brains!!!
CountBot: Goosey wins 1 point for Any Rinkie Can HoNBot!
CountBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for The Fatter Man = Bigger
CountBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Are Chains All Metals?
* Goosey reads #1 as "Dad smores"
* NessaChan cracks knuckles
* ThePhan will just win this game by stating obvious facts.
ThePhan: Sam is a Rinkie. All people are humans.
Goosey: LOL
Zup: LOL
LaZorra: LOL
gremlinn: TP: yeah, especially obvious RW facts. Those draw points like magnets.
NessaChan: This game is hard.
* LaZorra reads, "...points like maggots."
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 1, 6, 2, 8. (1/18 accepted)
Sam: NC's submission for that last round was just BEGGING me to bring out Mr. Small, but I can't off-hand find the file.
* Maryam would rather have maggots.
Maryam: ... maybe not.
Goosey: LOL
ThePhan: LOL
LaZorra: LOL
ThePhan: And this year's UBT host: Maggots!
: I found the one where he's in the fireball, though. I'm burning up, baby! I'm burning up!
LaZorra: LOL
Goosey: AHHHH
Sam: Just what we need. Mr. Small singing Kylie Minogue.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for I Should Be GIGANTIC.
CountBot: Vote 2 for A Leader Is Followed.
CountBot: Vote 3 for I Cannot Be Uglified.
CountBot: Vote 4 for A Bunchj Of- Typopoes.
CountBot: Vote 5 for A Dragon Is Mythical.
CountBot: Vote 6 for A Sitcom Is Horrible!
CountBot: Vote 7 for I Smoked My Tunafish
CountBot: Vote 8 for A Magnet Is Magnetic.
Kalimeris: vote 8
Zup: vote 8
ThePhan: vote 7
LaZorra: vote 3
gremlinn: Uh, apparently a string of numbers doesn't work.
Maryam: /huge 1
Goosey: vote 4
SirDude: vote 8
gremlinn: "Q: useful 10 pointers!"
Nyperold: vote 7
Maryam: vote 7
NessaChan: vote 6
Sam: vote 3
NessaChan: hm 5
CountBot: LaZorra wins 3 points for A Magnet Is Magnetic.
CountBot: NessaChan wins 3 points for I Smoked My Tunafish
CountBot: Goosey wins 2 points for I Cannot Be Uglified.
CountBot: SirDude wins 1 point for A Bunchj Of- Typopoes.
CountBot: Zup wins 1 point for A Sitcom Is Horrible!
CountBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for I Should Be GIGANTIC.
CountBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for A Leader Is Followed.
CountBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for A Dragon Is Mythical.
* SirDude assures everyone that said typo was intentional.
* LaZorra tried the Phan tactic of obviousness. It worked. Obviously.
ThePhan: Aww, someone stated a more obvious fact than me.
LaZorra: LOL
* Zup needs to stop using exclamation points.
Maryam: Kalimeris is HUGE!
LaZorra: /huge kalimeris
Kalimeris: ![:-D](/rinkchat/smileys/laugh.gif)
Kalimeris: YAY
Sam: LOL. I can't believe people remember the /huge joke.
Sam: That was like three generations of Rinkies ago.
LaZorra: Sam: Three? O.o
Maryam: Sam: I don't even think I was here for it.
* LaZorra was around for the very tail end of it.
LaZorra: I remember when Sam actually implemented /huge for a day.
Maryam: LZ: Huh, really?
LaZorra: Maryam: Yeah, but it was probably like within the first couple months of my coming here.
Maryam: LZ: When did you first start coming around?
LaZorra: Um...
LaZorra: Like January 2001, I think?
Maryam: LZ: Yeah, I thought you were a little bit after me. I was here summer 2000. Maybe I just missed whenever it happened, or I don't remember.
Sam: It was basically just Darien's joke. I don't think anybody else got it.
Maryam: Sam: Darien wanted a /huge command to offset /shrink, right?
Sam: Nothing really happened. Darien just liked saying he was HUGE! and kept asking me to make a /huge command. I was unclear on what, exactly, it was supposed to do.
Sam: I don't even think it was that. I think he just wanted it to print "Darien is HUGE!"
Maryam: LOL
ThePhan: LOL
Maryam: I thought that's what YOU did, as a joke.
Maryam: Instead of implementing as he wanted it to be.
Sam: Maryam: Maybe. I don't really know.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 3, 4. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for /Hug Huge
CountBot: Vote 2 for Hug Grem.
CountBot: Vote 3 for Ack! Bugs!
CountBot: Vote 4 for Jam Tart
CountBot: Vote 5 for Sam + Leen = ^_^
CountBot: Vote 6 for The Tool
CountBot: Vote 7 for You RULE!
CountBot: Vote 8 for Buy Them.
CountBot: Vote 9 for Rub Back?
CountBot: Vote 10 for DOS Boot
CountBot: Vote 11 for Sam Wins
Sam: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 5
Zup: vote 11
Goosey: vote 5
Sentynel: vote 10
SirDude: Gah, so many good ones
Maryam: vote 5
goldfishy: vote 7
niekie: vote 5
gremlinn: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 11
NessaChan: vote 10
SirDude: vote 10
Kalimeris: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 5
Sentynel: DOS Boot: When submarines start using computers.
LaZorra: Sent: GROAN
Sentynel: LaZ: Thank you.
gremlinn: Das Boot: the last thing chat spammers see.
Zup: DOS woot!
CountBot: Zup wins 6 points for Sam + Leen = ^_^
CountBot: Nyperold wins 3 points for DOS Boot
CountBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for You RULE!
CountBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for Sam Wins
CountBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for Ack! Bugs!
CountBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for Jam Tart
CountBot: Goosey wins 0 points for Hug Grem.
CountBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Buy Them.
CountBot: niekie wins 0 points for The Tool
CountBot: SirDude wins 0 points for Rub Back?
CountBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for /Hug Huge
* ThePhan went for the "makes absolutely no sense" tactic this time. That didn't work. Never listening to you again, WhizKid!
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 7, 8, 6. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Chinese Soldier's Hairdo!
CountBot: Vote 2 for Failure Imminent! Cancel!
CountBot: Vote 3 for LaZorra Slipping! Ohnoes!
CountBot: Vote 4 for ThePhan: Normally Female.
Goosey: GAH
Maryam: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 2
SirDude: vote 4
goldfishy: /b leopard template broken
ThePhan: I thought it was 8, 8, 6.
Zup: I messed up too.
ThePhan: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 2
Sam: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 1
Maryam: vote 1
Zup: vote 1
ThePhan: I had "LaZorra's wondrous wonder." If I had known, I would've amended it to "Goosey's wondrous wonder."
SirDude: vote 3
Zup: vote 3
CountBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for ThePhan: Normally Female.
CountBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for LaZorra Slipping! Ohnoes!
CountBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for Chinese Soldier's Hairdo!
CountBot: SirDude wins 2 points for Failure Imminent! Cancel!
Zup: Points for all!
SirDude: Even split much?
Nyperold: Votes are like a crystal glass. Though they sparkle, they're fragile.
: :-)
Maryam: Heh.
NessaChan: LOL
Goosey: LOL
ThePhan: LOL
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 8, 2. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Tripping Up?
CountBot: Vote 2 for Gremlinn: OK.
CountBot: Vote 3 for Apparent, No.
CountBot: Vote 4 for Everyone, Hi.
CountBot: Vote 5 for Brainier Be
CountBot: Vote 6 for Shouting, "HA!"
CountBot: Vote 7 for HHEELLPP US!
CountBot: Vote 8 for Dinosaur Is!
Sam: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 6
* Zup can't think of anything anymore.
Maryam: vote 6
Zup: vote 8
SirDude: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 6
goldfishy: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 8
gremlinn: vote 4
Goosey: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 7
Sentynel: vote 4
Sam: Zup: Brainier be.
CountBot: Nyperold wins 3 points for Shouting, "HA!"
CountBot: goldfishy wins 2 points for Dinosaur Is!
CountBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for Everyone, Hi.
CountBot: Sentynel wins 2 points for Brainier Be
CountBot: Goosey wins 1 point for Apparent, No.
CountBot: SirDude wins 1 point for Tripping Up?
CountBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for HHEELLPP US!
CountBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for Gremlinn: OK.
Sentynel: I was channelling Yoda in that round.
LaZorra: grem: apparently no one thinks you're OK.
Sam: I don't think he's OK.
Maryam: grem: Aw. We didn't vote because we think you're MORE than ok.
NessaChan: I think Grem is more than OK
Sam: Exactly.
LaZorra: Right. If anything, he's okay.
LaZorra: He deserves all the letters.
goldfishy: cue My Chemical Romance to sing "I'm Not OK"
Sam: Also, if you use someone's name, to try to get a vote that way, it helps if you use someone who CAN vote for you. For example, not you.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 5, 5, 8, 4, 6, 2. (1/18 accepted)
Sentynel: Err.
SirDude: This seems familiar, maybe moved around a bit
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Train Randy, Nyperold! Help Niekie To!
CountBot: Vote 2 for Fifty Nifty Soldiers Grab Nessa's ID
CountBot: Vote 3 for Start Going Sledding More. Forced Ma.
CountBot: Vote 4 for Dance Among Fourteen Dead People? Ew.
CountBot: Vote 5 for Apple Makes Stupider IPod: IPooed. Uh.
Zup: vote 2
Maryam: vote 4
Kalimeris: Vote 2
LaZorra: #5: -1 for old joke. :-p
* Goosey is too slow, again.
ThePhan: vote 2
Sentynel: vote 2
Sam: vote 5 (even though it's gross)
gremlinn: vote 4
niekie: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 3
CountBot: NessaChan wins 4 points for Fifty Nifty Soldiers Grab Nessa's ID
CountBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for Dance Among Fourteen Dead People? Ew.
CountBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for Apple Makes Stupider IPod: IPooed. Uh.
CountBot: Kalimeris wins 1 point for Start Going Sledding More. Forced Ma.
CountBot: Zup wins 0 points for Train Randy, Nyperold! Help Niekie To!
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 4, 1, 3, 2, 5. (1/18 accepted)
Sam: I have a feeling CountBot will get its first repeat winner tonight.
Sam: Unless Zup gets 12 points real fast.
Sam: Or Goosey gets 13.
Sam: Or niekie gets 27.
* Maryam waves a flag with "NessaChan!" on it.
NessaChan: woo
gremlinn: Maybe I'll get 10.
Sam: grem: But you'd be a repeat winner too.
gremlinn: Oh.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Anne: A Gal Of Gable?
CountBot: Vote 2 for Ouch! I Ate My Phone.
CountBot: Vote 3 for Show A Man! We Agree!
CountBot: Vote 4 for Gave A Gal My Heart!
CountBot: Vote 5 for Can't I Get To Beddy?
CountBot: Vote 6 for This, I Say, Is Funny.
CountBot: Vote 7 for Play? I Soo Am Loser
CountBot: Vote 8 for When I Was In Japan...
Maryam: vote 1
niekie: vote 2
gremlinn: vote 2
Goosey: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 2
LaZorra: vote 4
Zup: vote 8
LaZorra: aww
Nyperold: vote 2
goldfishy: vote 8
Kalimeris: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 4
Sam: vote 6
LaZorra: Gah, when did I turn into a girl?
Maryam: LOL what?
gremlinn: LZ: something you haven't told us?
Sam: LaZ: I've known this for a long time but didn't want to tell you.
Sentynel: LaZ: Er, a few weeks after conception, one would assume...?
ThePhan: LaZorra: Normally Female.
LaZorra: :-p at you all. :-p I say.
CountBot: NessaChan wins 4 points for Ouch! I Ate My Phone.
CountBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for Gave A Gal My Heart!
CountBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for This, I Say, Is Funny.
CountBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for Anne: A Gal Of Gable?
CountBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for When I Was In Japan...
CountBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for Play? I Soo Am Loser
CountBot: Goosey wins 0 points for Can't I Get To Beddy?
CountBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Show A Man! We Agree!
CountBot: NessaChan wins!
Zup: Yay!
Maryam: Yaaay Nessa!
NessaChan: :o
Sam: Congratulations, NessaChan!
NessaChan: Thanks :D
* niekie fails. Hard.
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=8
Sam: The top two at the moment have never won a UBT before!
Zup: LOL, I rarely even win a bot.
ThePhan: Whoo! Go Maryam and Zup!
goldfishy: And back out the top 10 - that was too good to last
Sam: 5 minute break!
Sam: Randy: Are you here?
Randy: Trying to be!
Randy: I was having issues, but it seems to be ok now
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?players=1 is also an interesting page, for those of you who haven't seen it yet.
Maryam: Sam: Oh, interesting.
Goosey: Apparently I'm good at WhoBot.
ThePhan: What? How am I #2 overall on that players list? I feel much better at bots than I actually am. Heh.
gremlinn: Sam: you won 14 bots in UBT #5? Was anyone else playing?
Sam: grem: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=5
gremlinn: I have the most wins all-time in UBTs not numbered 5.
gremlinn: Never mind, I have to subtract another UBT as well.
Sam: iwpg, interestingly, won a whole UBT by only winning 3 games within it.
* LaZorra needs to win some serious bottage.
SirDude: I never won a bot, yet I made #5 back in UBT4
* NessaChan worked really hard last time.
SirDude: Top score among the people who didn't win any bots, too
* SirDude always plays to win but doesn't always have what it takes...
* goldfishy won a bot that doesn't count!
goldfishy: I know fine I won't win anything - I'm just trying - very very trying ;-p
LaZorra: LOL
goldfishy: Long standing joke in my family
LaZorra: That's what my mom always says to me.
LaZorra: "I'm trying, Mom!" "I know you're trying. You're trying as hell."
gremlinn: Who has won the most unique bot games?
gremlinn: Probably Sam, I suppose.
Nyperold: The most unique bot games are CamouFairyBot and HotSuitGuyBot, probably, so their winners, I guess. :)
gremlinn: There are some I don't stand a chance in unless many people don't play at all, like MovieBot.
gremlinn: And some I'd have to study for, like BibleBot.
Sam: Are we ready for RockBot!?
Sam: Randy, are you around?
* Maryam will give RockBot a shot, but will suck at it.
* niekie is ready to rock.
niekie: Though I'll probably not do too well either.
gremlinn: Add RockBot to the MovieBot category.
* Sentynel plays dramatic power chords for RockBot's entrance
* Goosey texts Randy.
* SirDude will go for it, why not?
* Nyperold rocks in his chair.
* Zup will suck.
NessaChan: woo
gremlinn: I don't know much English-language music.
Maryam: grem: What do you listen to?
gremlinn: Mainly Japanese.
Maryam: Ah, cool.
* Zup doesn't listen to rock in general.
* NessaChan used to be good at Rock & Roll Jeopardy
Maryam: I used to have more j-pop/rock. I wonder what happened to it.
Sam: The Academic class needs splitting up.
Sam: Maybe Movie/Rock/Bible in one class, and Astro/Math/State/Country in the other.
SirDude: Split them up into the Culture and Academic classes?
Goosey: He's trying!
Goosey: Give him a minute, he's trying to get his connection going. I think he has to wind it by hand or something.
LaZorra: LOL!
Kalimeris: hehe
LaZorra: Crank internet!
gremlinn: He's using a paper cable, probably.
gremlinn: Have to push the electrons by hand.
Goosey: LOL
Sentynel: Goosey: From what I've seen of Randy's internet connection, it doesn't need cranking so much as sacrificing CDs to Bill Gates on a full moon.
Goosey: Sent: LOL
Zup: I thought he was mailing all of his in-chat responses to Sam.
Sam: Telegram.
Goosey: LOL
gremlinn: Marge, let's telegram!
Maryam: LOL
Zup: Morse code? There's an operating system language!
* LaZorra gets ice cream.
* NessaChan falls asleep
Sam: Ok, let's give him about 3 more minutes. We'll postpone if he's dead.
CountBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Goosey: Randy wants to know when the next session is?
Sam: Goosey: Wednesday, then Thursday.
Sam: Okay.
Sam: Let's play MatchBot, and I'll figure out a substitute bot for RockBot tonight afterwards. Or if it's really late, we'll just call it a night.
MatchBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: The game begins in one minute.
ThePhan: All righty!
Zup: Yay! Apples to -- I mean matchbot!
* LaZorra will probably do better at Match than Rock anyway, hehe.
MatchBot: Kalimeris chose the adjective clueless for this round. (1/* accepted)
Sam: match 3
Nyperold: match 7
Maryam: match 6
Kalimeris: match 2
NessaChan: match 3
Zup: match 6
gremlinn: match 4
SirDude: match 3
Sentynel: Oh, oops.
Sentynel is back.
ThePhan: match 5
LaZorra: match 3
Goosey: match 3
goldfishy: match 3
demanusflint: match 6
Zup: lol I forgot how to play.
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective clueless. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for chat newbies.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for multinational corporations.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for hitchhiking.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for surfing the net.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for Medieval times.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for Luke Skywalker.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for supermodels.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for Homer Simpson.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for tax collectors.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for reality TV.
MatchBot: Vote 12 for men.
MatchBot: Vote 13 for gambling.
Sentynel: match 3
Sentynel: Oops.
[MatchBot->Sentynel] This is not the matching stage of the game. Did you mean to type vote?
SirDude: vote 8
ThePhan: vote 1
gremlinn: vote 8
demanusflint: vote 13
Zup: vote 8
Sam: vote 8
Nyperold: vote 11
ThePhan: These are some great choices.
NessaChan: vote 6
Goosey: vote 7
LaZorra: vote 12
Maryam: vote 1
Kalimeris: vote 1
Sentynel: vote 1
goldfishy: vote 1
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 5 points for chat newbies.
MatchBot: demanusflint wins 4 points for Homer Simpson.
MatchBot: goldfishy wins 1 point for gambling.
MatchBot: Goosey wins 1 point for men.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for Luke Skywalker.
MatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for supermodels.
MatchBot: SirDude wins 1 point for reality TV.
MatchBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for surfing the net.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for tax collectors.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for multinational corporations.
MatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for hitchhiking.
MatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for Medieval times.
niekie: vote 1
: LaZorra: Gosh, you're sure beautiful.
LaZorra: Lou!
NessaChan: o_O
LaZorra: Er...
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: Oh, my.
LaZorra: LOU FERRIGNO I LOVE YOU *throws Phan's panties*
ThePhan: HEY
ThePhan: NO
Goosey: LOL
LaZorra: Hey, I'm all out!
Goosey: LZ: O.O
ThePhan: Well, no wonder, you've been flinging them at people left and right!
LaZorra: TP: Now I have a mental image of windmilling my arms about in rapid-fire panty-throwing.
Sam: LaZ: As you shoot carrots out your nose with machine gun rapidity?
ThePhan: LZ: You're just a panty-throwing, carrot-snorting machine!
LaZorra: LOL LOL
gremlinn: AND AGAIN
MatchBot: MatchBot chose the adjective sensitive for this round. (1/* accepted)
ThePhan: match 6
Zup: match 3
gremlinn: match 5
Nyperold: match 6
LaZorra: match 3
goldfishy: match 1
demanusflint: match 1
LaZorra: I love how you BOTH DID THAT
Sam: match 3
NessaChan: match 7
Maryam: match 2
Zup: match 2
SirDude: match 1
Sentynel: match 3
Kalimeris: match 2
Goosey: match 4
niekie: match 1
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective sensitive. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for Sylvester Stallone.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for back scratchers.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for Judge Judy.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for the Grim Reaper.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for bare ankles.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for musicals.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for toilet seat covers.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for eyelids.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for sunlight.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for Jerry Springer.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for the sense of hearing.
MatchBot: Vote 12 for cavities.
MatchBot: Vote 13 for Kalimeris's personality.
MatchBot: Vote 14 for inflated egos.
MatchBot: Vote 15 for demanusflint's mouth.
demanusflint: vote 15
ThePhan: vote 8
Zup: vote 14
Sam: vote 11
Maryam: vote 12
LaZorra: vote 12
NessaChan: vote 5
Kalimeris: vote 13
gremlinn: vote 11
SirDude: vote 11
goldfishy: vote 8
Maryam: vote 13
Sentynel: vote 11
Nyperold: vote 12
Goosey: vote 8
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 4 points for the sense of hearing.
MatchBot: demanusflint wins 3 points for eyelids.
MatchBot: Goosey wins 2 points for cavities.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for Kalimeris's personality.
MatchBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for demanusflint's mouth.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for inflated egos.
MatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for bare ankles.
MatchBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for the Grim Reaper.
MatchBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for toilet seat covers.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Jerry Springer.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for musicals.
MatchBot: niekie wins 0 points for sunlight.
MatchBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for Sylvester Stallone.
MatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for back scratchers.
MatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for Judge Judy.
MatchBot: niekie loses a point for submitting and not voting.
niekie: Nooooo
niekie: Great, I'm now -1 ![:-(](/rinkchat/smileys/hsad.gif)
Maryam: Man, I didn't even get a vote from Phan.
ThePhan: Maryam: I was so very close to voting for yours!
MatchBot: goldfishy chose the adjective chewy for this round. (1/* accepted)
NessaChan: match 1
Maryam: match 6
LaZorra: match 2
SirDude: dump
Kalimeris: match 5
Zup: match 2
Nyperold: match 2
gremlinn: match 2
demanusflint: match 6
goldfishy: match 5
Sentynel: match 5
ThePhan: I have two true, but disgusting ones.
ThePhan: Ewww.
ThePhan: match 5
Sam: match 1
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective chewy. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for baked potatoes.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for niekie's skin.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for plastic wrap.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for truck drivers.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for fast food.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for poodles.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for phlegm.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for flying south for the winter.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for bedbugs.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for vultures.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for mothballs.
MatchBot: Vote 12 for crickets.
Maryam: vote 1
Kalimeris: vote 7
Nyperold: Note: I have no idea if mine is true.
demanusflint: vote 12
niekie: dump
Zup: vote 5
gremlinn: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 3
NessaChan: vote 3
NessaChan: vote 11
goldfishy: vote 6
Sentynel: vote 10
MatchBot: goldfishy wins 2 points for baked potatoes.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 2 points for fast food.
MatchBot: Sentynel wins 2 points for plastic wrap.
MatchBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for mothballs.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for crickets.
MatchBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for poodles.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for vultures.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for phlegm.
MatchBot: demanusflint wins 0 points for flying south for the winter.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for bedbugs.
MatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for truck drivers.
MatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for niekie's skin.
MatchBot: Sam loses a point for submitting and not voting.
gremlinn: Aww, my first point.
MatchBot: Zup chose the adjective trendy for this round. (1/* accepted)
Zup: match 1
Sam: match 7
Maryam: match 2
Kalimeris: match 7
Nyperold: match 3
SirDude: match 7
gremlinn: match 3
niekie: dump
NessaChan: match 2
LaZorra: match 5
demanusflint: match 4
goldfishy: match 1
Sentynel: match 4
Goosey: match 6
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective trendy. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for the Three Tenors.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for civilized societies.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for spurs.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for hunger pangs.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for Volkswagen Beetles.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for Homestar Runner.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for limousines.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for Peter Pan.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for being weird.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for Metallica.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for contact lenses.
MatchBot: Vote 12 for California.
MatchBot: Vote 13 for vaccinations.
Nyperold: vote 4
SirDude: vote 6
ThePhan: vote 12
gremlinn: vote 12
Nyperold: vote 9
Maryam: vote 3
Zup: vote 2
goldfishy: vote 9
SirDude: vote 9
LaZorra: vote 12
NessaChan: vote 5
demanusflint: vote 2
Kalimeris: vote 13
Sentynel: vote 9
Sam: vote 9
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 5 points for being weird.
MatchBot: Goosey wins 3 points for California.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 2 points for civilized societies.
MatchBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for vaccinations.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 1 point for spurs.
MatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for Volkswagen Beetles.
MatchBot: demanusflint wins 0 points for hunger pangs.
MatchBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for limousines.
MatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for contact lenses.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Homestar Runner.
MatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for Peter Pan.
MatchBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for the Three Tenors.
MatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for Metallica.
MatchBot: Goosey loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Sam: LaZorra gets points all the time, by that logic.
Sam: BURN!
Sentynel: That's not a burn, it's a compliment!
LaZorra: Hey, I take that as a compliment!
LaZorra: What he said!
LaZorra: So BURN to your BURN!
* Sentynel high-fives LaZ
* LaZorra high-fives Sentynel!
Sam: Yeah, but BURN! sounded better than
MatchBot: niekie chose the adjective spicy for this round. (1/* accepted)
Zup: match 5
gremlinn: match 1
Maryam: match 6
ThePhan: match 2
Nyperold: match 7
NessaChan: match 6
Sam: dump
LaZorra: match 1
goldfishy: match 1
Sentynel: match 3
Maryam: match 7
Sam: LaZorra: I think you're a nice person.
SirDude: match 1
Kalimeris: match 5
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective spicy. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for Doris Day.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for gila monsters.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for spilled milk.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for chopsticks.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for mouthwash.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for kissing goldfishy.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for jacuzzis.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for kiwi fruits.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for dental floss.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for sea monsters.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for goldfishy's personality.
Maryam: vote 6
goldfishy: Wow I'm lots of spicy apparently!
ThePhan: Whoo, goldfishy is apparently just spicy all around.
Sentynel: vote 6
SirDude: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 4
ThePhan: Go you!
goldfishy: vote 11
NessaChan: vote 5
Zup: vote 5
Sam: vote 6
NessaChan: if it's made from vodka and cinnamon I guess
Kalimeris: vote 10
Goosey: vote 11
MatchBot: goldfishy wins 4 points for kissing goldfishy.
MatchBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for mouthwash.
MatchBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for chopsticks.
MatchBot: Zup wins 2 points for goldfishy's personality.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for sea monsters.
MatchBot: Sentynel wins 1 point for jacuzzis.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for spilled milk.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for Doris Day.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for dental floss.
MatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for kiwi fruits.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for gila monsters.
MatchBot: LaZorra loses a point for submitting and not voting.
gremlinn: Chopsticks might be somewhat spicy after they're used to eat spicy food, I reasoned.
NessaChan: that's what I reasoned too
MatchBot: LaZorra chose the adjective funky for this round. (1/* accepted)
SirDude: Gah, just got one I could have used last round
Sam: match 1
LaZorra: match 6
ThePhan: match 7
Maryam: match 1
Zup: match 7
NessaChan: match 6
niekie: match 2
SirDude: match 2
Nyperold: match 3
gremlinn: match 1
goldfishy: match 4
LaZorra: match 1
Kalimeris: match 7
Sentynel: match 6
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective funky. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for dreadlocks.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for belches.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for yoga.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for Mahatma Gandhi.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for fuzz.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for horseback riding.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for blisters.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for communists.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for Smurfs.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for Frank Lloyd Wright.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for ThePhan's dreams.
MatchBot: Vote 12 for cows.
MatchBot: Vote 13 for windsurfing.
Zup: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 11
ThePhan: THEY ARE.
Nyperold: vote 10
SirDude: vote 11
Maryam: vote 10
gremlinn: vote 1
Sam: vote 8
niekie: vote 9
Sentynel: vote 11
goldfishy: vote 11
NessaChan: vote 3
Maryam: I read 12 and 13 together at first and thought that that WOULD be funky.
Sentynel: Maryam: I would pay good money to see windsurfing cows.
ThePhan: My latest dream involved me being told I couldn't sleep in the room I'd planned for this fall, I had to be the RA and sleep under the pool tables in the lounge. When people were playing pool.
ThePhan: LOL! And of course, Sam is correct in identifying the funkiest dream of all...
Kalimeris: ![:-)](/rinkchat/smileys/smile.gif)
NessaChan: :D
Sam: I like to flirt...with dirt.
LaZorra: LOL
ThePhan: LOL
* ThePhan flirts.
Sam: Hi ho, wherever we go, I am going to kill you.
* LaZorra wonders what she would have sung in Phan's dream.
ThePhan: LZ: I'll try to dream about you sometime and let you know!
LaZorra: Whatever it is, it would probably use the wrong words.
Sam: LaZ: I think you're just in the audience throwing undergarments at the various singers.
LaZorra: am: LOL LOL
Sam: LaZ: The correct tense is "is."
MatchBot: niekie wins 4 points for ThePhan's dreams.
MatchBot: Sam wins 2 points for Frank Lloyd Wright.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 1 point for belches.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for communists.
MatchBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for dreadlocks.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for yoga.
MatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for Smurfs.
MatchBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for blisters.
MatchBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for horseback riding.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for fuzz.
MatchBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for Mahatma Gandhi.
MatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for cows.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for windsurfing.
MatchBot: Kalimeris loses a point for submitting and not voting.
MatchBot: LaZorra loses a point for submitting and not voting.
MatchBot: Sentynel chose the adjective dirty for this round. (1/* accepted)
niekie: match 5
Maryam: match 5
gremlinn: match 2
NessaChan: match 1
Zup: match 4
Sentynel: match 7
Nyperold: match 2
LaZorra: dump
SirDude: match 3
ThePhan: match 3
Sam: match 2
Kalimeris: dump
goldfishy: match 7
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective dirty. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for Death Valley.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for ninjas.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for mud.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for garbage.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for runny noses.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for septic tanks.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for political campaigning.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for spring.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for chimpanzees.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for mudslides.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for dust mites.
niekie: vote 6
Zup: vote 7
gremlinn: vote 4
Maryam: Dang, a lot of good ones.
SirDude: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 10
Maryam: vote 3
Sam: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 7
Kalimeris: vote 5
goldfishy: vote 3
Sentynel: vote 10
MatchBot: gremlinn wins 3 points for septic tanks.
MatchBot: niekie wins 2 points for mud.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for garbage.
MatchBot: Sentynel wins 2 points for political campaigning.
MatchBot: Zup wins 2 points for mudslides.
MatchBot: SirDude wins 1 point for runny noses.
MatchBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for ninjas.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for Death Valley.
MatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for dust mites.
MatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for chimpanzees.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for spring.
gremlinn: That was a tough round to win.
Sam: Yeah, all good answers.
gremlinn: Except yours, Sam.
gremlinn: Hehe, just kidding.
NessaChan: yeah, I thought I had a good one but I was out-good'ed
MatchBot: SirDude chose the adjective sensuous for this round. (1/* accepted)
SirDude: match 5
gremlinn: match 2
LaZorra: match 4
NessaChan: match 5
Nyperold: match 7
Maryam: match ...
Sentynel: match 7
Kalimeris: match 1
Zup: match 3
goldfishy: match 6
ThePhan: match 1
Maryam: match 3
Sam: match 3
niekie: dump
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective sensuous. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for Wonder Woman.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for diapers.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for candlelight dinners.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for caresses.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for being in love.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for holding hands.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for waterfalls.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for the Milky Way.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for trimming toenails.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for RinkChat.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for rodeo clowns.
MatchBot: Vote 12 for exorcisms.
Sam: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 4
SirDude: vote 3
Maryam: Nice ones here too.
gremlinn: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 4
goldfishy: vote 4
Kalimeris: vote 5
Maryam: vote 6
Zup: vote 10?
Sentynel: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 5
Zup: vote 7
MatchBot: Sentynel wins 4 points for caresses.
MatchBot: SirDude wins 2 points for being in love.
MatchBot: Zup wins 2 points for holding hands.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 1 point for candlelight dinners.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for Wonder Woman.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for waterfalls.
MatchBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for RinkChat.
MatchBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for diapers.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for exorcisms.
MatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for the Milky Way.
MatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for rodeo clowns.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for trimming toenails.
MatchBot: LaZorra loses a point for submitting and not voting.
LaZorra: GAH
goldfishy: Did you just repaint a fairy to make camoufairy?
Sam: I didn't make Camou-Fairy.
gremlinn: I think camou-fairy was the first one found, right?
Sam: Yeah.
goldfishy: Ooh
Sam: For like a year or two, there was only Camou-Fairy.
MatchBot: ThePhan chose the adjective ancient for this round. (1/* accepted)
ThePhan: match 2
gremlinn: match 5
Maryam: match 7
Goosey: match 1
NessaChan: match 4
SirDude: match 7
Kalimeris: match 7
goldfishy: match 1
LaZorra: match 2
Nyperold: match 4
niekie: dump
Zup: match 7
Sentynel: match 1
gremlinn: I predict this will be a tough round to win as well.
Sam: match 7
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective ancient. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for bamboo sticks.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for slugs.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for Jimmy Stewart.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for animal instincts.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for winter.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for swords.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for British Parliament.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for amoebas.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for grass skirts.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for the Moon.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for George Washington.
MatchBot: Vote 12 for Jupiter.
MatchBot: Vote 13 for airline food.
ThePhan: vote 4
SirDude: vote 11
Sentynel: vote 8
LaZorra: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 10
Kalimeris: vote 12
Zup: vote 8
SirDude: Lol @ 13
Maryam: vote 8
gremlinn: vote 12
goldfishy: vote 12
NessaChan: vote 12
Sam: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 8
SirDude: vote 10
MatchBot: SirDude wins 4 points for amoebas.
MatchBot: Sentynel wins 3 points for Jupiter.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 2 points for animal instincts.
MatchBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for the Moon.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for bamboo sticks.
MatchBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for swords.
MatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for airline food.
MatchBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for grass skirts.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for winter.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for George Washington.
MatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for British Parliament.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for slugs.
MatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for Jimmy Stewart.
MatchBot: Goosey loses a point for submitting and not voting.
MatchBot: gremlinn chose the adjective commonplace for this round. (1/* accepted)
SirDude: match 5
gremlinn: match 7
Zup: match 2
NessaChan: match 6
Kalimeris: match 7
Maryam: match 1
goldfishy: match 4
Nyperold: match 7
ThePhan: match 1
Sentynel: match 4
Sam: match 7
LaZorra: match 3
niekie: match 7
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective commonplace. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for pokes in the eye.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for lemonade stands.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for Alkaseltzer.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for broken spines.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for nail polish.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for air conditioning.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for head lice.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for falling asleep at the wheel.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for dieting.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for lard.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for science fiction.
MatchBot: Vote 12 for sisters.
MatchBot: Vote 13 for armpits.
SirDude: vote 6
Maryam: vote 5
Kalimeris: vote 13
gremlinn: vote 9
Zup: vote 13
goldfishy: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 13
NessaChan: vote 11
LaZorra: vote 1
Sam: vote 10
Sentynel: vote 13
niekie: vote 5
MatchBot: niekie wins 4 points for armpits.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for nail polish.
MatchBot: goldfishy wins 1 point for air conditioning.
MatchBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for head lice.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for science fiction.
MatchBot: Sentynel wins 1 point for lard.
MatchBot: SirDude wins 1 point for dieting.
MatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for pokes in the eye.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for falling asleep at the wheel.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for Alkaseltzer.
MatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for sisters.
MatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for broken spines.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for lemonade stands.
MatchBot: ThePhan loses a point for submitting and not voting.
ThePhan: vote 7
ThePhan: My goodness. I am NOT rocking MatchBot.
Maryam: Phan: I was thinking the same thing. Only about me.
gremlinn: Are you matching RockBot?
Sam: grem: I was thinking of that.
ThePhan: grem: Heh. I was about to say the same thing.
Maryam: Well, more like "Dang, normally I'm pretty good at this game. I'm not having good luck."
ThePhan: Maryam: Heh... Yeah. :-( Poor us.
Sam: Yeah, it's hard to be good at MatchBot on purpose.
gremlinn: It's partly measuring the ebb and flow of the jokes in chat.
Sam: grem: What units are joke ebb and joke flow measured in?
Sentynel: Sam: LOLs per second squared, surely.
Sam: Sent: Makes sense.
MatchBot: Nyperold chose the adjective merry for this round. (1/* accepted)
Nyperold: match 2
Zup: match 5
Maryam: match 4
NessaChan: match 1
ThePhan: match 1
niekie: match 6
goldfishy: match2
Zup: match 2
LaZorra: match 7
gremlinn: match 6
SirDude: match 1
goldfishy: match 2
Sentynel: match 1
Sam: match 1
Kalimeris: match 2
Zup: match 5
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective merry. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for sudden laughter.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for pogo sticks.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for trampolines.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for fun.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for children's television.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for symphonies.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for stampeding buffalo.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for Donald Duck.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for rattlesnakes.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for London.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for the Brady Bunch.
MatchBot: Vote 12 for Steve Martin.
MatchBot: Vote 13 for bartenders.
SirDude: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 4
Zup: vote 6
Kalimeris: vote 5
Sam: vote 9
ThePhan: Children's television is frequently TERRIFYING.
niekie: vote 8
Sentynel: vote 1
Maryam: vote 3
goldfishy: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 1
gremlinn: vote 11
LaZorra: vote 1
MatchBot: Sam wins 4 points for sudden laughter.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 3 points for fun.
MatchBot: goldfishy wins 1 point for children's television.
MatchBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for symphonies.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for the Brady Bunch.
MatchBot: Sentynel wins 1 point for rattlesnakes.
MatchBot: SirDude wins 1 point for Donald Duck.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for trampolines.
MatchBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for pogo sticks.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for stampeding buffalo.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for London.
MatchBot: niekie wins 0 points for Steve Martin.
MatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for bartenders.
NessaChan: thanks zup
NessaChan: hehe
gremlinn: Has and groans.
Sam: I can has groans.
MatchBot: MatchBot chose the adjective lazy for this round. (1/* accepted)
gremlinn: match 7
LaZorra: match 7
ThePhan: match 7
Maryam: match 5
Zup: match 5
niekie: match 2
NessaChan: match 6
Sam: match 2
goldfishy: match 4
SirDude: match 5
Kalimeris: match 3
* NessaChan's got nothin'
Nyperold: match 6
Sentynel: match 1
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective lazy. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for Sentynel leaving chat.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for giraffes.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for cacti.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for beehives.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for Bingo.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for cold pizza.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for the first day of school.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for hand buzzers.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for starfish.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for punctuation.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for vacuum cleaners.
MatchBot: Vote 12 for disembodied heads.
MatchBot: Vote 13 for security guards.
Maryam: My reasoning's a bit convoluted for mine.
Maryam: vote 6
SirDude: vote 6
niekie: vote 1
gremlinn: vote 10
Zup: vote 13
Nyperold: vote 7
Kalimeris: vote 11
ThePhan: vote 7
Sam: vote 3
NessaChan: vote 10
goldfishy: vote 1
Sentynel: vote 1
LaZorra: voete 6
LaZorra: vote 6
gremlinn: Punctuation's lazy, especially since it's always so comma round.
MatchBot: gremlinn wins 3 points for cold pizza.
MatchBot: Sam wins 3 points for Sentynel leaving chat.
MatchBot: goldfishy wins 2 points for punctuation.
MatchBot: SirDude wins 2 points for the first day of school.
MatchBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for vacuum cleaners.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for security guards.
MatchBot: Sentynel wins 1 point for cacti.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for disembodied heads.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for Bingo.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for beehives.
MatchBot: niekie wins 0 points for starfish.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for hand buzzers.
MatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for giraffes.
Maryam: My thought was, bees buzzing around is iconic of lazy summer days. Ah well.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'UBT #8, Session 3: Wednesday, April 21, 2010, at 9:30pm EDT!' by Sam.
MatchBot: Maryam chose the adjective murky for this round. (1/* accepted)
Maryam: match 5
ThePhan: match 1
Zup: match 6
gremlinn: match 4
LaZorra: match 1
Sentynel: dump
SirDude: match 6
NessaChan: match 2
ThePhan: Oh, dear, I have two good ones...
Nyperold: match 1
Sam: match 6
ThePhan: match 7
niekie: match 6
goldfishy: match 3
Kalimeris: match 6
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective murky. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for vomit.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for sewage.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for mucus.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for intestines.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for tidal waves.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for oil spills.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for flash floods.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for economics.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for explosions.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for forest fires.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for water fountains.
MatchBot: Vote 12 for Steve Irwin, Crocodile Hunter.
gremlinn: Murkon, the murkiest murk who ever murked.
Maryam: Darn, I should have picked a different pick/match combo.
Maryam: vote 8
Kalimeris: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 6
LaZorra: vote ew
Sam: vote 11
[MatchBot->LaZorra] Your vote was not correctly formed.
LaZorra: vote 7
niekie: vote 1
gremlinn: vote 6
Nyperold: vote8
SirDude: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 8
goldfishy: vote 6
Zup: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 3
MatchBot: SirDude wins 4 points for oil spills.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 2 points for economics.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for sewage.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for water fountains.
MatchBot: niekie wins 1 point for mucus.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for flash floods.
MatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for vomit.
MatchBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for forest fires.
MatchBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for Steve Irwin, Crocodile Hunter.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for tidal waves.
MatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for explosions.
MatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for intestines.
MatchBot: NessaChan chose the adjective noisy for this round. (1/* accepted)
NessaChan: match 2
Zup: match 2
niekie: match 6
Maryam: match 6
Kalimeris: match 7
gremlinn: match 7
Sentynel: match 1
Nyperold: match 2
ThePhan: match 4
Sam: dump
SirDude: match 6
LaZorra: match 2
goldfishy: match 7
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective noisy. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for whining.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for knitting needles.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for bazookas.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for managers.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for King Kong.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for socialists.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for merry-go-rounds.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for hungry lions.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for fiestas.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for earthquakes.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for the end of the world.
MatchBot: Vote 12 for bull fights.
Kalimeris: vote 9
ThePhan: vote 9
SirDude: vote 1
Maryam: vote 10
gremlinn: vote 10
goldfishy: vote 11
Sam: vote 4
Zup: vote 11
Sentynel: vote 11
niekie: vote 9
NessaChan: vote 8
Nyperold: vote 11
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 4 points for the end of the world.
MatchBot: gremlinn wins 3 points for fiestas.
MatchBot: SirDude wins 2 points for earthquakes.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 1 point for whining.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for hungry lions.
MatchBot: Sentynel wins 1 point for managers.
MatchBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for knitting needles.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for King Kong.
MatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for bazookas.
MatchBot: niekie wins 0 points for merry-go-rounds.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for bull fights.
MatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for socialists.
MatchBot: LaZorra loses a point for submitting and not voting.
LaZorra: vote 3
LaZorra: ARGH
NessaChan: I double your argh since you were voting for me xD
Maryam: LZ: If you voted more, you'd be way in the lead.
goldfishy: i had nice alliteration
* Zup can't win...
gremlinn: Fiestas: noisier than siestas.
MatchBot: Sam chose the adjective gigantic for this round. (1/* accepted)
gremlinn: match 6
Maryam: match 2
Zup: match 7
NessaChan: match 5
Sam: match 1
Nyperold: match 6
niekie: match 7
ThePhan: match 2
goldfishy: match 4
Maryam: You had to choose that adjective after I used up King Kong, didn't you?
Kalimeris: match 5
LaZorra: Maryam I KNOW ARGH
SirDude: match 5
Sentynel: match 7
gremlinn: Time to see who's been saving up "the universe".
LaZorra: match 2
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective gigantic. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for France.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for guillotines.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for LaZorra's bank account.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for gryphons.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for the agony of defeat.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for the Rocky Mountains.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for aircraft carriers.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for earwigs.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for camels.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for NessaChan's hair.
MatchBot: Vote 12 for the Green Bay Packers.
MatchBot: Vote 13 for nose hairs.
ThePhan: vote 5
gremlinn: vote 6
Maryam: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 1
Kalimeris: vote 12
LaZorra: #3 -- ha! I wish!
NessaChan: vote 11
goldfishy: vote 7
Sentynel: If I vote three, will that make it true, and can I have some?
LaZorra: vote 5
Zup: vote 7
SirDude: vote 7
Sentynel: vote 7
LaZorra: Sent: Hmm, maybe...
Sam: vote 6
niekie: vote 3
Maryam: LZ: I'm glad you sympathize with my loss of King Kong.
LaZorra: Maryam: LOL
SirDude: vote 6
Zup: vote 11
gremlinn: The best possible match here is "grem's number". Oops, did it again.
Sam: grem: LOL LOL
MatchBot: gremlinn wins 3 points for aircraft carriers.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 3 points for the Rocky Mountains.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 2 points for NessaChan's hair.
MatchBot: niekie wins 2 points for the agony of defeat.
MatchBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for the Green Bay Packers.
MatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for France.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for LaZorra's bank account.
MatchBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for earwigs.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for gryphons.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
MatchBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for guillotines.
MatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for camels.
MatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for nose hairs.
Nyperold: Mine was tall, but lean.
Maryam: Groan.
MatchBot: Nyperold chose the adjective cosmic for this round. (1/* accepted)
Nyperold: match 5
gremlinn: match 6
goldfishy: match 4
Zup: match 2
Maryam: match 4
niekie: dump
Sentynel: match 6
NessaChan: match 4
SirDude: match 7
Kalimeris: match 4
ThePhan: match 4
LaZorra: match 6
LaZorra: Wow. I got nothing.
* SirDude doesn't have anything useful but doesn't want to dump
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective cosmic. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for flying carpets.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for Michael Jackson.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for Gandalf.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for moonlight.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for pain.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for the Hubble Space Telescope.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for the 1970s.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for eye surgery.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for chess.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for Steven Spielberg.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for bounty hunters.
SirDude: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 4
Sentynel: vote 6
ThePhan: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 4
goldfishy: vote 6
Zup: vote 6
Sam: vote 7
Kalimeris: vote 4
Maryam: vote 11
NessaChan: vote 3
gremlinn: vote 9
* Maryam was tempted to vote 1 just for the "Phenomenal cosmic power!" association.
NessaChan: cosmic moon powerrrrr
LaZorra: vote 4
MatchBot: goldfishy wins 5 points for moonlight.
MatchBot: gremlinn wins 3 points for the Hubble Space Telescope.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 1 point for bounty hunters.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 1 point for Gandalf.
MatchBot: Sentynel wins 1 point for the 1970s.
MatchBot: SirDude wins 1 point for chess.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for Michael Jackson.
MatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for eye surgery.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Steven Spielberg.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for pain.
MatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for flying carpets.
goldfishy: Well that was lucky - can't see it'll help me though
Maryam: gold: You never know. You're close enough to get into the lead.
MatchBot: MatchBot chose the adjective depraved for this round. (1/* accepted)
gremlinn: match 7
LaZorra: match 7
Sam: match 7
Nyperold: match 6
SirDude: match 5
NessaChan: match 7
niekie: match 4
Sentynel: match 7
Maryam: match 7
ThePhan: match 6
goldfishy: mtch 3
goldfishy: match 3
Zup: match 7
Kalimeris: match 6
gremlinn: match 7
Kalimeris: match 4
gremlinn: match 7
TalkingDog: match 5
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective depraved. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for getting dumped.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for Martha Stewart.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for Microsoft.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for the 1980s.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for cyborgs.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for Beanie Babies.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for the 1920s.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for email.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for daydreaming.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for schoolyard bullies.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for government.
MatchBot: Vote 12 for the Vatican.
MatchBot: Vote 13 for stalkers.
MatchBot: Vote 14 for boy bands.
gremlinn: vote 12
Kalimeris: vote 5
Sam: vote 11
LaZorra: LOL
Zup: vote 11
Nyperold: vote 14
SirDude: vote 13
Maryam: vote 13
LaZorra: vote 13
ThePhan: vote 13
goldfishy: vote 12
Sentynel: vote 14
NessaChan: vote 10
TalkingDog: vote 13
niekie: vote 11
LaZorra: vote 14
MatchBot: Zup wins 4 points for stalkers.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 3 points for government.
MatchBot: Sam wins 3 points for boy bands.
MatchBot: Sentynel wins 2 points for the Vatican.
MatchBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for cyborgs.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for schoolyard bullies.
MatchBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for the 1980s.
MatchBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for the 1920s.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Microsoft.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for email.
MatchBot: niekie wins 0 points for getting dumped.
MatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for Beanie Babies.
MatchBot: TalkingDog wins 0 points for daydreaming.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for Martha Stewart.
Maryam: Man, NO votes for email? There's a lot of depraved spam out there.
Sam: But not as depraved as boy bands, apparently!
* Sam just got a sudden image of N*SYNC singing about diet pills.
* Maryam is just out of sync with everyone tonight.
LaZorra: I changed my vote from stalkers to voicemail. Same difference, right>
LaZorra: *?
LaZorra: Er, to boy bands.
LaZorra: Voicemail? How the hell did voicemail get there. O.o
MatchBot: MatchBot chose the adjective irritable for this round. (1/* accepted)
LaZorra: match 6
gremlinn: match 5
Maryam: match 7
Nyperold: match 1
niekie: match 1
ThePhan: match 2
NessaChan: match 6
Zup: match 4
SirDude: match 2
Sam: match 3
goldfishy: match 5
Sentynel: match 2
Kalimeris: match 6
Sentynel: match 7
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective irritable. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for babies.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for punching SirDude.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for infomercials.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for insomnia.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for eyes.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for Charles Lindbergh.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for General George S. Patton.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for squid.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for vikings.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for ants.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for Bill Gates.
MatchBot: Vote 12 for the Supreme Court.
MatchBot: Vote 13 for lust for revenge.
SirDude: match 7
[MatchBot->SirDude] This is not the matching stage of the game. Did you mean to type vote?
SirDude: Change fail
gremlinn: vote 1
Sentynel: vote 9
SirDude: vote 2
Maryam: vote 9
Kalimeris: vote 9
Nyperold: vote 13
goldfishy: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 5
Zup: vote 1
niekie: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 1
Sentynel: VIKINGS
Sam: vote 8vote 8
Sam: vote 8
Maryam: Sam: You must really know an irritable squid.
LaZorra: You just DO NOT want to irritate a squid.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 3 points for babies.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 3 points for eyes.
MatchBot: Zup wins 3 points for vikings.
MatchBot: goldfishy wins 1 point for General George S. Patton.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for squid.
MatchBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for lust for revenge.
MatchBot: niekie wins 1 point for punching SirDude.
MatchBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for ants.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Charles Lindbergh.
MatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for infomercials.
MatchBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for Bill Gates.
MatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for the Supreme Court.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for insomnia.
Sam: I was thinking of that squid that stole that one dude's camera.
Sentynel: Sam: That was an octopus.
Maryam: That was an octopus.
LaZorra: Sam: That was an octobus.
Sam: It was an octopus, but whatever.
Maryam: LOL
Zup: LOL
Sentynel: BEAT THREE
[RinkChat] User Sam has been kicked from the room by Sam.
Sam has left.
Sam has entered.
Sam: Sam: It was an octopus, actually.
gremlinn: That video? Wasn't it an octopus?
gremlinn: There, if that helps you feel better, hehe.
Sam: grem: I thought it was a squid.
MatchBot: niekie chose the adjective unsanitary for this round. (1/* accepted)
SirDude: match 6
Maryam: match 5
LaZorra: match 3
gremlinn: match 5
Sentynel: match 1
ThePhan: match 1
Maryam: match 7
Nyperold: match 4
Zup: match 1
NessaChan: match 2
goldfishy: match 4
Sam: match 1
Kalimeris: match 4
niekie: match 2
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective unsanitary. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for playing footsie.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for SirDude's bathroom.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for Q-tips.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for warthogs.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for lug nuts.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for McDonald's.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for boxing.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for toenails.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for viking helmets.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for Detroit.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for smoking.
MatchBot: Vote 12 for science fair projects.
MatchBot: Vote 13 for body odor.
Sentynel: Woah, hold up.
Sentynel: LaZorra said "octobus".
Maryam: Sent: So she did! LOL
LaZorra: LOL
Sentynel: Presumably, that's a bus with eight wheels.
gremlinn: They all sleep in the Octocot.
SirDude: vote 11
Zup: vote 9
Kalimeris: vote 13
ThePhan: vote 8
niekie: vote 8
Maryam: vote 6
gremlinn: vote 11
goldfishy: vote 13
LaZorra: vote 11
Sentynel: vote 11
NessaChan: vote 10
Nyperold: vote 8
Sam: vote 8
MatchBot: Sentynel wins 4 points for toenails.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 4 points for smoking.
MatchBot: Sam wins 2 points for body odor.
MatchBot: niekie wins 1 point for McDonald's.
MatchBot: SirDude wins 1 point for viking helmets.
MatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for Detroit.
MatchBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for warthogs.
MatchBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for lug nuts.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Q-tips.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for playing footsie.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for science fair projects.
MatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for boxing.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for SirDude's bathroom.
Sam: Anyway, I was thinking of that video.
gremlinn: The one with the squid?
Sam: grem: Yeah, the squid.
gremlinn: But the camera was fine.
* LaZorra dies laughing.
MatchBot: MatchBot chose the adjective innovative for this round. (1/* accepted)
gremlinn: match 1
LaZorra: match 7
NessaChan: match 3
niekie: match 1
ThePhan: match 2
Sentynel: match 2
Kalimeris: match 6
Maryam: match 3
Nyperold: match 3
SirDude: match 5
Zup: match 1
goldfishy: match 3
* gremlinn hopes he's in LZ's will.
gremlinn: Oh no...I seem to have inherited Plan B.
Sentynel: gremlinn: It doesn't matter if you're in her will, it'll just be typoed.
Nyperold: "No, this clearly leaves her huge bank account to 'gremlonn'. Sorry."
gremlinn: Nyp: it would more likely be "germlinn".
Sentynel: Nyp: That or her hug bank will be left to gremlinn.
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective innovative. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for Indiana Jones.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for roller skates.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for public radio.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for chemical reactions.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for fund raising.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for fire.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for Mr. Rogers.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for holograms.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for space heaters.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for Thomas Jefferson.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for Princess Diana.
MatchBot: Vote 12 for sporks.
SirDude: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 8
Kalimeris: vote 1
LaZorra: vote 1
goldfishy: vote 12
niekie: vote 1
gremlinn: vote 10
Maryam: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 7
Zup: vote 12
Nyperold: vote 5
Sam: vote 8
Sentynel: vote 1
SirDude: vote 12
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 4 points for Indiana Jones.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 3 points for sporks.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for holograms.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 1 point for fire.
MatchBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for Thomas Jefferson.
MatchBot: Sentynel wins 1 point for fund raising.
MatchBot: SirDude wins 1 point for Mr. Rogers.
MatchBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for space heaters.
MatchBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for roller skates.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for public radio.
MatchBot: niekie wins 0 points for chemical reactions.
MatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for Princess Diana.
gremlinn: I think I was thinking of Edison. D'oh.
gremlinn: HISTORY FAIL
Maryam: Innovative in his document writing, perhaps?
NessaChan: Jefferson was innovative in concepts of government
MatchBot: Kalimeris chose the adjective pure for this round. (1/* accepted)
gremlinn: match 4
Kalimeris: match 2
LaZorra: match 1
Zup: match 5
Maryam: match 3
goldfishy: match 7
ThePhan: match 5
Sentynel: match 6
NessaChan: match 4
Sam: dump
SirDude: match 2
Nyperold: match 3
Maryam: match 2
* NessaChan goes for the irony vote
Maryam: match 3
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective pure. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for halos.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for lollipops.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for leopards.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for fear.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for consciences.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for Tiger Woods.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for foam.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for photo albums.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for corn on the cob.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for babes.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for ThePhan.
gremlinn: vote 6
Maryam: vote 4
SirDude: vote 1
LaZorra: vote 11
Kalimeris: vote 7
ThePhan: Aww. I'm pure! ish!
Nyperold: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 10
goldfishy: vote 5
niekie: vote 11
NessaChan: vote 1
Zup: vote 10
Sentynel: vote 6
Sam: vote 5
MatchBot: Sentynel wins 3 points for consciences.
MatchBot: goldfishy wins 2 points for ThePhan.
MatchBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for babes.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 2 points for halos.
MatchBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for Tiger Woods.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for foam.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for fear.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for lollipops.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for photo albums.
MatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for leopards.
MatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for corn on the cob.
NessaChan: hehe
MatchBot: gremlinn chose the adjective foamy for this round. (1/* accepted)
gremlinn: match 3
Maryam: match 4
NessaChan: match 3
Kalimeris: match 7
Sentynel: match 3
goldfishy: match 5
Zup: match 7
niekie: match 5
ThePhan: match 1
LaZorra: dump
Nyperold: match 5
Sam: hahaha. Nyperold's mad for playing "foam" earlier.
Sentynel: FOAMY FOAM
Sam: match 7
SirDude: dump
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective foamy. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for LaZorra's bathroom.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for bunnies.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for rappers.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for towels.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for glitter.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for drool.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for wrestling.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for punk hairdos.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for clearing one's throat.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for exercise.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for body surfing.
Maryam: vote 1
Sentynel: vote 1
Kalimeris: vote 9
Sam: vote 6
niekie: vote 1
gremlinn: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 11
goldfishy: vote 1
gremlinn: vote 1
LaZorra: vote 1
Zup: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 4
Zup: vote 11
MatchBot: Zup wins 6 points for LaZorra's bathroom.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 2 points for drool.
MatchBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for body surfing.
MatchBot: goldfishy wins 1 point for clearing one's throat.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 1 point for towels.
MatchBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for punk hairdos.
MatchBot: niekie wins 0 points for glitter.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for rappers.
MatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for bunnies.
MatchBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for wrestling.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for exercise.
Sam: Zup only gets points in large amounts.
Zup: Sam: It's the only way!
gremlinn: He lags behind, then zups to the lead.
Zup: Go HUGE or go home!
SirDude: I really wanted to use that one sometime too
Maryam: Neither leader won any points that round.
MatchBot: Sentynel chose the adjective tempting for this round. (1/* accepted)
Sentynel: match 7
gremlinn: match 6
LaZorra: match 7
Nyperold: match 7
SirDude: match 1
Maryam: match 7
Zup: match 6
goldfishy: match 5
ThePhan: match 2
* LaZorra shouldn't have dumped.
gremlinn: You were tempted to.
LaZorra: Hehe.
NessaChan: match 7
Kalimeris: match 7
niekie: match 4
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective tempting. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for roller coasters.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for Las Vegas.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for dice.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for bubble gum.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for NessaChan's life.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for blowtorches.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for taste buds.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for cocaine.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for flamethrowers.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for the Renaissance.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for cologne.
MatchBot: Vote 12 for chaos.
niekie: vote 2
Maryam: vote 9
gremlinn: vote 8
LaZorra: vote 4
SirDude: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 2
Kalimeris: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 2
Zup: vote 12
Sam: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 10
LaZorra: Of those things, I am most tempted by bubblegum. O.o
Sentynel: vote 1
goldfishy: vote 11
SirDude: vote 5
MatchBot: gremlinn wins 3 points for Las Vegas.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for roller coasters.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 1 point for chaos.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for cologne.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 1 point for the Renaissance.
MatchBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for NessaChan's life.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for flamethrowers.
MatchBot: Sentynel wins 1 point for cocaine.
MatchBot: SirDude wins 1 point for bubble gum.
MatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for blowtorches.
MatchBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for taste buds.
MatchBot: niekie wins 0 points for dice.
Maryam: Still a tie for the lead!
* LaZorra gives Sentynel the evil eye.
* Sentynel hides behind a mirror
MatchBot: Sam chose the adjective warped for this round. (1/* accepted)
Sam: match 5
gremlinn: match 3
Maryam: match 5
LaZorra: match 1
Zup: match 4
Sentynel: match 7
SirDude: match 6
NessaChan: match 7
Nyperold: match 5
LaZorra: match 2
ThePhan: match 4
niekie: match 4
goldfishy: match 4
Zup: match 5
Kalimeris: match 6
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective warped. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for assassinations.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for Bart Simpson.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for throwing a temper tantrum.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for the Vietnam War.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for car crashes.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for hijackers.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for girlfriends.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for Mel Gibson.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for Christmas shopping.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for road trips.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for Libertarians.
MatchBot: Vote 12 for Karl Marx.
MatchBot: Vote 13 for ThePhan's brain.
NessaChan: note: this game does not nessa-sarily represent the opinions of NessaChan
Maryam: vote 9
Zup: vote 12
Nyperold: vote 12
LaZorra: vote 13
Kalimeris: vote 13
gremlinn: vote 2
niekie: vote 9
Sentynel: vote 13
SirDude: vote 13
ThePhan: vote 9
NessaChan: vote 1
Maryam: vote 6
Sam: vote 6
goldfishy: vote 13
MatchBot: gremlinn wins 5 points for ThePhan's brain.
MatchBot: goldfishy wins 2 points for Christmas shopping.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for hijackers.
MatchBot: Sentynel wins 2 points for Karl Marx.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 1 point for assassinations.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Bart Simpson.
MatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for Mel Gibson.
MatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Libertarians.
MatchBot: niekie wins 0 points for road trips.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for girlfriends.
MatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for throwing a temper tantrum.
MatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for the Vietnam War.
MatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for car crashes.
MatchBot: It's a tie! The winners are: Sentynel, gremlinn, LaZorra.
MatchBot: goldfishy is: chewy, cosmic, spicy.
MatchBot: gremlinn is: dirty, gigantic, lazy, tempting, warped.
MatchBot: Kalimeris is: irritable.
MatchBot: LaZorra is: gigantic, noisy, sensitive, trendy.
MatchBot: Maryam is: chewy, irritable.
MatchBot: niekie is: commonplace, funky.
MatchBot: Nyperold is: clueless.
MatchBot: Sam is: lazy, merry.
MatchBot: Sentynel is: chewy, pure, sensuous, unsanitary.
MatchBot: SirDude is: ancient, murky.
MatchBot: ThePhan is: innovative, unsanitary.
MatchBot: Zup is: depraved, foamy, irritable.
Maryam: Wow.
LaZorra: Whoa.
Sam: Wow.
gremlinn: Whee.
NessaChan: wow :o
Sentynel: Three way tie!
Maryam: Grats, you three.
Zup: That's...wow.
Sam: I definitely wasn't expecting that.
Maryam: I am certainly going to be irritable if you chew on me.
* LaZorra is emo King Kong.
goldfishy: I am an out of this world type of food
Kalimeris: LOL I'm irritable
ThePhan: Innovative and unsanitary, huh? I think that makes me... a sloppy genius.
NessaChan: I am not anything :o
Sentynel: I'm chewy, pure, sensuous and unsanitary. I'm not sure how this works.
ThePhan: Sentynel: I think this makes you chocolate dropped on the ground.
LaZorra: Sam is Friar Tuck.
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=8 Well well well. A surprise in the lead!
ThePhan: Whoo, go Zup!
Zup: Yeah!
Zup: I think this is a FIRST!
Zup: This is a GRAND day!
Sam: Zup: Now you HAVE to be here for the rest of the tournament.
Zup: Lol, I'll just call in sick from work every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday lol.
* ThePhan slid down one place on the list.
gremlinn: Have there been 3+ way ties in the UBT before?
Sam: grem: Yes. http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?bots=1
LaZorra: Sam has a chart for EVERYTHING.
gremlinn: Oh, a 4.
Sentynel: Huh, I've been in a three way tie before.
gremlinn: Sentynel's the only person to be involved in more than one 3+ way tie.
Sam: Ok, I think it's late enough that we should call it a night. I'll figure out how to rearrange the schedule later. Good night, everyone! Next session is Wednesday night!
ThePhan: Good night!
NessaChan: Goodnight internets
Kalimeris: Yay!
Maryam: Night all!
Kalimeris: Nighty night
Zup: Alright, guys, goodnight!
Sam: Zup: So you're coming to all the rest of the sessions, right?
Zup: LOL.
Zup: We'll see.
Zup: Wednesdays I'll never make; stupid samurai film class.
Sam: Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Sam: No WAY is that stupid. Even if it means missing UBT.
SirDude: Sam, you took the words right out of my mouth
ThePhan: That may be the best class EVER.
* LaZorra imagines little film canisters with shuriken.
Sam: I wanna take a samurai film class.
Nyperold: When the director says "CUT!", he means with a katana.
Zup: It's a boring samurai film class.