Ultimate Bot Tournament #8: Session 10
SirDude has entered.
NessaChan has entered.
Nyperold has entered.
gremlinn has entered.
Kalimeris has entered.
Sentynel has entered.
Maryam has entered.
TalkingDog has entered.
goldfishy has entered.
Sam has entered.
Zup has entered.
Zup: whew, made it in time!
Nyperold: Yup!
gremlinn: Xup!
Sam: Wup!
Zup: Zup!
Sam: You're out of order.
Sam: Another outburst, and I'll have you fined for contempt of Rink.
Zup: Uup?
Zup: How about TUP?
gremlinn: V hater.
Randy has entered.
Goosey has entered.
Sam: Welcome to UBT #8: THE FINAL SESSION!
Goosey: WOOO
NessaChan: woo
Sam: ...where, for the first time ever, the winner of the UBT is still a true unknown. WILL it be Sentynel, with 8 games and 578 points? Or WILL it be Maryam, with 7 games and 597 points?
Sentynel: /dramatic chords
* Maryam imagines half the audience shouting one name and half shouting the other.
NessaChan: or will I come from behind and beat them both?!?!!
gremlinn: I thought the game win count didn't matter anymore.
Sam: grem: It would break ties and still counts for reserve champion.
Sam: If the UBT ended with the current scores, Maryam would be champion and Sentynel reserve champion. But if one overtakes the other in EITHER ranking, there will not be a reserve champion.
Sam: Tonight's contest is the toughest call this side of the race between the Lib Dems and the IRA for seats in the new UK Parliament!
gremlinn: Go Lib Dems!
Zup: IRA! IRA!
Maryam: I know that Sentynel is allied with the Lib Dems, but I hope the IRA isn't supposed to be me.
Sentynel: Maryam: You're a terrorist!?
Maryam: No, I DON'T want to be the IRA!
Sentynel: Also, I like the idea that I'm allied with the Lib Dems. That as I root for the Lib Dems in the election, somewhere, Nick Clegg is rooting for me in the UBT.
Sam: LOL
Maryam: Hehehe.
Sam: Hey, I gotta good idea. Let's play the last bots and find out how this thing ends!
Goosey: OKAY
NessaChan: yay
NessaChan: bots!
Kalimeris: WOOT
Sentynel: Sam: Aren't you supposed to endlessly opinion poll us first?
Sam: Sent: I'm gonna hold the polls after the results come in. Studies show that that makes the polls more accurate.
BlankBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sentynel: Lib Dems to six seats.
Sam: We play this game to 15 points, so each point counts double in the UBT chart.
Sam: The game starts in 30 seconds.
Sentynel: This is a long 30 seconds.
Sam: It started.
Sam: But Randy probably doesn't notice he's been asked a question.
gremlinn: This is one of those bots where we imagine what goes on in our heads, then get together afterward to figure who won.
Maryam: I don't need to imagine what goes on in my head. I'm already there.
BlankBot: Randy timed out. Asking someone else for an answer....
BlankBot: How do you think Zup completed the following? ______ park
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for dog park.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for skate park.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for south park.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for theme park.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for Linkin park.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for Gosford park.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for A walk in the park.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for parallel park.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for play park.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for ball park.
Sam: vote 6
Maryam: vote 1
SirDude: vote 7
Sentynel: vote 4
Zup: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 4
goldfishy: vote 1
Kalimeris: vote 10
Goosey: vote 7
gremlinn: vote 7
gremlinn: Sweet, I can keep it posting to *Bots when I vote.
Sam: grem: hahaha, yeah. It catches you trying to cast a secret ballot and forges a public message.
BlankBot: Zup answered parallel park.
BlankBot: goldfishy guessed play park and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed Linkin park and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed dog park and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed skate park and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed theme park and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed A walk in the park and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed Gosford park and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed ball park and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed south park and is wrong.
BlankBot: SirDude guessed south park and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Maryam submitted theme park and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: NessaChan submitted A walk in the park and wins 1 point!
Zup: I suck.
Kalimeris: OH I forgot what that was.
Kalimeris: parallel parking
Zup: This bot is aptly titled. I completely blanked.
SirDude: At least it was a sensible answer
Zup: Yeah, I guess. ;)
BlankBot: How do you think Sentynel completed the following? honey ______
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for honey graham crackers.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for honey , what's for dinner?.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for honey bucket.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for honey roasted peanut butter.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for honey dew.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for honey comb.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for honey bee.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for honey pot.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for honey bees.
Maryam: vote 6
Zup: vote 5
SirDude: vote 2
Sentynel: vote 6
gremlinn: vote 1
Goosey: vote 9
goldfishy: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 7
FantasyFreak: vote 5
Kalimeris: vote 5
BlankBot: Sentynel answered honey pot.
BlankBot: goldfishy guessed honey bee and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed honey bee and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed honey , what's for dinner? and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed honey bees and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed honey dew and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed honey comb and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed honey roasted peanut butter and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed honey comb and is wrong.
BlankBot: SirDude guessed honey graham crackers and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed honey bucket and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Maryam submitted honey dew and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Sam loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Sam: Well fine.
gremlinn: Should have gone with "I shrunk the kids".
Sam: LOL
Sentynel: Off the Conservatives, I believe.
Zup: Does anyone know what a honey bucket is?
Maryam: Nope.
Sam: A bucket of honey?
Nyperold: A bucket made of honey?
Zup: It's a porta-potty brand.
FantasyFreak: In my town, they have porta-potties with signs saying Honey Bucket.
FantasyFreak: Yeah.
Zup: It's sad that that's the first thing that came into my mind.
Maryam: I was just about to ask if it was related to "honeysuckers".
Maryam: Which was my answer one RU for a job I would least like to have.
BlankBot: How do you think gremlinn completed the following? soul ______
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for soul train.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for soul searching.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for soul mate.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for soul eater.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for soul link.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for soul sucker.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for soul Calibur.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for soul -less abomination.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for soul patch.
Sam: vote 3
Zup: vote 3
SirDude: vote 3
Maryam: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 2
Kalimeris: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 2
Goosey: vote 8
FantasyFreak: vote 2
goldfishy: vote 2
Sentynel: vote 8
BlankBot: gremlinn answered soul link.
BlankBot: FantasyFreak guessed soul mate and is wrong.
BlankBot: goldfishy guessed soul eater and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed soul train and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed soul sucker and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed soul searching and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed soul train and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed soul Calibur and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed soul searching and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed soul patch and is wrong.
BlankBot: SirDude guessed soul -less abomination and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed soul sucker and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Maryam submitted soul searching and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sam submitted soul searching and wins 1 point!
Sam: Ooooh, someone else said that.
gremlinn: I was just thinking of playing Soul Calibur 4 again.
BlankBot: How do you think SirDude completed the following? ______ storm
* SirDude had a different answer had it not been his question
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for The Perfect storm.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for wrok storm.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Ice Man, Professor X and storm.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for perfect storm.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for snow storm.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for fire storm.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for thunder storm.
Goosey: O.o
gremlinn: vote 2
Kalimeris: vote 6
Maryam: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 2
Zup: vote 1
Sentynel: vote 7
Goosey: vote 3
NessaChan: vote 3
goldfishy: vote 3
FantasyFreak: vote 3
Sam: vote 1
SirDude: vote 5
BlankBot: SirDude answered thunder storm.
BlankBot: FantasyFreak guessed thunder storm and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Goosey guessed thunder storm and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Maryam guessed thunder storm and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed thunder storm and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: goldfishy guessed perfect storm and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed fire storm and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed snow storm and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed The Perfect storm and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed wrok storm and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed perfect storm and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Ice Man, Professor X and storm and is wrong.
BlankBot: SirDude's answer was guessed 4 times for 4 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Zup submitted Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Ice Man, Professor X and storm and wins 1 point!
* Zup is a nerd, and is slightly unashamed.
Maryam: So you're mostly ashamed?
Zup: Yes, I am mostly ashamed. My love affair with comics has only just begun.
* SirDude had a nerdier answer : PK Starstorm
Zup: SirDude: I would have voted for that
BlankBot: How do you think Nyperold completed the following? masculine ______
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for masculine and feminine.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for masculine is manly.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for masculine declension.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for masculine rippling bronzed pectorals of Sinbad.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for masculine smell.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for masculine traits.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for masculine wiles.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for masculine / feminine.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for masculine sense.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for masculine physique.
BlankBot: Vote 11 for masculine musculature.
Sentynel: vote 4
FantasyFreak: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 3
Kalimeris: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 3
Goosey: vote 4
Sam: vote 11
goldfishy: vote 6
Zup: vote 4
Maryam: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 10
Zup: 7 = hahahahah
BlankBot: Nyperold answered masculine sense.
BlankBot: FantasyFreak guessed masculine smell and is wrong.
BlankBot: goldfishy guessed masculine physique and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed masculine wiles and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed masculine musculature and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed masculine declension and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed masculine rippling bronzed pectorals of Sinbad and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed masculine is manly and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed masculine / feminine and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed masculine traits and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed masculine and feminine and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Maryam submitted masculine rippling bronzed pectorals of Sinbad and wins 1 point!
Sam: Mine is the title of a movie.
BlankBot: Kalimeris timed out. Asking someone else for an answer....
Sam: Aww.
Kalimeris: Oops
Kalimeris: It's okay, I couldn't think of anything
gremlinn: What did it give you?
Kalimeris: ________ total.
gremlinn: Oh, tricky.
BlankBot: How do you think Maryam completed the following? ______ climate
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for warming climate.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for Political climate.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for temperate climate.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for sunny climate.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for tropical climate.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for humid climate.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for See the rope? climate.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for cold climate.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for ohnos its global warming we have to fix teh climate.
gremlinn: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 3
Maryam: vote 5
SirDude: vote 1
Sentynel: vote 2
NessaChan: vote 2
Sam: vote 5
Goosey: vote 7
Kalimeris: vote 5
Zup: vote 2
goldfishy: vote 2
BlankBot: Maryam answered sunny climate.
BlankBot: goldfishy guessed tropical climate and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed tropical climate and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed warming climate and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed temperate climate and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed humid climate and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed See the rope? climate and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed cold climate and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed tropical climate and is wrong.
BlankBot: SirDude guessed Political climate and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed ohnos its global warming we have to fix teh climate and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: SirDude submitted Political climate and wins 1 point!
gremlinn: I had a hunch that was Nyp's.
BlankBot: How do you think Sam completed the following? ______ party
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for political party.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for pity party.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for Liberal Democrat party.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for New Year's Eve party.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for pool party.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for bot party.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for toga party.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for Mario party.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for mad tea party.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for It's My party.
NessaChan: vote 9
SirDude: vote 8
Sam: vote 6
gremlinn: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 5
Sentynel: vote 9
Maryam: vote 9
Zup: vote 10
ThePhan: vote 5
Goosey: vote 10
Zup: votee 2
goldfishy: vote 4
Zup: vote 2
Sentynel: No prizes for guessing which one I said. (It was on principle.)
BlankBot: Sam answered pool party.
BlankBot: goldfishy guessed political party and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed pity party and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed mad tea party and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed New Year's Eve party and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed bot party and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed toga party and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed It's My party and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed Liberal Democrat party and is wrong.
BlankBot: SirDude guessed toga party and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed Mario party and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed mario party and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: gremlinn submitted mad tea party and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Kalimeris loses a point for submitting and not voting.
gremlinn: Yay, a point!
SirDude: Pool party crossed my mind...
* Nyperold earworms himself.
gremlinn: Nyperold: you earwormed me a little too.
gremlinn: But I don't know more than just that one line of it.
ThePhan: I'm not sure anyone knows more than that line.
BlankBot: How do you think ThePhan completed the following? first ______
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for first post.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for first place.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for first lady.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for first blood part 2.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for first base.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for first contact.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for first come, first served.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for first kiss.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for first strike.
Sentynel: vote 8
Maryam: vote 8
Zup: vote 8
goldfishy: vote 6
SirDude: vote 2
gremlinn: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 7
Goosey: vote 8
Sam: vote 6
ThePhan: vote 4
Sam: ![:-*](/rinkchat/smileys/hkiss.gif)
BlankBot: ThePhan answered first base.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed first base and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Zup guessed first base and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: goldfishy guessed first lady and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed first blood part 2 and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed first come, first served and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed first place and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed first contact and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed first kiss and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed first post and is wrong.
BlankBot: SirDude guessed first strike and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan's answer was guessed 2 times for 2 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sam submitted first kiss and wins 1 point!
Zup: Yay! point!
ThePhan: Whoo!
SirDude: I had like 5 different answers at the same time when I saw that
* ThePhan is going to play Blank entirely on instinct tonight. Whatever her first answer is, she's going with it.
gremlinn: Use the Force, Phan. Trust your feelings.
ThePhan: No second guessing. Bwahaha!
ThePhan: ...I'm really not sure why I decided that sentence deserved a "Bwahaha." I need to continue waking up.
BlankBot: How do you think Goosey completed the following? ______ topping
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for whipped cream topping.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for hot fudge topping.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for Rainbow-colored candy sprinkle topping.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for ice cream topping.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for cake topping.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for pizza topping.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for chocolate topping.
SirDude: vote 3
gremlinn: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 2
Sentynel: vote 7
Maryam: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 6
goldfishy: vote 6
Sam: vote 6
ThePhan: Hehe
Zup: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 1
Goosey: vote 7
Sam: Ha, no "is cheese a" in there.
Maryam: Oooh. That would have been good.
BlankBot: Goosey answered whipped cream topping.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed whipped cream topping and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: goldfishy guessed cake topping and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed pizza topping and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed chocolate topping and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed hot fudge topping and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed Rainbow-colored candy sprinkle topping and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed ice cream topping and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed cake topping and is wrong.
BlankBot: SirDude guessed pizza topping and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed ice cream topping and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed pizza topping and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey's answer was guessed 1 time for 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: gremlinn submitted pizza topping and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: SirDude submitted pizza topping and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Zup submitted pizza topping and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Goosey submitted whipped cream topping and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Nyperold submitted whipped cream topping and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Kalimeris loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Kalimeris: I keep going to check my food
Kalimeris: hahahaha
Nyperold: Ooh! Points!
* Goosey high-fives Nyp!
* Nyperold high-fives Goosey!
gremlinn: looks around pointedly.
Zup: Apparently, my second guesses are always better.
BlankBot: How do you think goldfishy completed the following? script ______
ThePhan: Hrm. My first instinct this time is not so great.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for script kiddie.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for script to my Lou.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for script writer.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for script writing.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for script writers.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for script bot games!.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for script girl.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for script checker.
Maryam: Ugh, I couldn't think of anything.
SirDude: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 8
Zup: vote 8
Sentynel: vote 1
goldfishy: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 8
NessaChan: lol
gremlinn: vote 7
NessaChan: vote 2
Sam: vote 7
Nyperold: My first instinct was "error".
Zup: Mine was "treatment" lol
Goosey: vote 3
Maryam: I almost put "fu" but I'm not even sure what that is.
NessaChan: It's from the anything goes school of martial arts
Maryam: Oh, right. hehe
Maryam: No seriously, I think there's something called "script-fu" but I don't know why I know that.
BlankBot: goldfishy answered script checker.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed script to my Lou and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed script kiddie and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed script writer and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed script girl and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed script writer and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed script writing and is wrong.
BlankBot: SirDude guessed script writers and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed script writer and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed script bot games! and is wrong.
BlankBot: goldfishy's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: goldfishy submitted script checker and wins 1 point!
Sam: I almost put "girl." Because, hey, GIRL. But I didn't.
BlankBot: How do you think NessaChan completed the following? ______ punch
Sam: I keep reloading the BBC results page, even though it auto-updates.
Sentynel: Hahah, me too.
TalkingDog: Maryam: GIMP?
SirDude: Yeah, GIMP... I knew the term sounded familiar
Maryam: Is that where it's from?
TalkingDog: It's where I know it from.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for tropical punch.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for Dragon punch.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for fruit punch.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for hawaiian punch.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for falcon punch.
Zup: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 5
Maryam: vote 5
SirDude: vote 3
gremlinn: vote 5
goldfishy: vote 3
Sentynel: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 3
Goosey: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 1
Kalimeris: vote 1
gremlinn: vote 1
BlankBot: NessaChan answered hawaiian punch.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed Hawaiian punch and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: SirDude guessed hawaiian punch and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Zup guessed hawaiian punch and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: goldfishy guessed tropical punch and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed fruit punch and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed fruit punch and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed fruit punch and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed Dragon punch and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed fruit punch and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed falcon punch and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed fruit punch and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan's answer was guessed 3 times for 3 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: goldfishy submitted tropical punch and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Sam loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Nyperold: PAper PUNCH!
Sam: Crud.
Sam: I'm back to zero.
NessaChan: I almost put Anime Punch but I figured nobody knows that convention but me :p
* Zup almost put sucker punch or mach punch.
* SirDude would've voted for either of those
Zup: Unfortunately, the bot is too fast!
BlankBot: How do you think Nyperold completed the following? ______ idol
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for american idol.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for throw me the idol.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for iDOLM@STER idol.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for golden idol.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for false idol.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for Sam is my idol.
Sam: VOTE 6
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: vote 6
gremlinn: vote 2
goldfishy: vote 5
SirDude: vote 5
Goosey: vote 5
Kalimeris: vote 4
Zup: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 5
Sentynel: vote 2
Maryam: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 3
* SirDude thought of putting Immunity idol...
* Sam straightens his shirt and pats his hair back.
Sam: And my lovely admirer is....
BlankBot: Nyperold answered golden idol.
BlankBot: goldfishy guessed american idol and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed Sam is my idol and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed iDOLM@STER idol and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed American idol and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed throw me the idol and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed american idol and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed american idol and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed false idol and is wrong.
BlankBot: SirDude guessed American idol and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed American idol and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed american idol and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sentynel submitted false idol and wins 1 point!
Goosey: Hehehe.
Sentynel: I gots a point!
Zup: 7 Americans, eh?
BlankBot: How do you think Sam completed the following? ______ nap
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for I'm just resting my eyes, honest but actually I'm taking a nap.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for dirt nap.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for I need a nap.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for cat nap.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for afternoon nap.
Zup: vote 2
Sentynel: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 2
Kalimeris: vote 2
Maryam: vote 5
SirDude: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 5
goldfishy: vote 3
SirDude: vote 2
gremlinn: vote 2
Goosey: vote 2
NessaChan: vote 3
BlankBot: Sam answered cat nap.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed cat nap and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed cat nap and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed cat nap and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed cat nap and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: SirDude guessed cat nap and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed cat nap and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: goldfishy guessed afternoon nap and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed I need a nap and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed afternoon nap and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed dirt nap and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed I'm just resting my eyes, honest but actually I'm taking a nap and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam's answer was guessed 6 times for 6 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Maryam submitted dirt nap and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Sam loses a point for submitting and not voting.
NessaChan: I almost said Long Winter's
Kalimeris: Huzzahhhh -1 for kali
SirDude: I was rolling around dirt nap, cat nap, and oh s nap
Sentynel: I thought it was a pretty safe bet same said cat nap.
Sentynel: Er. Sam. Though I'll pretend I said "same" because he has the same name as me.
goldfishy: What is dirt nap?
NessaChan: what is a dirt nap?
Nyperold: Death.
NessaChan: I have never heard that before
gremlinn: Or passed out, apparently.
gremlinn: Or on the ground after a nasty spill (accident).
BlankBot: How do you think Maryam completed the following? gold ______
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for gold medal.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for gold fishy.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for gold digger.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for gold chocobo.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for gold bracelet.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for gold rush.
Zup: vote 2
Goosey: vote 2
Sam: vote 6
SirDude: vote 6
Kalimeris: vote 6
FantasyFreak: vote 4
Maryam: vote 4
goldfishy: vote 1
gremlinn: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 2
NessaChan: vote 1
Sam: 6 is a game of mine, so I had to vote for it.
ThePhan: vote 2
Sentynel: vote 6
gremlinn: 5 is an item in SOAT, so I had to vote for it.
BlankBot: Maryam answered gold medal.
BlankBot: FantasyFreak guessed gold fishy and is wrong.
BlankBot: goldfishy guessed gold fishy and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed gold rush and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed gold rush and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed gold fishy and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed gold fishy and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed gold chocobo and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed gold fishy and is wrong.
BlankBot: SirDude guessed gold digger and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed gold bracelet and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed gold digger and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Goosey submitted gold rush and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: gremlinn submitted gold rush and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: FantasyFreak submitted gold fishy and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: goldfishy submitted gold fishy and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Kalimeris submitted gold fishy and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: NessaChan submitted gold fishy and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sentynel submitted gold fishy and wins 1 point!
* SirDude completely missed gold fishy; he'd have voted for it
* goldfishy waves at SirDude
* SirDude waves back
BlankBot: How do you think Sentynel completed the following? note ______
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for note pad.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for note to self.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for note s on a Scandal.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for note worthy.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for note on the fridge.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for note book.
SirDude: vote 2
Zup: vote 2
Maryam: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 2
Sentynel: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 4
Sam: vote 3
NessaChan: vote 5
goldfishy: vote 6
Kalimeris: vote 6
Goosey: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 4
BlankBot: Sentynel answered note pad.
BlankBot: SirDude guessed note pad and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: goldfishy guessed note to self and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed note worthy and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed note book and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed note on the fridge and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed note to self and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed note book and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed note s on a Scandal and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed note book and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed note book and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed note book and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel's answer was guessed 1 time for 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: goldfishy submitted note to self and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Maryam submitted note to self and wins 1 point!
Sam: Note to self: "note to self" does well with votes.
goldfishy: I kinda thought Sent said that a lot
goldfishy: I say it to myself a lot
Sentynel: I do, but it wasn't what came into my head.
Sentynel: Probably because I have a notepad right next to me.
BlankBot: Zup timed out. Asking someone else for an answer....
Zup: Gah!
Zup: Path _____
Zup: It is an ______
gremlinn: butterfly
BlankBot: How do you think Kalimeris completed the following? film ______
* ThePhan is doing stupid dances to Poker Face. It is entertaining her.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for film noir.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for film school.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for film camera.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for film festival.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for film , theater, and TV styles.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for film lover's checklist.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for film buff.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for film critic.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for film is stuck in my camera.
ThePhan: vote 1
Maryam: vote 5
SirDude: vote 1
Zup: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 7
goldfishy: vote 4
Sentynel: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 2
Goosey: vote 6
Kalimeris: vote 9
gremlinn: vote 4
Sam: vote 1
BlankBot: Kalimeris answered film critic.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed film critic and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: goldfishy guessed film camera and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed film noir and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed film festival and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed film is stuck in my camera and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed film noir and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed film lover's checklist and is wrong.
BlankBot: SirDude guessed film , theater, and TV styles and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed film school and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed film buff and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris's answer was guessed 1 time for 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Goosey submitted film noir and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Nyperold submitted film noir and wins 1 point!
gremlinn: Sweet.
* Zup almost put film scholar...
BlankBot: How do you think NessaChan completed the following? garden ______
Kalimeris: huzzah!
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for garden ing lawn gnome.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for garden path.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for garden gnomes.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for garden hose.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for garden variety.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for garden of Eden.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for garden gnome.
SirDude: vote 6
Maryam: vote 2
goldfishy: vote 2
Zup: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 5
FantasyFreak: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 5
Sentynel: vote 4
Kalimeris: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 5
Goosey: vote 6
Sam: vote 5
BlankBot: NessaChan answered garden gnome.
BlankBot: FantasyFreak guessed garden gnome and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: goldfishy guessed garden gnome and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed garden gnome and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed garden gnome and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Goosey guessed garden gnomes and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed garden variety and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed garden of Eden and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed garden path and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed garden variety and is wrong.
BlankBot: SirDude guessed garden ing lawn gnome and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed garden hose and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed garden of eden and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan's answer was guessed 4 times for 4 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Maryam submitted garden variety and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sentynel submitted garden variety and wins 1 point!
Kalimeris: Yippie
gremlinn: Aww, Goosey.
Sam: "s" doesn't stink!!
Goosey: Sam: It does when it makes me lose a point.
BlankBot: How do you think SirDude completed the following? ______ pox
* SirDude once again, has a nerdier answer for if this was someone else's question
gremlinn: SirDude has a good chance at a win.
Sam: Yes.
gremlinn: But it might split two ways.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for Mr. Small pox.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for On thee, a pox.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for monkey pox.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for chicken pox.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for small pox.
* SirDude looks up at the scores...
SirDude: Whoa, really?
ThePhan: vote 5
Zup: vote 2
Sam: vote 2
goldfishy: vote 5
SirDude: vote 5
Maryam: vote 4
Kalimeris: vote 5
Sam: I was thinking 2.
Sentynel: vote 2
Sam: No cow pox.
Nyperold: vote 5
gremlinn: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 1
Maryam: I almost put cow.
Kalimeris: Same.
Goosey: vote 4
BlankBot: SirDude answered chicken pox.
BlankBot: goldfishy guessed chicken pox and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed chicken pox and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Sam guessed chicken pox and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed chicken pox and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed chicken pox and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Goosey guessed On thee, a pox and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed small pox and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed small pox and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed monkey pox and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed Mr. Small pox and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed small pox and is wrong.
BlankBot: SirDude's answer was guessed 5 times for 5 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: gremlinn submitted small pox and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Maryam submitted small pox and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Zup submitted small pox and wins 1 point!
gremlinn: So close.
Sam: So close.
ThePhan: So close!
* SirDude would've gone for "Pox? You're a pox"
SirDude: But I don't think many people would get the reference
Zup: bread pox
BlankBot: How do you think Goosey completed the following? ______ shark
Zup: xpox
ThePhan: Someone hurry up and win! I really have to go to the bathroom!
Zup: 'b game
Goosey: LOL
Zup: aghhhhh
gremlinn: aglllll
Zup: gureglgurgle
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for loan shark.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for bear holding a shark.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for pool shark.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for carpet shark.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for Jumping the shark.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for card shark.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for tiger shark.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for It's not a candygram, it's land shark.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for great white shark.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for land shark.
Sentynel: vote 5
gremlinn: vote 5
SirDude: vote 6
ThePhan: vote 6
Sentynel: I should have thought of that.
Sam: vote 7
Zup: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 2
Goosey: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 2
Maryam: vote 3
goldfishy: vote 9
ThePhan: vote 5
Sam: Jumping the shark has jumped the shark.
gremlinn: vote 2
BlankBot: Goosey answered tiger shark.
BlankBot: goldfishy guessed tiger shark and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed pool shark and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed great white shark and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed card shark and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed It's not a candygram, it's land shark and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed Jumping the shark and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed bear holding a shark and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed carpet shark and is wrong.
BlankBot: SirDude guessed loan shark and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed pool shark and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed land shark and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey's answer was guessed 1 time for 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sam submitted bear holding a shark and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Kalimeris loses a point for submitting and not voting.
* Goosey HUGS goldfishy!
* goldfishy HUGS Goosey!
Kalimeris: grr
* SirDude was rolling around land, loan, card, and pool...
Sentynel: Blast, I almost went for tiger shark.
Sentynel: But the carpet shark is a hilarious, in name and appearance, creature.
gremlinn: goes with his instinct.
BlankBot: How do you think ThePhan completed the following? ______ star
Nyperold: The carpet shark is what kids try to avoid when the floor is water instead of lava or acid, right?
Goosey: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carpet_shark
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for wish upon a star.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for Lone star.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for falling star.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for super star.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for north star.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for lucky star.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for Ultra star.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for wish upon a shooting star.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for death star.
Sentynel: vote 10
gremlinn: vote 7
SirDude: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 10
Goosey: vote 10
Zup: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 5
goldfishy: vote 1
Maryam: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 7
BlankBot: ThePhan answered super star.
BlankBot: goldfishy guessed death star and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed Twinkle, twinkle, little star and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed Lone star and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed wish upon a star and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed lucky star and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed Ultra star and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed falling star and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed north star and is wrong.
BlankBot: SirDude guessed wish upon a shooting star and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed wish upon a shooting star and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: goldfishy submitted death star and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: NessaChan submitted lucky star and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Sam loses a point for submitting and not voting.
* ThePhan laments.
Sentynel: Lib Dems didn't win my constituency
Sentynel: THIS IS NOT ON
BlankBot: How do you think gremlinn completed the following? ______ rib
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for Adam's rib.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for So Adam, how's that missing rib.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for prime rib.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for spare rib.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for baby back, baby back, Chili's baby back rib.
Sam: vote 1
gremlinn: vote 3
SirDude: vote 5
Zup: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 2
Maryam: vote 4
Sentynel: vote 3
goldfishy: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 3
NessaChan: vote 5
Goosey: vote 5
Kalimeris: vote 4
BlankBot: gremlinn answered spare rib.
BlankBot: goldfishy guessed spare rib and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed spare rib and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Goosey guessed Adam's rib and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed prime rib and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed prime rib and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed So Adam, how's that missing rib and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed Adam's rib and is wrong.
BlankBot: SirDude guessed prime rib and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed Adam's rib and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed baby back, baby back, Chili's baby back rib and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn's answer was guessed 2 times for 2 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Kalimeris submitted prime rib and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Maryam submitted prime rib and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: SirDude submitted prime rib and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Zup submitted baby back, baby back, Chili's baby back rib and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: gremlinn submitted spare rib and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: goldfishy submitted spare rib and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sentynel submitted spare rib and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: SirDude wins!
NessaChan: whee
Zup: YAY! Congrats!
Maryam: Grats, Dude.
Nyperold: Huzzah!
* SirDude bows to the applause
Kalimeris: Yay!
ThePhan: Yay!
gremlinn has left.
ThePhan: OK, now I'm going to run to the bathroom and then run and get some food across the street.
NessaChan: RUuuNNNNNnn
Sam: BlankBot did little to clarify the race for the championship. It did, however, finalize the Psychological Class, and Maryam is our winner there!
Maryam: Yay!
Zup: Yay!
NessaChan: whee
Sam: Also, I can't remember if I said so before, but ThePhan is our Creative Class winner, and apparently I took the Academic Class.
Sam: Five minute break, and then: CamouFairyBot. Right here. It's DREAMY.
Kalimeris: CAMOU
NessaChan: DREAMY
Kalimeris: I have a bad feeling my friend is on his way over to make cinnamon buns in my kitchen
Goosey: Kali: This is bad why?
Maryam: Kali: Is that a bad thing?
goldfishy: So long as he has enough for all of us...
Maryam: You can charge him a percentage.
Kalimeris: Ooh
Kalimeris: I'm sorta on a diet, but I'm doing a poor job of avoiding chocolate hehe
Kalimeris: But I'm tryin' to eat better
Kalimeris: No soda, real dinner vs greasy college pizza
Kalimeris: well, not vs. Rather than, I mean.
Maryam: Kali: Now I'm imagining chicken and broccoli facing off against an oily, pimpled pizza.
* Sentynel eats shortbread to ease the pain of the Lib Dems losing Oxford East =((
* Maryam HUGS Sentynel!
* Sentynel HUGS Maryam!
Sam: Sent: Who took it? Labour?
Sentynel: Sam: Labour hold, yeah.
Sentynel: 4.2% swing in Labour's favour of all things.
Sam: Wow.
Sam: I guess you can never underestimate the power of...
Sentynel: goooooordooooooon bwooooooooown =(
Kalimeris: Bwown?
Sam: Bwown.
Sentynel: http://www.weebls-stuff.com/songs/gordon
Kalimeris: Bad, bad, lewoy bwown
ThePhan: (OK, if anyone was waiting on me, don't. Heh. I just remembered not only do I have to get food, I also have to go to the library.)
Sam: CamouFairy likes you.
ThePhan: I didn't say I didn't like CamouFairy. Just not the bot :-)
* ThePhan will sit at the library and read all the books!
BlankBot has been dismissed by Sam.
CamouFairyBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: Let's do this.
Kalimeris: LESS DO IT
Sam: The game begins in 15 seconds.
NessaChan: woo!
CamouFairyBot: Starting a new speed game:
CamouFairyBot: 1/20.
asks: "How many green blotches are visible on her outfit from this angle?"
Kalimeris: 17
Sentynel: 14
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer 14.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Sentynel: +1.
NessaChan: 12
Kalimeris: DARN
goldfishy: 16
Sam: Ooooh, Kali. You're rusty.
Kalimeris: Yeah, I am
Maryam: Sent: If you get all the answers right, you'll be 3 points behind me.
Sentynel: Great.
CamouFairyBot: 2/20.
asks: "When is Camou-Fairy Day?"
NessaChan: dreamy
Kalimeris: july 5
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer July 5.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +1.
CamouFairyBot: 3/20.
asks: "In a bizarre alternate universe, who would play Camou-Fairy in the biographical film about her life?"
Kalimeris: hannah montana
Sentynel: hannah montana
* SirDude contemplates drawing something for the next CamouFairy day
Kalimeris: julia child
NessaChan: britney spears
Kalimeris: uh
NessaChan: alissa milano
NessaChan: lady gaga
Sentynel: john steiner
Kalimeris: some men
Nyperold: mr small
Sentynel: joe pesci
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer Hannah Montana.
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer Julia Child.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer John Steiner.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer Joe Pesci.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: Roberto Benigni.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: Chris Tucker.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: Cork Hubbert.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: Archie.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +2, Sentynel: +2.
Sentynel: chris tucker
Nyperold: george foreman
Sentynel: crao
Sentynel: crap*
Sam: Crao wouldn't play her very well.
Sam: Whoever that is.
Sentynel: Someone from LaZ's World of Typos.
NessaChan: archieeee
Kalimeris: AGAIN.
NessaChan: !!!
Maryam: ARCHIE
NessaChan: ARCHIE! <3
CamouFairyBot: 4/20.
asks: "Is the Camou-Fairy actually just a regular girl standing in front of a picture of blinky wings?"
Kalimeris: no
Sentynel: no
NessaChan: dreamy
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer no.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +1.
Sam: We have ourselves a competition here.
Sam: Four-time CamouFairyBot winner Kalimeris, defending an aggressive challenge by Sentynel.
CamouFairyBot: 5/20.
asks: "What few anatomical anomalies does Camou-Fairy have that would be imperfections in anybody else but just make Camou-Fairy all the hotter?"
Kalimeris: belly button
Sentynel: webbed fingers
NessaChan: blinking belly button
Sentynel: feet
NessaChan: wings
goldfishy: blinky belly button
Goosey: uneven boobs
Kalimeris: blinky
Sentynel: no feet
NessaChan: hair
Kalimeris: no feet
NessaChan: one arm
NessaChan: no feet
Sentynel: shoulder seams
Kalimeris: webbed hands
Goosey: no feet
Kalimeris: glowy
NessaChan: dreamy
NessaChan: sparkles
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer dislocated navel.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer probably webbed fingers (since those are pretty cool).
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer feet can probably shoot lasers at enemies.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer shoulder seams (perhaps her arms are posable?).
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: belly button is part white AND part black?.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Sentynel: +3, Kalimeris: +1.
goldfishy: a hunch back
Nyperold: made of data
Randy has entered.
Randy: Wooo
CamouFairyBot: 6/20.
asks: "What adverbs describe how the Camou-Fairy is cool?"
NessaChan: dreamy
Kalimeris: way
Goosey: sweet
Sentynel: very
NessaChan: very
Kalimeris: scintillatingly
Goosey: sparkly
NessaChan: awesome
Kalimeris: awesomely
Goosey: hot
Randy: awesome
Sentynel: scintillatingly
NessaChan: blinky
Kalimeris: superbly
Sentynel: glamourously
Kalimeris: rockingly
NessaChan: camou-y
Sentynel: hotly
Goosey: gorgeous
Sentynel: terrifically
Randy: swimmingly
Goosey: perfect
Kalimeris: brilliantly
Sam: sexily
Sentynel: incredibly
Kalimeris: cooly
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer way.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer very.
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer scintillatingly.
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer awesomely.
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer rockingly.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer hotly.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer terrifically.
CamouFairyBot: Sam wins a point with answer sexily.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer incredibly.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: fantastically.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: coolly.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: charmingly.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: gorgeously.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: glamorously.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: glitteringly.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: pulchritudinously.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +4, Sentynel: +4, Sam: +1.
Randy: cutely
Sentynel: coolly
Kalimeris: gorgeously
NessaChan: awesomely
* Goosey forgot all her "ly"s.
goldfishy: Sent: how long did you spend memorising these answers?
Sentynel: gold: You don't want to know.
Sam: LOL
Sentynel: I learn pretty fast, but... yeah.
Sam: "Sorry, I can't. I have to study for astrophysics and fairy dolls tonight."
Kalimeris: hahahaha
Goosey: LOL
Sentynel: I'm not sure how nerdy revising for CamouFairyBot makes me...
Sam: It's pretty much at the end of the scale on that.
CamouFairyBot: 7/20.
asks: "What things would a normal red-blooded male do for a single kiss from Camou-Fairy?"
NessaChan: faint
Goosey: anything
Kalimeris: suck a sword
Goosey: kill
NessaChan: kill
Goosey: die
Sentynel: ride a bike uphill
Kalimeris: give up football
NessaChan: attack
Sentynel: give up football
Nyperold: dress as cody baxter
Kalimeris: dance
Goosey: walk 1000 miles
NessaChan: klondike bar
Sentynel: walk on coals
Sentynel: eat hummus
Kalimeris: kiss a frog
NessaChan: york peppermint patty
Sentynel: ask for directions
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer suck a sword.
CamouFairyBot: Goosey wins a point with answer darn near die from anticipation.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer bike up Mt. Fuji in high gear.
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer give up football for life.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer walk on hot coals.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer eat hummus.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer ask for directions.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: skydive without a parachute.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: actually attempt to be romantic.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Sentynel: +4, Kalimeris: +2, Goosey: +1.
NessaChan: lol I forgot too many of these
CamouFairyBot: 8/20.
asks: "If Camou-Fairy had no wings and too much makeup, what would she look like?"
NessaChan: dreamy
Kalimeris: even more gorgeous
NessaChan: a person
Goosey: barbie
Nyperold: barbie
NessaChan: hanna montana
Goosey: hot
NessaChan: awesome
Goosey: That picture
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer:
Sam: You all keep getting that one wrong.
Kalimeris: shush
Goosey: :P
goldfishy: That picture does nothing for her boobs
goldfishy: or well the top really
CamouFairyBot: 9/20.
asks: "How many frames of animation does Camou-Fairy have?"
Kalimeris: 3
NessaChan: 3
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer 3.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +1.
Goosey: 17
NessaChan: d'oh!
Sentynel: Somehow, I managed to typo a "/b" into that. ???
CamouFairyBot: 10/20.
asks: "How many fireflies are trapped inside Camou-Fairy's wings?"
Kalimeris: 19
NessaChan: 17
Sentynel: 19
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer 19.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +1.
Sentynel: Beat.
Sentynel: I gotta speed up.
CamouFairyBot: 11/20.
asks: "Where does Camou-Fairy have blinky parts?"
Kalimeris: wings
NessaChan: belly button
Sentynel: feet
Kalimeris: belly button
Sentynel: heart
Kalimeris: heart
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer wings.
CamouFairyBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer some miscellaneous stomach area that's not quite the belly button.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer probably her toenails (but nobody is quite sure).
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer her warm wonderful heart.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Sentynel: +2, Kalimeris: +1, NessaChan: +1.
Kalimeris: Same second on heart, there
Sam: Yeah, man.
CamouFairyBot: 12/20.
asks: "What colors are the Camou-Fairy?"
Kalimeris: green
Kalimeris: flesh
NessaChan: green
Sentynel: white
NessaChan: dreamy
Sentynel: glowy
Kalimeris: blonde
NessaChan: yellow
Goosey: black
Sentynel: yellow
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer cool green.
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer indescribably awesome flesh tone.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer white...wing veins?.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer some sort of glowy color.
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer silky blonde.
CamouFairyBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer sparkly yellow.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +3, Sentynel: +2, NessaChan: +1.
Kalimeris: glowy
NessaChan: blonde
CamouFairyBot: 13/20.
asks: "What roles has Camou-Fairy played in Ultimate Bot Tournaments?"
Kalimeris: brianna
Sentynel: herself
NessaChan: dreamy
Kalimeris: herself
Sentynel: hayley
goldfishy: eye candy
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer Brianna/Janet.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer Herself.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer Hayley.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Sentynel: +2, Kalimeris: +1.
Kalimeris: hannah montana
Kalimeris: NOM chicken
Maryam: Sent's gonna pass me at this rate.
Maryam: TENSE
Sentynel: Well I sure didn't revise for this for fun!
Kalimeris: Sents gonna steal my fairybot
CamouFairyBot: 14/20.
asks: "Who is Camou-Fairy's arch-nemesis?"
NessaChan: dreamy
NessaChan: meanies
Kalimeris: gothgirl
Nyperold: hook
NessaChan: that punk girl
Nyperold: anti-ken
Goosey: The one we can't answer 'cause it's another picture.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer:
CamouFairyBot: 15/20.
asks: "What words or phrases describe Camou-Fairy's hair?"
NessaChan: dreamy
Kalimeris: blonde
Sentynel: perfect
Kalimeris: 6 parts
NessaChan: blonde
Sentynel: blonde
Sentynel: six partys
NessaChan: silky
Goosey: yellow
Kalimeris: beautiful
Sentynel: six parts
Sentynel: clean
Randy: cutely
Sentynel: shoulder-length
Kalimeris: not glowy
NessaChan: awesome
Kalimeris: hot
Sentynel: not blinking
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer naturally blonde.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer perfect.
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer parted in six different places and still looks completely awesome.
CamouFairyBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer silky.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer clean.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer shoulder-length.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer inexplicably not blinking.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Sentynel: +4, Kalimeris: +2, NessaChan: +1.
Kalimeris: sexy
NessaChan: slinky
Kalimeris: WOO
Sam: But you can't undress her everywhere.
Sam: She's too awesome to be tarnished like that.
CamouFairyBot: 16/20.
asks: "What other fairies are incredibly hot and cool, though obviously not in the same league as Camou-Fairy?"
Kalimeris: prom
Kalimeris: jean
Kalimeris: rose
Goosey: red
Kalimeris: blue
Sentynel: tinjkerbell
Sentynel: ll
NessaChan: hotsuitgy
Kalimeris: tinkerbell
Sentynel: ARGH
Kalimeris: gold
Sentynel: sky
Kalimeris: charlie
Sentynel: flower
Sentynel: glodie
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer
CamouFairyBot: Goosey wins a point with answer
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer:
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +5, Sentynel: +2, Goosey: +1.
Sentynel: blue
Kalimeris: flower
Kalimeris: RAR
Sam: Poor Purple.
Sentynel: The typo bug got me.
Sam: You're both probably going to break the high score on this.
CamouFairyBot: 17/20.
asks: "What words or phrases describe Camou-Fairy's eyelashes?"
Kalimeris: long
Goosey: long
Sentynel: black
Kalimeris: black
NessaChan: dreamy
Sentynel: sexty
Kalimeris: sexy
Sentynel: sexy
NessaChan: blinky
Kalimeris: hot
Sentynel: hot
Kalimeris: two
Sentynel: larger than her eyes
Kalimeris: one
NessaChan: camou-y
Sentynel: same color as her cleavage
NessaChan: dark
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer long.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer black.
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer sexy.
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer hot.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer larger than her actual eyes.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer same color as her cleavage.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: #1 cause of high blood pressure.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +3, Sentynel: +3.
goldfishy: If my wings didn't go side to side I'd be awesome
CamouFairyBot: 18/20.
asks: "Why is the Camou-Fairy so cool?"
NessaChan: dreamy
Kalimeris: she just is
NessaChan: wings
Sentynel: wings
NessaChan: blinky
Kalimeris: blinky
Sentynel: pants
Nyperold: cows
NessaChan: belly button
Sentynel: smile
Kalimeris: beautiful
goldfishy: Because Sam says so
NessaChan: hair
Sentynel: skin
Kalimeris: no feet
Sentynel: firefly wings
Kalimeris: hot
NessaChan: patches
FantasyFreak: sparkly
Sentynel: busts
NessaChan: arm
Kalimeris: perfect
NessaChan: eyes
NessaChan: hair
Nyperold: cow
Kalimeris: I said busts
CamouFairyBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer duh -- she's got wings....
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer magic holds her pants up despite the lack of hips.
CamouFairyBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer sent a cow to spy on LaZorra.
CamouFairyBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer perhaps has translucent skin -- which explains why we can see she has eaten a wireless ethernet hub.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer cute little dimply smile.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer ...wings with FIREFLIES IN THEM!.
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer busts the 1-7 hotness scale by at least three points over the top.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer heh heh -- I said "busts".
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: makes bell-bottom camouflage pants look good.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: very difficult to see when an arcade is behind her.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: doesn't hate people that hate her even though they suck and deserve it.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Sentynel: +4, NessaChan: +2, Kalimeris: +1, Nyperold: +1.
Kalimeris: rates higher than 7
Sam: The previous high score on CamouFairyBot was 26, so you've both broken it.
Kalimeris: Oi
Sentynel: Heheh.
Sentynel: I said "busts".
Kalimeris: hahaha
Sam: LOL
Kalimeris: <3
Sam: Indeed you did.
Sentynel: I was looking forward to that one.
CamouFairyBot: 19/20.
asks: "What words or phrases describe Camou-Fairy's fashion sense?"
NessaChan: dreamy
Kalimeris: awesome
Kalimeris: amazing
Sentynel: camouflage
NessaChan: blotchy
NessaChan: camo-y
Sentynel: bichromatic
Kalimeris: bichromatic
Sentynel: not plaid
NessaChan: blinky
Sentynel: fabric belt
Sentynel: skirt
NessaChan: perfect
Kalimeris: blinky
Sentynel: lights
Kalimeris: eschews plaid
Sentynel: bellybutton
NessaChan: dual color
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer awesome.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer when she's in the jungle it looks like her legs are missing and her abdomen is detached.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer bichromatic.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer eschews plaid (too gaudy!).
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer likes belts made of pants fabric.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer never entirely sure that her pants aren't actually a long skirt.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer the secret of her belly button adornment is a mystery we may only long to solve.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: no need for warm clothes with all those lights radiating heat.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Sentynel: +6, Kalimeris: +1.
Kalimeris: WHOA
Sam: Wow!
Sentynel: OH YEAH
Sam: Kali, you gotta make it all up on this last question.
Kalimeris: What.
Kalimeris: I don't think so.
Sam: You can do it!
CamouFairyBot: 20/20.
asks: "What words or phrases describe Camou-Fairy's eyes?"
Sentynel: two
NessaChan: dreamy
Nyperold: come-hither-but-i'm-a-good-girl
Kalimeris: two
Sentynel: intact
NessaChan: beautiful
Kalimeris: black
Sentynel: limpid pools
Kalimeris: white
Sentynel: white
NessaChan: eyelashes
Kalimeris: perfect
Sentynel: cute
Kalimeris: reamy
NessaChan: black
Kalimeris: sexy
NessaChan: small
Kalimeris: hot
Sentynel: alluring
Kalimeris: same color as cleavage
NessaChan: dots
Sentynel: not bloodshot
NessaChan: awesome
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer two.
CamouFairyBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer come-hither-but-I'm-a-good-girl.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer seemingly intact.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer limpid pools.
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer white (at least that one pixel is).
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer cute.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer alluring.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer not bloodshot.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: smily.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Sentynel: +6, Kalimeris: +1, Nyperold: +1.
CamouFairyBot: Sentynel wins!
Kalimeris: WHOA
NessaChan: woo
Goosey: WOW.
* NessaChan is left in the dust
Sentynel: That was so worth the revision time.
* Kalimeris HUGS Sentynel!
* Sentynel HUGS Kalimeris!
Maryam: That's gotta be the biggest bot score ever.
Sentynel: The last couple of questions, I know what they were likely to be, which helped.
NessaChan: hehe
Sam: Congratulations to Sentynel, breaking Kalimeris's 4-game winning streak. But hey, let's give it up for Kali, too, who made a GREAT competition and is one of only two people ever to win a bot in four UBTs in a row!
ThePhan: Yay Sent and Kali!
Goosey: WOOOO
Sentynel: Yeah, that wouldn't have been half as fun without her capable competition.
Kalimeris: hehehe
Kalimeris: That was AWESOME
Sam: By the way, the biggest bot score ever is 48. Then there were two 47's. But then tonight's 45 is next.
Maryam: Now I believe Sent's 22 points in the lead.
Sam: Oh, but the record for NON-RPSBot bots was 41, when gremlinn got 41 in JumbleBot one time.
Maryam: Non... rock paper scissors?
Sentynel: Yeah, that bot rather lends itself to enormous scores...
* Sentynel checks for any interesting new election results while he was distracted
Sentynel: Bah, no. The other seat I'm waiting for still isn't out, and is apparently delayed for another hour yet.
Sentynel: So by that logic, not only do I have the largest non-RPSbot score, but I'm directly responsible for the three larger scores?
Sam: Not three. The top six scores (prior to your 45 in CFBot) all came from RPSBot.
Sentynel: Okay, wow.
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=8 Sentynel also wins the Dreeeeeamy Class as a whole!
Sentynel: Worrying.
Sentynel: Is that the only class I've won?
Maryam: Dude, you studied for it.
Maryam: You only have yourself to blame.
Sentynel: Hah, yes.
Kalimeris: Hey man, I study for camou too. I ... kinda forgot to this time around, I looked a little beforehand
Kalimeris: But you still rockedddd
Kalimeris: INSANELY
* Sentynel writes this down in "life's greatest achievements" - "I rock at CamouFairyBot"
Goosey: LOL
Kalimeris: DO IT
Sam: But you're likely to take the Associative Class in a moment too, unless Maryam beats you by 11 points or more. And then you'd still be a co-winner of it.
Sam: The final bot in the tournament, PicMatchBot, will start in 5 minutes.
Sentynel: "The Liberal Democrats are actually beating Labour in England in terms of votes, but they are down 54-15 on seats. So even without Scotland and Wales they still have a lopsided advantage." . . .
Sentynel: They are as well. 2,551k to 2,492k.
Sentynel: Which would put them just short of majority.
Sentynel: Dear UK electoral system, <unprintable in RinkChat>
Sam: I just saw that. That's insanity.
Sentynel: Yes. Yes it is.
Sentynel: I'm seeing Girl tomorrow. I'll have to restrain myself. She's pretty political too, but I don't want to go on at her all lunch about it...
* Maryam thinks Sent's post is more entertaining if you remove the second half.
goldfishy: Just tell her how you're a winner at being Dreeeeeaaaamy ;-p
Sam: Yeah. See, now you have credentials to prove you understand women.
Sam: She'll be impressed!
ThePhan: "Would you like me to list words describing CamouFairy's eyelashes?"
Sentynel: Oh man, I can see that conversation...
Sam: Sounds like a pretty hot date!
Goosey: LOL
Sam: Is it fair if I just TopicBot "I'm seeing Girl tomorrow. I'll have to restrain myself." ?
Sentynel: Not really, but it isn't going to stop you, is it? =p
Sam: Probably not.
ThePhan: LOL
Sam: I did TopicBot "Sentynel: And, of course, after you've used it to save yourself from certain doom, your pants fall down." earlier.
Sentynel: Haha, I thought that one was probably going in.
Kalimeris: Wait. Who's Girl?
Goosey: Sent has a GIRL.
Sentynel: Her full name is Girl I'm Seeing.
Kalimeris: Ooooooooooh
Goosey: LOL
Maryam: Is she ever going to come in here?
Goosey: Yeah, you guys have been going out for awhile. Time to introduce. ![;-)](/rinkchat/smileys/wink.gif)
Sentynel: Maybe.
Sam: Hey, let's wrap this party up.
PicMatchBot has been summoned by Sam.
NessaChan: yay picmatch bot
ThePhan: Time to match some pics!
Goosey: LAST BOT
* SirDude checks and confirms that you can dump specific items
Sam: We'll just do one mode, matching pictures to an adjective. I vaguely recall someone suggested that last time.
Nyperold: Indeed!
Sam: Yes, you can dump specific items from your hand, even when you're also matching during that round.
Goosey: ...
Goosey: Wow, it went so quiet.
Sentynel: It is a silence of anticipation.
* goldfishy silently screams at one of her images
PicMatchBot: ThePhan chose the adjective jointed for this round. (1/* accepted)
ThePhan: match 3
NessaChan: match 4
SirDude: match 2
Nyperold: match 1
Sam: dump 1 2 5 7
Maryam: match 1
Sam: match 4
Goosey: match 4
goldfishy: match 7
Maryam: dump 3 5
Sentynel: match 7
ThePhan: dump 4
Sentynel: dump 1 5
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective jointed. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for
. Vote 2 for
. Vote 3 for
. Vote 4 for
. Vote 5 for
. Vote 6 for
. Vote 7 for
. Vote 8 for
. Vote 9 for
Maryam: vote 5
SirDude: vote 8
ThePhan: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 4
goldfishy: vote 4
Goosey: vote 4
Sam: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 2
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 3 points for
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: goldfishy wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sentynel loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Sentynel: vote 5
Sentynel: OI
SirDude: Aw, and I wanted that point too
Sam: First round results in a 2-point swing in Maryam's favor!
PicMatchBot: SirDude chose the adjective troubled for this round. (1/* accepted)
Zup: match 4
NessaChan: match 4
ThePhan: match 4
Maryam: match 6
Sam: match 1
SirDude: match 3
Goosey: match 1
goldfishy: match 2
Nyperold: match 6
ThePhan: dump 1
Zup: match 6
Sam: dump 4
Sentynel: match 3
Maryam: dump 4 7
Zup: dump 1
Zup: dump 3
Goosey: dump 5 4
Nyperold: Aw, new pic would've been great last round.
Sentynel: dump 7
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective troubled. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for
. Vote 2 for
. Vote 3 for
. Vote 4 for
. Vote 5 for
. Vote 6 for
. Vote 7 for
. Vote 8 for
. Vote 9 for
. Vote 10 for
SirDude: vite 6
Sentynel: vote 1
SirDude: vote 6
Zup: vote 10
Sam: vote 7
Maryam: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 7
NessaChan: vote 9
Goosey: vote 8
Nyperold: match 7
goldfishy: vite 6
goldfishy: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 7
SirDude: Another of my possible picks was "troubling." Hmm.
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 4 points for
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: goldfishy wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Nyperold chose the adjective free for this round. (1/* accepted)
Nyperold: match 2
Maryam: match 4
ThePhan: match 3
SirDude: match 7
Zup: match 1
Sam: match 5
NessaChan: match 6
goldfishy: match 7
Zup: dump 3 4
Sam: dump 6 7
Maryam: dump 5
Goosey: match 7
Sentynel: match 1
NessaChan: dump 4 5
Sentynel: dump 7
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective free. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for
. Vote 2 for
. Vote 3 for
. Vote 4 for
. Vote 5 for
. Vote 6 for
. Vote 7 for
. Vote 8 for
. Vote 9 for
. Vote 10 for
Goosey: dump 3 5 6
ThePhan: vote 7
Goosey: vote 1
Maryam: vote 4
SirDude: vote 10
Nyperold: vote 4
Sentynel: vote 5
goldfishy: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 5
Sam: vote 1
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 3 points for
PicMatchBot: goldfishy wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Zup loses a point for submitting and not voting.
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the adjective swollen for this round. (1/* accepted)
NessaChan: match 1
goldfishy: match 5
SirDude: match 2
ThePhan: match 5
Goosey: match 5
Sentynel: match 1
Nyperold: match 7
Maryam: match 2
Sentynel: dump 6 7
Sam: match 4
NessaChan: dump 2 6 7
Sam: dump 5 7
Maryam: dump 7
Goosey: dump 4 6
Zup: match 6
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective swollen. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for
. Vote 2 for
. Vote 3 for
. Vote 4 for
. Vote 5 for
. Vote 6 for
. Vote 7 for
. Vote 8 for
. Vote 9 for
. Vote 10 for
Zup: vote 3
Sam: vote 3
Goosey: vote 3
Maryam: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 3
SirDude: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 8
Nyperold: vote 3
goldfishy: vote 1
SirDude: vote 8
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 6 points for
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: Sentynel wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sentynel loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Sentynel: vote 2
Sentynel: ARGH
Sam: Maryam will win the UBT thanks to the election.
Goosey: LOL
Maryam: Except he would have voted for me.
PicMatchBot: goldfishy chose the adjective elegant for this round. (1/* accepted)
Maryam: match 2
NessaChan: match 2
Zup: match 5
Nyperold: match 5
Sam: match 4
Maryam: dump 5 6 7
SirDude: match 5
Sam: dump 6 7
Zup: dump 6
NessaChan: dump 4 7
goldfishy: match 6
Sentynel: match 3
Goosey: match 6
Sentynel: dump 5 7
ThePhan: match 2
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective elegant. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for
. Vote 2 for
. Vote 3 for
. Vote 4 for
. Vote 5 for
. Vote 6 for
. Vote 7 for
. Vote 8 for
. Vote 9 for
. Vote 10 for
Goosey: match 7
Zup: vote 10
ThePhan: vote 10
Sam: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 2
SirDude: vote 10
goldfishy: vote 8
Maryam: vote 2
Sentynel: vote 10
Goosey: vote 9
NessaChan: vote 9
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 4 points for
PicMatchBot: goldfishy wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: Sentynel wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for
* NessaChan needs points too
Sentynel: WHAT
Sentynel: RAGE
Sentynel: Lib Dem loss on a 7% swing.
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the adjective secretive for this round. (1/* accepted)
NessaChan: match 1
Zup: match 5
Maryam: match 5
SirDude: match 2
Sam: match 6
Nyperold: match 4
NessaChan: dump 5 7
Sentynel: match 5
Sam: dump 7 5
ThePhan: vote 4
goldfishy: match 4
Goosey: match 2
ThePhan: dump 7
Zup: dump 1
Sentynel: dump 6
Maryam: dump 7
Sentynel: dump 7
ThePhan: match 4
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective secretive. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for
. Vote 2 for
. Vote 3 for
. Vote 4 for
. Vote 5 for
. Vote 6 for
. Vote 7 for
. Vote 8 for
. Vote 9 for
. Vote 10 for
SirDude: vote 9
Zup: vote 9
ThePhan: vote 9
Maryam: vote 3
Goosey: vote 9
* SirDude chuckles at 6
Nyperold: vote 9
Sentynel: vote 9
NessaChan: vote 6
goldfishy: vote 2
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 6 points for
PicMatchBot: goldfishy wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sam loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Sam: vote 6
NessaChan: I hate when I think I picked something perfect and it totally fails
Maryam: That happens to me. Usually because someone else just manages to have something better.
* Sentynel wonders what ill-advised term Goosey looked up
Goosey: Sent: I'm cataloguing medical books. I need to class them. I thought looking up a certain disease might aid me.
* Goosey needs eye bleach.
PicMatchBot: NessaChan chose the adjective unstable for this round. (1/* accepted)
NessaChan: match 3
Zup: match 4
Sam: match 1
Maryam: match 6
Nyperold: match 2
Sam: dump 5 6
NessaChan: dump 2 7
Sentynel: match 7
SirDude: match 2
Maryam: dump 7 4
goldfishy: match 2
Sentynel: dump 5 6
ThePhan: match 4
goldfishy: match 5
ThePhan: dump 7
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective unstable. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for
. Vote 2 for
. Vote 3 for
. Vote 4 for
. Vote 5 for
. Vote 6 for
. Vote 7 for
. Vote 8 for
. Vote 9 for
Goosey: match 6
SirDude: vote 1
Zup: vote 1
Goosey: vote 8
Nyperold: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 6
Maryam: vote 2
Sam: vote 1
Sentynel: vote 5
goldfishy: vote 7
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 4 points for
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: goldfishy wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Sentynel wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for
Maryam: Like this time, I thought I would get a ton of votes, but apparently my pic is just not unstable enough.
Zup: Man, I thought that'd get me more votes.
ThePhan: Maryam: I almost voted for you!
Sam: Tories are pacing at 314 now.
Sentynel: The Tories won Oxford West by *one hundred and seventy six* votes.
Sam: There will be a recount there.
ThePhan: I have Henrietta saved on my computer. Because she always makes me laugh.
Sam: TP: She makes me laugh too, but I don't know that the eye pain is worth it.
goldfishy: Scary
PicMatchBot: Goosey chose the adjective comic for this round. (1/* accepted)
ThePhan: match 7
Zup: match 2
Maryam: match 6
NessaChan: match 5
Maryam: match 4
SirDude: match 6
Goosey: match 4
Sam: match 1
Nyperold: match 4
Sam: dump 5 6
Zup: match 7
NessaChan: dump 2 1
Sentynel: match 1
goldfishy: match 7
Maryam: match 6
Maryam: dump 7
Maryam: I can't decide between two.
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective comic. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for
. Vote 2 for
. Vote 3 for
. Vote 4 for
. Vote 5 for
. Vote 6 for
. Vote 7 for
. Vote 8 for
. Vote 9 for
. Vote 10 for
Sentynel: dump 5 7
SirDude: Uh, wow. Almost everything I have works here
Sam: hahaha
NessaChan: lol
Sam: vote 10
Zup: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 7
Goosey: vote 3
Maryam: vote 3
SirDude: vote 7
goldfishy: vote 2
NessaChan: vote 10
ThePhan: vote 10
Sentynel: vote 2
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 3 points for
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: Sentynel wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for
* Nyperold squeezes 6 until it pops.
Zup: I'm going surfing this weekend! huzzah!
ThePhan: Zup: I thought you said "I'm going surfing this weekend! Hannah!" and got very confused because that's my name.
Zup: hahaha
PicMatchBot: Maryam chose the adjective fake for this round. (1/* accepted)
Maryam: match 7
Sam: match 1
ThePhan: match 7
Nyperold: match 6
NessaChan: pick 7
Sam: dump 5 6
Zup: match 6
ThePhan: dump 6
Sam: dump 3
Goosey: match 6
SirDude: match 7
Zup: dump 7
Sentynel: match 7
Zup: dump 3
goldfishy: match 2
NessaChan: dump 5 6
Sentynel: dump 4 5 6
Maryam: dump 5
Maryam: dump 2
SirDude: dump 1 2 6
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective fake. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for
. Vote 2 for
. Vote 3 for
. Vote 4 for
. Vote 5 for
. Vote 6 for
. Vote 7 for
. Vote 8 for
. Vote 9 for
Zup: vote 1
Sam: I can tell all these by the pixels.
SirDude: vote 3
Goosey: vote 3
Maryam: vote 2
Sentynel: vote 1
NessaChan: oh, darn, I said pick instead of match.
Nyperold: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 3
goldfishy: vote 5
Sam: match 1
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 4 points for
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: Sentynel wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sam loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Zup: Yay!
Sam: Aargh.
Goosey: LOL
Sentynel: The election strikes again?
Sam: No, I typed "match."
Zup: LOL
PicMatchBot: Goosey's score has been incremented by 1 point.
PicMatchBot: Sam's score has been incremented by 1 point.
Sam: I think I've been consistent making up lost scores on those.
Goosey: Yay!
PicMatchBot: Sam chose the adjective naughty for this round. (1/* accepted)
Sam: match 1
Sam: dump 5 6 7
SirDude: match 7
ThePhan: match 6
NessaChan: match 1
ThePhan: dump 7
Zup: match 2
Maryam: match 4
Nyperold: match 7
goldfishy: mach 4
Sentynel: goldfishy matches at four times the speed of sound!
goldfishy: match 4
Maryam: dump 5 6
Sentynel: match 2
Zup: dump 5 6 7
Maryam: match 2
NessaChan: dump 5 6 7
Goosey: match 7
SirDude: Good thing I did all that dumping last round...
Zup: SirDude: ewwww
Sentynel: dump 4 5 6 7
Sam: Tories on pace for 317 now.
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective naughty. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for
. Vote 2 for
. Vote 3 for
. Vote 4 for
. Vote 5 for
. Vote 6 for
. Vote 7 for
. Vote 8 for
. Vote 9 for
. Vote 10 for
Zup: vote 4
SirDude: vote 4
Sentynel: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 9
Sam: vote 5
Maryam: vote 8
goldfishy: vote 5
Goosey: vote 10
NessaChan: vote 9
Goosey: LOL @ 8
ThePhan: vote 9
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 3 points for
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 3 points for
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for
Sam: Er.
Sam: What's THAT doing there!?
Goosey: ?
Sam: That pic.
Sam: #8.
Sam: Funny, but I'm surprised I put it in there.
Goosey: Um. I don't know.
Sam: I wonder if I realized what it was.
Goosey: LOL
Goosey: It is pretty hilarious.
PicMatchBot: Maryam chose the adjective twisted for this round. (1/* accepted)
Maryam: match 6
NessaChan: match 2
Zup: match 4
Goosey: match 5
Nyperold: match 4
Sam: match 4
Maryam: dump 7
Sentynel: match 3
Zup: dump 5 7
Goosey: dump 1 2 3 4 6 7
ThePhan: match 6
SirDude: match 4
goldfishy: match 3
Sentynel: dump 4 5 6 7
Sam: dump 6
Maryam: dump 2 3
Maryam: dump 5
Sentynel: dump 1
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective twisted. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for
. Vote 2 for
. Vote 3 for
. Vote 4 for
. Vote 5 for
. Vote 6 for
. Vote 7 for
. Vote 8 for
. Vote 9 for
. Vote 10 for
Zup: vote 10
SirDude: vote 8
Maryam: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 4
goldfishy: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 9
NessaChan: vote 2
Sentynel: vote 10
Sam: vote 10
Goosey: vote 4
Sentynel: I love that beard guy.
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 3 points for
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for
Sam: Is #6 one of the Mr. Men? And if so, which one?
Zup: I should have saved my clown for "creepy."
* SirDude thinks he's seen 1 somewhere before, but...
Maryam: SD: Project B-ko.
Maryam: Or is it C-ko?
Maryam: Or maybe A-ko.
Maryam: Help me out here. Which ko is it in the title?
NessaChan: Maryam: what?
Maryam: Project A-ko. That's which one it is.
NessaChan: oh right
PicMatchBot: NessaChan chose the adjective tranquil for this round. (1/* accepted)
ThePhan: match 3
NessaChan: match 2
ThePhan: dump 5 7
Zup: match 5
Maryam: match 1
Sam: match 3
goldfishy: match 7
SirDude: match 5
Sam: dump 7
Nyperold: match 5
Goosey: match 7
Maryam: dump 4 5 7
NessaChan: dump 1 4 5 6 7
Sentynel: match 7
Sentynel: dump 3 4 5
Sentynel: I don't get it. The Lib Dems get a 4.3% swing from the Conservatives in one place, and lose a 7.2% swing to them in another!?
Sam: Tories on pace for 323 now. Geez, maybe they'll do it after all.
Sentynel: They'd better not.
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective tranquil. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for
. Vote 2 for
. Vote 3 for
. Vote 4 for
. Vote 5 for
. Vote 6 for
. Vote 7 for
. Vote 8 for
. Vote 9 for
. Vote 10 for
Zup: vote 1
SirDude: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 7
Goosey: vote 8
Sam: vote 8
Maryam: vote 8
NessaChan: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 2
Sentynel: vote 1
goldfishy: vote 8
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 4 points for
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for
Sentynel: Hahaha, Jacqui Smith just lost on a 9 point swing.
Sam: Sent: Wikipedia's page on Jacqui Smith got a dozen or so edits in the last couple minutes, including undos.
PicMatchBot: Zup chose the adjective foreign for this round. (1/* accepted)
Zup: match 5
Nyperold: match 7
ThePhan: match 5
SirDude: match 5
Goosey: match 2
NessaChan: match 2
ThePhan: dump 5 6
Sentynel: match 2
goldfishy: match 3
Maryam: match 2
NessaChan: dump 3 4 5 6 7
Sentynel: dump 3 4 6 7
ThePhan: er, undump 5?
Maryam: dump 4 5 6 7
ThePhan: match 5
ThePhan: dump 3
* ThePhan has no idea what she's just done.
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective foreign. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for
. Vote 2 for
. Vote 3 for
. Vote 4 for
. Vote 5 for
. Vote 6 for
. Vote 7 for
. Vote 8 for
. Vote 9 for
Sam: vote 1
Zup: vote 1
SirDude: vote 1
ThePhan: Oh good. Phew. Heh
goldfishy: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 1
Goosey: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 5
Sentynel: vote 5
Maryam: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 9
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 5 points for
PicMatchBot: goldfishy wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for
goldfishy: ewwww
PicMatchBot: Nyperold chose the adjective squeaky clean for this round. (1/* accepted)
ThePhan: match 5
NessaChan: match 6
Maryam: match 3
goldfishy: match 7
Nyperold: match 4
Zup: match 1
Maryam: dump 4 5 6 7
ThePhan: dump 6 7 1
Goosey: match 7
SirDude: match 4
NessaChan: dump 1 2 3 5 7
Sentynel: match 6
Sam: match 2
Zup: dump 6
Goosey: dump 2 3 6
Sentynel: dump 3 4 1
Zup: dump 5
Sam: dump 7
Sam: dump 4
SirDude: dump 2 5 7
goldfishy: dump 1 2 3 4 5 6
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective squeaky clean. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for
. Vote 2 for
. Vote 3 for
. Vote 4 for
. Vote 5 for
. Vote 6 for
. Vote 7 for
. Vote 8 for
. Vote 9 for
. Vote 10 for
Zup: vote 1
goldfishy: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 1
SirDude: vote 3
Maryam: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 7
Sam: vote 3
Goosey: vote 9
Sentynel: vote 7
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 3 points for
PicMatchBot: Sentynel wins 3 points for
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: goldfishy wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for
Maryam: Sent: Argh. Stop gaining points whenever I gain points.
Sentynel: Maryam: Okay. You stop gaining points, I'll keep gaining them, we're sorted. =)
Maryam: Not that I really have any hope of winning.
PicMatchBot: SirDude chose the adjective harmful for this round. (1/* accepted)
SirDude: match 1
NessaChan: match 3
Sentynel: match 3
Zup: match 4
Maryam: match 7
Sentynel: match 6
Sam: match 4
Nyperold: match 2
goldfishy: match 5
Sam: dump 5 7
NessaChan: dump 6 7
Sentynel: dump 4 5 7
ThePhan: match 5
Maryam: dump 3 5
Sam: Tories on pace for 324.
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective harmful. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for
. Vote 2 for
. Vote 3 for
. Vote 4 for
. Vote 5 for
. Vote 6 for
. Vote 7 for
. Vote 8 for
. Vote 9 for
Zup: vote 7
SirDude: match 6
Maryam: vote 6
SirDude: vote 6
goldfishy: vote 7
Sam: I totally don't remember finding a picture of it for this game.
Nyperold: vote 6
ThePhan: vote 7
* SirDude spaces out like Sam did earlier
Sam: vote 2
NessaChan: vote 3
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 3 points for
PicMatchBot: Sentynel wins 3 points for
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sentynel loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Sentynel: vote 2
Sentynel: OI
Sentynel: Bad election. >=(
ThePhan: I had such a good one that fit this time too. Meh.
ThePhan: But at least I gave Sam a cool sign.
goldfishy: I always think >=( looks like a strange sad bird with a crest on it's head
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the adjective homely for this round. (1/* accepted)
Zup: match 2
Maryam: match 7
ThePhan: match 5
NessaChan: match 3
SirDude: match 2
Sam: match 3
Nyperold: match 7
ThePhan: dump 7
Sam: dump 5 6 7
NessaChan: dump 4 6 7
Maryam: dump 3 5 6 2
Sentynel: My images took so long to load I didn't get to pick =(
goldfishy: match 6
Goosey: match 6
Nyperold: match 1
Sentynel: match 5
Sentynel: dump 4 6 7
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective homely. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for
. Vote 2 for
. Vote 3 for
. Vote 4 for
. Vote 5 for
. Vote 6 for
. Vote 7 for
. Vote 8 for
. Vote 9 for
. Vote 10 for
Zup: vote 6
SirDude: vote 7
Maryam: vote 1
Sam: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 4
Sentynel: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 10
goldfishy: vote 1
Goosey: vote 8
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 3 points for
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: goldfishy wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for
ThePhan: #10 makes me freak out.
Goosey: Yes, yes it do.
goldfishy: 2 is just very very wrong
NessaChan: It was probably for a doll identification guide or something
Sam: Yeah.
PicMatchBot: Goosey chose the adjective macho for this round. (1/* accepted)
ThePhan: match 7
Goosey: match 2
Maryam: match 7
ThePhan: dump 6
SirDude: match 5
Nyperold: match 5
Sam: match 4
goldfishy: match 7
Sentynel: match 3
Zup: match 6
Sentynel: dump 5 6 7
SirDude: dump 1 2 6
Zup: match 7
Sam: dump 6 7
NessaChan: match 5
NessaChan: dump 4
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective macho. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for
. Vote 2 for
. Vote 3 for
. Vote 4 for
. Vote 5 for
. Vote 6 for
. Vote 7 for
. Vote 8 for
. Vote 9 for
. Vote 10 for
SirDude: vote 10
Zup: vote 6
NessaChan: lol
goldfishy: vote 1
Sentynel: vote 1
Maryam: vote 8
Goosey: vote 3
SirDude: HM 1
NessaChan: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 8
ThePhan: vote 8
NessaChan: vote 7
Sam: vote 1
PicMatchBot: goldfishy wins 3 points for
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 3 points for
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for
Goosey: I love that TWO people had Tarzan pics for that.
PicMatchBot: goldfishy chose the adjective arousing for this round. (1/* accepted)
goldfishy: match 4
NessaChan: match 5
Maryam: match 7
ThePhan: match 3
Nyperold: match 6
Zup: match 7
Sam: match 4
NessaChan: dump 7 2 4
Maryam: dump 4
Sam: dump 5 6 7
Maryam: dump 5
SirDude: match 1
* ThePhan has only ones that would be kind of creepy to match. Heh.
Maryam: Nooo, undump 4
Maryam: That was a typo!
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective arousing. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for
. Vote 2 for
. Vote 3 for
. Vote 4 for
. Vote 5 for
. Vote 6 for
. Vote 7 for
. Vote 8 for
Zup: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 3
Maryam: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 5
SirDude: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 3
Sam: vote 3
goldfishy: vote 4
PicMatchBot: goldfishy wins 4 points for
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for
* SirDude thinks his submission for "Naughty" earlier would fit much better here...
Nyperold: Somebody got points for food. I should've put in my food one.
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the adjective amorous for this round. (1/* accepted)
Zup: match 5
Sentynel: match 4
Maryam: match 5
NessaChan: match 4
ThePhan: match 5
ThePhan: dump 6
Sam: 650 * 222 / 445 = 324.27. Is that what you get?
Sentynel: dump 5 6 7
Goosey: match 2
Maryam: dump 3 2
NessaChan: dump 5 6 7
goldfishy: match 7
SirDude: match 2
Nyperold: match 3
Goosey: dump 3 4 5 6 7
Sam: dump 5 6 7
NessaChan: dump 3 1
Sam: dump 4
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective amorous. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for
. Vote 2 for
. Vote 3 for
. Vote 4 for
. Vote 5 for
. Vote 6 for
. Vote 7 for
. Vote 8 for
. Vote 9 for
Zup: vote 2
Maryam: vote 2
SirDude: vote 2
Sam: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 2
NessaChan: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 2
NessaChan: vote 5
Sentynel: vote 1
Goosey: vote 9
goldfishy: vote 3
PicMatchBot: Sentynel wins 6 points for
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: ThePhan chose the adjective animated for this round. (1/* accepted)
Zup: match 2
NessaChan: match 5
SirDude: match 5
Maryam: match 4
Goosey: match 1
Nyperold: match 1
NessaChan: dump 7 2 3
* ThePhan doesn't really have any that fit this. Heh. *Shrug*
goldfishy: match 2
Maryam: dump 4 5 6
Sentynel: match 4
Sentynel: dump 6
Maryam: match 4
Maryam: dump 7
Sam: match 3
ThePhan: match 5
ThePhan: dump 6
Sam: match 6
goldfishy: dump 1 4 6 7
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective animated. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for
. Vote 2 for
. Vote 3 for
. Vote 4 for
. Vote 5 for
. Vote 6 for
. Vote 7 for
. Vote 8 for
. Vote 9 for
. Vote 10 for
Maryam: Emotion Eric!
NessaChan: lol emotion eric
Sam: dump 5 7 4
Zup: vote 5
SirDude: vote 8
Sentynel: HAHAHAHA. 84 people voted for Mad Cap'n Tom in Westminster.
Maryam: vote 9
Nyperold: vote 8
NessaChan: vote 1
Sam: vote 2
Goosey: vote 2
Sentynel: vote 9
goldfishy: vote 9
ThePhan: match 8
ThePhan: Er.
ThePhan: vote 8
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 3 points for
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for
ThePhan: Yay, creatures with lightsabers!
Sentynel: Squirrels.
PicMatchBot: Goosey chose the adjective unpopular for this round. (1/* accepted)
Goosey: match 2
Maryam: match 5
NessaChan: match 7
ThePhan: match 4
SirDude: match 6
Nyperold: match 6
Sentynel: match 7
Maryam: dump 4 6 7
Sentynel: dump 6
ThePhan: dump 7
Zup: match 5
Sam: match 3
Sam: dump 4 5 6 7
NessaChan: dump 6
goldfishy: match 5
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective unpopular. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for
. Vote 2 for
. Vote 3 for
. Vote 4 for
. Vote 5 for
. Vote 6 for
. Vote 7 for
. Vote 8 for
. Vote 9 for
. Vote 10 for
Zup: vote 6
SirDude: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 6
Maryam: vote 10
Nyperold: vote 4
goldfishy: vote 4
Goosey: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 2
Sentynel: cote 7
Sentynel: te 7
Sentynel: VOTE 7
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 4 points for
PicMatchBot: goldfishy wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sam loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Sam: Next time I'm gonna vote instead of saying REVENGE OF TOILET MAN.
Sam: If I remember.
Sentynel: Do both!
Goosey: LOL
* Sentynel walks into the polling station, announces "REVENGE OF TOILET MAN", and exits.
ThePhan: I was going to make some sort of similar joke.
Goosey: LOL!
PicMatchBot: goldfishy chose the adjective extreme for this round. (1/* accepted)
Zup: match 1
Sam: match 7
Maryam: match 1
NessaChan: match 2
ThePhan: match 1
Goosey: match 3
Nyperold: match 6
goldfishy: match 4
SirDude: match 3
NessaChan: dump 6 4
Maryam: dump 6 7
Sentynel: match 1
Sentynel: dump 6
goldfishy: dump 3 5 6 7
Goosey: dump 7 5
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective extreme. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for
. Vote 2 for
. Vote 3 for
. Vote 4 for
. Vote 5 for
. Vote 6 for
. Vote 7 for
. Vote 8 for
. Vote 9 for
. Vote 10 for
Sam: vote 9
SirDude: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 6
Zup: vote 4
Sentynel: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 3
Maryam: vote 1
goldfishy: vote 2
Goosey: vote 3
Sam: Tories backing off to 321.
Sentynel: Concur.
* Sam concurs obediently.
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 3 points for
PicMatchBot: goldfishy wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for
Zup: Close game so far.
Sentynel: Can somebody win this already? kthx
Zup: Too bad I have a dinner date...okay, one more round, just one more round...
PicMatchBot: Sentynel chose the adjective hungry for this round. (1/* accepted)
Sentynel: match 3
ThePhan: match 1
Maryam: match 4
goldfishy: match 3
Zup: vote 3
SirDude: match 2
NessaChan: match 2
Sentynel: dump 5 6
Sam: match 6
ThePhan: dump 5 6 7
Nyperold: match 1
Zup: match 3
Goosey: match 1
Sam: dump 7 4
* SirDude thinks that's food in that pic...
Maryam: dump 5 6 7
NessaChan: dump 4 6 7
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective hungry. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for
. Vote 2 for
. Vote 3 for
. Vote 4 for
. Vote 5 for
. Vote 6 for
. Vote 7 for
. Vote 8 for
. Vote 9 for
. Vote 10 for
Maryam: vote 5
SirDude: vote 7
goldfishy: vote 8
Zup: vote 5
Goosey: vote 10
ThePhan: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 5
Sentynel: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 8
Maryam: Now C is for Cookie is in my head.
NessaChan: good enough for me
Goosey: Better than C is for Carrot.
Sam: C is for CamouFairyBot
PicMatchBot: goldfishy wins 5 points for
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sam loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Zup: Goldfishy: WIN!
goldfishy: Oh yay points!
* Zup can only play one last round, so c'mon!
goldfishy: It's daylight outside
Sentynel: gold: yeah, it's day here too...
PicMatchBot: Sam chose the adjective corny for this round. (1/* accepted)
Maryam: match 5
Sam: match 5
Zup: match 1
Sam: dump 6 7
Goosey: match 2
ThePhan: match 5
NessaChan: match 7
ThePhan: match 2
goldfishy: match 5
Maryam: match 4
SirDude: match 2
Sentynel: match 6
Sentynel: dump 5 7
Zup: dump 2 3 7
Maryam: dump 6 7
ThePhan: dump 4 6 7
NessaChan: dump 4 5
Nyperold: vote 2
goldfishy: dump 6 7
Nyperold: match 2
SirDude: match 6
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective corny. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for
. Vote 2 for
. Vote 3 for
. Vote 4 for
. Vote 5 for
. Vote 6 for
. Vote 7 for
. Vote 8 for
. Vote 9 for
. Vote 10 for
Zup: vote 10
Sam: LOL @5
Nyperold: vote 9
goldfishy: vote 5
Goosey: vote 1
Maryam: vote 7
Sam: vote 8
NessaChan: vote 5
SirDude: vote 8
Sentynel: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 1
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 3 points for
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: Sentynel wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for
Zup: Okay, only one more round!~
Maryam: You just keep saying that, Zup.
Zup: lol
Zup: i want to be here to the finish for some reason
Sentynel: It's always just one more round, and before you know it it's, er, nine minutes past five in the morning.
PicMatchBot: SirDude chose the adjective evil for this round. (1/* accepted)
SirDude: match 6
Sentynel: match 5
goldfishy: match 6
ThePhan: match 1
Maryam: match 7
Sentynel: dump 6
NessaChan: match 7
Zup: match 7
Goosey: match 2
NessaChan: dump 6
Nyperold: match 5
Maryam: dump 6
SirDude: ...Gah, I just saw a much better pick/match
Sam: match 2
ThePhan: I have three great pictures and don't know that I'll be able to use them at all :-( Alas.
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective evil. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for
. Vote 2 for
. Vote 3 for
. Vote 4 for
. Vote 5 for
. Vote 6 for
. Vote 7 for
. Vote 8 for
. Vote 9 for
. Vote 10 for
Sam: dump 7
Zup: vote 5
Sentynel: vote 5
Maryam: vote 8
Sam: LOL @5
goldfishy: vote 1
Sam: Again.
Sam: vote 8
Goosey: vote 8
ThePhan: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 9
Sentynel: The small font on the sign says "Also, the bridge is out ahead".
Goosey: LOL
SirDude: vote 8
NessaChan: vote 10
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 4 points for
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 3 points for
PicMatchBot: goldfishy wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for
Maryam: LOL, STILL no??
ThePhan: LOL
Zup: LOL
goldfishy: Is it to 30?
Sentynel: C'mon, someone win already.
Maryam: Yeah, to 30.
PicMatchBot: NessaChan chose the adjective brazen for this round. (1/* accepted)
Maryam: match 1
ThePhan: match 3
Sam: match 1
Nyperold: match 7
SirDude: match 4
Goosey: match 6
NessaChan: match 5
Sam: dump 2 3 5 6 7
Zup: match 4
Sentynel: match 2
NessaChan: dump 6
goldfishy: match 5
Sentynel: dump 5 6 7
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective brazen. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for
. Vote 2 for
. Vote 3 for
. Vote 4 for
. Vote 5 for
. Vote 6 for
. Vote 7 for
. Vote 8 for
. Vote 9 for
. Vote 10 for
Sam: SAND IN MY BRA is a great, great name for a book.
Maryam: vote 9
Zup: vote 9
Sam: Or whatever that is.
ThePhan: vote 8
Sentynel: Dear Brighton Pavilion: Please declare already, you are over two hours past your first estimate, and half an hour past your second.
goldfishy: vote 10
Nyperold: vote 3
SirDude: vote 10
Sam: vote 10
NessaChan: vote 7
Sentynel: vote 8
Goosey: vote 10
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 4 points for
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for
Maryam: hahahaha
NessaChan: lol
Maryam: It's the bot game that wouldn't end!
ThePhan: LOL
Sam: The scores are 29-29-28-26-26.
Maryam: "And to this day, they say, you can still hear the furious matching and voting on the wind..."
Sam: Maryam: LOL LOL LOL
ThePhan: Maryam: LOL LOL
FantasyFreak: Going to 30?
Sam: FF: I'm not convinced we're going past 29.
PicMatchBot: ThePhan chose the adjective distressing for this round. (1/* accepted)
ThePhan: match 2
NessaChan: match 5
Maryam: match 5
Sam: match 1
NessaChan: dump 7
Maryam: dump 6 7
SirDude: match 1
Nyperold: match 2
Zup: match 1
Sam: dump 2 3 4 5 6 7
Goosey: match 6
Sentynel: match 2
Goosey: dump 1
goldfishy: match 3
Nyperold: Heh!
Sentynel: dump 6 7 4
ThePhan: dump 3 4 6
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective distressing. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for
. Vote 2 for
. Vote 3 for
. Vote 4 for
. Vote 5 for
. Vote 6 for
. Vote 7 for
. Vote 8 for
. Vote 9 for
. Vote 10 for
FantasyFreak: LOL
ThePhan: vote 6
NessaChan: lol
Zup: vote 3
SirDude: vote 6
Maryam: vote 10
Sam: Hilariously enjoy water skiing!
goldfishy: vote 6
Goosey: vote 6
FantasyFreak: vote 5
Goosey: LOL @8!!
NessaChan: vote 4
Sam: vote 2
Sentynel: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 10
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 4 points for
PicMatchBot: goldfishy wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins!
PicMatchBot: Portrait of CamouFairyBot:
. Portrait of FantasyFreak:
. Portrait of goldfishy:
. Portrait of Goosey:
. Portrait of Kalimeris:
. Portrait of Maryam:
. Portrait of NessaChan:
. Portrait of Nyperold:
. Portrait of Sam:
. Portrait of Sentynel:
. Portrait of SirDude:
. Portrait of ThePhan:
. Portrait of Zup:
ThePhan: YAY
Zup has left.
goldfishy: :-( I was so close
* Sentynel HUGS goldfishy!
Goosey: Ahahaha I'm the chubby kid who hates sandcastles!
* ThePhan's portrait is completely accurate with what happens when she sees a spider.
NessaChan: lol, oddly, that rather looks like me :P
* Maryam HUGS goldfishy!
* Goosey HUGS goldfishy!
Nyperold: Woo Kali!
Sentynel: Gee, I like my portrait.
Sam: And the UBT is over, and we have a winner! http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=8
* goldfishy HUGS Sentynel, Maryam & Goosey!
Nyperold: Who's away.
NessaChan: whee
Sam: That was so ridiculously close.
Maryam: Congrats, Sentynel!
ThePhan: Yay Sentynel!
Sentynel: An *eight* point lead? Wow. That was a close one.
Sentynel: Thanks folks.
NessaChan: close bot
Sentynel: Great tournament all around.
FantasyFreak: Congratulations, Sent!
NessaChan: funtimes
Sam: However, Maryam splits the Associative Class with Sentynel!
Maryam: Ok, good games all. Night!
FantasyFreak: Good night, Maryam.
ThePhan: Night!
Sentynel: Night Maryam!
Sentynel: Is it worth going to bed? I've got a lecture I should attend at 10, and lunch at 1...