Ultimate Bot Tournament #8: Session 1
Zup has entered.
Zup: Doo doo dee da dow! Doo doo da da dum!
Zup: Whiz bang boom pow!
Zup: UBT Toniiiiiiiiight!
NessaChan has entered.
NessaChan: wooooo
Zup: Doo da doo, da da dum, da da doo doo dee dee da!
Zup: UBT is laaaaaaaaaate!
Zup: wa da ding dang doodle, wa sha da loo bop, a wap bam boo!
Zup: I'll keep singing, and humming, until the show staaaaarts!
* Zup dances wildly out of control.
NessaChan: :)
* Zup can certainly entertain himself.
Maryam has entered.
Zup: Let's get this party started!
* Maryam puts out a bowl of chips.
NessaChan: mmm chips
Sentynel has entered.
* Zup lights several firecrackers and throws them out onto the sidewalk.
Goosey has entered.
Kalimeris has entered.
gremlinn has entered.
ThePhan has entered.
Nyperold has entered.
TalkingDog has entered.
SirDude has entered.
goldfishy has entered.
Sam has entered.
Sam: Welcome to UBT #8!!!
Goosey: HUZZAH!!!
* Zup chomps on the chips.
LaZorra has entered.
* SirDude stretches and flexes his fingers. Been a while since my last UBT
: Hewwo. I am youw host, biwthday beaw.
Zup: AHH
LaZorra: d'awww
Maryam: Did you get a lobotomy or two, birthday bear?
goldfishy: It's upside down!
* Zup thinks the bear should have cuteness reduction surgery.
: Happy biwthday, Goosey.
* Goosey HUGS Birthday Bear!
NessaChan: woo
* Zup throws firecrackers at the bear.
Zup: Dang, forgot to light 'em!
Maryam: Goosey birthday? Happy birthday!
Goosey: Yup, on Saturday!
Maryam: Ah. :-D
Goosey: Zup: Stop being violent to the bear, or suffer the wrath of Goosey.
* Zup cowers. The wrath of Goosey? *shiver*
: *cutely clears throat* I wiww now pwesent, ouw fiwst bot, BwiwzBot.
Goosey: Yay!
* LaZorra feels like she's getting married in Princess Bride.
Goosey: LOL
Zup: LOL
: I now pwonownce Wazowwa and Wou Fewwigno man and wife.
NessaChan: lol
Maryam: LOL
LaZorra: Maryam: LOL LOL!
: All riiiight.
Kalimeris: Ew.
Maryam: LOL
goldfishy: Lou is the wife?
Kalimeris: Lumpy X7
* LaZorra doesn't know if she can go through life as "Wazowwa Fewwigno."
* Goosey dies laughing.
NessaChan: He really should put on a shirt.
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: What better way to start off a UBT than with the marriage of two of our favorite people?
BlitzBot has been summoned by Sam.
Randy has entered.
: BwiwzBot wiww begin in thiwty seconds.
* NessaChan bounces
Sam: Hooray!
* Zup poings
BlitzBot: Starting a new speed game:
BlitzBot: 200. Brand names that, by common usage, refer to all brands of a particular product.
Sam: kleenex
Zup: kleenex
NessaChan: xerox
LaZorra: crest
ThePhan: kleenex
Maryam: kleenex
ThePhan: xerox
Zup: q-tip
Kalimeris: jello
Zup: dominos
NessaChan: band-aid
LaZorra: scotch tape
Sentynel: hoover
goldfishy: hoover
Kalimeris: cheetos
ThePhan: I have no others.
Randy: Oh my
Nyperold: Fruity-o's
LaZorra: sharpie
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer Kleenex.
BlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer Xerox.
BlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer Jell-O.
BlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer Band-aid.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer Scotch tape.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Coke.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Kool-aid.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Chapstick.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: NessaChan: +2, Kalimeris: +1, LaZorra: +1, Sam: +1.
Goosey: internet
LaZorra: LOL
NessaChan: SLURPEE
Zup: I always get a panic attack during Blitzbot. Seriously. So stressful!
BlitzBot: 322. Things you find in a Chinese Restaurant.
Maryam: chopsticks
LaZorra: wontons
Sentynel: food
Kalimeris: chopsticks
goldfishy: spring rolls
Zup: chicken
NessaChan: chopsticks
ThePhan: fortune cookies
Maryam: placemat
SirDude: people
LaZorra: chopsticks
LaZorra: tea
NessaChan: fish tanks
Goosey: egrools
Kalimeris: fried noodles
SirDude: egg rolls
Zup: chinese people
LaZorra: chinese people
NessaChan: place mats
Nyperold: kung pao chicken
NessaChan: teapots
ThePhan: waiters
Maryam: sweet and sour chicken
Goosey: egrles
Kalimeris: english
SirDude: chow mein
Maryam: fish
LaZorra: hot mustard
NessaChan: china
Maryam: koi
ThePhan: little ponds with fish in them
Maryam: statues
LaZorra: lanterns
NessaChan: soy sauce
Zup: wonton
SirDude: noodles
Maryam: fans
Kalimeris: general tso's chicken
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer chopsticks.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer fortune cookies.
BlitzBot: SirDude wins a point with answer Chinese people.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer tea.
BlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer fish tank.
BlitzBot: SirDude wins a point with answer egg rolls.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: rice.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: chop suey.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: SirDude: +2, LaZorra: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, ThePhan: +1.
Maryam: curtains
LaZorra: WHAT
Zup: RICE?
goldfishy: oh you call them egg rolls
NessaChan: lol, wow, I thought fish tank was a stretch.
ThePhan: Fortune cookies that say "Ssoorrrryy,, dduupplleexx sswwiittcchh oonn.."
LaZorra: Oh, I did get a point. Hehe.
BlitzBot: 641. Things women rarely travel without.
LaZorra: lipstick
Zup: purse
SirDude: purse
Kalimeris: purse
NessaChan: lipstick
Zup: makeup
SirDude: make-ip
LaZorra: men
Sentynel: handbag
Kalimeris: hair
ThePhan: men!
SirDude: make-up
NessaChan: pants
Maryam: lip glos
LaZorra: comb
goldfishy: money
NessaChan: shoes
Nyperold: kitchen sink
Maryam: lip gloss
LaZorra: brush
SirDude: clothes
Kalimeris: feet
Zup: boyfriend
NessaChan: shampoo
Maryam: hairbrush
Zup: man
Maryam: mints
Kalimeris: cars
Sentynel: tickets
NessaChan: keys
SirDude: hand mirror
NessaChan: mirror
Zup: husband
Kalimeris: shoes
LaZorra: wallet
NessaChan: hair brush
Zup: children
LaZorra: money
Kalimeris: toothbrush
SirDude: photos
Nyperold: feet
Zup: mirror
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer make-up.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer purse.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer hair brush.
BlitzBot: goldfishy wins a point with answer money.
BlitzBot: SirDude wins a point with answer clothes.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: LaZorra: +2, goldfishy: +1, SirDude: +1, Zup: +1.
Kalimeris: conditioner
NessaChan: camera
SirDude: keys
* LaZorra would hope that women don't usually travel without clothes...
NessaChan: master card?
NessaChan: er visa?
LaZorra: LOL LOL
Sam: Maryam: LOL LOL LOL
* LaZorra dies.
BlitzBot: 257. Things you find in the seat pocket of an airplane.
NessaChan: crumbs
Sentynel: safety card
LaZorra: barf bag
Zup: brochure
Kalimeris: map
goldfishy: puke bag
ThePhan: instructions on what to do if everyone's about to die
NessaChan: barf bag
Maryam: skymall
SirDude: safety manual
LaZorra: magazine
NessaChan: instructions
Maryam: headphones
SirDude: tray
goldfishy: sick bag
Kalimeris: headphones
Maryam: wrappers
LaZorra: someone else's food
Zup: magazine
NessaChan: skymall
Sam: CAMOU-FAIRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maryam: trash
Zup: sky mall
SirDude: nothing
ThePhan: menu
Nyperold: dsi
Kalimeris: cat
ThePhan: headphones
Sentynel: chewing gum
BlitzBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer safety instructions.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer air sickness bag.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer magazine.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer headphones.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: LaZorra: +2, Maryam: +1, Sentynel: +1.
Kalimeris: seat mate
NessaChan: snakes on a plane
Nyperold: borrowers
ThePhan: Kali: LOL
Sentynel: I should have said "parachute".
goldfishy: far too proper - air sickness bag ;-p
ThePhan: Your seat mate just chills out in the pocket?
Kalimeris: If they are annoying, yes.
LaZorra: TP: Ticket prices these days, you know.
Sentynel: One would hope snakes are not *normally* found in the seat pocket.
BlitzBot: 55. Things with horns.
Maryam: ram
ThePhan: devil
Zup: rhino
NessaChan: ram
Sentynel: bulls
goldfishy: sheep
ThePhan: rhinos
Maryam: demon
NessaChan: deer
LaZorra: bulls
SirDude: car
ThePhan: unicorn
goldfishy: deer
NessaChan: bull
Zup: devil
Nyperold: altar
ThePhan: cars
NessaChan: antelope
Maryam: gazelle
Zup: demon
LaZorra: horny toads
Sentynel: narwhal
NessaChan: band
Kalimeris: triceratops
Maryam: antelope
LaZorra: rhinos
Zup: band
goldfishy: children
Maryam: dikdik
NessaChan: marching band
Nyperold: minotaur
Sentynel: cars
Zup: orchestra
LaZorra: triceratops
Kalimeris: great horned beetle
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer goat.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer rhinoceri.
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer bull.
BlitzBot: SirDude wins a point with answer car.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer unicorns.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer orchestra.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: saddle.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: viking helmets.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Zup: +2, Maryam: +1, Sam: +1, SirDude: +1, ThePhan: +1.
NessaChan: devil
LaZorra: deer
ThePhan: Uni-Dinosaur Soldier!
Sam: Saddle! LaZorra missed saddle!
SirDude: Oh right, helmets
Sam: LOL
Maryam: LOL
Sentynel: LaZ: Is that when a bunch of Vikings get together and talk about their addiction to pillaging things and drinking?
ThePhan: Viking Helpmeets Vs. Vampire Helpmeets!
Maryam: LOL
BlitzBot: 570. Things people eat from a bowl.
Zup: ramen
SirDude: soup
Maryam: cereal
goldfishy: rice
Sentynel: soup
NessaChan: cheerios
Zup: cereal
SirDude: rice
ThePhan: soup
Sentynel: cereal
ThePhan: ice cream
Zup: pasta
goldfishy: soup
Sam: girls
SirDude: pasta
ThePhan: cereal
NessaChan: rice
gremlinn: I am eating something from a bowl! Soup!
Zup: popcorn
LaZorra: chili
NessaChan: cat food
SirDude: cereal
ThePhan: yogurt
SirDude: ice cream
NessaChan: chips
NessaChan: dip
LaZorra: chilled monkey brains
Zup: ice cream
NessaChan: yogurt
SirDude: salad
Sentynel: Sam: Wait, what?
ThePhan: pasta
LaZorra: yogurt
Randy: chili
goldfishy: tea
BlitzBot: SirDude wins a point with answer soup.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer cereal.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer ice cream.
BlitzBot: SirDude wins a point with answer salad.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: fruit.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: pudding.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: gelatin.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: oatmeal.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: applesauce.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: SirDude: +2, Maryam: +1, ThePhan: +1.
Nyperold: orange
LaZorra: salad
* NessaChan gives LaZorra a star for "Monkey brains"
LaZorra: NC: :-D
Sam: Sent: hahahaha. I was wondering if anybody'd notice.
LaZorra: O.o
Zup: LOL
ThePhan: Sam: LOL WHAT
Sentynel: Sam: I guessed you might be, so I noticed.
Zup: Big bowls.
LaZorra: Zup: D-cups, at least.
Maryam: Only if you've baked a sultana into your dessert.
LaZorra: LOL
: Once I was a green grape! Heee!
Maryam: LOL LOL
ThePhan: LOL LOL
Goosey: LOL
LaZorra: O.o
NessaChan: I am scared
Zup: Hahahaha
BlitzBot: 327. Words that start with "Z."
NessaChan: zip
Zup: zup
LaZorra: ZORRO
ThePhan: zup
Sentynel: zebra
goldfishy: zit
Nyperold: Zune
Zup: zebra
ThePhan: zebra
Sentynel: zoo
LaZorra: zebra
Maryam: zoo
ThePhan: zipper
NessaChan: zing
goldfishy: zoo
ThePhan: zanzibar
Zup: zipper
ThePhan: zounsd
ThePhan: zounds
LaZorra: zipper
Sentynel: zip
NessaChan: zorro
Nyperold: zellweger
Maryam: zaire
ThePhan: zookeeper
ThePhan: zilch
goldfishy: zaphod
Maryam: zimbabwe
ThePhan: zero
NessaChan: zany
SirDude: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
ThePhan: zen
Sentynel: zombie
NessaChan: zealous
BlitzBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer zebra.
BlitzBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer zoo.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer zipper.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer zookeeper.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer zero.
BlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer zany.
BlitzBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer zombie.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: zealot.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: zeitgeist.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: zenith.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: zephyr.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: zest.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: zinc.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: zone.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: zonk.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: zoom.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: zucchini.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: zyzzyva.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Sentynel: +3, ThePhan: +3, NessaChan: +1.
ThePhan: zesty
NessaChan: zig
NessaChan: awe, no zealous
goldfishy: you are all way too fast
Maryam: No proper nouns, looks like.
Sentynel: Nessa: LAUNCH ALL ZIGS
BlitzBot: 573. Things people donate after a disaster.
BlitzBot: 352. Things people wear in a tanning booth.
SirDude: money
LaZorra: money
SirDude: time
LaZorra: food
Kalimeris: shampoo
SirDude: bleh
Maryam: bikini
NessaChan: goggles
LaZorra: sunscreen
SirDude: nothing
ThePhan: ...Do we get to guess for both?
Zup: towel
goldfishy: nothing
LaZorra: nothing
Kalimeris: seat mates
goldfishy: bikini
LaZorra: lotion
Zup: sunscreen
ThePhan: bikini
SirDude: bikini
Sam: Wow. I have no idea what it's going to score for.
Maryam: sunglasses
ThePhan: tankini
LaZorra: bathing suit
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer bikini.
BlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer goggles.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer sunblock.
BlitzBot: SirDude wins a point with answer nothing.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: LaZorra: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, SirDude: +1.
LaZorra: resources
Kalimeris: time
Sentynel: People are donating some very odd stuff after that disaster.
gremlinn: I donated sunblock to the Haiti effort.
* LaZorra likes the idea of wearing food in a tanning booth.
Nyperold: I WEAR TIME
* Goosey pictures people wearing food and money in a tanning booth.
Zup: It's a fashion disaster!
Randy: chili
Goosey: Get a tan and grill your sammich at the SAME TIME!
LaZorra: Although it would be quite unsexy,
TalkingDog: It cooks the food, so you have something to eat when you're done!
* ThePhan thinks wearing money in a tanning booth is probably a music video somewhere.
BlitzBot: 404. Toiletries good hotels provide.
ThePhan: soap
Kalimeris: Hehehe
Zup: shampoo
goldfishy: shampoo
LaZorra: soap
ThePhan: shampoo
Zup: conditioner
NessaChan: boot cloth
LaZorra: shower cap
Kalimeris: towel
Sentynel: shower gel
Maryam: toothbrush
LaZorra: lotion
Maryam: razor
NessaChan: hair net
Zup: hand soap
Kalimeris: mint
NessaChan: bath bonnet
Zup: towel
Kalimeris: shower
Zup: paper towel
LaZorra: bootlickers
Maryam: sewing kit
Zup: robe
NessaChan: toothpaste
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer soap.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer shampoo.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer conditioner.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer shower cap.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer hand lotion.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer sewing kit.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: shoe shine kit.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: nail grooming kit.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: LaZorra: +2, Zup: +2, Maryam: +1, ThePhan: +1.
Kalimeris: floss
Zup: mouthwash
LaZorra: i don't know because i don't go to good hotels
NessaChan: awe, boot cloth for the lose
Sentynel: Talking of cooking food in tanning booths, we tried to cook bacon with a laser one physics class.
Zup: People still shine shoes?
SirDude: Did it work?
Sentynel: It didn't work, because the lab assistant's dog ate it before it had cooked properly.
TalkingDog: Laser bacon!
NessaChan: yes they do
ThePhan: I present: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=3302893&l=f4f04e285c&id=500264295 - I was not staying at the Hampton Inn. But that's what all the towels said.
ThePhan: Anyway.
BlitzBot: 50. Things that come on a string.
Maryam: yoyo
LaZorra: yo yos
ThePhan: yoyo
SirDude: yo-yi
NessaChan: yoyo
LaZorra: soap
ThePhan: pinocchio
NessaChan: pull toy
LaZorra: chilis
SirDude: top
Maryam: paddle ball
Kalimeris: string
Zup: puppets
NessaChan: needle
Nyperold: world
Maryam: marionette
LaZorra: the world
ThePhan: paddle ball
NessaChan: cat toy
Zup: candy
gremlinn: laws of physics
Kalimeris: things with strings attached
NessaChan: puntching bag
LaZorra: necklace
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer yoyo.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer soap on a rope.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer puppet.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: balloon.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: kite.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: tree ornament.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: LaZorra: +1, Maryam: +1, Zup: +1.
Zup: money
SirDude: string theory
ThePhan: Um...
ThePhan: Oh.
LaZorra: LOL
SirDude: Soap on a rope... Thought of that, but I thought there was a fancier name
Nyperold: char-type variables
LaZorra: Tree ornament?
BlitzBot: 454. Jobs that depend on tips.
ThePhan: waiter
SirDude: waiter
NessaChan: waiter
Zup: delivery
NessaChan: skycap
ThePhan: hair stylist
goldfishy: waitress
Zup: cook
SirDude: bellboy
Sentynel: maitre d
LaZorra: repairman
Zup: valet
NessaChan: bellboy
LaZorra: taxi
NessaChan: taxi
SirDude: salesman
Nyperold: bookie
Kalimeris: mechanic
SirDude: bellhop
ThePhan: pizza delivery
NessaChan: limo
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer waiter.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer delivery person.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer hairstylist.
BlitzBot: SirDude wins a point with answer bell hop.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer valet.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer cab driver.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: bartender.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: chambermaid.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: ThePhan: +2, Zup: +2, LaZorra: +1, SirDude: +1.
NessaChan: carhop
Nyperold: detective
Zup: I'm currently a delivery person!
Zup: Yay tips!
NessaChan: I used to get tipped when I was a dresser
NessaChan: it was great
Nyperold: (P.I.)
BlitzBot: 478. Adventure Games Live games.
LaZorra: soat
Sentynel: SOAT
Maryam: fantasy quest 2
Zup: fantasy quest
Maryam: goat
LaZorra: outlaws
Zup: fantasy quest 2
Maryam: oat
Kalimeris: trainer
NessaChan: night at the school something something
LaZorra: perils of akumos
Zup: perils of akumos
Maryam: esm
Nyperold: a quiet morning
* SirDude should go look at those sometime
LaZorra: eye
Zup: trail of anguish
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer Fantasy Quest II.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer Fantasy Quest.
BlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer The Trainer.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer The Perils of Akumos.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer Trail of Anguish.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: The Game of the Ages.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: The Early Years.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: The Mystery of Brackly Hall.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Outlaws of the Sierra Nevadas.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Escape From St. Mary's.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Zup: +2, Kalimeris: +1, LaZorra: +1, Maryam: +1.
Kalimeris: mystery of brackley hall
Maryam: eye2
Zup: the trainer
Maryam: Aww.
Nyperold: l'avventura
Zup: I'll take it.
Maryam: No acronyms, I guess.
Zup: No more early years?
LaZorra: Aw, "outlaws" didn't count? Boo.
LaZorra: It should, considering it was MY game and all. :-p
Sam: Zup: Oh yeah! I guess I should add that one.
BlitzBot: 48. Ways to fix eggs.
Zup: over easy
NessaChan: scrambled
Kalimeris: over easy
ThePhan: sweep them up
Maryam: scrambled
Nyperold: tape
LaZorra: scrambled
Zup: hard boiled
SirDude: scrambled
NessaChan: poached
Sentynel: fried
LaZorra: over hard
ThePhan: poached
Kalimeris: sunny side up
SirDude: raw
goldfishy: poached
Maryam: sunny side up
Zup: soft boiled
LaZorra: over medium
ThePhan: boiled
SirDude: soft boiled
Kalimeris: in a basket
LaZorra: boild
ThePhan: omelet
LaZorra: boiled
NessaChan: soft boiled
Maryam: over medium
Zup: omelette
SirDude: poached
Sentynel: omlete
Kalimeris: hard boiled
SirDude: fried
ThePhan: benedict
Maryam: eggs benedict
NessaChan: hard boiled
LaZorra: fried
Kalimeris: soft boiled
SirDude: omelettes
Kalimeris: frozen
LaZorra: sunny-side up
Nyperold: in a hole
NessaChan: raw
Zup: egg salad
Kalimeris: raw
Maryam: frittata
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer fried.
BlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer scrambled.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer hard boiled.
BlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer poached.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer omelette.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer eggs benedict.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer egg salad.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: deviled.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Zup: +3, NessaChan: +2, ThePhan: +2.
Zup: I love eggs!
* ThePhan is not a fan of eggs unless they come with MUCH CHEESE.
goldfishy: Eggs are evil
Maryam: I have a double frying pan that's just for cooking frittatas.
Nyperold: (Cut a hole in a slice of bread. Fry, and crack an egg into the hole.)
Maryam: I'd never had one before someone gave the pan to me and I looked up what they were.
LaZorra: We call those cowboy eggs
BlitzBot: 849. Criminals in American history.
Maryam: billy the kid
Zup: benedict arnold
LaZorra: scarface
NessaChan: john wilks booth
Maryam: doc holliday
Nyperold: jesse james
NessaChan: bonny & clyde
ThePhan: al capone
LaZorra: jesse james
NessaChan: bonnie and clyde
NessaChan: al capone
Kalimeris: lee harvey oswald
LaZorra: umm...
Zup: scarface
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer Benedict Arnold.
BlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer John Wilkes Booth.
BlitzBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer Jesse James.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer Al Capone.
BlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer Lee Harvey Oswald.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Charles Manson.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Ted Bundy.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Jeffrey Dahmer.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: John Dillinger.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: John Hinckley Jr..
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Charles Keating.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +1, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1, ThePhan: +1, Zup: +1.
ThePhan: john hinckley jr
ThePhan: I was going to start naming serial killers, too.
* LaZorra is clearly not up on her criminals.
Kalimeris: I wasn't sure serial killers would count
NessaChan: because nobody can spell cyolzgoaz
BlitzBot: 110. Greetings.
goldfishy: hi
SirDude: hi
Zup: hello
NessaChan: hello
ThePhan: hello
ThePhan: yo
gremlinn: Hey, BlitzBot.
SirDude: wassup
goldfishy: hello
Kalimeris: Good day
LaZorra: salutations
NessaChan: sup
Nyperold: Oh, hey there!
ThePhan: what's up
goldfishy: hiya
ThePhan: hey
Kalimeris: Good evening
Zup: seasons greetings
LaZorra: howdy
Sentynel: bonjour
ThePhan: howdy
Kalimeris: yo
Maryam: aloha
Sentynel: ciao
NessaChan: howdy
LaZorra: sup
Zup: merry christmas
Kalimeris: s'up
ThePhan: ello
Maryam: yo
Kalimeris: yo homie
Zup: happy easter
LaZorra: dude
NessaChan: hey y'all
Sentynel: greetings
ThePhan: bonjour
LaZorra: good day
Nyperold: Gutentag!
SirDude: yo
goldfishy: guten tag
Zup: good day
BlitzBot: goldfishy wins a point with answer Hi.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer Hello.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer Yo.
BlitzBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer Hey.
BlitzBot: SirDude wins a point with answer What's up?.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer Salutations.
BlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer Good evening.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer Greetings.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Welcome.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Good morning.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Good afternoon.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: What's happening?.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Zup: +2, goldfishy: +1, gremlinn: +1, Kalimeris: +1, LaZorra: +1, SirDude: +1, ThePhan: +1.
Kalimeris: hallihallo
LaZorra: dood evening
NessaChan: WHUZ UP
goldfishy: YES I GOT A POINT!
gremlinn: Dang it, I wasn't trying to play.
Nyperold: What's the story, morning glory?
gremlinn: I thought BlitzBot was greeting us.
BlitzBot: 791. Kinds of dances.
Maryam: waltz
NessaChan: tango
ThePhan: swing
LaZorra: square
Zup: african
Maryam: ballet
NessaChan: polka
ThePhan: waltz
Kalimeris: flamenco
goldfishy: break dancing
ThePhan: fox trot
Zup: salsa
ThePhan: two step
Maryam: salsa
SirDude: mambo
LaZorra: cah cah
ThePhan: freestyle
NessaChan: jitterbug
LaZorra: cha cha
SirDude: tango
ThePhan: jazz
Nyperold: rondo
Zup: merengue
SirDude: limbo
SirDude: can can
ThePhan: line
ThePhan: ballet
Zup: macarena
Kalimeris: polka
NessaChan: hustle
goldfishy: spider dance
LaZorra: interpretive
SirDude: jitterbug
Maryam: twist
NessaChan: electric slide
ThePhan: hip hop
Zup: disco
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer waltz.
BlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer tango.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer swing.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer square dancing.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer ballet.
BlitzBot: goldfishy wins a point with answer breakdancing.
BlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer jitterbug.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer jazz.
BlitzBot: SirDude wins a point with answer can-can.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer line.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer hip hop.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: belly dancing.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: hula.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: disco.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: tap.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: clog.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: rain dancing.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: ThePhan: +4, Maryam: +2, NessaChan: +2, goldfishy: +1, LaZorra: +1, SirDude: +1.
LaZorra: foxtrot
Maryam: jig
NessaChan: funky chicken
Zup: I just said disco!
* LaZorra had to type that VERY CAREFULLY
Sentynel: Zup: You got same-seconded.
NessaChan: doot doot doot doo doot doo doo doo doo
Zup: lame!
BlitzBot: 455. College majors.
Kalimeris: german
Zup: english
NessaChan: math
Zup: business
SirDude: computer science
ThePhan: education.
Maryam: underwater basketweaving
ThePhan: nursing
Sentynel: PHYSICS
SirDude: english
Zup: spanish
ThePhan: film
Kalimeris: science
LaZorra: liberal science
ThePhan: graphic design
Maryam: liberal arts
SirDude: mathematics
Kalimeris: music
NessaChan: teaching
goldfishy: cheer leading
ThePhan: business
LaZorra: physical education
Kalimeris: education
LaZorra: history
NessaChan: engineering
SirDude: accounting
LaZorra: math
Zup: films
NessaChan: history
Nyperold: volleyball
ThePhan: journalism
SirDude: art
Kalimeris: athletic training
Zup: medieval studies
ThePhan: literature
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer english.
BlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer math.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer business.
BlitzBot: SirDude wins a point with answer computer science.
BlitzBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer physics.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer liberal arts.
BlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer music.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer history.
BlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer engineering.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer communications.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: chemistry.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: philosophy.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: biology.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: animal science.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: NessaChan: +2, Zup: +2, Kalimeris: +1, LaZorra: +1, Maryam: +1, Sentynel: +1, SirDude: +1, ThePhan: +1.
ThePhan: french
goldfishy: teddy bears
ThePhan: Communications, what?
NessaChan: HA, Irony
SirDude: Yay, I get a point for my own major
Kalimeris: RUSSIAN
Zup: Me too!
NessaChan: neither of my degrees are on there
ThePhan: My major isn't on there.
ThePhan: My education doesn't exist.
gremlinn: You need to go back to college then.
BlitzBot: 806. Terms or phrases that end in "aid."
LaZorra: first
Zup: lemonaid
Maryam: riteaid
goldfishy: band aid
Sam: bandaid
Sentynel: band aid
Zup: nadaid
ThePhan: kool
SirDude: bandaid
ThePhan: band
Nyperold: getting paid
Kalimeris: financial aid
ThePhan: live
SirDude: hand aid
ThePhan: first
LaZorra: give
SirDude: first aid
Zup: paid
Kalimeris: rite-aid
LaZorra: receive
ThePhan: band
Zup: afraid
NessaChan: maid
LaZorra: financial
Kalimeris: first aid
NessaChan: afraid
Zup: kincaid
ThePhan: chamberm
goldfishy: laid
SirDude: lemon aid
Kalimeris: maid
Sentynel: said
Kalimeris: said
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer first aid.
BlitzBot: goldfishy wins a point with answer Band-Aid.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer Kool-Aid.
BlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer financial aid.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: hearing aid.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: foreign aid.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: goldfishy: +1, Kalimeris: +1, LaZorra: +1, ThePhan: +1.
goldfishy: braid
Zup: maid
LaZorra: hahaha, first was first.
gremlinn: I tried "limeaid" in Literati yesterday.
gremlinn: I kind of knew it was an "ade" though.
goldfishy: hehe I got that for an American phrase
BlitzBot: 417. Types of pasta.
ThePhan: spagheti
NessaChan: bow tie
Zup: fusilli
ThePhan: spaghetti
SirDude: spaghetti
goldfishy: penne
Maryam: fettucine
Sentynel: spaghetti
ThePhan: linguine
Nyperold: tortellini
LaZorra: rigotoni
NessaChan: macaroni
Zup: fettucine
ThePhan: rigatone
SirDude: fetuccini
SirDude: ravioli
ThePhan: fettucine
NessaChan: penne
Zup: macaroni
goldfishy: linguine
Nyperold: rotini
ThePhan: wagon wheels
Maryam: ravioli
Kalimeris: pasta alfredo
ThePhan: macaroni
Sentynel: lasagne
Kalimeris: NUMMY
Maryam: rigatoni
Zup: linguini
Maryam: ziti
SirDude: angel hair
LaZorra: angle hair
NessaChan: rigatoni
Zup: ravioli
NessaChan: manacotti
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer fusilli.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer spaghetti.
BlitzBot: goldfishy wins a point with answer penne.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer fettucine.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer linguine.
BlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer macaroni.
BlitzBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer rotini.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer rigatoni.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer ziti.
BlitzBot: SirDude wins a point with answer spaghettini (angel hair).
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: vermicelli.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Maryam: +3, ThePhan: +2, goldfishy: +1, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1, SirDude: +1, Zup: +1.
gremlinn: LZ: I prefer straight hair.
LaZorra: LOL LOL
Maryam: LOL
ThePhan: I only remember spaghetti and linguine because there's a scene in The Odd Couple where they argue about which is which.
BlitzBot: 684. Things done to a guest room prior to the arrival of a guest.
NessaChan: dust
LaZorra: cleaning
Kalimeris: cleaning
ThePhan: clean
Zup: make bed
ThePhan: dust
SirDude: cleaned
Kalimeris: vacuum
goldfishy: make the bed
ThePhan: air
LaZorra: new linen
ThePhan: sheets
Zup: clean shower
gremlinn: Search it for items
Kalimeris: dance
ThePhan: put towels
Kalimeris: cry
Nyperold: jettison
goldfishy: shoo the spiders out
Sentynel: hiding body
Zup: put out shampoo
ThePhan: vacuum
NessaChan: hide the naughty stuff
ThePhan: open windows
LaZorra: move the secret boyfriend out of it
BlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer dust.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer sheets changed.
BlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer vacuum/sweep.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer towels supplied.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: put flowers.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: spray air freshener.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +1, NessaChan: +1, ThePhan: +1, Zup: +1.
ThePhan: clean curtains
Zup: vacuum
ThePhan: I said "air," but I wasn't specifically thinking "air freshener." I was thinking like... opening windows. Heh.
Zup: LOL LaZ
ThePhan: LZ: LOL
BlitzBot: 46. Classic board games.
Maryam: life
ThePhan: monopoly
LaZorra: chess
Sentynel: scrabble
goldfishy: scrabble
Maryam: parcheesi
Zup: scrabbl
NessaChan: scrabble
LaZorra: clue
SirDude: monopoly
Kalimeris: clue
ThePhan: life
Maryam: sorry
LaZorra: sorry
ThePhan: pictionary
Zup: monopoly
Maryam: backgammon
SirDude: stratego
ThePhan: chess
Sentynel: azad
LaZorra: scrabble
ThePhan: chinese checkers
NessaChan: candyland
Maryam: mousetrap
Zup: backgammon
Kalimeris: trivial pursuit
LaZorra: monopoly
NessaChan: yahtzee
goldfishy: othello
ThePhan: checkers
Maryam: operation
Zup: mancala
NessaChan: operation
Randy: chess
LaZorra: cribbage
ThePhan: trivial pursuit
LaZorra: checkers
ThePhan: aggravation
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer Life.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer Monopoly.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer Chess.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer Parcheesi.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer Clue.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer Sorry!.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer Backgammon.
BlitzBot: SirDude wins a point with answer Stratego.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer Checkers.
BlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer Candyland.
BlitzBot: goldfishy wins a point with answer Othello.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Go.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Risk.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Maryam: +4, LaZorra: +2, ThePhan: +2, goldfishy: +1, NessaChan: +1, SirDude: +1.
Kalimeris: risk
ThePhan: othello
NessaChan: backgammon
Zup: chinese checkers
LaZorra: life
NessaChan: hi ho cherry-o
SirDude: Oh yeah, Go and Risk
Nyperold: super mario bros.
* SirDude is surprised he's doing as well as he is
BlitzBot: 793. Things that are always on your grocery list.
ThePhan: eggs
Kalimeris: bread
Maryam: milk
NessaChan: milk
LaZorra: milk
ThePhan: milk
Sentynel: milk
Maryam: eggs
ThePhan: bread
SirDude: soda
LaZorra: eggs
Sentynel: juice
Zup: carrots
goldfishy: bread
Maryam: bread
ThePhan: butter
Kalimeris: milkcoffee
LaZorra: bread
NessaChan: cheese
ThePhan: flor
Zup: bread
SirDude: duct tape
LaZorra: yogrt
Kalimeris: coffee
ThePhan: flour
Maryam: cereal
Zup: milk
ThePhan: soda
goldfishy: apples
Maryam: fruit
LaZorra: lettuce
Zup: cereal
ThePhan: toilet paper
Maryam: cheese
SirDude: cookies
Nyperold: pen link
Maryam: butter
Kalimeris: flour
NessaChan: fruit
goldfishy: ham
ThePhan: fruit
Zup: toilet paper
Kalimeris: sugar
ThePhan: sugar
NessaChan: cat food
Sentynel: sandwich
Kalimeris: tomatoes
Nyperold: pen ink
Zup: light bulbs
SirDude: chips
Maryam: juice
LaZorra: monkey brains
Kalimeris: butter
goldfishy: chocolate
SirDude: meat
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer eggs.
BlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer bread.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer milk.
BlitzBot: SirDude wins a point with answer soda.
BlitzBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer juice.
BlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer cheese.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer cereal.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Maryam: +2, Kalimeris: +1, NessaChan: +1, Sentynel: +1, SirDude: +1, ThePhan: +1.
Kalimeris: pam
LaZorra: butter
NessaChan: cat litter
Zup: video games
Sentynel: LaZ: Nice.
Sam: girls
Maryam: LOL
BlitzBot: 493. Processed meat products.
Kalimeris: ham
ThePhan: spam
Maryam: spam
Zup: spam
ThePhan: ham
Sentynel: corned beef
SirDude: bologna
NessaChan: bologna
Maryam: deviled ham
ThePhan: pepperoni
LaZorra: bologna
goldfishy: ham
Kalimeris: liverwurst
Zup: salami
SirDude: pickle loaf
ThePhan: hot dogs
Maryam: pastrami
Zup: peperoni
Sentynel: sausage
NessaChan: pepperoni
SirDude: olive loaf
LaZorra: sausage
Kalimeris: liver cheese
Sentynel: chicken nugget
NessaChan: salami
Zup: pepperoni
LaZorra: bacon
NessaChan: ham
SirDude: salami
Kalimeris: (seriously)
Maryam: salami
Maryam: sausage
Kalimeris: turkey
Zup: liverwurst
SirDude: pepperoni
Kalimeris: hot dogs
LaZorra: disgusting stuff
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer spam.
BlitzBot: SirDude wins a point with answer bologna.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer deviled ham.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer pepperoni.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer salami.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer hot dogs.
BlitzBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer sausage.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: kielbasa.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: bratwurst.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: meatballs.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: ThePhan: +3, Maryam: +1, Sentynel: +1, SirDude: +1, Zup: +1.
NessaChan: potted meat
ThePhan: Mrs. Lovett's meat pies
Nyperold: Lots of people posting at once.
NessaChan: lol
NessaChan: those are all organic
Sentynel: Surely hot gods are a type of sausage?
Sentynel: *dogs!
ThePhan: LOL
* ThePhan was trying to figure out what hot gods were.
BlitzBot: 664. Good occupations for music lovers.
ThePhan: music teacher
ThePhan: musician
NessaChan: piano tuner
LaZorra: musician
Zup: choral director
goldfishy: busker
Kalimeris: composer
Zup: composer
ThePhan: concert director
NessaChan: conductor
Zup: video game composer
goldfishy: singer
LaZorra: recording studio tech
Sentynel: record store owner
Kalimeris: dancer
Maryam: critic
Nyperold: elevator operator
ThePhan: record industry executive
SirDude: ddr model
ThePhan: conductor
Kalimeris: singer
Zup: music producer
NessaChan: mp3 salesman
Kalimeris: garbage man
Zup: music video director
LaZorra: music writer
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer music teacher.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer musician.
BlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer singer.
BlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer composer.
BlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer conductor.
BlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer music critic.
BlitzBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer lyricist.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: disc jockey.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: ThePhan: +2, Kalimeris: +1, LaZorra: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, Zup: +1.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins!
LaZorra: music critic
Zup: Yay ThePhan!
LaZorra: YAY HAN
SinbadBlitzBot has been summoned by Sam.
SinbadBlitzBot: Starting a new speed game:
SinbadBlitzBot: 3. asks: Things Jaffar says in Sinbad and the Seven Seas.
ThePhan: ha!
Sentynel: HA
Zup: hahah
LaZorra: HA!
ThePhan: I'm winning!
LaZorra: I'm WINNING!
ThePhan: I'm losing my strength!
Sentynel: BUDGE
Sam: my most devastating act of magical madness
Nyperold: magical madness
SinbadBlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer HA!!.
SinbadBlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer I'M WINNING!!!!!!!.
SinbadBlitzBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer I command you in the name of all that is evil...BUDGE! BUDGE!.
SinbadBlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer You are forcing me to carry out my most devastating act of magical madness!.
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: ...the man I hate more than hate itself....
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Whose side are you on?.
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: The extraordinary powers that I possess make me top of the heap around here!.
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: There are times you do the most dreadful things to my biorhythm..
SinbadBlitzBot: Scores this round: ThePhan: +2, Sam: +1, Sentynel: +1.
Sam: biorhythm...
* SirDude will have to settle for a 7 in Blitz, since he doesn't know any Sinbad
Zup: and I lose Blitz.
SinbadBlitzBot: 2. asks: Honorifics in Sinbad and the Seven Seas.
Randy: salami
Kalimeris: sir
Zup: sir
Maryam: princess of all that is good
Sentynel: calif
LaZorra: LOL LOL
ThePhan: princess of all that is good
Zup: vizier
Kalimeris: ma'am
Sam: wizard of all that is evil
Kalimeris: sultan
Nyperold: the satanic sorceror of basra
ThePhan: most evil wizard
* LaZorra dies laughing at Randy's connection.
Sam: conqueror of the seven oceans
ThePhan: good and kind princess
Zup: sailor boy
Maryam: the viking warrior
Kalimeris: hunk
Sam: winds of utter destruction
SinbadBlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer The Princess of All That Is Good.
SinbadBlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer Wizard of All That Is Evil.
SinbadBlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer The Conqueror of the Seven Oceans.
SinbadBlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer The Winds of Utter Destruction.
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: The Greatest Prince of the Seas.
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: The Greatest Sailor of All the Seas.
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: The Loveliest and Sweetest Princess That Ever Lived.
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: The Most Evil Wizard of All.
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: The Satanic Sorcerer of Basra.
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Lord of the Faithful.
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: The Kind Old Man.
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: The Loyal Little Dwarf.
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: The Power of Supernatural Evil.
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: The Cavern of Nothingness.
SinbadBlitzBot: Scores this round: Sam: +3, Maryam: +1.
Maryam: the chinese soldier of fortune
* ThePhan doesn't really remember these.
ThePhan: Can I get points for "most evil wizard" even though I didn't include "of all"?
ThePhan: Maybe?
ThePhan: Maybe not.
ThePhan: Probably not.
ThePhan: Oh well.
gremlinn: In the name of all that is evil fudge!
SinbadBlitzBot: 10. asks: Sacred gems of Basra.
Kalimeris: 1
NessaChan: ruby
Zup: emerald
Sam: honor
LaZorra: blue
Maryam: truth
ThePhan: justice
Sam: strength
ThePhan: peace
Zup: diamond
Kalimeris: 2
Nyperold: the first one
Sam: glory
Sam: pectorals
Kalimeris: 8
* ThePhan doesn't remember.
LaZorra: the american way
Zup: 3
ThePhan: the one that doesn't budge
Sam: victory
Maryam: LOL
Zup: 4
NessaChan: budge
Sam: dignity
Zup: yellow
Nyperold: sneezy
Zup: shiny
Zup: bright
SinbadBlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer the one that wouldn't budge.
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: the one in the upper left.
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: the one in the upper right.
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: the one in the lower left.
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: the one in the lower right.
SinbadBlitzBot: Scores this round: ThePhan: +1.
LaZorra: sparkly
Zup: lol
LaZorra: LOL LOL
Sentynel: I should have remembered those from the last time we played this.
* LaZorra cracks up.
Maryam: LOL LOL
Sam: And THIS little sacred gem went WEE WEE WEE WEE all the way home!
LaZorra: LOL
SinbadBlitzBot: 4. asks: Things Soukra says in Sinbad and the Seven Seas.
Zup: hello
Zup: goodbye
ThePhan: have you taken your medication this morning
Sam: have you taken your medication lately
Nyperold: have you taken your medication
Kalimeris: LOVE
Maryam: basking in your bubbles of fiction
Zup: budge?
Nyperold: i'm on my side
SinbadBlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer Have you taken your medication this morning?.
SinbadBlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer There you go again basking in your bubbles of fiction.
SinbadBlitzBot: Scores this round: Maryam: +1, ThePhan: +1.
ThePhan: Heh, I couldn't think of any other great Soukra lines.
SinbadBlitzBot: 1. asks: Characters in Sinbad and the Seven Seas.
Zup: soukra
Kalimeris: poochie
ThePhan: pookie
Maryam: poochie
Sam: poochie
LaZorra: poochie
Sentynel: sinbad
Zup: sinbad
Maryam: bald cook
Sam: vikin
ThePhan: er, pookie? Whatever.
Sam: viking
NessaChan: jaffar
Maryam: amazon queen
LaZorra: the bald chef
ThePhan: cantu
Zup: jaffar
Sam: cook
Sam: jaffar
Sam: soukra
Kalimeris: sultan
ThePhan: ghost king
LaZorra: cantu
ThePhan: calif
Sam: calif
ThePhan: alina
Maryam: calif
ThePhan: girl
Sentynel: CHARLIE
Sam: zombie king
ThePhan: mother
Kalimeris: jasmine
Nyperold: the shaman
Maryam: kira
SinbadBlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer Soukra.
SinbadBlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer Poochie.
SinbadBlitzBot: Sentynel wins a point with answer Sinbad.
SinbadBlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer Bald Cook.
SinbadBlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer Viking Warrior.
SinbadBlitzBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer Jaffar.
SinbadBlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer Dorita/Farida.
SinbadBlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer Cantu.
SinbadBlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer Calif.
SinbadBlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer Ali.
SinbadBlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer Alina.
SinbadBlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer Girl.
SinbadBlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer Mom.
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Kyra.
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Nadir.
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Oracle.
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: the alien.
SinbadBlitzBot: Scores this round: ThePhan: +5, Kalimeris: +2, Maryam: +2, NessaChan: +1, Sam: +1, Sentynel: +1, Zup: +1.
ThePhan: nadir
Sam: evil filthy spirit of the legion of the dead
Sentynel: alina
Sam: kyra
LaZorra: O
ThePhan: kira
Maryam: king of the dead
Nyperold: ghost king
Zup: Yay!
Maryam: Oh man, I misspelled Kyra.
Zup: Point!
ThePhan: Aww, I was just a second late with Nadir.
SinbadBlitzBot: 5. asks: Things Sinbad says in Sinbad and the Seven Seas.
Zup: ahoy
ThePhan: "Nadir, the famous WIZARD!" "Ahhhh! *claps*"
Sam: there's nobody here
ThePhan: gosh, you're beautiful
Maryam: you're losing jaffar
Kalimeris: RARRRRR
NessaChan: Kill
Zup: ugh
Nyperold: i just said that that's the point
Kalimeris: eat
NessaChan: nail
Zup: snake ropes!
Sam: well i'm hungry. Let's eat!
SinbadBlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer There's nobody here..
SinbadBlitzBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer I just said that. That's the point..
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: You're losing your power Jaffar...and you KNOW that..
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: As far as I'm concerned it all began with that story of Eve..
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Gosh you're sure beautiful.
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: No dice huh?.
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Go back to where you came from -- you EVIL FILTHY SPIRIT..
SinbadBlitzBot: Scores this round: Nyperold: +1, Sam: +1.
ThePhan: don't worry, I won't hurt you
Sam: i sure did
Maryam: Rats.
ThePhan: Dang it. I said "Gosh, you're beautiful."
ThePhan: So close.
* Zup is lost
SinbadBlitzBot: 7. asks: Things Poochie says in Sinbad and the Seven Seas.
Zup: hi
Sam: darn
NessaChan: arf
Sam: bunch of weirdos
ThePhan: you all look like a bunch of weirdos
Sam: there's nobody here
Sam: i had an idea
Sam: i forgot it
SinbadBlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer Darn!.
SinbadBlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer You look like a...a bunch of weirdos!.
SinbadBlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer There's nobody here..
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Wow!.
SinbadBlitzBot: Scores this round: Sam: +2, ThePhan: +1.
ThePhan: What DOES Poochie say?
SinbadBlitzBot: 8. asks: Things Sinbad throws away in Sinbad and the Seven Seas.
ThePhan: sword
Sam: sword
Sam: scabbard
ThePhan: sword
Sam: spear
LaZorra: snakes
Zup: snake
ThePhan: sword again
Zup: knife
NessaChan: argh
Maryam: shield
Sam: halberd
LaZorra: clothes
Zup: ali
Nyperold: halberd
Sentynel: dignity
Zup: poochie
Zup: princess
ThePhan: dignity
Sam: snakes
Zup: love
SinbadBlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer sword.
SinbadBlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer scabbard.
SinbadBlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer polearm.
SinbadBlitzBot: Scores this round: Sam: +2, ThePhan: +1.
Zup: dignity
* Sentynel high fives Phan
ThePhan: Sent: Heh. We are in agreement.
LaZorra: any future movie deals
Sam: LaZ: LOL
SinbadBlitzBot: 6. asks: Things Confucius says in Sinbad and the Seven Seas.
Maryam: when world upside down, chin up
Sam: when world is upside down, chin up
ThePhan: when world is upside down chin up
Zup: confucius say
ThePhan: LOL, that's the only one I remember.
Sam: life is like a crystal glass. though it sparkles, it's fragile
Maryam: Same here.
LaZorra: if man with big pecs show up to rescue, run for life
SinbadBlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer When the world is upside down...chin up.
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Luck is like a crystal glass..
SinbadBlitzBot: Scores this round: Maryam: +1.
NessaChan: never go to deserted island owned by Mr. Small
Sam: I had the wrong thing that's like a crystal glass.
Sentynel: I read that as "lunch is like a crystal glass"
goldfishy: page 3 model you shall never be
Sentynel: gold: That sounds more like Yoda.
goldfishy: Well I dunno what Confucious sounds like
gremlinn: LICK?
SinbadBlitzBot: 9. asks: Muscles that bulge.
Maryam: biceps
Sam: pectoral
Goosey: pecs
Maryam: triceps
Zup: lou ferrigno
Sentynel: pecs
Sam: ab
LaZorra: Lou Ferrigno's
NessaChan: abs
Sam: deltoid
Sam: triceps
Zup: gluteus maximus
Sam: biceps
NessaChan: buttockular
Sam: abdominal
Nyperold: pentaceps
goldfishy: tongue
Maryam: gluteus maximus
NessaChan: legs
SinbadBlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer biceps.
SinbadBlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer pec.
SinbadBlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer triceps.
SinbadBlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer ab.
SinbadBlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer deltoid.
SinbadBlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer gluteus maximus.
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: calf.
SinbadBlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: quads.
SinbadBlitzBot: Scores this round: Sam: +3, Maryam: +2, Zup: +1.
Sam: gluteus maximus
Nyperold: 4ceps
ThePhan: Aww, I had just finished typing "quads" when it ended. Heh.
Maryam: I almost did put "forceps" before realizing that wasn't a muscle.
Sam: Forceps, yes.
Sam: hehehe
ThePhan: Hehe
LaZorra: LOL
Sentynel: What I want to know is, what's a monoceps?
SinbadBlitzBot: 8. asks: Things Sinbad throws away in Sinbad and the Seven Seas.
Sam: ...
Maryam: scabbard
ThePhan: sword
NessaChan: swords
Sentynel: sword
Zup: polearm
ThePhan: polearm
Sentynel: polearm
NessaChan: his dignity
Nyperold: katana
goldfishy: bunny ears
NessaChan: desire to marry ranma
Zup: the movie rights
ThePhan: Sentynel: Probably just monocep. There can't be more than one of them./
SinbadBlitzBot: Maryam wins a point with answer scabbard.
SinbadBlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer sword.
SinbadBlitzBot: Zup wins a point with answer polearm.
SinbadBlitzBot: Scores this round: Maryam: +1, ThePhan: +1, Zup: +1.
SinbadBlitzBot: Game is paused.
Zup: money
Nyperold: morningstar
Maryam: Nessa: LOL
Sam: Er, ok, I guess that's it.
Nyperold: boomerang
Sam: 5 minute break while I tally the scores.
Zup: yay!
ThePhan: Hehe
Sentynel: Only five minutes to the next bot?
Sentynel: Aaargh, I'll never get a teacake toasted fast enough.
Sentynel: Have to be something else.
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=8
Sam: Because of Randy's wonkier-than-usual connection, we won't be playing RockBot tonight. We'll do CuteBot instead, and then possibly do something else after that.
Goosey: Awww!
goldfishy: Awwww
Zup: Hmmmm.
Goosey: Poor Randy!
Maryam: Cool. I'm in second. That won't last long.
Sam: Actually, yeah, we'll do RPSBot first. That usually only takes about 5 minutes to play.
BlitzBot has been dismissed by Sam.
SinbadBlitzBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Sentynel: Technically, it's Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock.
Kalimeris: Ohh
goldfishy: I just think rock paper spock now
RPSBot has been summoned by Sam.
: Ahem. We wiww now pway WPSBot. Awthough, technicawwy Sentynew is wight. It's WPSWSBot.
: Wead the instwuctions now if you want to.
NessaChan: hehe
Sentynel: http://www.samkass.com/theories/RPSSL.html Instructions are here, for those who haven't played the Spock Lizard extension before.
Sentynel: With handy diagram.
goldfishy: Literally handy
* Sentynel pretends that pun was deliberate
RPSBot: Starting a new game:
RPSBot: New round! (1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors, (4) lizard, (5) spock.
Goosey: 2
RPSBot: Nyperold answers scissors (beating Sam, Zup, Sentynel, Maryam, TalkingDog) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: SirDude answers scissors (beating Sam, Zup, Sentynel, Maryam, TalkingDog) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: Maryam answers lizard (beating Sam) and wins 1 point.
RPSBot: Sentynel answers lizard (beating Sam) and wins 1 point.
RPSBot: TalkingDog answers lizard (beating Sam) and wins 1 point.
RPSBot: Zup answers lizard (beating Sam) and wins 1 point.
RPSBot: Sam answers paper and scores nothing.
LaZorra: HEY
goldfishy: no too quick!
NessaChan: hmmm didn't work
Maryam: Wow.
Sam: This is a fast game.
RPSBot: New round! (1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors, (4) lizard, (5) spock.
Zup: Okay. This is easy.
Sam: Submit numbers, not words.
NessaChan: ah
LaZorra: I DID
ThePhan: Oh! Heh. Yeah, I submitted a word.
RPSBot: goldfishy answers paper (beating Zup, Sam, Nyperold, Maryam, ThePhan, Kalimeris, SirDude) and wins 7 points.
RPSBot: NessaChan answers paper (beating Zup, Sam, Nyperold, Maryam, ThePhan, Kalimeris, SirDude) and wins 7 points.
RPSBot: TalkingDog answers paper (beating Zup, Sam, Nyperold, Maryam, ThePhan, Kalimeris, SirDude) and wins 7 points.
RPSBot: Kalimeris answers spock (beating Zup, Sam, Nyperold, Goosey, Sentynel) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: Maryam answers spock (beating Zup, Sam, Nyperold, Goosey, Sentynel) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: SirDude answers spock (beating Zup, Sam, Nyperold, Goosey, Sentynel) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: ThePhan answers spock (beating Zup, Sam, Nyperold, Goosey, Sentynel) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: Goosey answers scissors (beating goldfishy, NessaChan, TalkingDog) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Sentynel answers scissors (beating goldfishy, NessaChan, TalkingDog) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Nyperold answers rock (beating Goosey, Sentynel) and wins 2 points.
RPSBot: Sam answers rock (beating Goosey, Sentynel) and wins 2 points.
RPSBot: Zup answers rock (beating Goosey, Sentynel) and wins 2 points.
RPSBot: New round! (1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors, (4) lizard, (5) spock.
Sentynel: This game is manic with lots of people.
RPSBot: goldfishy answers lizard (beating Sentynel, ThePhan, Kalimeris, SirDude, Goosey, Zup, NessaChan, Sam, Maryam) and wins 9 points.
RPSBot: Nyperold answers lizard (beating Sentynel, ThePhan, Kalimeris, SirDude, Goosey, Zup, NessaChan, Sam, Maryam) and wins 9 points.
RPSBot: Kalimeris answers paper (beating LaZorra, Goosey, Zup, NessaChan, Sam, Maryam) and wins 6 points.
RPSBot: Sentynel answers paper (beating LaZorra, Goosey, Zup, NessaChan, Sam, Maryam) and wins 6 points.
RPSBot: SirDude answers paper (beating LaZorra, Goosey, Zup, NessaChan, Sam, Maryam) and wins 6 points.
RPSBot: ThePhan answers paper (beating LaZorra, Goosey, Zup, NessaChan, Sam, Maryam) and wins 6 points.
RPSBot: LaZorra answers rock (beating goldfishy, Nyperold) and wins 2 points.
RPSBot: Goosey answers spock (beating LaZorra) and wins 1 point.
RPSBot: Maryam answers spock (beating LaZorra) and wins 1 point.
RPSBot: NessaChan answers spock (beating LaZorra) and wins 1 point.
RPSBot: Sam answers spock (beating LaZorra) and wins 1 point.
RPSBot: Zup answers spock (beating LaZorra) and wins 1 point.
goldfishy: I didn't even have time for a number first time let alone a word
Zup: I keep losing!
Sam: goldie and Nyp have superior skill..
RPSBot: New round! (1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors, (4) lizard, (5) spock.
RPSBot: Goosey answers spock (beating Zup, Nyperold, TalkingDog, goldfishy, NessaChan, SirDude, Kalimeris) and wins 7 points.
RPSBot: LaZorra answers spock (beating Zup, Nyperold, TalkingDog, goldfishy, NessaChan, SirDude, Kalimeris) and wins 7 points.
RPSBot: Maryam answers spock (beating Zup, Nyperold, TalkingDog, goldfishy, NessaChan, SirDude, Kalimeris) and wins 7 points.
RPSBot: Sam answers spock (beating Zup, Nyperold, TalkingDog, goldfishy, NessaChan, SirDude, Kalimeris) and wins 7 points.
RPSBot: Sentynel answers spock (beating Zup, Nyperold, TalkingDog, goldfishy, NessaChan, SirDude, Kalimeris) and wins 7 points.
RPSBot: Nyperold answers rock (beating goldfishy, NessaChan, SirDude, Kalimeris, ThePhan) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: TalkingDog answers rock (beating goldfishy, NessaChan, SirDude, Kalimeris, ThePhan) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: ThePhan answers lizard (beating Goosey, Sam, Sentynel, LaZorra, Maryam) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: Zup answers rock (beating goldfishy, NessaChan, SirDude, Kalimeris, ThePhan) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: goldfishy answers scissors (beating ThePhan) and wins 1 point.
RPSBot: Kalimeris answers scissors (beating ThePhan) and wins 1 point.
RPSBot: NessaChan answers scissors (beating ThePhan) and wins 1 point.
RPSBot: SirDude answers scissors (beating ThePhan) and wins 1 point.
goldfishy: Sam you jinxed me!
RPSBot: New round! (1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors, (4) lizard, (5) spock.
RPSBot: Sam answers rock (beating Goosey, Zup, Maryam, Kalimeris, LaZorra, goldfishy, NessaChan, SirDude, Nyperold) and wins 9 points.
RPSBot: Goosey answers scissors (beating Sentynel, ThePhan, goldfishy, NessaChan, SirDude, Nyperold) and wins 6 points.
RPSBot: Kalimeris answers scissors (beating Sentynel, ThePhan, goldfishy, NessaChan, SirDude, Nyperold) and wins 6 points.
RPSBot: LaZorra answers scissors (beating Sentynel, ThePhan, goldfishy, NessaChan, SirDude, Nyperold) and wins 6 points.
RPSBot: Maryam answers scissors (beating Sentynel, ThePhan, goldfishy, NessaChan, SirDude, Nyperold) and wins 6 points.
RPSBot: TalkingDog answers spock (beating Sam, Goosey, Zup, Maryam, Kalimeris, LaZorra) and wins 6 points.
RPSBot: Zup answers scissors (beating Sentynel, ThePhan, goldfishy, NessaChan, SirDude, Nyperold) and wins 6 points.
RPSBot: goldfishy answers lizard (beating Sentynel, ThePhan, TalkingDog) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: NessaChan answers lizard (beating Sentynel, ThePhan, TalkingDog) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Nyperold answers lizard (beating Sentynel, ThePhan, TalkingDog) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: SirDude answers lizard (beating Sentynel, ThePhan, TalkingDog) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Sentynel answers paper (beating Sam, TalkingDog) and wins 2 points.
RPSBot: ThePhan answers paper (beating Sam, TalkingDog) and wins 2 points.
RPSBot: New round! (1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors, (4) lizard, (5) spock.
RPSBot: Kalimeris answers lizard (beating Goosey, goldfishy, Zup, TalkingDog, Sentynel, Maryam, LaZorra, SirDude, Nyperold) and wins 9 points.
RPSBot: Sam answers scissors (beating Goosey, goldfishy, Zup, TalkingDog, Sentynel, Maryam, LaZorra, SirDude, Kalimeris) and wins 9 points.
RPSBot: goldfishy answers paper (beating NessaChan, ThePhan, Nyperold) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Goosey answers paper (beating NessaChan, ThePhan, Nyperold) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: LaZorra answers paper (beating NessaChan, ThePhan, Nyperold) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Maryam answers paper (beating NessaChan, ThePhan, Nyperold) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Nyperold answers spock (beating NessaChan, ThePhan, Sam) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Sentynel answers paper (beating NessaChan, ThePhan, Nyperold) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: SirDude answers paper (beating NessaChan, ThePhan, Nyperold) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: TalkingDog answers paper (beating NessaChan, ThePhan, Nyperold) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Zup answers paper (beating NessaChan, ThePhan, Nyperold) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: NessaChan answers rock (beating Sam, Kalimeris) and wins 2 points.
RPSBot: ThePhan answers rock (beating Sam, Kalimeris) and wins 2 points.
RPSBot: New round! (1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors, (4) lizard, (5) spock.
RPSBot: ThePhan answers scissors (beating Goosey, Sam, Nyperold, Maryam, Kalimeris, goldfishy, Zup, Sentynel) and wins 8 points.
RPSBot: goldfishy answers lizard (beating Goosey, Sam, Nyperold, Maryam, Kalimeris, SirDude) and wins 6 points.
RPSBot: Sentynel answers lizard (beating Goosey, Sam, Nyperold, Maryam, Kalimeris, SirDude) and wins 6 points.
RPSBot: Zup answers lizard (beating Goosey, Sam, Nyperold, Maryam, Kalimeris, SirDude) and wins 6 points.
RPSBot: LaZorra answers rock (beating ThePhan, goldfishy, Zup, Sentynel) and wins 4 points.
RPSBot: TalkingDog answers rock (beating ThePhan, goldfishy, Zup, Sentynel) and wins 4 points.
RPSBot: Goosey answers paper (beating LaZorra, TalkingDog, SirDude) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Kalimeris answers paper (beating LaZorra, TalkingDog, SirDude) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Maryam answers paper (beating LaZorra, TalkingDog, SirDude) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Nyperold answers paper (beating LaZorra, TalkingDog, SirDude) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Sam answers paper (beating LaZorra, TalkingDog, SirDude) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: SirDude answers spock (beating LaZorra, TalkingDog, ThePhan) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Sam wins!
Maryam: Everyone was close.
Zup: Wow. That was quick.
gremlinn: Paper seems overly popular.
Sentynel: SO CLOSE
Kalimeris: That was neat
Sentynel: Kali: Thank you!
RPSBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Zup: Maybe next time we should go to ninety and divide by three. lol
Sentynel: Zup: If I recall correctly, we thought about that last UBT, but decided it's better in small doses.
Zup: Interesting.
Maryam: Yeah, was getting a tad bored of it already.
CuteBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: Requiring equally skillful play and clever strategizing is CuteBot, which we will play in a minute or so.
* SirDude grabs a snack
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=8
* SirDude went absolutely nowhere in standings
Sentynel: Sam: Ah, you put RPSBot under Psychological.
Sentynel: Which I suppose is true to some extent.
Sam: Sent: I actually had an idea for a strategy. Whether it enabled me to win or not, I don't know, but it's possible.
Sentynel: Sam: Yeah, I was using a strategy of sorts too. Strategising is a lot easier with small groups, though.
Sentynel: RPSSL with like two or three players is very strategy-heavy.
CuteBot: , ,
CuteBot: What do you think LaZorra rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Kalimeris: I was definitely trying to logic out who would pick what
Goosey: 2 5 1
ThePhan: 2 4 1
gremlinn: 3 2 1
goldfishy: 2 4 1
Sentynel: 3 6 1
NessaChan: 3 5 2
TalkingDog: 3 4 1
Kalimeris: 2 6 1
SirDude: 4 6 1
ThePhan: I can't remember how LZ feels about rodents.
Zup: 3 5 1
Maryam: 2 6 1
Sam: 3 2 1
Goosey: Phan: You asking about number two or number 3?
CuteBot: LaZorra's ratings were: 3 2 1.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 3 2 1 (correct) and scores 5 points!
CuteBot: Sam guesses 3 2 1 (correct) and scores 5 points!
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 3 4 1 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: goldfishy guesses 2 4 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 2 4 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Zup guesses 3 5 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Goosey guesses 2 5 1 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 3 5 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sentynel guesses 3 6 1 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 2 6 1 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 2 6 1 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 4 6 1 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 5, so LaZorra earns 5 points.
LaZorra: An indistingushable pile of fluff on an ugly couch, a rat-like thing in a bowl, and a dog from HELL.
NessaChan: No ferret love
Maryam: Aw, but it's a cute curled-up rat-like thing in a bowl.
CuteBot: , ,
CuteBot: What do you think Sentynel rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
NessaChan: 2 3 3
Kalimeris: 6 4 3
Goosey: 1 2 1
Sam: 7 4 7
Zup: 6 4 4
gremlinn: 3 2 6
ThePhan: It's a dog eat dog world. HAHAHA
SirDude: 2 2 2
Maryam: 4 2 4
goldfishy: 5 1 5
TalkingDog: 3 2 4
ThePhan: 5 2 4
TalkingDog: 3 2 5
ThePhan: 4 2 4
CuteBot: Sentynel's ratings were: 3 2 1.
CuteBot: Goosey guesses 1 2 1 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 2 2 2 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 2 3 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 3 2 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 4 2 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 4 2 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 3 2 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: goldfishy guesses 5 1 5 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 6 4 3 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 6 4 4 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sam guesses 7 4 7 (off by 12) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 2, so Sentynel earns 2 points.
* Sentynel senses some indecision here
gremlinn: I've guessed 5 out of 6 numbers perfectly.
ThePhan: If I had just kept going, I would've gotten a point!
Maryam: It's hard to guess whether people will take off points for demon eyes or just account for bad photography.
CuteBot: , ,
CuteBot: What do you think Goosey rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
* goldfishy guesses wildly
Sam: 7 2 4
NessaChan: 6 4 4
Maryam: 7 5 6
gremlinn: 4 3 2
Zup: 7 2 1
Sentynel: 6 2 7
TalkingDog: Microhorseyyyyyyyy!
Kalimeris: 4 3 6
TalkingDog: 7 3 5
ThePhan: 6 3 3
SirDude: 6 1 4
Kalimeris: HEDGIE
LaZorra: 7 5 6
ThePhan: A vain hedgehog!
goldfishy: 7 1 5
CuteBot: Goosey's ratings were: 3 1 5.
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 4 3 6 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 6 1 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: goldfishy guesses 7 1 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 4 3 2 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sentynel guesses 6 2 7 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sam guesses 7 2 4 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 7 3 5 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 6 3 3 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 6 4 4 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 7 2 1 (off by 9) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 7 5 6 (off by 9) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 7 5 6 (off by 9) and does not score.
CuteBot: No scores.
Sentynel: Heh.
Maryam: I am really overestimating, this game.
LaZorra: YOU GAVE PONIES A 3????
gremlinn: Goosey's in trouble with the horse-loving folks.
Goosey: 3 for the size, but I had to take off points for the boring shot and the ugly coats.
CuteBot: , ,
CuteBot: What do you think NessaChan rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Kalimeris: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! DUCKIES
TalkingDog: Duck fleet!
Sam: 7 1 4
gremlinn: 6 1 4
Zup: 6 2 6
Sentynel: In formation no less.
goldfishy: oh hell no demon pink dogs
Goosey: 7 1 2
SirDude: 6 1 6
ThePhan: 6 1 3
TalkingDog: 7 1 5
Maryam: 6 3 3
Kalimeris: 5 3 3
LaZorra: 5 2 3
Sentynel: 6 1 3
goldfishy: 5 1 6
CuteBot: NessaChan's ratings were: 6 4 3.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 6 3 3 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 5 3 3 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 5 2 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Sentynel guesses 6 1 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 6 1 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 6 1 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 6 2 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Goosey guesses 7 1 2 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sam guesses 7 1 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 6 1 6 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 7 1 5 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: goldfishy guesses 5 1 6 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 3, so NessaChan earns 3 points.
Maryam: Finally, a close score!
* Zup has lost his CuteBot edge! ugh
CuteBot: , ,
CuteBot: What do you think Kalimeris rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
gremlinn: 1 5 1
Zup: 3 5 1
Maryam: 5 7 2
NessaChan: 4 5 2
LaZorra: 3 3 3
Goosey: 5 3 1
Sentynel: 3 4 1
SirDude: 4 6 1
goldfishy: 2 2 2
ThePhan: 1 4 1
TalkingDog: 4 6 1
Sam: 6 5 4
CuteBot: Kalimeris's ratings were: 6 3 3.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 3 3 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Goosey guesses 5 3 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Sam guesses 6 5 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 4 5 2 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: goldfishy guesses 2 2 2 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sentynel guesses 3 4 1 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 5 7 2 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 3 5 1 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 4 6 1 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 4 6 1 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 1 4 1 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 1 5 1 (off by 9) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 1, so Kalimeris earns 1 point.
LaZorra: Does #1 have a tattoo of a dead kitty? O.o
ThePhan: LZ: I possibly should not have laughed at that as hard as I did.
Sam: LaZ: hahaha. Wow. That should have been a deduction.
Kalimeris: I didn't even see it!
CuteBot: , ,
CuteBot: What do you think SirDude rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Kalimeris: AHH KITTIES
Goosey: 4 4 6
Zup: 3 1 3
gremlinn: 6 5 7
NessaChan: 6 5 5
Kalimeris: 6 2 4
Sentynel: FENNEC
goldfishy: 5 4 4
Maryam: 5 3 6
LaZorra: 5 4 4
Maryam: Fennec mouse?
ThePhan: 4 2 6
Sam: 5 1 3
Sentynel: It isn't a fennec. Never mind.
TalkingDog: 7 3 6
Sentynel: It just has the ears.
Sentynel: 5 4 6
Maryam: That'd be some crossbreeding.
gremlinn: I thought a fennec was a fox.
CuteBot: SirDude's ratings were: 5 3 6.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 5 3 6 (correct) and scores 5 points!
CuteBot: Sentynel guesses 5 4 6 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 4 2 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Goosey guesses 4 4 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 7 3 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: goldfishy guesses 5 4 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 5 4 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 6 2 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 6 5 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 6 5 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sam guesses 5 1 3 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 3 1 3 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 5, so SirDude earns 5 points.
ThePhan: It killed a fennec and took its ears.
NessaChan: haha I was going to say that
NessaChan: What maryam said anyway
gremlinn: My scores per round: 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,...
Sentynel: My internets were on a go-slow.
Sentynel: Half the image loaded - the half with the ears.
Sentynel: What was attached was not what I was expecting.
Sam: LOL!!
LaZorra: LOL
CuteBot: , ,
CuteBot: What do you think goldfishy rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Kalimeris: uh
gremlinn: 6 1 6
NessaChan: dead chicky?
Zup: 5 1 1
Sam: That is one small bird.
Goosey: 6 6 2
Sentynel: 5 1 4
LaZorra: 6 2 5
Zup: "Mmmmm, popcorn chicken"
Maryam: 4 1 3
SirDude: 6 2 4
Kalimeris: 6 1 6
LaZorra: Is it a bird?
NessaChan: 6 2 5
TalkingDog: 6 3 5
LaZorra: It looks like a lump of flesh.
Sam: 6 2 2
ThePhan: 6 1 4
Kalimeris: The 3rd one reminds me of henry, sort of
LaZorra: Mensekemeser?
Kalimeris: but henry is much cuter. (Henry is one of our cats)
LaZorra: Oh.
CuteBot: goldfishy's ratings were: 3 1 2.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 4 1 3 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Zup guesses 5 1 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Sentynel guesses 5 1 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sam guesses 6 2 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 6 1 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 6 2 4 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 6 1 6 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 6 1 6 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 6 2 5 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 6 2 5 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 6 3 5 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: Goosey guesses 6 6 2 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 2, so goldfishy earns 2 points.
ThePhan: 6 1 3
gremlinn: If I can't distinguish it from a bean, it's a 1.
Sam: LOL
Goosey: grem: LOL!
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'If I can't distinguish it from a bean, it's a 1.' by Sam.
ThePhan: But beans are CUUUUUUUTE!
Zup: LOL
NessaChan: lol
LaZorra: LOL
Zup: Beans, beans, the magical fruit...
Zup: the more you eat, the more you're CUTE!
LaZorra: LOL
ThePhan: Way too many people in HoN look like beans.
CuteBot: , ,
CuteBot: What do you think TalkingDog rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Kalimeris: BUNNEH
Zup: 7 5 7
gremlinn: 6 2 2
Sam: 3 7 4
Goosey: 7 7 4
goldfishy: 7 6 7
NessaChan: 5 5 3
Maryam: 7 5 4
SirDude: 6 5 3
Kalimeris: 6 4 2
Sentynel: 6 3 5
ThePhan: 6 4 5
LaZorra: 7 6 5
CuteBot: TalkingDog's ratings were: 6 7 4.
CuteBot: Goosey guesses 7 7 4 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Sam guesses 3 7 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 6 5 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 7 5 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 7 6 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 5 5 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 6 4 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sentynel guesses 6 3 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 6 4 2 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: goldfishy guesses 7 6 7 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 7 5 7 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 6 2 2 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 3, so TalkingDog earns 3 points.
NessaChan: 6 5 3
Kalimeris: Wow, I'm terrible at this.
Zup: Kal: Me too.
gremlinn: Me too, save a lucky round.
* TalkingDog should have.
LaZorra: LOL
* goldfishy takes TD's temperature
CuteBot: , ,
CuteBot: What do you think Maryam rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Kalimeris: OH MAH GAHH
Zup: 7 7 7
Sentynel: SEAL
NessaChan: 6 6 5
Zup: LOL
gremlinn: 4 1 5
Sam: 7 7 7
NessaChan: ICE CHUB
Goosey: LOL LOL
Kalimeris: 7 2 5
goldfishy: 6 1 2
Sentynel: 6 7 6
Goosey: 7 7 7
Zup: 6 6 5
TalkingDog: 7 7 7
SirDude: 6 2 6
goldfishy: What the hell is #2?
Zup: 7 7 7
NessaChan: snorgles are in order
ThePhan: 7 6 5
Sentynel: gold: it's a snowy seal pup.
SirDude: Lot of jackpots here
gremlinn: If I can't distinguish it from a ...whatever that is...it's a 1.
LaZorra: 7 7 5
CuteBot: Maryam's ratings were: 7 5 5.
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 7 6 5 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 6 6 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 7 7 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 7 2 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Sentynel guesses 6 7 6 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Goosey guesses 7 7 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sam guesses 7 7 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 7 7 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 7 7 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 6 2 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 4 1 5 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: goldfishy guesses 6 1 2 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 3, so Maryam earns 3 points.
ThePhan: Which I'm pretty sure I have had nightmares about.
Goosey: Okay, at first I thought it was a the severed head of an abominable snowman, but it's really a snowy seal.
goldfishy: Oooh ok - it looked like a scary marshmallow beast
ThePhan: Goosey: LOL
ThePhan: I want a severed yeti head for a pet!
Maryam: If it weren't all covered in snow, it'd have rated higher.
Maryam: But as it is you can barely tell what it is.
CuteBot: , ,
CuteBot: What do you think Sam rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
gremlinn: 3 5 6
Zup: LOL
LaZorra: 7 7 7
NessaChan: 5 3 3
Goosey: 1 2 1
Maryam: 5 6 7
SirDude: 4 4 4
goldfishy: 4 4 4
Zup: 5 4 6
Kalimeris: 3 4 3
Sentynel: 3 4 6
ThePhan: 2 5 3
Sentynel: #3 totally gets a chess bonux.
Sentynel: Bunus.
Sentynel: BONUS.
goldfishy: Bonio!
gremlinn: BONES.
Zup: Bono?
TalkingDog: 5 5 6
CuteBot: Sam's ratings were: 4 3 3.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 5 3 3 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 3 4 3 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: goldfishy guesses 4 4 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 4 4 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 2 5 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sentynel guesses 3 4 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 5 4 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Goosey guesses 1 2 1 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 3 5 6 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 5 5 6 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 5 6 7 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 7 7 7 (off by 11) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 3, so Sam earns 3 points.
CuteBot: , ,
CuteBot: What do you think Zup rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
TalkingDog: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Kalimeris: 4 4 7
Goosey: 4 6 7
Maryam: 7 6 7
gremlinn: 6 3 2
SirDude: 6 4 6
Sam: 7 6 2
LaZorra: 7 4 7
NessaChan: 6 5 5
Kalimeris: That kitty
TalkingDog: 7 6 7
Kalimeris: s so
goldfishy: 7 2 3
Sentynel: 7 5 7
ThePhan: 5 4 5
CuteBot: Zup's ratings were: 7 3 7.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 7 4 7 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Sentynel guesses 7 5 7 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 6 4 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 7 6 7 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 7 6 7 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 4 4 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 5 4 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 6 5 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: goldfishy guesses 7 2 3 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Goosey guesses 4 6 7 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 6 3 2 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sam guesses 7 6 2 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 3, so Zup earns 3 points.
* NessaChan falls asleep
Zup: Small - cute
NessaChan: Maryam is good at this
Maryam: I am?
Maryam: Huh. Apparently I am.
NessaChan: you're in most place
gremlinn: It must be my turn soon.
gremlinn: Heh, 1 second later.
CuteBot: , ,
CuteBot: What do you think gremlinn rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Goosey: AUGH
NessaChan: yikes
LaZorra: That doe looks FREAKED OUT.
SirDude: 2 5 1
gremlinn: That dog's being traumatized.
Kalimeris: 1 3 2
goldfishy: 1 2 6
ThePhan: UH
Goosey: What doe?
gremlinn: LZ: it's a dog.
Maryam: 1 3 3
Kalimeris: 1 3 1
LaZorra: 1 5 5
NessaChan: 1 5 3
Sam: 1 1 1
ThePhan: 1 2 3
Sentynel: 1 5 4
Zup: 1 3 5
LaZorra: grem: :-p
Goosey: 1 3 3
ThePhan: #2 would have been a 3, but... it has a hat.
LaZorra: That is what I meant!
gremlinn: Doe: a deer.
Zup: 1 2 5
LaZorra: A female deer.
NessaChan: a dog-like deer
TalkingDog: 1 4 4
CuteBot: gremlinn's ratings were: 2 6 3.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 1 5 3 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Sentynel guesses 1 5 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 2 5 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Goosey guesses 1 3 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 1 3 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 1 4 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 1 5 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 1 2 3 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 1 3 1 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 1 2 5 (off by 7) and does not score.
Goosey: A female deer
CuteBot: Sam guesses 1 1 1 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: goldfishy guesses 1 2 6 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 2, so gremlinn earns 2 points.
gremlinn: I had to play "Where's Waldo" on #3.
CuteBot: , ,
CuteBot: What do you think ThePhan rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Maryam: 2 1 1
Kalimeris: 1 1 1
gremlinn: 2 2 1
SirDude: 3 2 1
Sentynel: 3 2 1
Kalimeris: 1 2 1
Zup: 2 1 1
NessaChan: 1 2 1
LaZorra: 2 3 3
goldfishy: 2 1 1
Goosey: 1 2 1
Sentynel: What's #2 stood in?
NessaChan: That poodle has been chewing its leg
Sam: 5 2 1
Maryam: Really deep ugly shag?
TalkingDog: 2 4 2
CuteBot: ThePhan's ratings were: 3 2 1.
CuteBot: Sentynel guesses 3 2 1 (correct) and scores 5 points!
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 3 2 1 (correct) and scores 5 points!
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 2 2 1 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Goosey guesses 1 2 1 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 1 2 1 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 1 2 1 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: goldfishy guesses 2 1 1 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 2 1 1 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Zup guesses 2 1 1 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Sam guesses 5 2 1 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 2 3 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 2 4 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 5, so ThePhan earns 5 points.
gremlinn: Why are the dogs so ugly on average?
gremlinn: Our family Corgi is way over any of these dogs.
Sam: grem: Every dog I've ever owned is, too.
Sam: My favorite pictures in CuteBot are mostly dogs, but the average CuteBot dog isn't even as cute as the average dog on the street.
gremlinn: Maybe it says something about people who like photographing dogs.
CuteBot: , ,
CuteBot: What do you think SirDude rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
NessaChan: DUCKY
LaZorra: 7 6 4
gremlinn: 3 7 1
Sam: The average CuteBot duck, though, seems to improve on life substantially.
Sentynel: 1 7 1
Maryam: 4 7 3
Sam: 3 7 1
Goosey: 3 7 2
NessaChan: 5 6 1
ThePhan: 3 6 1
Sentynel: 2 7 1
Kalimeris: 5 6 1
gremlinn: #3 will give me nightmares.
goldfishy: 4 7 1
Zup: 2 6 1
Goosey: LOL LOL
: !
TalkingDog: 5 6 1
Sentynel: Sam: Ducks are cute.
Sentynel: Especially ducklings.
CuteBot: SirDude's ratings were: 2 4 1.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 2 6 1 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Sentynel guesses 2 7 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 3 6 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 3 7 1 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sam guesses 3 7 1 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Goosey guesses 3 7 2 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: goldfishy guesses 4 7 1 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 5 6 1 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 5 6 1 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 5 6 1 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 4 7 3 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 7 6 4 (off by 10) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 2, so SirDude earns 2 points.
Sentynel: Although I also find ducks vaguely creepy. Like they're watching me with those beady little eyes.
goldfishy: Sent: they are watching you - they know you have access to bread
NessaChan: I love duckies
gremlinn: I wish there were more birds like parrots and budgies in the pictures.
Sentynel: Anatidaephobia: the fear that somehow, somewhere, a duck is watching you
ThePhan: Ducks are higher up on the chain of "things I like to look at" than dogs.
CuteBot: , ,
CuteBot: What do you think Sentynel rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
NessaChan: keeee
Maryam: 5 2 7
Zup: 5 1 3
Maryam: 3 2 7
gremlinn: 2 3 2
NessaChan: 5 1 6
Goosey: 6 1 3
SirDude: 2 2 4
Kalimeris: 5 2 4
goldfishy: 1 1 1
ThePhan: If you give a mouse a cookie, he'll want some milk to go with it.
Sam: 3 1 5
LaZorra: 7 1 7
ThePhan: 2 1 3
SirDude: #2 fails at camera angle
TalkingDog: 4 2 4
CuteBot: Sentynel's ratings were: 2 3 5.
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 2 2 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 2 3 2 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Sam guesses 3 1 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 2 1 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 3 2 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 4 2 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 5 2 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 5 1 6 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: goldfishy guesses 1 1 1 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 5 1 3 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: Goosey guesses 6 1 3 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 7 1 7 (off by 9) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 2, so Sentynel earns 2 points.
Sentynel: Interestingly polar opinions on that cat.
Sentynel: To me, it just looks stoned.
gremlinn: I agreed with you.
Zup: I like kitties.
Maryam: Not very polar. They more ranged around the middle of the scale.
Sentynel: Maryam: Okay, not polar, but we had everything from 1 to 7.
CuteBot: , ,
CuteBot: What do you think Sam rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
NessaChan: too much catnip
Sentynel: PLATYPUS
NessaChan: oh golly
goldfishy: PLATYPUS
gremlinn: 3 5 6
Maryam: 1 7 6
SirDude: 21 7
goldfishy: awwwww
LaZorra: 2 2 5
Sentynel: I'm not sure whether it's actually cute, or just daft.
Kalimeris: 3 4 4
NessaChan: 5 4 5
SirDude: 2 1 7
TalkingDog: 2 4 7
Goosey: 4 4 6
gremlinn: I think it's a little cute just for the fur.
Kalimeris: Um. Is number 2 wearing half a sweater
NessaChan: platypustastic
Sentynel: 3 4 6
Goosey: Kali: I think it's a cast.
goldfishy: 5 6 6
Kalimeris: Oh.
goldfishy: But I personally give platypus a 7!
Kalimeris: I'm DUMB hahahaha
Maryam: Why is everyone giving #2 low scores-- oh wait, it has clothes on.
Maryam: I hardly even noticed because that pose is so cute.
CuteBot: Sam's ratings were: 3 6 6.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 3 5 6 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Sentynel guesses 3 4 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: goldfishy guesses 5 6 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 1 7 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Goosey guesses 4 4 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 2 4 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 3 4 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 5 4 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 2 2 5 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 2 1 7 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 3, so Sam earns 3 points.
Goosey: Actually, #1 gets marked down for the guy holding it.
Sentynel: Platypus' cute quotient is decreased by knowing it's poisonous.
goldfishy: Are they?
Goosey: What?
Sentynel: Males are.
goldfishy: Didn't know that
NessaChan: they're poisonious?
Sentynel: Come on, it's Australian.
Sentynel: Of course it's poisonous.
NessaChan: crikey
Sentynel: "While both male and female Platypuses are born with ankle spurs, only the male has spurs which produce a cocktail of venom,[19][20][21] composed largely of defensin-like proteins (DLPs), three of which are unique to the Platypus."
CuteBot: , ,
CuteBot: What do you think gremlinn rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Kalimeris: 4 3 2
Sam: 4 2 1
Maryam: 6 5 5
goldfishy: 6 4 2
gremlinn: For some reason, #1 looks like a statue.
Zup: 6 2 4
gremlinn: I think it's the eyes.
SirDude: 4 4 4
Goosey: 5 7 7
NessaChan: 5 5 4
Sentynel: 3 4 6
Goosey: Sent: eeeeeep
LaZorra: 6 6 4
goldfishy: I think I was generous on #2 - scary bulgy eyes
TalkingDog: 6 5 4
CuteBot: gremlinn's ratings were: 3 5 2.
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 4 3 2 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 4 4 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 5 5 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: goldfishy guesses 6 4 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sentynel guesses 3 4 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sam guesses 4 2 1 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 6 5 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 6 5 5 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 6 6 4 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 6 2 4 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: Goosey guesses 5 7 7 (off by 9) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 1, so gremlinn earns 1 point.
Sentynel: Goosey: "At this point, we would like to mention the Platypus, estranged relative of the mammal, which has a duck-bill, otter's tail, webbed feet, lays eggs, detects its aquatic prey in the same way as the electric eel, and has venomous barbs attached to its hind legs, thus combining all 'typical' Australian attributes into a single improbable creature."
Sentynel: From http://www.smedg.org.au/DougAdamsOnOz.html
Goosey: LOL
CuteBot: , ,
CuteBot: What do you think TalkingDog rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
gremlinn: 6 2 5
Zup: 5 2 5
Maryam: 5 4 5
Kalimeris: 3 4 5
Sentynel: Ooh, it's an, ahem, gland!
Goosey: BIRDIE
ThePhan: 5 4 5
SirDude: 4 3 6
goldfishy: 6 4 7
Sentynel: I think it's a marsh tit or something like that.
Sam: It's a chickadee. Right?
Sentynel: It looks like what we call, er, the plural of tit, you call chickadees.
NessaChan: 5 2 5
Maryam: 5 3 5
Kalimeris: 4 3 5
Sam: 1 5 3
Goosey: 7 1 6
LaZorra: 5 3 6
Sentynel: 6 2 5
CuteBot: TalkingDog's ratings were: 6 2 7.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 6 2 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Sentynel guesses 6 2 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: goldfishy guesses 6 4 7 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 5 2 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Zup guesses 5 2 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 5 3 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Goosey guesses 7 1 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 4 3 6 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 5 3 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 4 3 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 5 4 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sam guesses 1 5 3 (off by 12) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 2, so TalkingDog earns 2 points.
* Goosey snuggles the fat birdy!
goldfishy: Don't call it fat! You'll give it a complex!
Goosey: okay, fine, FLUFFY birdy!
CuteBot: , ,
CuteBot: What do you think LaZorra rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Maryam: 1 2 4
Zup: 7 7 7
gremlinn: 2 2 3
Goosey: 1 4 4
SirDude: 1 2 6
Kalimeris: 1 3 4
ThePhan: 4 3 5
NessaChan: 5 4 6
Sam: 1 5 6
goldfishy: 2 4 5
TalkingDog: 2 4 5
Sam: Huh.
Maryam: #2 is very cute and very ugly.
Sentynel: 3 6 3
CuteBot: LaZorra's ratings were: 4 6 5.
CuteBot: Sentynel guesses 3 6 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 4 3 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: goldfishy guesses 2 4 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 2 4 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 5 4 6 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sam guesses 1 5 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Goosey guesses 1 4 4 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 7 7 7 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 1 3 4 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 1 2 4 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 1 2 6 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 2 2 3 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 1, so LaZorra earns 1 point.
CuteBot: , ,
CuteBot: What do you think NessaChan rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Kalimeris: AH
Sam: 7 7 7
Kalimeris: 7 7 7
Maryam: 7 7 7
LaZorra: 5 7 6
gremlinn: 5 4 7
ThePhan: Sleeping cats everywhere!
Goosey: 7 7 7
SirDude: 4 6 5
ThePhan: 5 5 5
Sentynel: 5 6 6
goldfishy: 7 6 6
SirDude: #3 gets deducted for sleeping in the wrong spot
goldfishy: 7 6 6
gremlinn: Default windows background - boring.
TalkingDog: 5 5 5
Sentynel: Ah, cats demonstrating one of the Laws of Cats: A cat will expand to fill any surface or container it deems as "mine".
Zup: 6 5 7
CuteBot: NessaChan's ratings were: 6 6 7.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 6 5 7 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Sentynel guesses 5 6 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: goldfishy guesses 7 6 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Goosey guesses 7 7 7 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 7 7 7 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 7 7 7 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Sam guesses 7 7 7 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 5 4 7 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 5 7 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 4 6 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 5 5 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 5 5 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 3, so NessaChan earns 3 points.
Kalimeris: number 3, baby siamese?
Kalimeris: Some kind of pointed kitty, right?
CuteBot: , ,
CuteBot: What do you think goldfishy rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Zup: 7 2 4
Maryam: 7 4 5
LaZorra: 7 3 2
NessaChan: 7 5 5
Kalimeris: 4 3 4
gremlinn: 6 4 2
Sam: 7 1 3
SirDude: 7 4 4
Goosey: 7 4 4
TalkingDog: 7 4 5
gremlinn: Finally a nice dog.
Sentynel: 7 5 4
Maryam: 7 3 4
Goosey: Now THAT is a CUTE dog.
TalkingDog: doggy doggy doggy doggy
ThePhan: 7 2 4
CuteBot: goldfishy's ratings were: 2 1 1.
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 4 3 4 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sam guesses 7 1 3 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 6 4 2 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 7 3 2 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 7 2 4 (off by 9) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 7 2 4 (off by 9) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 7 3 4 (off by 10) and does not score.
CuteBot: Goosey guesses 7 4 4 (off by 11) and does not score.
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 7 4 4 (off by 11) and does not score.
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 7 4 5 (off by 12) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sentynel guesses 7 5 4 (off by 12) and does not score.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 7 5 5 (off by 13) and does not score.
CuteBot: No scores.
Goosey: Hehehehehe
Maryam: Wow.
Maryam: How could you give that dog a 2??
Sentynel: gold: You're statistically weird.
NessaChan: wow, I was off by 13
Maryam: It's a cocker spaniel! They're the most adorable dogs in the universe!
goldfishy: Because they're nippy little sods
Sentynel: gold: You sounded very Scottish there.
goldfishy: Sent; Thanks! :-)
: One time a kitty played with me. But I got away.
* Goosey HUGS Birthday Bear!
CuteBot: , ,
CuteBot: What do you think Goosey rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
LaZorra: FEETS
Sam: 7 7 7
Kalimeris: 3 3 5
Zup: 2 1 2
Kalimeris: 5 3 5
gremlinn: 4 4 4
NessaChan: 5 3 5
Maryam: 6 4 7
LaZorra: 6 3 5
gremlinn: I won't be off by more than 9.
Sentynel: 3 2 5
SirDude: 3 1 6
ThePhan: 5 2 5
TalkingDog: 4 4 5
goldfishy: 4 4 4
CuteBot: Goosey's ratings were: 5 4 7.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 6 4 7 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 4 4 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 5 3 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 5 3 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: goldfishy guesses 4 4 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 4 4 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 5 2 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 6 3 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sam guesses 7 7 7 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 3 1 6 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sentynel guesses 3 2 5 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 2 1 2 (off by 11) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 3, so Goosey earns 3 points.
NessaChan: erm
Sam: Reminds me of http://equiphotoworks.wordpress.com/2010/03/10/day-69-paws/
Maryam: Awww!
Goosey: Sam: KYOOT I love that one.
Sam: (Those are our cats.)
Sentynel: Sam: 7
Kalimeris: I'm such a cat person.
CuteBot: , ,
CuteBot: What do you think Zup rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
gremlinn: Are those fennecs?
Sentynel: Now THOSE are fennecs.
Goosey: 7 7 7
Sam: 2 2 2
goldfishy: wow EARS!
Kalimeris: 7 5 3
Maryam: 5 4 5
gremlinn: 5 6 2
NessaChan: 5 6 3
LaZorra: 4 7 6
SirDude: 5 2 3
TalkingDog: 5 5 5
goldfishy: 6 6 5
Sentynel: 5 7 5
ThePhan: 5 3 2
CuteBot: Zup's ratings were: 2 2 2.
CuteBot: Sam guesses 2 2 2 (correct) and scores 5 points!
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 5 2 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 5 3 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 5 6 2 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 5 4 5 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 5 6 3 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 5 5 5 (off by 9) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 7 5 3 (off by 9) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 4 7 6 (off by 11) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sentynel guesses 5 7 5 (off by 11) and does not score.
CuteBot: goldfishy guesses 6 6 5 (off by 11) and does not score.
CuteBot: Goosey guesses 7 7 7 (off by 15) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 5, so Zup earns 5 points.
Maryam: DAng.
Sentynel: What!?
* Sam high fives Zup!
Sentynel: The ears, man!
TalkingDog: eeeeeerz
Maryam: Sent: They do have kind of an annoyed look on their faces.
* Zup high fives Sam!
Zup: I was praying that you wouldn't change it.
Sentynel: Maryam: Okay, they do look slightly miffed at being manhandled, but EARS.
Sam: I could distinguish all three from beans, so they got 2's.
Zup: Bad shot, uggggly, and monkeys. Monkeys always score low.
CuteBot: , ,
CuteBot: What do you think Kalimeris rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
goldfishy: BABY PANDA!!
Sam: 7 7 7
gremlinn: Raccoons?
Zup: 5 7 4
Maryam: 7 7 7
SirDude: 4 6 6
TalkingDog: 7 6 6
ThePhan: 4 5 5
Goosey: 7 7 7
NessaChan: 6 7 6
gremlinn: 5 3 5
Sentynel: grem: I think they're red pandas actually.
SirDude: That weigh 1.51 somethings
goldfishy: 5 7 5
Zup: Racoon dogs, by the look of the Japanese.
LaZorra: 4 4 4
ThePhan: The panda would get higher, but it doesn't look friendly or happy.
Sentynel: 7 7 6
CuteBot: Kalimeris's ratings were: 5 5 7.
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 4 5 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 4 6 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 5 3 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: goldfishy guesses 5 7 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 6 7 6 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 7 6 6 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Goosey guesses 7 7 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 7 7 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sam guesses 7 7 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 4 4 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 5 7 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sentynel guesses 7 7 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 1, so Kalimeris earns 1 point.
Zup: Or maybe that's Chinese...
Sentynel: It looks like Chinese to me.
gremlinn: Dunno.
gremlinn: Could be both.
Sentynel: And yeah, they're red pandas.
TalkingDog: flooooofy
CuteBot: , ,
CuteBot: What do you think ThePhan rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
gremlinn: 1 1 4
NessaChan: 1 1 1
Kalimeris: 1 3 2
goldfishy: 1 1 1
ThePhan: It can haz cheezburger.
Maryam: 1 2 2
Sentynel: 1 1 2
Maryam: We keep getting themed groups.
SirDude: 2 3 2
Zup: 1 1 1
Goosey: 1 1 2
goldfishy: That dog in #3 is so gonna eat that girl - it's licking its lips
Sam: 1 1 2
gremlinn: 1 1 3
Sam: 1 1 3
Sentynel: I love how the hamburger dog is glaring at the camera.
Zup: Yo quiero...McDonalds?
Maryam: 1 1 3
TalkingDog: 1 1 4
Maryam: All the dogs are glaring at the camera.
Goosey: Zup: LOL
CuteBot: ThePhan's ratings were: 1 1 2.
CuteBot: Goosey guesses 1 1 2 (correct) and scores 5 points!
CuteBot: Sentynel guesses 1 1 2 (correct) and scores 5 points!
CuteBot: goldfishy guesses 1 1 1 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 1 1 1 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Zup guesses 1 1 1 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 1 1 3 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 1 1 3 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Sam guesses 1 1 3 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 1 1 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 1 3 2 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 2 3 2 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: The highest score was 5, so ThePhan earns 5 points.
Goosey: WOO!
Sentynel: HIGH FIVE
gremlinn: Sam almost had another 5.
goldfishy: I almost went for that and then deducted a point for the child and cutting the dogs nose off
CuteBot: , ,
CuteBot: What do you think Maryam rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Zup: 5 6 6
SirDude: 6 6 7
Sam: 6 6 6
TalkingDog: 7 7 7
ThePhan: 5 6 5
Sentynel: Yes.
goldfishy: CYGNETS ON BACK!
Goosey: 6 7 6
LaZorra: 3 6 4
Sentynel: 4 7 5
Goosey: That is one annoyed kitty
gremlinn: 5 7 5
Kalimeris: 6 6 6
goldfishy: 6 7 7
NessaChan: 4 7 6
CuteBot: Maryam's ratings were: 6 6 6.
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 6 6 6 (correct) and scores 5 points!
CuteBot: Sam guesses 6 6 6 (correct) and scores 5 points!
CuteBot: Zup guesses 5 6 6 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 6 6 7 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Goosey guesses 6 7 6 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 5 6 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: goldfishy guesses 6 7 7 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 4 7 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: gremlinn guesses 5 7 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 7 7 7 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Sentynel guesses 4 7 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 3 6 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 5, so Maryam earns 5 points.
CuteBot: It's a tie! The winners are: Sam, Maryam.
CuteBot: Portrait of goldfishy: . Portrait of Goosey: . Portrait of gremlinn: . Portrait of Kalimeris: . Portrait of LaZorra: . Portrait of Maryam: . Portrait of NessaChan: . Portrait of Sam: . Portrait of Sentynel: . Portrait of SirDude: . Portrait of TalkingDog: . Portrait of ThePhan: . Portrait of Zup: .
CuteBot: Cutest: Least Cute:
Sam: 6 6 7
Sam: Wow, I'm glad I was late with that.
* Sentynel high-fives Maryam
Maryam: Whoo!
NessaChan: I am duckies!!!
Kalimeris: I'm an annoyed kitteh
Kalimeris: It's probably about accurate.
Zup: Yay kitty!
gremlinn: In my portrait, it looks like I'm trying to lick a brain.
Maryam: LOL grem!
NessaChan: Goosey should be the birthday hamster
goldfishy: I'm a cleavage bunny...
Goosey: Sam is a demon poodle!
ThePhan: I'm dead kitty guy!
Sentynel: I'm a guinea pig with an awesome hat.
Goosey: goldfishy: LOL TOPICBOT
Sam: And here's how it stands after the first night: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=8
ThePhan: Maryam is #1!
Sam: Maryam was right. Being in second didn't last long.
ThePhan: Go Maryam!
Maryam: LOL
Zup: Fifth. Not bad. :)
Maryam: Sweet!
SirDude: I held fast at 6th all night...
* ThePhan fights back the burning rage of COMPETITION TIME!
Zup: I am definitely not going to do well. Stupid schedule.
Sentynel: That was a good first night.
Sentynel: UBT rocks.
goldfishy: I am actually within the top 10 - that won't last
Sam: LaZorra has a baby that's licking her whiskers.
LaZorra: Clearly, that's not actually me.
LaZorra: If I had a baby, I would shave my whiskers.
ThePhan: If I had whiskers, I would shave my baby!
ThePhan: Or... um. No.
Zup: I had shave, whiskers my baby!
Goosey: LOL
gremlinn: If I didn't have Baskin-Robbins, I would whine!
Sam: The next UBT session is Monday night!
NessaChan: okey dokey
Sentynel: Can't wait.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'UBT #8, Session 2: Monday, April 19, 2010, at 9:30pm EST!' by Sam.
gremlinn: Can we leave now?
gremlinn: Prof. Stoddard?
ThePhan: This is a class?
* ThePhan wants to get credit for this.
ThePhan: Advanced Ultimate Bot Tournament.
Sentynel: If this is a class, I vote Sam sets global academic policy.
Sentynel: All exams to be replaced with bot games.
Sentynel: I'd kick butt at TheoreticalPhysicsBot.
Sentynel: I should so write that.
* gremlinn throws a paper airplane at Sentynel's back.
gremlinn: No, Prof. Stoddard.
gremlinn: I didn't do anything! She's making stuff up!
LaZorra: He pulled my hair!
* gremlinn kicks LaZorra in the shin on the way out.
gremlinn has left.
* Sam also pulls LaZorra's hair.
Sam has left.
LaZorra: HAY
* LaZorra kicks things in the corner.
Sentynel: Is it bad I really want to write TheoreticalPhysicsBot now, just so I've got something I'm bound to win at?